My niece is 8 days old and in the childrens hospital she has sleep apnia, acid reflux, Bad Johndis, Heart murmor, and she just stoped breathing and turned blue last night so when the ambulance picked her up she was crying and breathing (thought to be having a allergic reaction to her formula) but turns out she has all What was named above

, shes totaly clueless on how to raise a baby, Shes been giving emberlyn Cold bottles and letn her sleep in the bed with them (SIDS) not a good idea... Mom is having a fit on them, they need to stop worrying about how much sleep there geting and There stupid video games and grow up. See when she found out she was pregnant in her mind it was going to be all about playing dress up, goo goo gah gah, all smiles and cuteness. Boy was she in for a rude awakeing... hopefully this wakes them up to reality..