That's brilliant news about your FIL, Snugglebot

And YAY for good US results
Doubles are expensive, it's mad. I know Buttonnose is looking at importing a Baby Jogger City Select from America, because even with shipping and taxes, it'll probably be cheaper than buying it here
I mean, I like the concept of the Bugaboo Donkey (a side-by-side which can be a single), but for us to get the bits for Roo and Midgelet would've been £1100, and then you still have a carseat to get!
If we end up needing a double for whatever reason, then we'll just get a cheapy second-hand one. There's a shop near us which recycles prams and all things baby/toddler. It's part of a charity which provides jobs for adults with learning disabilities. They don't have space to store lots, so stuff is priced to go, and fast! They had doubles in there in VGC for £20 at one point. It's luck of the draw whether they have anything, but it's only 5 minutes away to keep checking