Pregnant with #2!

I had a lot of mild cramping before my BFP as well :)

Good luck!
Snow I didn't get cramps like I did with #1. DS gave me mega cramps and stomach pains almost my whole pregnancy. I rarely had them (get them) with this one. Every time is different.

:dust: I hope you get to join us here in a few short days!! :dance:
Thanks ladies!! This cycle is really throwing me for a loop. I guess I will know either way in a few days... Hopefully! :coffee:
:hi: How is everyone?

Things have been hectic here! Hannah has officially stopped napping. She still has quiet time in her room but it's less than what she was napping (which is fine) but by the time I get my workout in and shoot off a few emails/deal with a few forum issues it seems like all my free time is gone. I can't complain though! She lasted longer than most other kids her age group did :lol:
LOL you're lucky, looks like mine will drop naps before she turns 2! Great timing for a newborn :dohh:

Ladies, I started a journal, you're welcome to stalk, it's in my siggy :flower:

Hope everyone is doing great! I'm officially diagnosed with SPD as a cause for my groin, hip and back pain :cry: Still have 11 weeks to go of full-time work :-( I have an apt with the chiro tomorrow, hope it helps!!!
June bug I am glad it wasn't some of the more serious infections they were testing you for but SPD is not nice either. I have some bad back pelvic pain but it comes and goes enough I don't think it is SPD. I can still go on the elliptical.

I take it no more exercise for you? SPD gets worse with activity most times doesn't it?

Hope your LO doesn't drop the nap. I know I was petrified of it happening but thank heavens discovered the miracle of the playpen and got him back on track. He now sleeps in his big boy bed again at nap time. I also rock him for awhile before he goes to bed - both bedtime and naptime and that is helping LOADS. The letting him play until he was tired stopped working for us.
Hey ladies just wanted to let u now I got af late Monday, glad the limbo is over and ready for this next cycle...

Y'all are lucky ur kiddos still take naps my dd fave up naps when I weaned her from nursing at 17months.. and on top of no naps she is a night owl... Wide awake til 10-11 at night.
Snowangel: good luck with this cycle :hugs:

CJ: Sorry you have spd :( Can you not leave any earlier?

Vickie: I hope Bobby naps for as long as Hannah did!

Snow: Rocking never worked with Bobby as it just seemed to make him more agitated. He just seems to need me to be in the room with him till he falls asleep. This LO however, I think, will like the rocking chair. We keep it in Bobby's room and whenever I rock in it Beany stops wriggling and I assume goes to sleep :cloud9:
:hugs: snow, hope next cycle is yours!

Yup snuggle, exercise is a definite no-no with SPD :-(. There go my plans to stay healthy and in shape...

Modo i have no sick leave or disability insurance as a physician, if i go off work my family will have no income as DH is a student again... No choice but to lug on :cry:
:hugs: Chantal, I hope that the physio helps with the pain.

I was really lucky Hannah napped as long as she did, no denying that :lol:

Still trying to work out our new day schedule though.

:hugs: Snow sorry to hear the witch got you
junebug you don't qualify for sick leave under EI in canada? I'm surprised. It isn't great pay but it would be something.

So sorry snow about the AF :( I hope you get your valentines BFP :hug:
Nope I don't get EI. I'm a self-employed physician. If I were a salaried physician I would...
sigh. that is too bad. So no mat leave EI either. ugh.

You might need to siphon off a bit of your paycheck each week from this point on in case you do have to go off early. Atleast you will have a little nest egg to deal with. I can't imagine being in that kind of pain and having to be on my feet dealing with patients each day :(
We do have some savings, they were to put as a lump sum payment on the mortgage. That may have to wait if I do need to go off earlier than anticipated... And the savings were also to cover my mat leave, as I don't get EI for that either. So if I need to go into my savings early, it'll mean a shorter mat leave (6-7 months rather than 9 months).
So yesterday afternoon (ironically after I had a generous helping of a coworker's birthday cake at the office), my Dr called to say I had a high result in my glucose challenge test so had to do the fasting one. So I did that this morning. I hope the results come back as fast as the challenge one did (one night! Dr called me at work the next morning and had the requisition ready for me in a matter of hours!). I really want to know. My DS was 10 lbs 1 oz and had urate crystals in his diapers for 2 months, and went from off the charts to the 12 percentile in a matter of months proving he was artificially big for his stature and I always wondered if I had undiagnosed GD with him.

I don't want GD but at the same time I think it would bring me so much peace to know that might have been the explanation for those first few stressful months with my DS. :shrug:

anyways, the tech took a prick test for my fasting level, and it came back 5.2 which is the top number of normal from what I have googled (I snooped to see the number she was writing down next to me). I obviously don't know what my blood fast, and two hourly interval blood results are.

We shall see....
repost from my journal :dance:

I JUST FELT A LIMB!!!! OMG I forgot how cool that is to feel a foot or hand or elbow rub across my fingers as baby rolls in my tummy!!! Blitzer is such a quiet baby, it is mostly just "inside" pops and rumbles, with the odd day where I get to feel things from the outside.

But just a few minutes ago, B was moving pretty good after eating a banana, so I pressed my fingers down where the activity was happening and swipe! Felt a solid tiny limb move across my finger tips!!

So cool since I swear just last night I was dreaming of having that experience!
good luck getting the results quickly snuggle :hugs:

I have my test in a couple of weeks......

That's awesome that you felt a limb!!

Any thoughts on whether you're having a boy/girl? :)
My dr called me in the evening (like a 5 hr turn around on the test!!) and all is normal :dance:

I don't know what gender the baby is, but I can't help but wonder girl since I have gained half the amount of weight I did with baby #1. :shrug: We shall see :D

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