Snuggle, I'd be upset if Hannah bit anyone as well but seriously what does the father expect you to do when you aren't there! There's only so much you CAN do especially a few hours after the fact--LO will NOT understand if it's brought up over and over again and he gets in trouble for it etc. so far gone from it happening
Ahh yes hormones, I almost cried over the can opener not working yesterday--seriously. I called Stan upstairs from working to come fix it for me
Chantal, glad today is going a little better. You have so much on your plate right now it's no wonder you're feeling a bit teary
Honestly so far, apart from all the worries with this pregnancy, it has been easier than my pregnancy with Hannah (so far
) With her I had all day and all night nausea and this seems to be hit and miss. I'm super tired all the time which isn't great (especially for poor Hannah) but that's the worst symptom I have so no complaints.
Doctors appointment tomorrow, supposed to be for a physical but I need to take the US report in to her as well and hopefully find out about getting referred