Pregnant with #2!

cold turkey. None in the house. I would have to go out and buy more. That is the only thing that stopped me on the weekend when he wouldn't nap.

We are on day 6 already... :(
Keep going :hugs: Have you given another comfort item to replace the dummy like a teddy?
I'm so impressed at you guys working out :blush:

Snuggle - that's brilliant about the potty training going so well! It's something I'm dreading :dohh: Sorry to hear the soother weaning isn't working out as of yet :( Have you tried giving him a teddy or something else, so he has a comfort item which just isn't a soother?

AG - 2lbs I think is more than good, heck, that's probably mostly just extra blood as much as anything else!

Junebug - glad you are feeling better :hugs:

Vickie - Hope the doctors goes well on Thursday (in case I don't get a chance to reply tomorrow :hugs:)

I'm still utterly exhausted. Can't work out if I've got a cold, or if it's just the weather changes exacerbating my chronic sinusitis. But I'm sleeping badly, and just can't shake the tired feeling. Got a letter from my consultant's clinic telling me that my iron stores were low according to my booking bloods at the new hospital (this was about 3 weeks ago). At that point, I'd been on iron for 2 weeks. I've now finished the course, so I need to get my levels rechecked. If the tablets aren't helping, then perhaps that's why I'm so knackered! It'd be nice to have an explanation, as I feel like I had about 3 days of the vaunted "2nd trimester energy burst" and pretty soon I'll be 3rd trimester with nae hope of a boost of anything :haha:
aww I hope you feel better soon Eala :hug: I have to say I am so grateful for the miraculous cure of my MS. I feel human again. I can't imagine still feeling like I did at 24 weeks. You are a trooper.

My DS does have a kitty cat which he loves and he is using his sippy cup of water as his comfort. Which isn't helping the wet diaper at night issue. I have tried to "forget" the cup but he throws a tantrum when he notices it gone, especially around 9pm when he is overtired. So I give it back. He drinks most of it. It is super dry here so I don't feel too bad about him taking extra water. Especially since he isn't getting his bottle of milk either anymore.
:hugs: Eala I hope you feel better soon.

Snuggle Hannah still has a diaper at night. She's a really heavy sleeper. I always say she could sleep through a hurricane and I am pretty sure she could :haha: No way would she wake up to tell us she needed to go potty (or be awake to go enough on her own). I figure it will come in time :shrug: She's really good during the day so I'm not really worried about it :flower:
Hiya girls, hope you are all well!

with potty training, i stressed and stressed about it as Daisy was taking so long, she was nearly 3 while my oldest was done by 16 months!

When I finally gave in and left her to it, she started doing it all by herself :D Then a few weeks after she asked to wear pants to bed instead of a nappy and that was her!
Toddler Led Potty Training :winkwink:

Daisy does actually still have a soother at night, oh the shame! We are telling her that when she see's Santa next week she can give them to him for the babies that need them, she is agreeing but is safely guarding all her "mimis" Like she is getting the most out of them before Santa steals them!

I am feeling exhausted , ill , just bleugh!
We have both had an awful cold for days that just doesn't seem to want to shift!

That combined with extreme tiredness and m/S it's not good!

I got the job I applied for too, yay! But I start next week and I am terrified of being too tired to keep up with it, and I am not telling them I am pregnant till after xmas so that will be fun trying to hide nausea, tiredness and sickness!

MW booking appointment on Monday though, then it is all becoming very real!
Weekly bump update!


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aww adorable bump Chantal!

I hope you all are having a good day!

we are getting stuff ready for the US Thanksgiving here, not much else going on (listening to Hannah whine about turning the Christmas tree on :roll:) Our rule is that it goes on after Stan gets off of work so that I don't pay a fortune in electric costs :haha:
LOL Vickie! Good deal :)

Snuggle, how goes the soother weaning?

Congrats on the job TJG!!!

Hope everyone else is feeling good/better :hugs:
Vicki, how come you are celebrating us thanksgiving?

Sorry taper that you are feeling awful. Hope it isn't too long before the MS goes.

Junebug you look great!!! Lovely bump.

Last night went better soother wise. He was less fussy at bedtime, although didn't fall asleep again until around 9:15pm. But only woke a handful of times and each time self settled, so :thumbup: I didn't have to get out of bed except once to pee :)
Oh great progress Snuggle!!!

TJG, hope the MS is short lived for you! :hugs:
oh yeah Congrats Andrea!!! That's great that you got the job :happydance:

Glad last night went better snuggle!

I am from the States :) I only moved here because hubby is Canadian and he had a better job than I did (and I was trying to finish up my Grad school degree at the time). So as a part of my family traditions we celebrate both Thanksgivings. Luckily Stan's office is US based so while he does have to work it's generally very slow
Tired, im waking up so many times in the night for a friggin pee again! I coulda slept (eventually) last night but then had a morning shift so needed to be up.
Mil offered to take Alex for the weekend so hes with her and im now snuggled in bed listening to the rain outside.
Still tired! LOL

I still have no voice due to this cold or whatever it is I have!

I start work on Monday morning so hoping that I am better by then as I'm sure they don't want my germs :sick:

Then after work I have my booking app with MW :)

How are you all?
Shattered! Happy that DH is back from Finland, but I'm still exhaused :coffee: I'm sleeping badly still, mainly because I'm in so much pain from my back. I tore ligaments when I was about 7 weeks pregnant, the GP at the time warned me it could happen again. Well, it did, on Thursday. Not really what I needed, but hey. Life goes on and all that!

Just looking forward to handing in my last essay on Monday, then just got 2 exams till I have about 5 weeks off over Christmas :)
ouch sounds painful Eala :hugs:

Hope you feel better by Monday Andrea! :hugs:

Hope you get some rest tonight AG :)

I'm feeling pretty good here. I think second tri energy has kicked in and I'm sleeping a little better to which is nice. :)
Hi everyone :wave:

Feeling human again which is amazing! Had to go on antibiotics as I got a bit of a chest infection so I hink they have been helping me get better. Was so nervous about going on them but Dr told me that erythromycin is safe in pregnancy and the infection getting worse was dangerous.

Only woke up twice to pee last night which is amazing :happydance: and Bobby woke up at 6.45am (Bliss!) and has been a total angel all morning. It's almost restored my faith in my parenting abilities after a really challenging few months with him.
Andrea: hope you feel better by Monday.

Eala: That sounds really painful :(

Vickie: I am also loving second tri here! With Bobby I got no break at this point as I was throwing up through out the pregnancy. This time round I am understanding what people are talking about when they call it the honeymoon trimester :)

AG: I have so much sympathy :hugs: It's really exhausting waking up so many times a night then having an LO to care for during the day :(
Glad your infection has gotten better modo!!

I've caught my first cold of the season :dohh: Though I've managed to miss the last several colds Hannah has caught so I guess I'm lucky :lol: This one is by far the worst she's had though. She's running a fever and has a lot of yellow discharge today :( We're not taking her to swim tonight and I'm not even sure she's going to be up for Kinder Korner tomorrow. If she's still got a temperature it's out for sure. Hopefully we'll make it to at least some of her classes this week :rofl:

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