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Question/Favor to ask of my UK ladies!!! Page 50 Xxx

But if course I wouldn't go self medicating, my bestie is a pharmacist so I checked into it a bit further than just buying a random prescription online.
how lucky for you! that is great that she can give you professional advice on that medication! but i think at this point if it can't harm you, i'd try it too!
With online buying you never know what's in meds or where it's coming from....... If its a reputable place then it's prob okay but still wouldn't increase a dose of steroid without clearance from your doctor. Just want you to be careful but do whatever you think is necessary.
Wow stucki I'm delighted for you x sending loads an loads of sticky :dust: your way xxx
Congrats on your BFP!!! :happydance: I am hoping and praying that this is going to be your sticky bean and that you can go on and have a H&H 9 months!!! I have everything crossed for you hun!!:dust::dust::dust:
Stucki - just jumping in here as I have taken prednisone for over 7 years... I've been on it for over a month straight before... at 100mg. It DOES make you eat/gain weight. If taken long term it can cause sweating in places you never sweat before (back esp) and I have been known to be quite pissed off on it haha... but I swear by it. It's the ONLY medicine that can shrink my nasal polyps enough for me to be able to breathe/taste for short periods.

In fact I think I was on it when I got pregnant with DD... and am curious about asking to be put on it if I keep miscarrying!
hey stuck
have u got ur beta hcg checked yet? or tried taken a digital im just hoping ur not getting ahead of yourself thats all it just seems like your not 100% sure your prego i really do hope you are but dont you think your test shouldve start darken up by now? i found out at 3weeks and my lines were pretty light but u could still see them when i took a pic of them and when i went for a free pregnancy test clince at the health department it also came up positive and like 2days later i took some more test and they got like way way dark!! i really hope this is it for you as i was so happy to get my :bfp: last month after ttc for 2+yrs well my fingers are crossed for you best of luck :dust:
hey stuck
have u got ur beta hcg checked yet? or tried taken a digital im just hoping ur not getting ahead of yourself thats all it just seems like your not 100% sure your prego i really do hope you are but dont you think your test shouldve start darken up by now? i found out at 3weeks and my lines were pretty light but u could still see them when i took a pic of them and when i went for a free pregnancy test clince at the health department it also came up positive and like 2days later i took some more test and they got like way way dark!! i really hope this is it for you as i was so happy to get my :bfp: last month after ttc for 2+yrs well my fingers are crossed for you best of luck :dust:

she's only 8dpo. so no, her tests are appropriate for what dpo she is. every woman and every pregnancy is different - just because you had darker lines does not mean she would. at 3 weeks pregnant, i was still getting bfn's. also, she has a long history with pregnancies, so stucki knows what she's dealing with.
i know you mean to be supportive, but your post came off rather cruel.
hey stuck
have u got ur beta hcg checked yet? or tried taken a digital im just hoping ur not getting ahead of yourself thats all it just seems like your not 100% sure your prego i really do hope you are but dont you think your test shouldve start darken up by now? i found out at 3weeks and my lines were pretty light but u could still see them when i took a pic of them and when i went for a free pregnancy test clince at the health department it also came up positive and like 2days later i took some more test and they got like way way dark!! i really hope this is it for you as i was so happy to get my :bfp: last month after ttc for 2+yrs well my fingers are crossed for you best of luck :dust:

I know you're trying to help but that sounds kinda harsh. It's a 3 hour round trip for her to go see her doctor so when she gets to a certain point in her pregnancy she will. And her tests have darkened since her first positive. Everyone's hcg rises differently. She has been ttc for a very long time, has had several losses unfortunately, but she is very smart and knows what she's doing.
hey stuck
have u got ur beta hcg checked yet? or tried taken a digital im just hoping ur not getting ahead of yourself thats all it just seems like your not 100% sure your prego i really do hope you are but dont you think your test shouldve start darken up by now? i found out at 3weeks and my lines were pretty light but u could still see them when i took a pic of them and when i went for a free pregnancy test clince at the health department it also came up positive and like 2days later i took some more test and they got like way way dark!! i really hope this is it for you as i was so happy to get my :bfp: last month after ttc for 2+yrs well my fingers are crossed for you best of luck :dust:

I know you're trying to help but that sounds kinda harsh. It's a 3 hour round trip for her to go see her doctor so when she gets to a certain point in her pregnancy she will. And her tests have darkened since her first positive. Everyone's hcg rises differently. She has been ttc for a very long time, has had several losses unfortunately, but she is very smart and knows what she's doing.

I agree with Brittany...that does sound very harsh. I'm sure thats not how you meant it but I think you could have worded it quite differently.
But the test are getting darker, the first ones posted I couldnt see lines at all when others could and said as much in this thead, as the days have gone on I can see the lines more and more clearly and that last lot of tests Stucki posted I can see clear as day and believe me I am a terrible line spotter, at only 8dpo I think they look amazing :flower:
stucki, is this same doctor who prescribed you 10mg pred the same one you've been going to all along?

Yes, he's the very same one.

He had no good reason for me as to why he wouldn't rx the full 25mg, and I'm going to do what has worked for a lot of the other ladies here.

He's probably trying to minimise side effects. I've taken pred on and off since i was 4 years old for severe asthma (grown out of it now)
It can cause weight gain, both water retention and fat gain, most typically a fat round face often called a 'moon face' also thins skin causing stretch marks to be more likely.
Also be careful what you take with it, certain combos can cause gastric ulcers.
Other than that, it just made me feel more perky when I was on it! (And saved my life several times!)

Good luck hun, everything crossed for you!!
Hmmm... I can't help thinking that self medicating is a bad idea. Any medications should be taken at the prescribed dose and under the direction and monitoring of a doctor. Personally if you aren't happy with theadvice your Dr is giving then seek a 2nd opinion rather than self medicating. There could be a reason he isn't prescribing what you think you should have. Just my opinion (as a health professional)
It can be very dangerous to buy medications online. They're not regulated. They can be filled with God knows what. It's really not worth it. They're often fake, and if they're not, then they're not what they say they are. The fillers used can be unsafe (and all medications have fillers in them). Since you don't know what you're getting, you can be taking something that is dangerous to take while pregnant.

I'm not going to take bought over the internet drugs...no matter where they came from...yesterday, when I mentioned it, I was so excited about the prospect that I could even obtain them, that I kind of let my heart lead my brain on that one.

For those of you yelling at me about taking internet drugs, Thank you. I know you mean well, and don't worry...I'll stick to the prescribed dose..........for now [*evil grin*] lol

Thanks for sticking around all this time and cheering me on everyone else.
Have you tested again today yet hun? :hugs:




that's a very clear line, hun! :thumbup: lovin it!

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