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My niece is 8 days old and in the childrens hospital she has sleep apnia, acid reflux, Bad Johndis, Heart murmor, and she just stoped breathing and turned blue last night so when the ambulance picked her up she was crying and breathing (thought to be having a allergic reaction to her formula) but turns out she has all What was named above, shes totaly clueless on how to raise a baby, Shes been giving emberlyn Cold bottles and letn her sleep in the bed with them (SIDS) not a good idea... Mom is having a fit on them, they need to stop worrying about how much sleep there geting and There stupid video games and grow up. See when she found out she was pregnant in her mind it was going to be all about playing dress up, goo goo gah gah, all smiles and cuteness. Boy was she in for a rude awakeing... hopefully this wakes them up to reality..
Coming from someone who plays many many video games (me and DH both) this is so sad. I cut back on my play time when we began TTC 6 months ago and aldo stopped staying up until 3am "raiding dungeons" because getting an accurate 8am BBT was more important for me.
Now that I am finally pregnant, the only reason I have been gaming more (but still in bed by 10pm) is because it distracts me from the stress and worries of being in the first trimester and makes the time pass a lot more quickly. IMO zoning out in a life draining video game is far healthier for the baby than an increased blood pressure due to panicking from symptom spotting.
I grew up with 5 younger siblings and know how difficult life is about to get but I asked for it and honestly cannot wait.
How old are your neices parents if you don't mind me asking? I would like to think that responsibility and maturity come with age but sadly its not always the case.
See i forgot to add that theres a little more to it then just video games, Baby daddy is realy in to D&D He will go play in his friends basement for hours and hours, dressing up the intire ordeal.... Like to update that, shes doing a lot better and she got to come home, allen and i get to meet her for the first time tomorrow "cant wait" Shes just turned 20 i think and hes a couple yrs older.. There not very mature But im sure they will learn to grow up real fast with the baby being here and all.. And your right Maturity doesnt always come with age, Im 24 and have enough maturity were you would think i was 30 something, lol thats what happens when You grow up fast.. I learned to put away childish things and act like a adult a lot earlier then most Because of that it made me a stronger person...

We cant wait till the baby gets here were so excited, so happy that this baby will be brought up surrounded by lots of family who will love him, Only wish my mom was still alive to see this, but i know shes watching over all of us and the baby