Quick clomid question

hello you xx

strange i thought i replied to you, obviously something went wrong lol

yea party went well, but i have to say i am very glad its all over, yes i am totally shattered!

wow a day at the lakes, that sounds really really lovely hun, i am glad you had a ncice time.

like you i am tired, i find i get home from work and just have to lay down for 20 mins, not to sleep just to wind down, if you understand that lol

i know every girl is different but i am not feel nauseous at all, i mean i did slightly at lunch time but think that cause i was hungry, my boobs did hurt all the time but now they just tender on and off, i hope i am worrying for nothing, just paranoid i am sure.

i just hear about all the different symptoms and i hardly have any!

anyway lol......

no i think you are a week a head of me hun as from your period date your cycle is a week before mine lol

the book is called baby bible, its upstairs but i will get the author for you hun x its good and easy reading :-)

your lucky, my doctor was rubbish he didnt give me anything!

i am so looking forward to the weekend, i am really finding it to get through everyday at work lol today was good though, i got to 11.30am before i had my lunch lol

i find i am hungry in the day, but at night im not, strange!

by the way what do you do for work hun?

speak soon hunny

sending hungs to you and beani xx
hiya! Still not had anything from midwife, might ring the docs again if I don't have anything by friday. I'm coming up to 7 weeks if you go off my last period date, but I think I'm only at 6 weeks.

As for the symptoms, don't worry, everybody's different, some women have no symptoms at all, you've at least had your levels checked and everything is fine isn't it? If you're at all worried though, don't hesitate to go see your midwife, and ask them to do another blood test or something to check your hormone levels are rising well. Weird I haven't even had a blood test yet! :shrug:

Just so impatient at the moment! I think because its the first pregnancy, and its taken us so long to get here we're both panicking something's going to go wrong, but we have to think positively, I'm sure we'll be bump buddies before too long! :hugs:

I work for a paper and cloth manufacturer in the export dept. I did French and Italian for my degree, so sort of fell in to Export because of my languages. I'm a Sales co-ordinator dealing mainly with passport contracts, (we make the outer cover), I enjoy it - most of the time! How about you hun?

Well have a good weekend, what are you up to? I'm not going on the hen do, I'm not really bothered about missing out, just want to make sure little bean is ok! Its amazing how protective I am already! :kiss:

Take care hun and catch up soon :hugs:


afternoon from a very tired ickle me lol :sleep:

any news from the midwife yet? best to contact them like you said, in case they forgot to right to you.

i have rung hospital for another test but no reply think i am just nervous and being paranoid, cant help it, need to learn to relax!

omg freeky they jsut rang me back lol, told me that they dont useually do more than one progesterone test, as they have to be done so often to see the rise. i told her i was sorry to phone and she was really nice, and said not to be silly. :thumbup:

i told her i think i am just worried cause one min i feel different the next i dont, she said that is so normal, it would be nice if we were all sick from day one lol

she was really nice and has put my mind at ease, she did say at anytime i can go up there.

anyway lol..........i am a childcare co-ordinator, if you have heard of registered childminders? i basically am in charge of all 300 of them in the borough that i work for, i monitor, assess, recruit, train and develop registered childminders, plus a whole lot more lol i really enjoy it as no day is the same.

wow your job sounds interesting - my brother has his own export company, dealing in plastics i think lol he is always off to nigera and china!

i am pleased you have decided to not go to hen, dont want you stressing while there and like you said she will understand once she finds out.

what are your plans instead, anything nice>?:winkwink:

we have a wedding on saturday, going to be hard to not drink in front of mother in law and sis in law but i guess i can ask hubby for a vodka and lemondade and he will just get the lemonade.

if i dont speak to you have a lovely weekend hunny :flower:

Hiya hun, you still tired? :sleep: It's amazing isn't it how little energy you have! I've been constantly yawning at work today! Bought a Pregnancy book too, called Your Pregnancy week by week, its really good and has lovely hand drawn drawings of babies at each stage. Also good news! I've got my first antenatal appointment on 26th August! Not long to go! (Although a couple of days seems an age at the moment! lol ) The midwife is coming to our house too which I find novel, I thought I'd have to go to the hospital or a clinic or something. :thumbup:

No real plans for the weekend, I'm supposed to be not feeling well so can't really do much with my other friends as they know the hen too! My mum wants to go maternity shopping already bless her, but I said we're a long way off that!

Hope you have a good time at the wedding, and thats a good idea about getting your hubby to get the drinks! We have this girl's wedding in 3 weeks, so I'm going to say I'm driving as an excuse not to drink.

Your job sounds really interesting! And rewarding too! If the people you are dealing with are going to be in charge of children!

Still considering whether to have an early scan, think it would put my mind at rest in one way but in another way, I think I can wait, what will be will be, I'm confident things are going well, I just wish they were more reassuring with first time mums! Your place sounds really good, I think mine adopt the wait and see attitude!

Anyway have a lovely weekend hun, look after little bean and I'll speak to you soon! :hugs:


Hello, thank heavens its friday!

wow did you get all that rain last night? silly me went and watched the boys play football, was a good idea at first haha!

yay! you got your appointment, and how fantastic that they come to your house, i would so much prefer that, parking at my hospital is a total nightmare! Amazinghow each part of the country has different procedures.

That book sounds cool, my oe has pictures too, its nice to see its it.

well, i dont know if i have put on weight or just bloated but i could not do up my jeans last night, no impressed as i know i cannot blame the pregnancy for this lol, so if you mum wants to buy me some maternity clothes that would be great lol lol.......its probably the amount of food i eat in the day, as i only ever used to have breakfast and dinner, so cant complain lol

i think i am going to wait until after my antenatal appointment and i will decide after that if i cant hold off for an early scan, or see how i feel, because it is only a couple of weeks, after i get my first scan, so i guess i am using the first antenatal as my mile stone, helps in my head lol. although my wait is a bit longer than yours 9th Sept first app, 21st sept scan!

yeah my hospital is really good, i just said to my nurse, i suppose for first time mums its harder because you dont know what to expect and because the wait to see a midwife is so long you have no one to ask questions too!

i hope you have a lovely weekend too hunny, may be a good opportunity to chill out.

lots a love xx :hugs:
Hello you, how was the wedding? Did you manage to keep your little secret?! I love weddings, I'm looking forward to my friend's in 3 weeks time seeing as I missed the hen do, had a couple of messages from her telling me to get better and I did feel a little bad, but bean comes first! And to be honest I couldn't have done it, I've had naps all weekend when I could, and have been peeing constantly so it would have been very difficult to explain! :winkwink:

I went swimming with my mum yesterday as I thought I should get some exercise. I usually go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week, but as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I've only been going for walks as I didn't feel up to going to the gym, or that I should overdo it. And as for the putting on weight thing, I know I must have cos I can only fit in to one pair of jeans! It's the eating thing, although I'm trying to eat as healthily as possible, I think your body is preparing for the baby so has started to expand already! I have to confess I caved and have bought a pair of maternity jeans from Next cos they were only 20 quid and they're so comfy! I think they're ideal if you want to go and have a meal out! lol! :thumbup:

How come you have to wait so long hun for your appointment? after all you got your :bfp: a few days before me, so even if its not end August, I would have thought you would have your antenatal appt beginning September? Although I suppose they are going off the day you had the IUI aren't they? I think with me being off the clomid this month, they're not sure how far along I am, my doc said they do scans around 11 or 12 weeks if they're not sure, so I may end up with an early one I don't know.

One weird thing isn't so much the nausea, as my heart rate going up, which makes me feel a bit funny, as if I have to breathe deeper? The nausea is only mild anyway, I kind of wish I was sick with it, but I know someone who didn't even feel like she was pregnant, had a very easy 9 months and a 2 hour water birth! Some people do have it easier, so I suppose we're lucky not to be experiencing the throwing up! :sick:

Anyway have a good week hun and I'll speak to you soon! :hugs:
Lots of love and hugs xxx

Morning hun.

how are you today? i am totally shattered and feel like i need to go back to bed, i dont know how i am going to get through this day!

i am glad that you got to rest over the weekend hun, swimming sounds good i am going this week as well with hubby, i need to do something, like you i used to go to the gym but stopped!

my friend did pregnancy yoga and she said it really helped with the birth so will look into that a little down the line, its meant to be good!

the wedding was nice although i was really tired and couldnt stop yawning, not really polite and kept peeing all night long, back and forth to the ladies lol.

my fist antenatal is 9th Sept which makes me 9 weeks, then my first scan (if going by IUI) will make me around 11 weeks, it did say in the letter is was first available date available.

you know what will be funny, is if they measure baby and it comes out that i am more far gone, because we will def know they got it wrong as we will know from the date of the IUI lol, it will be interesting lol i am so excited for scan i really am!

i have exactly the same thing with my heart rate at times, especially when walking normally up my stairs etc, i did read up on it, = Changes in your circulatory system gradually occur after you conceive. The change is to fulfill the requirements of extra blood in your body to your baby. The blood during pregnancy circulates through placenta to ensure the supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the developing fetus in your body. The cardiac output of your heart increases by 30-40 percent and your blood pressure decline slightly as more of your blood is aimed at the uterus, kidneys and skin.

so it is normal hun

i hope you have a good week too hun and speak soon

Hi hun, I know what you mean about the tired thing, I can't stop yawning at work! and breathing deeply and trying to cover the nausea! I'm sure someone's going to guess soon!

Going for my acupuncture appt tomorrow, first once since finding out, so I'm looking forward to seeing her. I've heard it can help with nausea too, I'll ask her tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to Friday, I have the day off and I'm going shopping with my best friend, its going to really hard not telling her, but we're not telling anyone else il after the scan. I need to find an outfit for this wedding in 2 weeks, seeing as a lot of my things don't fit! I've not weighed myself yet but am putting it off until the midwife appointment! lol! :winkwink:

Hope the next few weeks go quickly for us, not that I'm wishing the time away, just want to get to the safer period! Once we've had our scans, we'll have to celebrate somehow, don't quite know how! We can post our :bfp:'s on here at last! :cloud9:

Take care hope you're having a good week and I'll speak to you soon! :hugs:

Hi you,

sorry i have not emailed, i have been manic, or tired lol........ i am glad last week is done and dusted, but now a new one has begun lol and i am yerning for the weekend already.

we didnt do anything all weekend, apart from go to the cinema, which was nice, i got to chill out and rest, which is what i needed.

how did your acupuncture go? oh and how was shopping, nice?

i see you made choc rice crispies, they are one of my specialities too lol

i am not feeling too bad, but have found that i am really hungry, then once i eat i feel nauseous, like i have to breathe deeply in and out, not actually been sick which is good, but girls at work keep asking if i am okay oops lol.

how are you feeling? i weighed myself yesterday, so not happy but i would not change it for the world.

what dates your midwife coming? i found a place that does early scans near me but for £100 i am starting to get impatient lol, but think we will hold off, i hope these weeks fly by.

speak to you soon hun xxxx
hiya hun, I'm ok, just exactly the same, I seem to have no patience at work, I'm so tired and just want to sleep! The nausea is similar for me, but it starts as soon as I wake up, is bad when I'm hungry then once I've eaten, I get the same thing, have to breathe really deeply! :wacko:

Glad you had a relaxing weekend, we didn't really do much, I was knackered after shopping on Friday, and still didn't find a dress (well apart from one which was over £100!) and the one that is usually my fail safe dress, the one I was going to wear if I didn't find anything doesn't fit! I can't believe it! I haven't dared weigh myself yet, but the midwife is coming a week on wednesday so will have to! It's not like I'm eating unhealthily (well apart from the rice crispie cakes! lol!) but I feel like I've put on half a stone already! I don't mind though, I keep telling bean I'm not bothered about the sore boobs, or the tiredness etc etc as long as he or she's healthy! :baby:

I have to confess, I rang a couple of places last week and they can do a scan in Manchester for £99 so we've booked one for this sunday, just so impatient I want to know everything's ok. At least I'll know then exactly how far along I am, either 8 weeks or 9. I think I'll only be 8 weeks this weekend, but we'll see. I'll let you know how we get on.

Well I'd better go, need the loo again! lol! Take care and speak to you soon
xx :hugs:

Wow, wow, wow, you are having a scan, how fantastic, did they say you had to klnow how far you were? i mean how far along do you have to be, to be able to see anything.

oh, i so want to book one now lol!! so excited for you and what a lovely thing to look forward to at the weekend, YAY :-)

like you i am not eating unhealthily, well maybe a few extra crisps but nothing major, so what is all this weigh gain? my stomach is so bloated and my hips seem to be getting bigger, none of my cloths are fitting nicely anymore, thank heavens for leggins, but even with them my muffin top is showing lol lol oh well.

it must be something more than just eating thats making us put this weight on lol, oh yeah apart from being preggers, woohoo:flower:

last couple of days i seem to be having 'pinching, twisiting' type senstations on both sides, like if you were to get when ovulating, strange, i have looked it up and just says its the uterus stretching, i panic about everything, its terrible.

i have a wedding at the begining of september and like you i have no idea what to wear and dont relaly want to waste money on something that isnt going to fit after lol

i cant wait to hear from you about your scan, i really cant.:baby:

Hiya hun! I can't wait for the scan, I knew I was impatient, but the waiting is driving me crazy! They asked how far gone I was, I said I would be 8 weeks at the scan but I wasn't 100% sure hence the need for the scan. I probably won't be able to see much, but I'll be able to hear the heart beat, or at least see it flashing! :baby:

I've had the same things and yes I panic every time I feel something, but I suppose I'd worry if I didn't feel anything! :wacko:

Felt so ill yesterday after work I got in bed for an hour and slept as soon as I got in! Just couldn't shake off the sickly feeling or the hunger all day! Its weird, I eat because I'm hungry, but it tends to increase the sickness and heavy breathing! Feel slightly better today, might see if I can go swimming later. Wish I could take some time off work! But I need to save some days for later on in the year. Are you going to go away? It's good to relax and chill out, especially during the 1st trimester! :flower:

Anyway have a good week and speak to you soon :hugs:

Hi ladies
I am having quite a bit of pain just above my pelvic bone? Is this another clomid symptom? I'm CD22 today and DPO 4.
Any ideas?
Thank you!

p.s. to be more specific about this pain. It is like a cramp but there is no wave to it. It just stays cramped.
Hello reallyready.

I dont recall having any pelvic pain, when i was on chlomid, so i cant really be of any help, although if i was you i would contact the clinic and just ask them over the phone, they may want to check you out, or it may be a water infection, or it may be nothing, but just to ease your mind, maybe?

if you want to ask anything else, feel free as you can see, we are here :-)

i hope the pain has eased off x
ok, so i rang the local place that does scans and she cant fit me in untill like the week before my NHS scan, i thought it was a bit strange considering they make money out of it.:growlmad:

so obviously i have left it, if i can find another place then maybe! but there dont seem to be many around.

Are you really experiencing the pinching, twisting sensation, although i havent had it for a couple of days! my boobs have seem to worn off today but i am finding this is happening every few days or so. i still feel rough, so i know everything is ok lol :happydance:

i hope you are feeling better hun, sometimes you just have to give in and lay down, i know that 9/10 i have to lay down for 20 mins or so every night after work!:sleep::sleep:

i know exactly what you mean about hunger and sickness its like a vicious circle huh! although i am finding i am not as hungry as i was in the mornings or evening, hope thats okay!!!

have you told your parents about your scan hun ?

i really hope you are feeling a bit brighter today, keep breathing lol :hugs:

thanks for your note. i did take your advice and called the dr. my doc is actually out so a partner doc called me back. it was a man which always throws me cause how you do explain a uterus cramp to a man, but anyway, he said that the pain i am describing, a constant cramp above pelvic line and sometimes on right side with some shooting pain and numbing into right leg does not sound like clomid symptoms, does not sound like cysts or pregnancy but sounds like ovulation pain.
considering i thought i ovulated over the weekend, and have been having these pains on and off for the past few days, i find it really hard to believe, but just in case...:sex:

but get this, clomid takers, he told me that clomid would not still be in my system after 2 weeks, does that make ANY sense to you? It completely threw me. I always thought the drug stays in your system for at least the cycle if not longer. and that the symptoms I have felt in these last two cycles after ovulation are definitely related.

so screwy!
Hi reallyready, I was on 50mg clomid for 4 months then had a break and experienced ovulation pain every time, but not always when I thought I would, the month I didn't take the clomid, I still ovulated, and before the clomid I didn't, so I think it does stay in your system. Best thing to do is BD every other day or every couple of days throughout your cycle, then you have more of a chance of hitting the window. Relax and it'll happen!
Hi hun, that's really rubbish about it being so long for even a private scan! I went through babybond website, www.babybond.com you can book it on line and choose your region, maybe try that? I'm sure everything's fine, you're still having symptoms so I wouldn't worry, but you can always ring your midwife if you're concerned about anything, that's what they're there for! :thumbup:

I am still having the odd twinge or cramping low down, but not every day, and not as much as around when my period was due, I think as the baby grows,your uterus adapts to make it more comfortable! I'm feeling better today thanks, well as good as I can anyway! Strane to think I may have another 4-5 weeks of this! But it doesn't bother me as long as bean is healthy! :baby:

Take care hun and let me know how you get on :hugs:

Hi everyone! I'm on CD22 waiting to start 1st Clomid & OBGYN has me on the following: CD 3-7 Clomid 50mg, CD 8-12 Estrodiol 1.5 mg, CD12-16 :sex: & CD 17+ (until AF or BFP) Prometrium 200mg. Just wondering if anybody else has had the same?

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