Pregnant with #2!

:rofl: I keep telling Stan we only have three months left we gotta get things done :rofl: could be nesting setting in early or just me being anal retentive? We stay SO busy though that it's hard to find time to go through stuff. And I have piles of baby stuff in my room and downstairs in the office that needs to be sorted, washed, etc.
I was sooooo organised last time! Heck, I even labelled the drawers as to what was in them :blush: This time I'm all "oh, we have time, we have time" and then when I go "Oh crap, we have 5 weeks, and I'm still in classes for 4 of them!" I hit panic stations :haha:

I don't know if it's just that really, we know that things will kinda tick over whether we're super organised or not :haha:
Yay congrats on blue bump TJG!!!!

Eala, wow 5 weeks to go! How exciting!

They didn't make me wait long for the ultrasound but imaged me for 1 hour :shock: I didn't get to eat until 2 PM. That was NOT fun. I hope there is no more fasting involved during this pregnancy!!! Got the results yesterday, everything is looking normal. It appears the blood in my urine is just due to changes in kidney filtration associated with pregnancy, and that the pain is purely musculoskeletal. Luckily, with the acupuncture and chiropractor treatments, I am now 90% pain free and feeling much more positive about being able to work until I hit 37 weeks!!!! I'm so so so relieved...

Tomorrow we are interviewing (my sister, Zoë and me) a potential nanny: she sounds very interested and comes highly recommended. Fingers crossed it works out!
excellent news Junebug!

Congrats taperjean on team blue!!! :dance:

My BH were pretty strong all day yesterday, but DS STTN last night and I feel way better today. None at all yet :dance: Must have been really tired.

I've got to get organized too. I did manage to pull all the newborn clothes and gear out from the shelves in our crawlspace but DH sitll needs to bring them upstairs so I can properly sort through them and wash whatever I need. (The crawlspace isn't very big and I can't see or do much down there, plus its a ladder to get up and down so I don't plan on lifting anything myself up those rungs) Hopefully he gets to it this weekend, because I really don't want to wait until the end to do it.

I was so uncomfy last time and not wanting to move much that I want to get as much as I Can done now before my mobility is crap.

Third tri begins today here! :dance:
:yipee: Congrats on third tri!

I'm really uncomfy today as well. I think it's just his position (he's riding high) coupled with my cold though. I hope that it gets better because I still have several weeks to go :rofl:

Good luck getting organized Eala! I am so freaking anal and I stress out if things don't get done when I think they should be (poor hubby), not sure I could leave it to 5 weeks :blush:
how is everyone feeling?

Eala you are getting close!! :yipee:

Things are going pretty good here. I'm getting over a nasty little bug so we've been spending lots more time at home than usual :haha: And I've not been able to workout at all because of it. Hoping to start back up next week though as I seem to have finally turned the corner for the better.

3D US next Friday! :yipee: And a doctors appointment as well.

I had my GD test this past Tuesday and am going this coming Tuesday to get my rhogam shot (a great Valentine's day present :haha:)
Hey ladies starting yet another 2ww today.. hoping this cycle is it otherwise I may take off the next two months as I don't want a Thanksgiving or Christmas due date... As it is this cycle I will have a Halloween due date. Don't want LO to have to share a bday with a holiday...

Geez there are lots of blue bumps huh? Hope everyone is doing well.. :hugs:
Good luck snow :hugs:

All good over here, detailed scan was on Weds just gone and everything looks great. We do need to go back as there was one shot the scanner couldn't get though she did reassure that everything looks perfect, its just a picture shot she needs to get and this little boy wouldn't move off his back to get it!

I've had my work shifts changed for weekends thank god! I was working until 9pm Friday night to then be back in 7am Saturday morning and the tiredness from it was awful! I was just about managing pre pregnancy and Alex but he past couple months I've really been struggling with it and sending Alex to his grannies Sat-Mon to be able to catch up.
Hey girls!

Good luck snow, eala you are close, much closer than i thought LOL!

I'm just a big moan fest at the moment, if I can moan about it I will!

BP has been going up and down lately, I am totally blaming work stress, cannot wait to finish !

We've finally made a start with buying things for this boy, still struggling a bit to find stuff I like though :winkwink:

No name as yet, but still plenty time! (I'll still be saying that after he's born)

Next app is my 20 week scan, well it will be 21 weeks on 2nd March, the scan I always dread!

Hope you are all doing good!
:hugs: Andrea, when can you finish work?

I really can't justify any more clothes purchases with all that's been given to us :blush: doesn't stop me though :rofl:

There are a couple of bigger items I still need to pick up that I'd ideally like done by March but probably looking at April instead
Snow- Gosh I hope this is it for you!!! :dust::dust::dust:

Arcane - great news about the scan!!

taper - sorry to hear about the bp and stress. Sounds like you need a rest. Hope things settle.

Quick update from me:

I'm measuring 3 weeks behind (25 w when I'm 28w). Last appt (24 w) I was measuring 1 week behind so only a 2cm growth in 4 weeks. Dr isn't worried enough to order an ultrasound yet since my 20 week ultrasound had Blitzer measuring 20 weeks and baby is moving, plus my weight gain is picking up (I'm at 15lb gain now from my lowest weight - not prebfp since I lost weight in first tri).

She thinks the small dates might be because maybe baby bum isnt' up yet. (transverse or breech) She will watch for it at the next appt (3 weeks from now, but I might try and get an appt at 2 weeks for peace of mind). If growth is still behind or worse, she will book an ultrasound just to make sure.

Any of you finding you are measuring smaller this time around? I am just wondering if my pelvis is deeper because of my stretched out body.
I'm measuring 33 weeks at 36 weeks, but my midwife really isn't concerned. She said fundal height etc can be so innaccurate, and given the weight of my last child at birth(7lbs 1.5ozs), it's not like I have a history of big babies ;) Also my own weight loss will have effected things, apparently.

Sorry I've not updated in ages :blush: I've got 2 weeks of Uni left, and I'm seriously counting down the days :blush: I'm on crutches now for my SPD, pretty much just to make sure that I can manage these last 2 weeks of classes. My elective c-section is booked, but we're keeping the date mostly secret ;) I've got my pre-op assessment in a few weeks - it's all getting very real and a bit scary now!

Hoping everyone else is doing ok :hugs:
You are very close eala!

I measured 1w behind with DS for a lot of the pregnancy and he was a 10lber so hopefully it's just my pelvis.
:hugs: Snuggle

As far as I know my measurements have all been about on target for me though I was ahead at one point in time the last time I went in I had apparently gone down a bit and was measuring more on target? :shrug:

Hard not to worry though!

Good luck Eala!! :yipee:
Yeah I think the fact the difference didn't stay the same either is what's stressing me. Being behind is one thing but not keeping up even is another. But it is only one measurement so next appt should help. DS only gave me 5hrs of sleep (2+3 hr intervals) so I'm exhausted. DH is in a terrible mood too. Hate having to deal with two crabby boys when all I want to do is sleep
:hugs: snuggle I hear you! I'm still the one getting up with Z during the night as DH preps classes until midnight and has to get up at 6AM for his commute to school... She's teething so I've been up with her 1-2 hours per night for the last 2 weeks, plus having a hard time going back to sleep because I've been sick for 2 weeks :-( Trying to get to bed by 9PM at the latest but there is so much to do!

I'm measuring right on target and gained 19 lbs so far...

Ughhhh, feeling icky and stressed with work and life, won't go into it here, all out in my journal.

Snow! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Eala you're getting so close!!! I feel like 10 weeks is going to zip by myself...

I still haven't bought any new clothes for this little guy... I honestly have a lot of unisex stuff I can use from newborn to 3 months so can't justify buying anything, especially with DH being a student right now. We were given quite a few 3 months - 12 months stuff and more may be coming if my friend (expecting #3) finds out she's having a girl this time...

Hope everyone is doing great!!!
:hugs: Snuggle and Chantal, sorry to hear you aren't getting much sleep

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