Pregnant with #2!

How is everyone doing?

The bank paid me my refund today :happydance: so im doing an online shopping spree for some bits we'llbe needing. Problem is ive no idea what we do need! :dohh:

For myself or for baby.....Alot of things are waiting untill we know the sex like clothes, bedding set and nappies. So im trying to figure out what i can get!
All ive thought of so far is a changing bag, I knew which one i liked so saved the website untill we had the money to get it.
AG - yay for the refund :) What changing bag are you looking at? :)

Not much to report here, I'm just bimbling along. Roo's room is nearly finished, I painted one side of the door today. Just the other side to do and bits of the frame and then that's all the painting. I've ordered some wall stickers from Ebay, and MIL also sent some up today. Maybe she's trying to redeem herself or something, but either way two packs are useful and two are a bit "Eh, great if Roo was newborn..." :dohh:

Here's a bump pic I took last week, so late 29/early 30 weeks. Sorry about the backlighting, it's not a great pic, but there we go!

Need to do another one tomorrow (31 weeks). Just got my Uni timetable and I'm going to be busy! With the way things are going, I'll pretty much have about 3 days of mat leave before Midgelet arrives. Far cry from when I had Roo and had about 4 weeks off before she was due :haha:
Busy weeks makes them go by faster :D

This is the bag ive bought
Thankfuly Rob doesnt mind the purple :lol:
Ohhh I'm starting my mat leave as soon as is humanly possible! (April 22nd)
I worked later last time and nearly killed myself !

Yay for bank refunds! We really need to get it done, might pay for our pram!

I finally found baby's HB on the Doppler last night!! I was worried it was a bit slow, but googled and anything between 120 and 190 is normal so it's fine! It was129 BPM :)

Old wives tales would say that means a girl for us :)
Yay for finding a heartbeat! :yipee:

Great bump pic Eala!

Have fun shopping AG :lol:

I really didn't buy anything until we found out the sex. I think I was worried something was going to happen so I'd look but could never bring myself to buy. Which in the end is probably a good thing......

I've made up for it since though :blush: I took the kiddo to an indoor amusement park with a friend today (it's in a mall) and we hit up one of the kid's stores while we were there. It was having a sale and I came out with another outfit and a long sleeved onsie for Rhys :lol: And my friend bought him a sleeper :rofl: She's as bad as me!

I am finding that this pregnancy is flying by and I think a lot of it is because I'm so busy with Hannah. I plan to do classes with her right up until they end in mid-April and after that I'll probably drop two classes (she's in four now and four in the next session as well) and keep her in swim (which Stan can take her to in the evenings) and an art class that she loves. We have to leave the house at 3:30 for that one, Stan gets off at 4:30 and most class days he can probably watch Rhys while I take Hannah to class so I'm not having to drag them both out. That's the plan at least.......we'll see how it goes :lol:
Ooh I love the name you've picked, Vickie :) Very very nice! Goes beautifully with Hannah too :)

Andrea - really glad you found the HB, that's fantastic :) Midgelet's HB has tended to be on the slower side, and she's a girl, so maybe there is something in these old wives tales ;)

I would start mat leave sooner if I could... Someone who is due 4 days before me has actually finished up already. But I won't get *that* long off, really, as I have placements to make up and so on. So going right up until the week before means that I get pretty much all the theory done, and just have placements. Also means I get as long as possible actually with the baby. Just one of those things :(
AG: Yay for the bank refund! Really like the bag as well!

TJG: Glad you found the HB :cloud9:

Eala: Sorry you have to take mat leave late :(

Love the name Rhys Vickie. It's one of the names that runs in my DH's family but we won't be using it if we have a boy as there is already a Rhys in this generation. It's a really lovely name :)
thanks everyone!

My family and Stan's family are all giving us :huh: looks over the name :shrug: but it's still the only boys name we can agree on :rofl: and I'm stubborn so they'll get used to it ;)

how is everyone doing??
all good here :) Is it a common name over there Vickie with it being Welsh? I love it :)

Dislike how families think they get a say in the naming! OH's mother didn't like Daisy's name, made me want to use it more :rofl:
Not as common no and they seem to think that it's a weird spelling :rofl: I keep trying to tell them it is not THAT uncommon and it's a normal spelling but whatever :haha:

It goes well with our middle name (Patrick--named after my stepdad).

So okay a half-Chinese kid will have a Welsh/Irish/Chinese name :haha: I still like it and Stan likes it and that's pretty much all that matters :smug: :rofl:
boys names are SO hard. We easily agreed on several girls names but never agreed on one when I was pregnant with Hannah and this is literally the only one we can agree on now :rofl:
we still haven't agreed on a boys name! We are pretty much there on a girls name, but SO much to choose from it could well change!
We both love one girls name which we would def use if Beany is a girls and we have a list of boys names that we like. Go for the name you like and everyone will love it when Rhys is born :)
Last time we found a boy's name really difficult, but the girl's name was always what Roo was named. This time... We actually had a boy's name long before a girl's name. It had me convinced that Midgelet was a boy, as it was the total reverse of what happened with Roo. The boy's name "fitted" without a hitch, whereas we just couldn't agree on anything girly.

In fact, we only recently really settled on a full name (first and middle), and even then, it's not the name I thought she'd have :haha: Both Tubbs and I are very happy with it though, so all we have to do is wait and see if it suits her when she is here :)
Funny how some people find one or the other harder isn't it?

For girls we liked Ema or Paige.

There were several boys names I liked that Stan did not and vice versa :haha: A few names we couldn't use because family members have similar/same names even though we both liked them etc.

Oh well name is pretty much settled now. I don't see us changing it :lol:
I think it is a lovely name Vicki! I really do. We have a few options ourselves but won't pick until we see baby since we aren't absolute on many of them yet.

A friend of mine just had a baby boy, and 2 weeks in they still can't agree on a name :shock: Definitely don't want to be in their shoes! Eek!!!

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