Quick clomid question

Hi ya you.

wow, it was totally amazing and a big relief! pickle was very funny, he/she even waved (well looked liike it lol) and what was even funnier, he/she decided to turn over onto their tummy, and i saw it all happen, and then it wouldnt move turn back over lol, the guy was trying to wiggle my tummy to try and get it turn back but it wasnt having any of it lol

it was lovely to see and i could have watched the screen forever!:baby:

my hubby, was so excited and pleased, as you can imagine, he wanted to go and buy a travel system right there and then, he had done lots of research on them so knew which one was good lol, so i let him get on with it lol, it was fun shopping and now i have a travel system in my house i walked passed it this morning, and thought OMG!!!

i think we were both emotionally drained than anything last night, i am still shattered and cannot wait to get home to close my eyes lol

i will send you an email of my ickle pickle lol
anyway, how are you? how was your weekend hun xx

is it friday yet?:hugs:
Hi sweets! Sorry I didn't reply yesterday, I went on at lunch, but it was manic and I kept getting interrupted so I couldn't reply! :growlmad:
I am so pleased for you! I'm so glad pickle is ok, I knew he/she would be! I'm exactly the same though, worrying every 5 minutes! I can't wait til saturday to see Bean again! I can't believe pickle turned round so much! Just wait til you can feel it! Its going to be amazing I can't wait! :happydance:

So have you told everyone yet? I think I'm going to put it on facebook next week maybe, there are still a couple of friends I haven't seen yet that I want to tell in person first, and I am going to change my status on here to pregnant now! At last! It won't say TTC anymore! :happydance: :happydance:

That's so funny about your hubby, Mike is the same, well in a way, he's already sold the futon in the spare room, bought a new wardrobe and chest of drawers and we're apparently going to start decorating when we get back of holiday! And they say women are impatient! lol! :winkwink:

I went to dinner with a friend last night, well an early tea cos I was in bed by half 9! she was a bit late and I was wondering where she was, she then burst in saying you'll never guess why I'm late, and it was because she was buying pregnancy tests! She's had quite a few problems with cysts and endometriosis, and her and her husband have been trying for a while, so she was so excited that she might be, and she was! I was so pleased for her! Then when I told her I was too she almost flipped out she was so excited! So good news all round! :hugs:

Anyway hun I hope you have a fab week, I bet you're on cloud 9! :cloud9:

Speak to you soon
Lotsa love and hugs! :hugs:

Hello toots lol

wow thats amazing news about your friend, how lovely and she wont be far behind you, you can have baby coffee mornings lol arrr its great news.

arr bet you cant wait for saturday! i would have one every week if i could. Hubby wants to have one of those 4d scans, bless him lol

i keep staring at my scan pic and just analyzing it all the time, its amazing.

i have one of those stinking headaches, had it since yesterday morning, i cannot wait for it to go. early night for me i think. just annoying when i am in bed so early as it feels like i never leave work lol

decorating arrr how fantastic, i have been told that when he does it i am not allowed to see until its finished, im choosing the decor of course lol, i am such a control freek lol.

did you midwife tell you who gives you, your dentist/optician certifiate? to get it free, no one has mentioned it to me yet!

speak to you soon hunny xx have a lovely evening,:hugs:
Hiya hun!

Yes we're both really looking forward to saturday, plus its my mum's birthday so we're going to have a meal out - all be it an early one so I can go to bed! :wacko:

I didn't sleep very last night, so I've had a bloomin headache all day today too, I was late going in to work cos I just couldn't get out of bed! Only 2 days to go til the weekend! :thumbup:

That's so sweet of your hubby to do the room as a surprise! I have to admit I'm a bit of a control freak too so I have to supervise! lol! :winkwink:

I wasn't sure what to do about the dentist thing, I actually booked an appt. for next friday before we go away cos my gums are really sore! I'll have to ring up and ask.

So have you told everyone yet? Cos if not my mum will do it for you! lol! I think aside from taking out a newspaper add, she's told all her friends about Bean! :flower:

I think we'd like to have a 4D scan too later on, its looks amazing! :baby:

Anyway I'm going to go to bed I'm shattered! Have a good rest and hope you're headache's gone! :sleep:

Speak soon xxx :hugs:

hi ya

was lovely talking to you last night, i didnt end up falling asleep till about 11.30pm even though i was so tired!!!:sleep:

i could not get up this morning grrrr, and as usual i bet i cant lay in on saturday.

arrr sounds like your saturday is going to be really lovely a day full of nice stuff. :happydance:

To get a maternity exemption certificate aparently you need to ask your midwife for a form and they will send you a certificate in the post, it may work differently there!

you made me laugh when you said that about your mum lol lol i have warned my mum not to say anything until saturday, she is just bursting lol :wacko:

we have arranged to see our friends on saturday for early dinner (the girl who was on facebook last night) she is the one who is pregnant and wasnt really there for me, its been a bit strained lately and havent really seen much of here, used to see her so often, so i have to say i am nervous, but i think she will fall off her chair!!! well hopefully not as aparently she looks like she has a beach ball down her top lol

hopefully once she knows what i have been through, she will see the errors of her ways! who knows!

my brother had a 4d scan with his first son it was amazing! ill see how much they are

ok hun i best get on, feeling really uncomfortable today and dont know why grrrr, oooh got my maternity jeans on for the first time today heheheh:happydance:

speak to you soon hope your head is better.

Hello you! Well we had a lovely time at the scan, and we took my mum and dad with us, because it was just the free private one, you can take more than just one person in with you, my mum thought it was a lovely birthday present! She cried bless her! :flower:
Bean was upside down at first! then turned over and looked right at us with one hand under his/her head! and Mike sleeps like that! It looked like a little alien though! So cute! then it moved again and looked like it was waving! :happydance:
I can't believe how much Bean has grown in 2 and a half weeks! Mind you, the size of my stomach is a give away! It seems to be growing rather rapidly! :thumbup:

So did you manage to have a lie in? I didn't really, but might have a little sleep before we go out! :sleep:

That'll be nice telling your friend, she'll be really pleased for you, and hopefully she'll realise she should have been there for you. I hope you have a lovely night hun, its so nice being able to tell people!

Hope you're feeling more comfortable! I couldn't fasten some trousers I used to wear all the time yesterday, but my maternity trousers were in the wash! I think I'll definitely need to buy or borrow some clothes soon!

Take care hun and have a fab weekend, I'll send you a photo probably Monday when we've scanned it. Let me know how it goes later! :hugs:


hi ya you, arrr thats so lovely that you could take your mum, i wish i could!

thats funny how you saw him positioned like mike lol, so cute.:thumbup:

we have managed now to have told everyone, and it is a big sigh of relief lol, my friend was really suprised but very happy her partner who is my hubbys best mate, ran straight up to the bar and bought us a bought us a bottle of champagne, which was really lovely.

my tummy is growing too, even my line manager said to my colleague, do u think she is just putting on weight, or do u think she is expectin!!!!!

we did lots of walking yesterday, which was nice, first bit of exercise i have done in a long time, and i did ache after lol, how bad is that!

i have also ordered a pregnancy yoga dvd, hopefully it will be here soon :-)

i hope your mum had a good bday, and you enjoyed your meal.

cant wait to see your scan

lots a love xx:hugs:
Hi hun! So nice to finally be able to announce it isn't it! And its now on FB too! I haven't done an announcement on here though yet, are you going to? The only reason I thought I would is for those who are still trying on Clomid, you could maybe tell of your success with IUI? Anyway, its starting to become real now most people know! :happydance:

We had such a lovely weekend, and we're away from this saturday so we're really lucky, but I can't wait, I so need a holiday I'm exhausted! I think I'll be sleeping most of the time! It'll be strange not being in touch for a week! But if I get on the internet, I'll send you a quick message to say hi! :flower:

Hope you're having a good week sweets, let me know how that Yoga DVD is!

Speak to you soon! :hugs:


hello you,

how are you? i am really tired today, i have been trying to get into work fr 8.15am-8.30 so i can leave at 4pm, its hard but i prefer to get home early and i seem to be waking up early, so i thought i might as well.:sleep:

it was very strange announcing it on facebook and everyone seems so suprised, why i do not know! lol last person to tell is line manager dragon, tomorrow! i have a one to one with her so will tell her then, then i can really hang out and breathe lol:happydance:

i put on my slouching jumper last night and it was so tight around the tummy i had to stretch it to be able to feel comfortable, how funny is that. i also put on a day dress this morning and it was the first time that i realised i had actually put on weight, it was tight everywhere, where as in aug it was quite lose fitting lol oh well lol:blush:

oh yeah i forgot you are going away - whats the weather like there? i bet you cannot wait! we were going to try and get away over new year but i bit worried about flying as i will be 6 months, i so need a break.

you get all the sleep you can, it will be wonderful to be waited on and to be able to chill out:coffee:

my dvd has still not arrived half of me just wants to get on with it, the other half is secretly glad its not here, so i dont have to do it hahahaha!

speak to you soon hun x:hugs:
Hi hun, not been on here for a while so thought I'd carry on the thread! So excited we're 16 weeks now! Hope I start to feel Bean soon! :baby:

Hope you're having a good week - so looking forward to the weekend already! Did you find an outfit for your party? I'm looking forward to having a big bump then people will know you're pregnant and you can wear stretchy things! lol!
Speak to you soon hun! :hugs:

Hi ya

sorry been totally manic, everytime i go to log on here, i get distracted! and my line manager is doing my brian in, totalllllyyyyyyyyyyyy:growlmad:

i am doing good, tired but good, have not had a headache since tuesday (they are horrible)

i soooooooo cant wait for the weekend, just to lay in, will be a blessing! this week has really dragged somewhat!

i havent had a chance yet to look for something to wear, but i do have a black dress that still fits me (stretchy) that i will probably just wear, save me buying anything, i also have an engagement party the following week, so who knows what i will wear for that lol

i am also going to the baby show on sunday with my friend, i cant wait, it will be so lovely to look around:happydance:

i am not planning on buying anything major but if i see anything, they are putting on another one near us in feb so hubby said he will come and buy stuff then :-)

my mother in law, informed me the other night, we now have 400 new born nappies, bless her, she is now onto the next stage lol i am sure it will be a great help.

we have the baby essential bags (you know the bounty ones you get) here at work so have managed to take a few, the sudo creams come in minature size and will be handy for going out and about, if you want to give me your addy on facebook, i would love to send you some :-) but no probs if not.

what are you up to over the weekend, anything nice?

my bump is very visable in most clothes now and the dress i am wearing sat definitley shows it off, its lovely xxx

sorry i have been crap at being on here i promise not to do it again lol

lots a love xxxxx:hugs:
Hiya hun! That's so good of your mother in law, wow 400 nappies seems like a lot, but when you think they go through up to 40 in a week you do need a lot! My sister in law is doing that for us, buying one thing a week, like breast pads, baby talc, all sorts, its so nice! :flower:

Awww that's lovely about your bump, it feels nice doesn't it when you can show it off, I seem to have developed bump envy though! My stomach goes out at the top, in at the navel then out for my bump! I think the stomach is just food while the bump is baby! lol! :wacko:
I thought I would just develop a bump then the rest of my stomach would follow! Seems my body has other ideas! ah well! It'll even out when I get bigger! :happydance:

Got my blood test on Monday, have you had yours yet? I'm a bit nervous about it, well for the results anyway, even though I know we should be low risk, I'll be glad when (hopefully) we get the results back and its low risk.

Going to my sister in laws for tea tonight, should be fun, I've made a lemon tart, really like baking, haven't done any in a while so its been nice! Then nothing planned tomorrow. I quite wish there was something to see at the cinema, my friends kep telling me they hardly ever go now they've got babies in fact going out as a two is a luxury! lol! so we're going to try and make the most of it! We have a trip to London planned for my friend's birthday end November, so we're getting the train down and staying in a nice hotel, but that's all really. I think we'll go to the Lake district for the day and out for lunches - its so nice but we seem to be even closer than before! :flower:

Hope you have fun at the show! And I would really appreciate that if you could send me a bag that would be great! Cheers hun! :hugs:

Have a lovely weekend and speak to you soon!

Monring hunny,

wow, i am totally shattered could not get up this morning at all lol.

the baby show was brilliant, we got there at 12pm and did not get home till 7pm hahahaha, it was massive.:sleep:

we did not buy a lot, i only got a towel thingy and get this............. there place where i had may 8 week scan has a stall there, and they were doing something called, heartbeat in a bear. you basically have your heart beat of your baby recorded and they put it inside a teddy bear and you press it everytime you want to hear it, it was WONDERFUL.:happydance:

i really thought all they would do was put the listening device on my tummy, but no they did it through the normal scanning process!!!!!!! ahhhh i was so happy i got to see my pickle and his/hers heart beat fluttering, and it had hic ups lol.:baby:

i did not have a clue that i would get to see pickle on screen and all for ten pounds, how amazing is that!

i was so reliefed as i was going to pay another £65 to have another scan soon as waiting till november 30th feels like a life time away from last scan and was starting to worry, so now i feel so much better and hopefully i can relax!!

my friend had one of those 3d scans, it was amazing, she is due in 10 weeks, and we got to see his features and he is soooooooo cute i was in tears lol

so good day all round, lots of freebies too lol

you should see if manchester are doing one hun.

anyway how was your lemon tart yummmmmm lol:happydance:

its so nice that you feel closer, its nice to know thats even possible isnt it hunny xx

how are you feeling, how was blood tests hun.

i had my bloods done when i had three months scan, getting results on wednesday, when i see my consultant.

lots a love and speak soon, roll on 5'oclock xxxxxxx:hugs:
Hiya sweetie! So glad you had a good time! Sounds amazing! I wish I had one going on near me! There's nothing as far as I know in Manchester, I think they had one beginning October and I missed it! :dohh:

Wow didn't know they would do you a scan right there and for only £10 that's fantastic! You must be thrilled and relieved! I can't believe you have to wait til end November though! I only have to wait less than 4 weeks and I already can't wait! I just want to know everything's ok and I'm sure it is, but its going to be a bit of a scary scan too until they say its all ok! :wacko:

I was considering hiring one of those doppler machines so I can hear Bean's heartbeat! but I don't know, what do you think? :shrug:

Blood test was ok, should get the results within a week if it comes back high risk, and a letter within 2 weeks if it comes back low risk, so fingers crossed I don't hear anything within a week!

Weekend was good, mostly relaxing, and the lemon tart was yummy! lol! :thumbup:

I'll send you my address on FB later on hun. Hope you're having a good day!
Speak to you soon
Lotsa love :hugs:

Hey you xx

thank heavens its nearly 3pm, it is a typical monday!

funny you should say that about the doppler things, i was gonna get one, i looked into it but the reviews are not great, some were saying that you sometimes pick up your own heart beat, and other times nothing at all! which will then worry you.

my friend did tell me that everytime she visits the midwife she listens to the babys heart beat, so hopefully that will happen with us, then hopefully we wont have to worry and can use them as mile stones, just a thought, but i know you are as anxious as me hun xx

yea send me your addy, i dont have the whole packs of the baby essential things as couldnt walk out building with them and its mostly leaflets but ill send you some bits hun :hugs:

Hi hun, don't think we're getting a doppler now, just for the reason I don't want to be worried just in case we can't find it! I have faith everything is fine! Just have to keep fingers crossed! :baby:

I'll send you my address, keep forgetting! lol! So tired tonight! Going to bed I think! :sleep:
Going to see Michael McIntyre tomorrow night, really looking forward to it! Hope you're having a good week! :flower:

Speak to you soon :hugs:

:hugs:Hi ya

yes everything will be fine hunny, so dont worry xx

i am off to get my blood test results now and to see consultant, not sure for what really, i am going to see the nurse who did the procedure, i bought her a thank you card and a box of jelly babies :baby:just felt i had to do something.

ill speak to you later sweetie, i hope all is well with you hun.

Hi hun, not been on here for ages! Hope you're ok! Had a good weekend, quite relaxing, although my friend is quite ill at the moment with an inflamed bladder, quite worrying for her, its like having cystitis for 2 months! :cry: so she was quite upset, she's seeing a consultant this week. But we watched a girly film and ate minstrels which is always a good thing! :thumbup:

I've been feeling Bean move the past week! It's amazing to think this little thing is moving around, I know we've had scans but to feel it is so lovely! Have you felt anything yet? I wasn't sure at first, thought it might be wind! lol! but its more distinctive! Always seems to be left side, and in the mornings, not so much in the afternoons, but I'm going to ask the midwife tomorrow about the positions etc I don't think you're meant to feel it every day at this early stage. So exciting though! :happydance:

Sooo can't be bothered with work today! There are quite a few managers and directors in the States for the annual Sales meeting, so its quiet, but not on the phone or e-mail front!

Are you going to have the swine flu injection do you think? I'm really not sure what to do, I'm going to see if the midwife can tell me anything tomorrow, but they've probably been told they have to advise to have it anyway! Its so confusing, I'm just not sure of the effects it would have, cos it hasn't been tested on pregnant women or not that many of them anyway. :wacko:

Well I'll speak to you soon hunny, hope you and pickle are good! :hugs:

OMG OMG you have felt bean move, tell me, tell me what is it like.......... no i havent hun, so deseperate to though.:thumbup:

i have had slight aching pains, dont think it is pickle moving though. do let me know what midwife says! i heard its like a little flutter, i cant wait.:happydance:

not sure about swine flu, i actually heard that on the radio this morning coming to work, if i saw my midwife i would ask her, but dont see her until 25 weeks, so can you let me know what yours says huny

really sorry about your friend that must be awful for her xx

my weekend was very productive, i got every single thing out of every single cupboard and got rid of loads of crap and stuff we dont use, need etc, i cant believe how much space i freed up!

i told hubby that now we have emptied pickles baby room cupboards nothing is to go back in them until we start buying stuff for pickle lol

i am a little OCD have you noticed lol.:blush:

i felt much better for doing it, hubby did most of it, with me pointing and saying where to put things lol, just glad i done it now as few months down the line i would have found it harder. but its done now

rest of weekend was relaxing, i seem to be getting up easier but by 10am i am ready to go back to bed lol:sleep::sleep::sleep:

i have a ball to go to in two weeks, went shopping, why is it maternity clothes seem to be so old or frumpy - i mean its the christmas season and no one has hardly anything, thats if they have a maternity section at all!!!

i let my feelings known to the mothercase assistant about this lol

i got a dress from there but only cause i cant see anything else, crazy huh

i havent forgot about your stuff, i will send once the post strike and back log dies down, dont want it getting lost or stuck anywhere, and we do have about 5 motnhs so i am sure you will get in time lol

oooooooo do you know we are nearly half way there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance:

lots a love hope your day is flying by xxx:hugs:
hi....hope u dont mind me joining this thread....im taking my 1st clomid pill tonight, 50mg. Its my first cycle & been told to take it days 2-6.....heard somewhere on here night time is best time to take it so thought id leave it til tonight .....is this right?? Im booked in for my first scan on fri ( day 6) then have been told i will have more internal scans the week after but i will find out after this scan .....will i be given this trigger shot?? my fertility specialist didnt mention it but to be honest she didnt mention much...just wrote the prescription out 4 the clomid & said read the leaflet on the follicular scanning & book urself in 4 a scan when you come on next. Im really hoping i do get the trigger shot as we have been ttc for 15 mths now & altho my husbands sperm has improved id like to know the best time to DTD.....dont want to be at it like rabbits & waste the sperm if u know what i mean!! lol.... xx

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