Pregnant with #2!

Urrghh I cant get a decent sleep latley and its getting really frustrating! I went into work last night and just had no energy whatsoever. I asked to go back home and was allowed thankfully though ive still not been able to catch up as last nights sleep was just as awful :dohh:
Ill be glad when Christmas is over with aswell, pretty crappy when its payday but you forget about it because whats gone in is all just going back out again on bills :(
:hugs: AG

I had sleeping problems most of first tri as well :( I hope that you can get some rest soon
Hello ladies!
How is everyone doing?
My hair loss has finally stopped! :dance: AND the constipation is gone. Phew. Thank heavens for second trimester!
Vickie :hugs: No idea how you must be feeling :hugs:

I need to get over my fear of not being pregnant and stop testing, I don't know what's wrong with me!

I bought Digis today, just so they would say "pregnant"

I haven't heard anything from MW's yet so called and apparently it's ME who has to call them and self refer, thanks to my GP for not telling me that!

AG I'm the same, but staying out till 3am to go to the cinema has not helped! I am exhausted today.

Was planning gutting my house out today ready for my xmas tree up tomorrow but I haven't even got the energy for that!
Wow TJG, how do you stay awake until passed 8PM? I'm impressed! Both pregnancies first trimesters were wrought with fatigue and needing zzzzzzzz's at some ungodly early hour :haha:
We are soother weaning at the moment (can't remember if I mentioned that) anyways first two nights were hard, but last night was way better. We also stopped giving him a bottle in the evening before his bath. I'm so excited to get these two things done with now before I get too pregnant and tired to deal with it and before baby#2 comes.

Daycare is starting potty training on monday. I Think it will go fast. We did infant potty training (late start at 9 mon) so DS asks to use the potty every so often and can pee on command already. He knows what he has to do, we just haven't enforced it since daycare wasn't quite ready to start with him yet. Now everyone is. FX he is reliably clean and dry by May

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Thinking of you Vicki. :hug:
Good luck with taking the soothers & bottles away! And good luck with the potty training :) I'm sure he will catch on quickly

We only got rid of Hannah's soothers a couple of months back :blush: It was an easy transition though so I guess she was finally ready (we'd tried a few times before and it was pure hell :haha:)

Andrea I can't believe you stayed up so late! :shock: I was up until 11 last night and am paying for it today :lol:
yeah I would have let him have his soother until he gave it up or was in school to be honest, but he has bad face eczema and it is was getting really bad with the cold dry weather and the slobber from the soother. He has blisters on his face this winter that he never had before. It was always raw but didnt' bother him too much but I finally had to call it quits. Not to mention he was waking up for it in the nights and I am bagged.

First two nights were hell for us. I was up for 2hrs in the middle of the night with the crankiest toddler on earth the first night, the night before last the durations were 20 min or so but he was up 4x :sleep: but we got through it and last night was WAY better.
If it had been affecting Hannah's skin like that I'd have been more persistent in getting rid of them sooner as well :hugs: Glad it's getting better

We do hope to take soothers off of this one sooner than we did with Hannah :haha: We got a lot of grief from hubby's family over them even though she only had them to sleep with after 15/18 months or so :shrug: I didn't really see the big deal but they drove me batty with their comments :roll:
Z still has hers to sleep, and I think it helps with her teething symptoms to allow more restful nights for all of us so we won't be soother-weaning anytime soon! Vickie we may wait as long as you did with Hannah, unless she grows out of the them herself. Snuggle if there were skin concerns we'd definitely be doing it sooner! Good luck with both soother-weaning and potty training!
I think I had the stronger emotional attachment to it than he did. He just needed it to sleep. I think to me, it made him seem more like a baby, which as his mommy I kind of liked. It makes me sad to think he is grown up now. No bottle either, which I really enjoyed because he never cuddles me except at bottle time but he is soaking his diapers and it isn't a good combo with potty training. Sigh. I have to admit I am feeling a little sad.
Dummies/pacis never worked for us as he kept waking every time it fell out. Once we got rid of it he slept a lot better. But I do understand why loads of people like them would have probably kept using them if they made his sleeping better.
We're the same. Roo had a dummy for um... no more than about 3 months. I seem to remember it being from 3.5 months old til 6 months or thereabouts. It initially was great, as it stopped the 45 minute to 1 hour-long screaming fits that preceded sleep. However, we then had the oh-too-common problem of it falling out. That in itself wasn't a problem exactly, it was that because she was in a hammock, the dummy would work its way down the side and under her back :dohh:

She got a teddy comforter instead, and she still has her "bedtime crew" for sleeps. Though thankfully not reliant on one toy in particular, anything soft and cuddly will do :haha:

Like Modo, though, if it had still been something that helped her sleep, we'd have kept the dummy.
We kept it untill sleeping woth one became a problem, ie fell out and he couldnt get it back in again. Hes been a brilliant sleeper since..not that he was when he had a dummy but self settled great.
DS always has and still is a terrible sleeper. Soother or no soother. Had a rough night again last night. his skin is getting worse again too, which is frustrating. I'm tired.

Have any of you being feeling real movements alot? I get the odd one but not in a long time. Thank goodness for doppler, which gave me the HB no problem yesterday but I really don't feel pregnant (this is a blessing to be honest) but I miss baby movements from my DS days, and hope it starts soon. I have to check my old journal but my gut feeling (excuse the pun) is that this baby is much quieter than DS. Which I hope is a good sign for future sleep :rofl:
I started feeling this baby move quite early (well, it felt early to me), although I can't remember what week it was without checking my journal :blush: This is one active little girl, though. I don't remember Roo being quite this jiggly! I suppose it could just be my memory not being up to much, right enough :rofl:
I feel movements but not consistently and not every day. I find that I'm generally so busy during the day that until Hannah's nap time I don't get to sit and pay attention to it really. Sometimes I'll feel them when I sit down to rest during nap time and sometimes not. I'll go a few days without feeling much and all of a sudden feel tons of movement :shrug:
It's too early for me but was wondering if I would feel them earlier this time. With Bobby I started feeling them at 18 weeks.
Hiya girls! How is everyone?

I felt my first movements with Daisy at 13 weeks, nobody believed me of course but I definitely did!

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