pushing it here. anyone else over 45?

Heavenly, big hugs for you :hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry AF pitched up....again, damn her :growlmad:. I never feel too bad when AF arrives for some odd reason, it's the run up to O that gets my knickers in a knot, wondering if we'll get to time it right and will it work this time....sigh.... Well done though for cracking on with the clinic, that's really good news :flower:

I didn't for the first 3 years, but the last year, with me hitting 46.....it is getting to me. But at least I am being proactive re invasive treatment, I need to have a plan. :flower:

Feels like I've got all that to come then, I've only been at this 18 months :haha:. We are just about to start the testing too, DH first with the SA and then me, I feel like I need a plan now as well after being in denial about it! :dohh:

The good thing for you is that you are getting clued up, I was very naive plus I had an unsupportive GP. I started trying at 41 and my GP took my FSH and said it was fine, and then said, just to start trying and I didn't need to do anything else or have another tests. She said it wasn't worth me spending my money on tests. Because at my age, it probably wouldn't happen anyway. :nope: So I didn't. It wasn't til last year when a friend of mine told me to go see a FS, that I realised there were quite a few tests I could take, so I was naive. There is now such a slim chance of me using my own eggs because I didn't realise until it was too late. But no point looking back, I have to think positively and me and OH are fine about DE and at least with that, there is no rush for us.
Heavenly, big hugs for you :hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry AF pitched up....again, damn her :growlmad:. I never feel too bad when AF arrives for some odd reason, it's the run up to O that gets my knickers in a knot, wondering if we'll get to time it right and will it work this time....sigh.... Well done though for cracking on with the clinic, that's really good news :flower:

I didn't for the first 3 years, but the last year, with me hitting 46.....it is getting to me. But at least I am being proactive re invasive treatment, I need to have a plan. :flower:

Feels like I've got all that to come then, I've only been at this 18 months :haha:. We are just about to start the testing too, DH first with the SA and then me, I feel like I need a plan now as well after being in denial about it! :dohh:

The good thing for you is that you are getting clued up, I was very naive plus I had an unsupportive GP. I started trying at 41 and my GP took my FS and said it was fine, and then said, just to start trying and I didn't need to do anything else or have another tests. She said it wasn't worth me spending my money on tests. Because at my age, it probably wouldn't happen anyway. :nope: So I didn't. It wasn't til last year when a friend of mine told me to go see a FS, that I realised there were quite a few tests I could take, so I was naive. There is now such a slim chance of me using my own eggs because I didn't realise until it was too late. But no point looking back, I have to think positively and me and OH are fine about DE and at least with that, there is no rush for us.

That's true, being on here for 18 months has really opened my eyes as to what is around to help. But....I have a feeling my GP maybe the same, she tried to tell me politely did I really want to do this at my time of life just bc the clock was ringing alarm bells! She said I was too old for NHS IVF and privately it would fail. But I've persisted, I think she was trying to be objective and on everything else she's been great. She's done my bloods but said she wouldn't refer me to an FS until DH had had an SA, it's taken me months to pluck up the courage to ask him.... I don't think we will be going down the DE/DS route, financially it's not an option for us so as for the initial testing I have to try otherwise I feel like I will regret it if I don't even though I'm scared of what the result may be.....

I wish you every success Heavenly I truly do :hugs::hugs::flower:
That's true, being on here for 18 months has really opened my eyes as to what is around to help. But....I have a feeling my GP maybe the same, she tried to tell me politely did I really want to do this at my time of life just bc the clock was ringing alarm bells! She said I was too old for NHS IVF and privately it would fail. But I've persisted, I think she was trying to be objective and on everything else she's been great. She's done my bloods but said she wouldn't refer me to an FS until DH had had an SA, it's taken me months to pluck up the courage to ask him.... I don't think we will be going down the DE/DS route, financially it's not an option for us so as for the initial testing I have to try otherwise I feel like I will regret it if I don't even though I'm scared of what the result may be.....

I wish you every success Heavenly I truly do :hugs::hugs::flower:

My FS told me there would be less that 5% chance if I used my own eggs, I haven't had my AMH test done yet, but unless I am some medical miracle..:coffee:......that will still be the case. But with DE, it is around 30%-50% success rate. We can't really afford it but we need to do at least one cycle, we need to try, we will have to beg borrow and steal but at least with DE, we can save up as it's not dependant on my age and my eggs deteriorating. OH got his SA done a couple of years ago so he is going to get it done again this week, so I can be armed with as much info as poss when I go for a chat with the Director of the Clinic, see what my options are.

I wish you loads of luck and love on your journey, hope we can remain buddies on here. :flower:
Had my HSG this morning. Now that's a procedure that's sure to wipe the smile off your face. With that said, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The nurse said to expect spotting for 24 hours.

I'm hoping everything's clear. Guess I'll find out on Friday, when I pay the FS a visit. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Had my HSG this morning. Now that's a procedure that's sure to wipe the smile off your face. With that said, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The nurse said to expect spotting for 24 hours.

I'm hoping everything's clear. Guess I'll find out on Friday, when I pay the FS a visit. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Hey you :flower:

I am sure I will have to have one of those done soon, as I haven't had one before.

Well done for getting through it!!
Hi everyone,
Does anyone mind if I join? Have been reading for a little while and always makes me feel better knowing I am not the only crazy person out there trying to conceive! I have three beautiful sons, and tried for one more baby when I was about 40, but nothing happened. That was okay, so lucky to have three beautiful boys. DH and I went to Melbourne for our 19 year wedding anniversary last year, did a pregnancy test, positive! We were shocked, secretly happy, but shocked. I had forgotten to take the pill a few times over Christmas, thought nothing of it because of my age. To make things harder, my twin sister wasn't happy because she had been on IVF for 7 years and had not been pregnant once. Our eldest son, was not impressed at all, he was 16 at the time. So we wanted to be happy, but so many obstacles in our way. unfortunately I had a missed miscarriage at about 8 weeks. Found out the baby had died on Valentines Day last year. Very sad, but thought, lets keep trying. So happy to find out I was pregnant again in July, I had turned 45 in June. So happy, did not for one second think I would have another miscarriage. Sadly, the baby died again at about 8 weeks. Had another curette. Decided to continue TTC, had acupuncture, drank the disgusting Chinese herbs, calcium, CQ 10, but unfortunately have had no success. So, gave up the acupuncture and herbs in January because just got too expensive. So, feeling like my baby days may be over, but still hoping for one more miracle , it is hard for me to think it is all over. So, for everyone out there TTC, don't give up hope because it can happen!
Hi everyone,
Does anyone mind if I join? Have been reading for a little while and always makes me feel better knowing I am not the only crazy person out there trying to conceive! I have three beautiful sons, and tried for one more baby when I was about 40, but nothing happened. That was okay, so lucky to have three beautiful boys. DH and I went to Melbourne for our 19 year wedding anniversary last year, did a pregnancy test, positive! We were shocked, secretly happy, but shocked. I had forgotten to take the pill a few times over Christmas, thought nothing of it because of my age. To make things harder, my twin sister wasn't happy because she had been on IVF for 7 years and had not been pregnant once. Our eldest son, was not impressed at all, he was 16 at the time. So we wanted to be happy, but so many obstacles in our way. unfortunately I had a missed miscarriage at about 8 weeks. Found out the baby had died on Valentines Day last year. Very sad, but thought, lets keep trying. So happy to find out I was pregnant again in July, I had turned 45 in June. So happy, did not for one second think I would have another miscarriage. Sadly, the baby died again at about 8 weeks. Had another curette. Decided to continue TTC, had acupuncture, drank the disgusting Chinese herbs, calcium, CQ 10, but unfortunately have had no success. So, gave up the acupuncture and herbs in January because just got too expensive. So, feeling like my baby days may be over, but still hoping for one more miracle , it is hard for me to think it is all over. So, for everyone out there TTC, don't give up hope because it can happen!
So sorry Minnie P for your losses:hugs::hugs: I know what it's like to think that you won't be like everyone else and that you can't possibly even have 1 mc let alone 2. I went through the same thing with my last pregnancy that ended in a mmc at 12 weeks. Sadly no one in my family as happy that we were pregnant either:shrug: I don't know why sometimes there seems to be so much against you and it all feels like a struggle. I hope you keep on trying if that is what you really want. I know after our loss we want it more than anything. I wish you good luck and there are many women like you on here to talk to. i find it really helps. So welcome:hugs::flower:
heavenly, thanks.:flower: that's the last of my tests. one more test hurdle to overcome, and that's DH's SA. how are things with you?

minnie, welcome. this is a great place. i've learned so much here and the ladies are so supportive.

Hi everyone,
Does anyone mind if I join? Have been reading for a little while and always makes me feel better knowing I am not the only crazy person out there trying to conceive! I have three beautiful sons, and tried for one more baby when I was about 40, but nothing happened. That was okay, so lucky to have three beautiful boys. DH and I went to Melbourne for our 19 year wedding anniversary last year, did a pregnancy test, positive! We were shocked, secretly happy, but shocked. I had forgotten to take the pill a few times over Christmas, thought nothing of it because of my age. To make things harder, my twin sister wasn't happy because she had been on IVF for 7 years and had not been pregnant once. Our eldest son, was not impressed at all, he was 16 at the time. So we wanted to be happy, but so many obstacles in our way. unfortunately I had a missed miscarriage at about 8 weeks. Found out the baby had died on Valentines Day last year. Very sad, but thought, lets keep trying. So happy to find out I was pregnant again in July, I had turned 45 in June. So happy, did not for one second think I would have another miscarriage. Sadly, the baby died again at about 8 weeks. Had another curette. Decided to continue TTC, had acupuncture, drank the disgusting Chinese herbs, calcium, CQ 10, but unfortunately have had no success. So, gave up the acupuncture and herbs in January because just got too expensive. So, feeling like my baby days may be over, but still hoping for one more miracle , it is hard for me to think it is all over. So, for everyone out there TTC, don't give up hope because it can happen!

Welcome. :flower: So sorry for your losses. :hugs: Are you going to still try? Are you with a FS? I am 45, on Clomid at the mo, if that doesn't work, it will be IVF. We don't have any children so we need to give it at least one cycle, so that we have tried.

heavenly, thanks.:flower: that's the last of my tests. one more test hurdle to overcome, and that's DH's SA. how are things with you?


Oh hasn't been feeling great for the past week, he did his SA this morning, I hope that doesn't effect the results! Blimey...I'm all heart..:rofl: He did one a couple of years ago but I want an up to date one so I can go to the Agora with as much info as poss...I wonder what my AMH results will say....who'd have thought it...all these tests when other people fall pregnant so easily!!

Love to you all on here and please keep posting, we need to support each other through this. :hugs:
Welcome minniep and sorry for your losses, I hope you get a sticky bean soon :hugs::hugs::hugs:

heavenly, fingers crossed for the SA results and that they are not affect by your Oh feeling ill- when will you get your AMH results back?

AFM my tests are now almost totally blank so I can start TTC again - just need to figure out when I will O :shrug:

:dust: to everyone
Heavenly, I'll always be sure to keep an eye out for your progress :flower: Hope you don't mind me asking but is your DH having his SA done privately or via his Dr?

l8bloomer, got everything Xed that the tests come back with a :thumbup: like Heavenly, I think I'm going to be headed down that route too soon...

minnieP :hugs: glad you found us :flower:

Butterfly as always BIG :hugs:
heavenly, fingers crossed for the SA results and that they are not affect by your Oh feeling ill- when will you get your AMH results back?

AFM my tests are now almost totally blank so I can start TTC again - just need to figure out when I will O :shrug:

They will be back in a few days' time but our appointment at the clinic is 19th March so will find out then.

Good luck with the next step of your journey. :hugs:

Heavenly, I'll always be sure to keep an eye out for your progress :flower: Hope you don't mind me asking but is your DH having his SA done privately or via his Dr?

He is a youngster, he can get it through his doctors, unlike me...who is charged for absolutely EVERYTHING.....:dohh:
My AF has just finished, and have 6 days to go till ovulation - does anyone no of a good ovulation kit to use?
Hi dustar, I think a few people are using the CBFM but I just use the cheap OPK strips which do fine for me as long as I use them about 4 times a day once I start seeing a line on them :flower:
Hi dustar, I think a few people are using the CBFM but I just use the cheap OPK strips which do fine for me as long as I use them about 4 times a day once I start seeing a line on them :flower:

Same here :thumbup:I did use the cbfm too and got a bfp from using it but I found it takes a few months to get to know your cycle and I am too impatient to wait that long so I end up torturing myself with line judging on the opks :haha:
My AF has just finished, and have 6 days to go till ovulation - does anyone no of a good ovulation kit to use?

I use the CBFM but if you haven't used it before then yes, it could take about 3 months to properly get to know your cycle.

Good luck. :flower:
G'day ladies! :wave:
I'm pretty close to magical 45 (August 2012) and since I've been lurking in this thread a fair bit I figured it was about time to introduce myself. Sorry if some of you have already read my intro in a previous thread.

I am 44 (DH is 42). No kids so HOPING for a first some time this year. (soon pleeeease) I met and fell in love later in life. We got married last April. TTC for about a year now.
Although technically only had a decent chance for the past 6 months since (even at my age) I had NO clue how hard it was to conceive nor did I have any idea that there is really only a 24 hour window of opportunity!! Can we say clueless :blush:

I have been browsing this forum for the past 6 months and I have to say I have gained a LOT of valuable knowledge from all you ladies! Thank you! Here's to many BFP's in the very near future!

My first Dr appoint last July I came away with "come back in a YEAR" if you still havent conceived. He ran a pap and general labwork (basic chems) all came back fine.

Now something told me to go home and use my ol' buddy google cus he sure didnt give me ANY information. That's how I came to learn about charting and how to get preggars in general. So after 6 months I went back to see a diff Dr and he gave me a referral right away to an Ob/Gyn. He also ran thyroid/prolactin and an FSH (although this wont count I come to find out as I was CD 6 at the time)

Anyhoo...the ob/gyn has now decided he wants to run a CCCT next cycle (unmonitored) to check FSH levels CD3 & CD10. DH will do a SA in the meantime and we have a scheduled appoint to see him in April again to discuss results and go from there. Of course I'm HOPING I wont have to ie.. no AF this month and a nice BFP to boot. FXed there :)

I think that about wraps it up in a nutshell. Looking forward to seeing everyone announce their BFP's in the very near future. :hugs::flower:
Hi and welcome ,good luck for next month ,it's great to see another 44 year old ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I am 44 (DH is 42). No kids so HOPING for a first some time this year. (soon pleeeease) I met and fell in love later in life. We got married last April. TTC for about a year now.

I had NO clue how hard it was to conceive nor did I have any idea that there is really only a 24 hour window of opportunity!! Can we say clueless :blush:

Anyhoo...the ob/gyn has now decided he wants to run a CCCT next cycle (unmonitored) to check FSH levels CD3 & CD10. DH will do a SA in the meantime and we have a scheduled appoint to see him in April again to discuss results and go from there. Of course I'm HOPING I wont have to ie.. no AF this month and a nice BFP to boot. FXed there :)

I think that about wraps it up in a nutshell. Looking forward to seeing everyone announce their BFP's in the very near future. :hugs::flower:

Welcome!!! :flower: I know what you mean about being clueless, :cloud9: for the first 3 years, I just followed the advice of my GP, I had my FSH done and she said to just go with the flow...:shrug:......luckily I started seeing a FS last year and he has put me on Clomid, and I am seeing a fertility clinic soon to discuss options re invasive treatment.

Good luck to you! xx

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