Pregnant with#1 I Love my bump buddies :)

Congrats on all the new third trimester ladies!!

I also plan to nurse as long as possible, but when I want a nice drink I'll just pump & dump and have some breastmilk on reserve ;)
Bella, that's my plan too. I think we deserve a few drinks once in a while :) Hope everyone has a great weekend!
i started leaking like a week or two ago, but only like a tiny drop here and there, i know it is happening in the daytime though because my bra has oily spots that won't wash out all around my nipple zone, and that has never happened before!!
Hi Ladies!! I am sorry I haven't been on for a bit, but Mr. Coltyn made his arrival into this world on Friday the 14th. Here is his birth story.

Went to my doc appt on Wednesday the 12th. They sent me over to the hospital to watch my blood pressure. They decided to induce due to my blood pressure not going down with rest. They put me on a million iv's one being magnesium to make sure I didn't have a seizure as I guess they were afraid of pre eclampsia. I was in the bed for over 48 hours couldn't get up to walk or anything!! My poor bum hurt!! They started the pitocin at 4:30am and at 10:30 pm I was only 4cm. I was terrified I would have to have a section. I had an epidural earlier and at 10:30pm I was complaining about the pain and that's when she said I was a four. They gave me a stronger dose in my epidural so I could nap. Woke up at 11:30pm trying to get DH up out of the chair to get the nurse because either baby was there or I had to poo. She came to check on me and said, definitely you aren't ready yet, it's only been an hour! She checked and said holy cow! She said she'd have someone else double check and said whatever I do, do NOT push!! So I tried with all my might not to but felt like I was going to be sick. I was like y'all need to come catch! Thankfully the doc only took around 30 mins to get there and after vomiting and 9 pushes, Coltyn was born!! 37 weeks, weighed 7 lbs 12 oz and is 20 inches long! We finally came home Sunday evening.

He is a little jaundiced so they put him under a light at home and he should be off it tomorrow! He's doing very well and eating. We are trying to nurse but we've had a lot of difficulties in path! First day he was so tired due to the magnesium I was on that he refused to nurse. Second day he was circumcised which made him sleepy. Third day he showed some progress but lost it when he was jaundiced and too sleepy to nurse. So I am working on trying some things to help him nurse. I got the Tommee Tippee bottles that are supposed to be close to an actual breast so I pump a bit and put a tiny bit in the bottle and he finally started latching onto that so I pull it out and try to get him to latch. He's done some but still a bit tired.

Congrats on making it to the third trimester ladies!!!
YAY! JJsmom !! so happy for you!! Wishing you and your family the best! How time flies
Yes the time does fly very quickly!!

Here's a question for you ladies. Are any of you planning on getting pregnant again soon after your LO's are born? I told DH we aren't supposed to DTD before 6 weeks. I also told him due to breastfeeding that if we did DTD before the 6 weeks w/o protection, we have a big chance of getting pregnant again right away. He said he didn't have a problem with that at all! So I don't know what we're going to do but I have to say I already miss the fact that Coltyn isn't inside kicking me anymore!
Congrats JJsmom!!!! Glad Coltyn is healthy and home with his mommy :) Thanks for sharing your birth story, I really enjoy reading them and I think it helps me prepare for my own labor since you never know what's going to happen.

OH has said he wants to try again right away, but I really want to wait a year before becoming pregnant, to give my body some time to heal and lose some of the baby weight I'm gaining. But, if it were to happen I would still be happy!! Since I'll be (hopefully) nursing for 6 months to a year, I think after 6 months we will ntnp and see what happens.
Congrats JJsmom! I'd love to see some pictures :) Thanks for sharing your story! I agree will Bella, I love hearing everyone's stories. It's so crazy to think in the next few months, we'll all be sharing our stories :)

Men always seem to be ready for the next baby before women. Which makes sense since their bodies don't have to go through the pregnancy & delivery! I think we'll wait at least a year or so before we try again, but I guess you never know what will happen. I had a hard time going off birth control, so I told DH I'm never going back on it!

AFM, I have my OB appt tonight and they'll be doing the glucose test. On my way to work this morning I think I felt a foot above my belly button. I was pushing on it to try to figure out what it was and then baby starting moving like crazy! I think I woke him/her up, Ooops!

Are your babies low or high? Mine is really low (at least that's how it feels to me). It's gets pretty uncomfortable at times and there seems to be a lot of pressure. Especially when it pushes on my bladder! Sometimes I try to move it around to get the baby to reposition :)
JJsmom, what wonderful news!!! I am so pleased you and your little guy are both home, happy & healthy.
Big congrats to JJsmom on arrival of your little one :)
yes we are planning for next baby soon after having this one but i think i ll give my body couple of months rest.

Amanda: i had my glucose test this morning n it wasn't too bad n ll get my results by tomorrow. and i have my first stretch mark today which is right below my belly botton... dont want to get more of them.
My baby is also too low n u r right it is so uncomfortable often. it feels like so much pressure on my bladder n some time i feel like i need to go for a wee but there is nothing when i go to toilet n also it makes difficult to walk or stand for long time.
I know just how you feel Miriam! Sometimes I feel like my LO is already trying to push its way out, LOL!
My little one is so low too, and last night/this morning my lower bump hurt SO MUCH I thought, maybe this is some kind of preterm labor pain?? But no, the pains went away, and I'm pretty sure bubs is having a growth spurt ATM, because not only am I having on/off muscle pains in my bump, but I also found 2 stretch marks below my belly button :( At least those can be covered up still in a bikini, but I feel deflated because I've really been good using bio oil, mothers love and cocoa butter. Damn genetics!
yeah i know Bmama how u feel about stretch marks even though u were using all those things but i hope they will go away after birth or at least get fade.
i had mid wife appointment today morning every thing was fine n i got my blood result back from Glucose test which I've passed thankfully :)
My baby is still legs down position but mid wife said baby has few more weeks to change the position so FX it ll change soon.
Too bad there wasn't a way to avoid stretch marks! I haven't noticed any yet, but it's in my family, so I'm sure it's just a matter of time :)

Miriam, so glad you passed the glucose test! I'm still waiting for my results, hopefully sometime today.
I thankfully didnt get any more stretch marks that I know of but I already have a million from growing up and being a bigger woman and then my pregnancy with DS1. I read however, that you can not prevent stretch marks even using all those products out there.

DS2 just got taken off the bilibed for his bilirubin levels. Thankfully they went down enough that I got to take him off of it yesterday. That means we can hold him and what not without worrying about him having to sit on lights all the time. Or if he's crying we can just pick him up. DH is so in love with him! He won't leave him alone. LOL! He went with us to get the bloodwork done yesterday and the entire time he sat there touching him while he was in the car seat. I was like really?? He is real and you don't have to constantly touch him! LOL! He is a very proud daddy! My DS1 sent him a father's day card that he got in the mail yesterday. (DS1 is at my moms presently for a few weeks to visit). It was so sweet! He wrote him a poem and everything in it. He made the poem up himself. Here is what it said in DS1's writing: "A special card from me to you, all I can do is love on you. no that you are in my life, you have youre own brand new wife. stepdad or not you will never be forgot. I love you!" It still brings tears to my eyes reading it!! My son has never had a man in his life love him like Corey does except for my own stepdad. He calls and talks to my DH more than he talks to me since he's been gone! LOL!!

OK! Sorry for the long post. Here is a couple pics of DS2!


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JJsmom, love your pics!! So glad everything is going well.

AFM, I just got a call from Dr saying I failed my glucose test :( I'm so upset! I don't know why, but I just had a feeling I would. Now I have to do the 3 hour test.
JJsmom, I remember you had to do the same thing and then passed. Do you remember what your level was for your first test?
JJsmom love your pix he is absolutely beautiful :)

Amanda don't b upset i hope u ll pass the 3 hour test. did they tell u what your levels are???
Yeah, my level was 164. Now, I feel so paranoid about what I'm eating. I don't know why, but I feel like I did something wrong or could have prevented it, even though I know that I probably couldn't have. I feel like I eat pretty healthy, I'm not overweight at all, I don't have a family history of diabetes, and I exercise 6 days a week, so I'm not sure what else I could have changed. It's so frustrating. I really hope I pass my 3 hr test. :)
Amanda i know it is frustrating but try not to worry bcoz your levels are not too high n i hope u will pass the 3 hour test. and we all pregnant ladies do our best to eat healthy for the sake of our baby's health n m sure u have done very well too.
when are u going to have 3 hours test?? I've got my FX for u.

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