My husband and I have been trying for nearly two years. My bf got pregnant two weeks after ttc in May. Much to my dismay. All my friends know that we have been trying and have had an ectopic. So I was a bit surprised when I got messaged a picture of her positive pregnancy test, and since then I have had three ultrasound pictures messaged to me, and to top it off a video as well just last week! While I am very happy for her, I would love it if she would just think for a second that I might not be ready for all this. Our ectopic was just about 7 months ago and i would have been due around this time. And she gets annoyed if I don't reply in a certain amount of time and sends me a message to ask if I have seen it! Like everyone should only be thinking about her and her baby! I effing hate it!!!!!! Argh!!!!!!! And I feel like a bitch for thinking like this!! And the more she sends things the less I want anything to do with it!! I understand it's not all about me, but it is actually a bit much to deal with at the moment.