Pregnant with #2!

Urrghhhh I cant gather any energy at all today, feel like something has sucked it all out of me! (probably has even!)
Poor Alex has been left to fend for himself with Cbeebies and teddies.
Snugglebot - hope you feel better soon. My DH is going away for 2 weeks (leaves Sunday morning) and I'm absolutely bricking it :( I hope your DH is back soon.

Junebug - glad your doctor's script helped ;)

TJG - that's great that your lines are getting darker :hugs:

Vickie - Hope the piles stay away. You could've even had a small fissure which has since closed up.

AG - I felt that way for most of the first trimester (and pretty much up until now in the second :blush:) I'm still shattered, but I think that's ongoing iron issues rather than straight pregnancy exhaustion.

I'm still losing weight, but not enough to be concerning. Knowing my luck, I'll pile it all on in trimester 3 :dohh: Exercise isn't really happening at the moment; I'm in too much pain with PGP and my torn back ligaments. Really should get back in touch with the physio (they should talk to me now that I'm officially "booked" at the hospital), as things are getting worse rather than better, in spite of the exercises I was given last pregnancy.
Thanks Eala, I hadn't even thought of that!

Good job on the workout Chantal :happydance:

Glad you were able to return the pram AG :)

That sounds really painful Eala :(

Great bump pics snuggle! You're all bump!!

I'm tired most of the time as well. It's not as bad as it was in first tri but I'm usually toast by the evening time. Especially if I don't lay down much throughout the day. :nope: I have good days and bad though I find, yesterday was pretty good, today is pretty bad :haha:

I am doing a lot of walking in the mornings though :) And my weight gain is still at 11 pounds somehow! I have been trying to eat healthier but I am eating more small meals throughout the day as I find myself getting full much more quickly now :shrug:
Same here Vickie, and my breathing is already harder with less activity :dohh: Everything is being pushed up so much sooner this time it seems! Thank goodness I have pregnancy work-outs this time around, I didn't last time and had a really hard time doing regular work-outs :rofl:
yeah I get winded quite easily now even just going up and down the stairs :dohh:
Me too, am cursing my 4 level townhouse now :rofl: What I would give to live in a 1 level bungalow!!! Doesn't help that I'm either carrying my 22 lbs toddler or lugging bins of clothes around!
Ill be glad of my one level flat then :lol:
Almost bedtime for Alex, then i can really veg out finally with a cuppa!
I feel slightly acomplised now though, with sitting on my arse, ive got 5 people now sorted for Christmas :lol:
Yay AC for 5 gifts bought! I am almost done too, only our family gift exchange to buy for next, and make sure I have enough toys in my closet stock (I buy stuff for kids when they're on sale) for our niece/nephews and god children!

And :sulk: jealous of your 1 level!!!
the bathroom is the bane of my existence since we don't have one on the main level :haha: Stan suggested we get a port-a-potty :grr: He thought it was pretty funny :rofl:

Luckily Hannah goes up and down the stairs fine, I'm not sure I could carry her 31 pounds :rofl: And with my sense of balance being so off I'm not sure I'd trust myself!
Same here, no bathroom on main level! :grr: What the heck is wrong with architects these days!!! My sense of balance is pretty bad too, I've already slipped a few times on the non-carpeted stairs :-( I have to be so careful when carrying Zoë... I can't wait for her to have this skill!
hmm would she understand if you had her turn around and go down backwards (faced in towards the stairs so that her balance is shifted that way)?

the balance changes are hard :( I feel very clumsy most days :dohh:

Be careful going up and down the stairs!
We do have stairs at the front and back doors, tankfully Alex does very well at stairs now. We taught him to hold on and always walked in front of him untill he was confident. Going up he always crawled.
Vickie, I've been working on exactly this with her starting this weekend after my 3 slips. She's a bit unsteady, but it will come with practice! We both do much better on the carpeted stairs going from the 2nd to the 3rd floor, unfortunately the basement stairs to the main floor, and main to 2nd are not carpeted. I'm even tripping in my feet while walking on flat surfaces. Is this happening to anyone else or do I need a brain scan at this point? :haha:
Yeah I find the stairs down to the lower level on ours the hardest to navigate as well because they are wooden too

and nope not just you :haha:

I went to pick up the shampoo bottle in the bathtub the other day and almost fell out :rofl:
Oh phew, thought I was having mini-strokes or something :haha:

Oh I forgot to mention a tidbit shared by my OB at the last apt.

Him: So your first baby, a girl, weighed just over 7 lbs, which is right in the average.
Me: Yes. So?
Him: Well, this is your second so will be bigger, and is a boy, so will be bigger. I'm estimating 8 lbs. Which is pretty big, given that you are much smaller than average.
Me: Yikes.
Him: Yes, so expect to have a really big belly.

Thank GOD this is going to be a C-section :rofl: AND it may explain why I'm having these compression problems sooner than I did with Z...
:rofl: Nice conversation!

I know at my 20 week scan the lady told me Hannah was huge :shock: I about died--not what I wanted to hear! She ended up being 8 pounds 10 ounces and 23 inches long so she was big but not huge. Luckily (I guess) I seem to have child bearing hips according to the OB who delivered her :dohh:

I'd be surprised if your second was that much bigger than Zoelle but what do I know :rofl: it's hard to imagine you carrying a really big baby though because you are so petite.
Eala :hugs: Hope your pains ease a little soon

I thankfully have a downstairs loo as well as upstairs so I am sorted for toilet breaks!

I am muddling up words a lot today, OH thinks it's hilarious , me? Not so much!!
He says it's no a symptom, just me being normal!

Seen my GP today for my first appointment, all's well test came up positive in record time! LOL I was worried!

He signed me over to the MW's so I just need to wait for my first appointment with them to come through, then scan date.
Thinking about paying for an early scan though, just to stop me pee'ing on sticks every day!!

I have decided on a home birth, I am beyond excited about it!!!
I'm so glad for you TJG that things are working out as you'd like :flower:

I know eh Vickie? He seemed surprised though at Z's weight when she was born, saying he wasn't expecting an average-sized baby (in relation to my size I guess), and he says that since I had an average size baby the first time, to expect the same if not bigger the second time :wacko: I just can't imagine having a bigger one... Hannah was HUGE for your size too! Geez... I can't wait to see how big the twins end up being!
Well at that time I weighed a good 80 pounds more than I do now :blush:

Glad your appointment went well Andrea! :D and good luck getting your homebirth. How long do you think it will be before you hear from a MW?

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