Sorry rereading jumpingo do you work in a hospital?
my husband does, but my privacy issue rant is unrelated to that...
i had a pap smear with my primary care doc done way back last summer and it came back abnormal. so i scheduled a colposcopy at the OBGYN clinic in mid Oct. that ended up being SMACK DAB in the middle of my fertile week and i broke down when i went in because a colposcopy takes about a week to recover from, which would have ruined our chances. (yeah, stressed much?
) anyway, i explained that we were trying for 1 more month and then taking about 4 months off to avoid risking being too pregnant to fly in september 2015. so the doc was really nice and looked at my test results again and said they didn't test for HPV the first time (um, isn't that a huge part of getting a pap smear?
) so they would just redo the pap smear and then go from there. well, turns out i DID get pregnant that week. then they called my husband (who is NOT the patient
while he was at WORK
) and told him that the test came back abnormal again so i did need to get the colposcopy now. he told them i was pregnant, so couldn't have it done. he mentioned it offhandedly to me that they called and relayed the conversation. i was SO mad.
*i* was the patient, and no one called ME to tell ME about my health issues.
then, to add insult to injury: i got a scan at 8+1 off base because i couldn't wait until 12 weeks, which is the first prenatal appointment that they do here that involves a scan or anything beyond "Q&A with the nurse."
the doctor off base said there was no heartbeat and that i should get a follow-up in a week to see if the fetus has grown or if they can find a heartbeart. i called OB on base and told them that and they acted like i had recently talked to them; "
the doc says she already talked to you" (no, i was calling for the FIRST time, get your patients straight
) and they also told me: "
sorry, we can't help you so just keep your 12 week appointment." i LOST it.
my husband went down to OB and basically insisted they see me. it should not take a man going in and strong arming to get health care in a way that is responsive to patients' concerns and needs. anyway, that was a monday. i got an appointment for a scan the following week on tuesday, but started bleeding on sunday, miscarried on monday and cancelled the tuesday appointment.
2 days later, OB called to say, "
we heard what happened and were calling to schedule a follow-up appointment to make sure everything has resolved itself and also need to schedule that colposcopy." oh, how sensitive to call me 3 days after miscarrying to remind me, since i'm no longer pregnant, that i need that.
needless to say, i hate the OB department. both the docs i've dealth with are pretty good but the nurse who works there (and makes all the phone calls and basically is the filter between you and the docs whenever you call) is my mortal enemy.