I live in TN
Went to the doctors Tuesday. Baby is good we heard the heart beat. My BP is to high it was 164/110

. Shes worried if it stays like this that the baby wont get the right nutrients through the placenta so Im on BP meds now... I asked her if the reason i was so extremely tired could be because of the BP she said def and that i should feel better once i start taking the medication well im on my sec pill and i feel so so so much better then i have been feeling. Im tired but, not like i was. If my blood preasure doesnt go down then I have to go all the way to UT (a hour and 30 min drive) to get a ultrasound scan at 20 wks rather then just getn it at my doc office cause theyll want to test everything and make sure nutrients are getn to the baby and to check the placenta and stuff. As long as they can get my blood preasure undercontrol then I shouldnt have to go... But it would be worth the drive to make sure everything is ok! I get my Downsyndrom testing done on the 26th and then ill go back march 12th then the appointment after that will find out what were having

Ok so for all you girls out there who prob ask your selfs the same questions I went ahead and asked my doc
A. Is it ok to eat shrimp
B. Is it ok to eat tuna ( love tuna salad)
C. What about fish
D. TEA like the sleepy time tea or herbal tea
A. yes Just make sure its been cooked
B. Yes But limit yourself because of the mercury One can a week is fine ( i laughed cause Im like a can of Tuna once every 4 month kind of girl, im not crazy about it) Tuna has omega 3 in it witch helps baby grow
C. Fish yes as long as its like the boxed breaded fish at the stores, no shark or anyother ocean/sea fish
D. Yes its perfectly fine to treat your self to a hot cup of tea infact its healthy for the baby.
NOTE: cold cuts yes and no As long as your not eating a bunch of it, HEat it if you can if not you should still be fine...