Snugglebot - hope you feel better soon. My DH is going away for 2 weeks (leaves Sunday morning) and I'm absolutely bricking it
I hope your DH is back soon.
Junebug - glad your doctor's script helped
TJG - that's great that your lines are getting darker
Vickie - Hope the piles stay away. You could've even had a small fissure which has since closed up.
AG - I felt that way for most of the first trimester (and pretty much up until now in the second
) I'm still shattered, but I think that's ongoing iron issues rather than straight pregnancy exhaustion.
I'm still losing weight, but not enough to be concerning. Knowing my luck, I'll pile it all on in trimester 3
Exercise isn't really happening at the moment; I'm in too much pain with PGP and my torn back ligaments. Really should get back in touch with the physio (they should talk to me now that I'm officially "booked" at the hospital), as things are getting worse rather than better, in spite of the exercises I was given last pregnancy.