Pregnant with#1 I Love my bump buddies :)

I got my results, and I didn't pass :( My fasting number was good, my numbers after the first and second hour were about 10 pts over what they should have been and after the 3rd hour my number was good again. But, since I failed 2 of the 4, they say I have gestational diabetes. So, I have to go see the diabetic counselor to learn about the diet and finger pricking stuff. I think since I was so upset after the first test, I've already accepted it and I'm not as upset this time. It still sucks, but I'll deal with it. I just hope I don't lose too much weight and feel hungry all the time. I'm really hoping the diabetic counselor is understanding of my gluten free diet and can help me figure everything out.
I'm so sorry you didn't get the results you wanted :( I guess one way to look at it is its better to know than not know, and the diabetic counselor can help you figure out what is best for your body to eat while sticking to a gluten free diet too. I know my midwife always preaches to stay away from bad carbs so maybe it won't be so hard to incorporate a good diabetic-friendly diet with no gluten. Lots of good proteins, veggies and fruit :)
Thanks Bella! I know it will be ok once I get used to it. At least I'm already used to not being able to eat certain foods because of gluten and that diet doesn't bother me at all. The hard part will be finding foods that are ok to eat, that I'm actually excited to eat. That's what helped me with eating gluten free, I would tell myself at least I can still have ice cream, but now I can't even have that :( I'm more of a fruit lover than veggies, which will be hard because I'll have to watch the amount of fruits too. I just really hope it's only temporary and baby comes out healthy! In the end, that's all that matters to me.
Amanda, sorry to hear you failed 2 of the 4 tests! Hopefully the diabetic counselor will be able to help you! I know you say you are more of a fruit than veggie eater, does that include raw veggies? Carrots or broccoli are really tasty raw (at least I think so but I'm a veggie eater). I know my son loves carrots too. But if you can cook you some meat and eat a veggie side, I had to do that when I was pregnant but could only eat chicken. Hopefully you can figure it out to keep both yourself and your baby healthy!
Thanks JJsmom! It's not that I don't like veggies, I just prefer fruit. I love salads and I'll just have to figure out more options, so I don't get sick of the same foods.

I really appreciate all the encouraging words. I know pregnancy complications could be so much worse, so I'm trying to stay positive!
so sorry Amanda that u did not pass the test again but it is good in a way that at least u know about it now n can look after your diet properly n m sure u ll manage it in a very good way with the help of diabetic counselor :)
Thanks miriam! My appt is next tuesday. I'm hoping DH can come with to help me remember everything. I also found a forum on here with other ladies who have GD, and so far they seem very helpful!
I had my appt last night with the diabetes educator. It went OK. She was very nice, but I didn't find her all that helpful. I got the feeling that she mostly deals with unhealthy nonpregnant people with diabetes:( She didn't even know the answer when I asked if my baby would have a higher chance of getting diabetes in the future. She just said I think so. Then she told me women with gestational diabetes have a 40-60% chance of getting diabetes in 10 years, I didn't like those odds. For the most part, she wasn't very positive and didn't make me feel better about the whole situation. She also kept contradicting herself. One minute she'd be talking about how I need to make sure I eat enough carbs and the next she'd make it seem like I had to really limit what I'm eating. I felt like she kept falling back into her "normal lectures that she gives people with diabetes who are either overweight or unhealthy". Then she'd start talking about how I normally eat very healthy and shouldn't have a problem controlling this. I have always worked out 6 days a week and I still do now, usually running 3-4 miles or a 30 min workout video. She was so impressed by this, but then she'd comment that I'd have to wait and see how my numbers were on the one day I rest, as if I should be working out every day without a break. I'm 30 weeks pregnant, sometimes I need a break :) I'm sorry if I'm ranting, but I guess I'll just have to figure this out on my own. At least now I can test my sugar level and see how things go. So far, my numbers have been really good and I haven't really changed what I eat much. Other than, no more cereal for breakfast :(

Hope all you ladies are doing well! And for those in the States, have a Happy 4th of July!
sorry Amanda your doc wasn't that helpful but i think u cant look after your self better. you know your body best so just look after your diet n yes get help from the other ladies on the forum with same problem n m sure it ll b more helpful for u...
hows the other ladies doing so far???
i have midwife app on Thursday n ll fine out if my baby is still breech or has changed the position as far as i feel from the movements it has changed but not sure if heads down or not...
Sorry I've been MIA! Amanda- sorry your appointment didn't go great. At least you know what's best for yourself and can probably design a good plan to keep yourself & your LO healthy :) I think the key is to listen to your body and do what you feel is best, because not even Drs sometimes know what that is. I'm impressed you can still run 3-4 miles at a go! I wish I kept up running in the beginning, my bump jut felt so awkward and heavy that I had to give it up. When we decide to go for #2 one of my goals is to keep running no matter what, even if it means run/walk/run during the pregnancy.

Miriam- FX your LO turns and isn't breech at your next appointment! I had a friend who was breech up until the last minute at 37 weeks so it can happen later in the game.

I had quite a scare 2 weeks ago and had to go into L & D for period-type pains. After being monitored it showed I was having contractions, but thankfully they weren't changing my cervix. I was sent home with orders to rest (bed rest until my next appointment) and a 24-hr urine test. They had diagnosed me with threatened labor and an irritable uterus, but sent me home with the urine test because my dr wanted to rule out pre-elampsia since my BP was ranging from 135/70 - 120/70. My results were totally normal, no pre-e, so my midwife just told me to take it easy from now until 37 weeks. No more walking, working long hours, or doing anything strenuous (including sex) :cry: Since then though, I haven't had as bad of pains, so I guess my body was telling me to rest and I'm glad I listened! I just want this little guy to stay in there until 37 weeks, then all bets are off!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and a nice 4th for those in the states :)
It has been real quiet in here lately!

Amanda, sorry the dietitian wasn't helpful! Like the others said, you know your body and you stated you keep yourself healthy, so you should be fine! They'll probably just monitor baby's growth towards the end to make sure LO doesn't get too big!

miriam, good luck! Hopefully your baby isn't breech anymore!

Bmama, glad your scare was something you could work with. I know bed rest isn't fun, but at least you were able to rest and allow your body to relax and not put you into labor!

How are you other ladies doing??

We are finally getting the hang of breastfeeding! I'm so excited! Coltyn is 3 1/2 weeks old now and he finally got his best feeding in yet! He ate on one breast and then ate on the other. Normally he eats on one side and falls asleep and wont latch on the other side and I pump and have to feed it to him less than 20 mins later when he decides he don't want to sleep but eat.
Thanks ladies! Since I've been monitoring my blood sugar, my numbers have all been great and I really haven't changed my eating too much. I even had cake over the weekend :) So, I decided I'm going to continue to test my sugar level, but I'm not going to worry about the diet too much. Apparently, what I previously ate was just right, which I think is partly because I have to already eat gluten free. I have a follow up appt tonight with a different dietician (I was so happy my schedule didn't work with the other lady:) ), so maybe I'll like her better, LOL!

Miriam, I hope you're appt goes good and your baby has moved. But, if not try not to stress about. Like Bella said, there's still time.

Thanks Bella, I'm so greatful that I'm still able to run! Especially with my extra stress lately, it has helped me tremendously. Don't worry that you didn't continue running, every pregnancy is different and our next pregnancies we might switch and you'll be the runner :) You've been very active through this whole pregnancy, and now you just need to listen to your body and rest.

JJsmom, so glad you're enjoying your time with Coltyn and the brest feeding is working out so well!
Amanda good to know your levels are good and u r doing well :)
i had my appointment yesterday which went all good baby is head down now :) n growing well.Cant wait till my due date to meet my baby getting so impatience already :)
That's great to hear, Miriam!! So glad your baby moved on its own :) I'm sure the time will fly by and your due date will be here before you know it!
Hey ladies,

This thread has been so quiet lately. We went on vacation last week. It felt so good to get away. I didn't watch what I ate too closely because I just wanted to enjoy myself. I even had ice cream, brownies, cupcakes, & pie and my number were all good. I'm really questioning whether I have GD, but oh well.

At my last OB appt, I was measuring really small so they did an ultrasound and everything looks good, my baby is just small. It's in the 25th percentile, but still within normal range. So, I figure with the GD that's a good thing. I'd much rather push out a small baby than a big baby, LOL!

Hope everyone else is doing good!
That's a great update Amanda!! Maybe it was a fluke that you failed the test? Or you were really sensitive to the drink? Either way, it sounds like you are doing a good job with keeping it under control even with the vacay indulgences ;)

Miriam that's awesome that your LO is head down! Are you starting to feel hiccups down low yet?

We had our baby shower a few weekends ago and just finished up getting all the last bits that our little guy needs. It all feels so real and close to the end now for me! I am definitely ready to be done being pregnant and meet our LO, but part of me gets nervous for labor and wonders when it will happen/where will I be/how long will it be? I've been trying to stay positive about it, and my OH & I even took a natural birthing class even though I will definitely be open to pain relief if I need it. Lately I've been struggling with the aches and pains of being so big, I've gained about 40 pounds and apparently I have a big LO in there, so lots of pelvic pain and round ligament pain these days. Warm baths definitely help, as does tylenol but I try not to take it if I can tough out the pain :)

Hope you all are doing well! We are all so close to the end it's so exciting!! xxx
Amanda it is good that your numbers are still going great even though u r having some sweets:) and don't worry about your baby measuring small he or she ll b perfect...

thanx Bmama... yes i do feel it now when my baby get hiccups and i am getting more stretch marks down my belly button which i don't like :(
it is good to feel when u are ready for the baby. I bet u cant wait to hold him in your hands and the time is not far away for u dear :) don't worry about the labor we all have to face it even its longer or short but don't forget we get to meet our babies at the end :)
Ver good point Miriam that in the end no matter what we get to meet our LOs :) I also got stretch marks below my belly button, thankfully those are the only ones I got besides a few on my hip, and I think I will still be able to cover them up in a bikini :thumbup:
I've been MIA recently. My main september forum started a facebook page and it's so much easier to access than bnb.

How are all you ladies doing?? JJsmom, congrats on your baby boy :)
Bella, I'm starting to think it was a fluke especially since I just barely failed. I've been told that stress can elevate your blood sugar on its own and I definitely was stressing about it all. Oh well, at least I know my baby is healthy and everything else it going great!

My LO gets the hiccups daily. I don't always like it because I know how much I hate the hiccups myself. But, I've been told that it doesn't bother them like it does us.

Hi Kaili, how have you been doing lately?

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