Sorry I've been quiet too guys, I'm also doing the single parenting job at the moment as DH is in Finland for 2 weeks 10 days left! I'm very lucky as I could be finding it a lot harder, but with Roo having nursery it means I get a bit of a break most days (in that I can get stuff done without having to chase her about too).
Modo, I still think , but I'm notoriously terrible at gender guesses
Great... This morning my pee is pink Interestingly, my GP did my full physical at 11 weeks, and she did dip my urine. She commented that there was microscopic hematuria but we weren't too concerned as I hadn't noticed anything. I have no infection symptoms. But last night I thought I say a pink tinge, didn't think too much of it, and this morning there is definitely blood in my pee... I've sent my OB and email. I've never had this before
Sorry to hear about your pink pee. Make sure to let us know what your doctor says. Was it pink in the toilet or just when you wiped? I had a bit of blood a while back but I think it was because of hemorrhoids It only happened once or twice though. Hope you get your answers soon.
Snuggle! Glad to hear you are feeling better and well done on getting some workouts in! I'm glad that your OH is coming back soon as well. Is FIL doing better?
I feel like an idiot! My sister reminded me we had beets in our salad last night That explains the pink pee last night and this morning... Still doesn't explain the finding at 10 weeks, but man was I freaked out! I sent a sheepish email to my obstetrician, we'll see what he says about the 10 week finding
Vicki, FIL is doing amazing! We feel so blessed. He is out of the hospital and starting to move around again. Incredible how well he has recovered. Thanks for asking
I'm sorry I've been MIA but those of you in my journal/on my facebook know. Unfortunately the scan yesterday wasn't great. We have lost one of the babies. The other one looks great though. It's a big jumble of emotions and I'm not really up for talking about it much but I wanted to let you all know
Oh no Vicki I am soooo sorry about that. I am going to pop over to your journal if you don't mind. I hope you have some help over the next few weeks to help with the toddler.
I noticed the little angel emoticon in your siggy and was wondering what it symbolized. Gosh I am so sorry
The other twin has simply vanished snuggle (google vanishing twin syndrome, there is a lot of information on it out there and actually it was my biggest fear throughout the pregnancy so I guess now I know why).
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