It's been on hectic day! But calmer now, sent the kiddo and the hubby to swim class so I could get a bit of peace
As Stan said everything looks good. I haven't received the shot yet (I had some light brown discharge yesterday when I wiped twice but nothing since) because the early pregnancy clinic was closed
but we're not even sure I had a bleed and the US was the best testament that everything is okay. If I have any more discharge I will go straight to Emerg and get the shot as a precautionary measure. And the resident will call me in the morning to tell me when I need to go to the early pregnancy clinic (which will be fun to work around as Hannah & I have a class in the morning).
The US went well. The tech took a long time taking measurements which worried me some. She asked me how long we'd been trying (and I told her only one month which is why we've had the dating problem) and she said I must be very fertile
Anyways she sent me out of the room to empty my bladder but on my way out told me I was measuring at 7 +1
so bang on what I thought I was once I reworked my dates to a 28 day cycle. When I went back in she had to do an internal as well because she needed to remeasure something. So we did that and I got dressed and she called Stan in.
She asked if we wanted to see and we were like yeah of course. So I laid down again and she proceeds to point out BABY NUMBER ONE
Oh yes I'm pregnant with twins