My first appt is next Monday, but I don't know if they will do a scan or not. My sister had the same Dr and she said they had to do a vag u/s her first appt in order to hear the heartbeat. So, I'm thinking it will be the same for me. I'm really hoping I get to see my little bean....and that everything is okayHow are you feeling?
Yay so exciting so many scans next week!!! I can't wait for the thread to fill up with picturesI'm feeling okay today, it seems some days are now better than others and my MS isn't as constant. I feel better than I did a few weeks ago but now I have headaches and can't seem to drink enough water so I'm (tmi alert) peeing like a racehorse! I'll take that over hugging the toilet any day thou. How are you feeling Amanda? And everyone else?
Questin? My mothernlaw is the closet thing i have to a mom since my mother passed, We get along just fine, and respect all her insite On life.. shes a great help to us.
Ok so heres my question, She has asked us to stay with her for a few days after the baby is born... She has a big place with plenty of room But im just not sure, If we should just come home and get used to everything on are own, or stay with her so she can help, She talked more about it with allen and he said she made a good point, if the baby wont stop crying Or among many other things she would be able to reasure us everything is ok and i could sleep, but I know i wont sleep lol
Well apparently Its a topic i cant bring up with my husband, cause he gets all defensive.. I guess my opinon doesnt matter
Were going for 2 days, He said i think itll be good for you and stuff your going to be tired
I said im not going to be able to rest at someone elses house, And thats why i have you its a partner ship, Its for us to figure out..
I told him we would have to go through adjustments twice, he said you act as if were never going to leave her house when we are only going to be there for 2 days.
UGHHH realy Hes such a smartass!!!!!!!!!1