Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Hi everyone.

Clara's sleep is back to being awful again after about a week of good nights (only 2 or 3 wakings). Last night she was up every hour or sometimes more often. She has just got her two top front teeth and still seems to be teething. So maybe I just need to wait it out for a week and see if she settles down again? But honestly it is just one thing after another with Clara, she seems to be constantly either unwell or teething. She is also back to wanting to be fed to sleep again although she does wake up slightly when I transfer her into the cot and settles back to sleep herself.

I don't really know what to do. I am due back in work next month (although I'm hoping to take a bit of extra unpaid leave) - as things stand there is no way that I would be able to function in work on so little sleep. I feel like I need to do something but I'm just lost about what is the best thing to do. I wouldn't mind doing sleep training involving crying if I was certain that it would work but she didn't really properly respond last time and there was an awful lot of crying - and I'm just not sure that I can put either of us through that again. She just slips back into bad sleep patterns so easily with any illness/teething/etc. so that even if sleep training worked, I worry that she would just relapse back again with the next tooth or cold. I am also wondering about going back to co-sleeping. We have practical difficulties in that all of the bedrooms are small and the layout is not perfect. Our bedroom is not ideal because it's not possible to put the bed against a wall due to the layout of wardrobes/windows/etc. and also OH would have to sleep elsewhere as the bed is not big enough for three of us. Clara is currently in the box room. There is a futon in there which I sleep on when she's very unsettled but the room isn't big enough to open the futon out when the cot is in there so it's not suitable for co-sleeping. I was actually considering moving the futon into my 3 year old's room and sleeping in there with Clara. Am I crazy for thinking about this? I would probably keep putting her in the cot for naps and bedtimes but then bring her in to sleep with me on the futon when she wakes after I've gone to bed. This is the only option that I can really think of for safe co-sleeping. I know my 3 year old would absolutely love the idea (actually he suggested it!) and actually that is holding me back a bit because it might not work out and then he'd be so disappointed.

Open to any suggestions!!! I feel so lost and don't know what direction to go with her sleep now. So should I:
1. Do nothing and just wait it out and see if her sleep settles down again (as it was actually getting better up until we went away last weekend)
2. Do some sleep training (would need to psych myself up)
3. Co-sleeping (but where?)
Don't know what to do.

I don't think there's a right or wrong answer. You really have to do what you're comfortable with.

I'm not a fan of option 1. There's always something. If she falls into old sleep habits easily, you're going to have to be 110% consistant. So consistant it hurts. I know it's hard to have a baby like that when it seems like others go through a 3 day sleep training and STTN from then on! Honestly, it's a compliment to Clara - she's smart! She has your number ;)

If you do decide to go foward with sleep training, I would do CC with longer intervals or just straight CIO/extinction (with one check of course - I'd never advocate not checking on a crying baby). It will be easier for you to be consistent with these methods, which will in turn likely result in less overall crying.

I think it's fine to go back to co-sleeping if you prefer, but only if you want to. I'm in favor of co-sleeping, but only when it's desirable for the whole family.

I think the most important thing is that Clara gets quality, solid, uninterrupted sleep. Using your mommy instincts, how do you think she would sleep best? With you? Or in her own bed? Again, no right answer here! It's very personal. Good luck with whatever you choose hun :flower:
Oh I should say we started with a last wake time of around 3.5 - he gradually stretched this out himself. So if she's tired before 3.75 you might want to put her down a tiny bit earlier x

This scares me the most - 3.5 hours between last nap and bedtime!! She was so tired last night after being up for only 1 1/2 hours. This is what our day looked like:

6am Up for day
8:30 - 8:50 Nap 1 (daycare)
10:45 - 11:15 Nap 2 (daycare)
2pm - 5pm Nap 3 (home)
7pm Bottle/Asleep by 7:15
Oh I should say we started with a last wake time of around 3.5 - he gradually stretched this out himself. So if she's tired before 3.75 you might want to put her down a tiny bit earlier x

This scares me the most - 3.5 hours between last nap and bedtime!! She was so tired last night after being up for only 1 1/2 hours. This is what our day looked like:

6am Up for day
8:30 - 8:50 Nap 1 (daycare)
10:45 - 11:15 Nap 2 (daycare)
2pm - 5pm Nap 3 (home)
7pm Bottle/Asleep by 7:15

She's tired out of habit. It can happen!

I'd try capping individual naps at 2 hours.. I'd end her final nap by 4pm :)
She's tired out of habit. It can happen!

I'd try capping individual naps at 2 hours.. I'd end her final nap by 4pm :)

I will try that! She's going to be super mad at mommy. :haha:
Hi everyone.

Clara's sleep is back to being awful again after about a week of good nights (only 2 or 3 wakings). Last night she was up every hour or sometimes more often. She has just got her two top front teeth and still seems to be teething. So maybe I just need to wait it out for a week and see if she settles down again? But honestly it is just one thing after another with Clara, she seems to be constantly either unwell or teething. She is also back to wanting to be fed to sleep again although she does wake up slightly when I transfer her into the cot and settles back to sleep herself.

I don't really know what to do. I am due back in work next month (although I'm hoping to take a bit of extra unpaid leave) - as things stand there is no way that I would be able to function in work on so little sleep. I feel like I need to do something but I'm just lost about what is the best thing to do. I wouldn't mind doing sleep training involving crying if I was certain that it would work but she didn't really properly respond last time and there was an awful lot of crying - and I'm just not sure that I can put either of us through that again. She just slips back into bad sleep patterns so easily with any illness/teething/etc. so that even if sleep training worked, I worry that she would just relapse back again with the next tooth or cold. I am also wondering about going back to co-sleeping. We have practical difficulties in that all of the bedrooms are small and the layout is not perfect. Our bedroom is not ideal because it's not possible to put the bed against a wall due to the layout of wardrobes/windows/etc. and also OH would have to sleep elsewhere as the bed is not big enough for three of us. Clara is currently in the box room. There is a futon in there which I sleep on when she's very unsettled but the room isn't big enough to open the futon out when the cot is in there so it's not suitable for co-sleeping. I was actually considering moving the futon into my 3 year old's room and sleeping in there with Clara. Am I crazy for thinking about this? I would probably keep putting her in the cot for naps and bedtimes but then bring her in to sleep with me on the futon when she wakes after I've gone to bed. This is the only option that I can really think of for safe co-sleeping. I know my 3 year old would absolutely love the idea (actually he suggested it!) and actually that is holding me back a bit because it might not work out and then he'd be so disappointed.

Open to any suggestions!!! I feel so lost and don't know what direction to go with her sleep now. So should I:
1. Do nothing and just wait it out and see if her sleep settles down again (as it was actually getting better up until we went away last weekend)
2. Do some sleep training (would need to psych myself up)
3. Co-sleeping (but where?)
Don't know what to do.

Polaris, could OH sleep on the futon for a few nights and you and Clara go in the big bed just to see if the cosleeping helps? If it does, then you could both move into Thomas' room and you would feel more confident that it wouldn't disappoint him.

If the cosleeping doesn't help in the longer term you could try sleep training but at least you gave cosleeping a shot (but as Noelle says, only if you want to).

Big hugs to you xxx
Quick question?

Am I putting down too soon?

Rubbing eyes happens about 1hr 45 into awake time but yawns don't come til much later. Do I put down at eye rubs or yawns ?
That is amazing SE!!!! Wow!! You are now the official baby sleep guru. I'm flying you to Dubai as a sleep consultant.

Bite your tongue! :) We'll see how tonight goes. And then there's the withdrawal part to be nervous about! I'm feeling a little more hopeful though. It might have just been a matter of hitting on the right thing.

Re: rocking, I'm sure you've heard/read before that naps are controlled by different systems from night sleep. So if you are working on rocking less at night then I agree with Noelle, keep doing what's working during the day. I've resigned myself to catnaps because there's just no reliable way to lengthen Munchkin's naps. :shrug: But then he does pretty well on catnaps when night sleep is in order, anyway.

Amy, I think you've gotten a lot of good advice. We went cold turkey on 2 naps (straight from 4) too because Munchkin just stopped going down for his usual naps. But it was not a fun or short transition. Almost all babies seem to do what Stephie said and adjust within a few days, but if that doesn't happen, don't get discouraged! Polaris is another mama on this thread with a kid who has struggled with nap transitions. But chances are you will be fine :thumbup:

But if you do get a catnap, I would agree with Noelle, keep the WTs the same and bring bedtime earlier (within reason). I also agree that it probably is not the time to tackle sleeping in the crib. Once you have a better routine in place with napping he will have a drive to sleep at the right times and it will be easier to make other changes.

I would definitely cap each nap at 2 hours and no naps after 4 PM if possible. Those are great general rules. If you're just not going to make it on the 4 PM rule -- like if the second nap ended at 1:30 or something -- it's ok to have a 20-30 minute catnap, but still try to make it as early as possible. IMO the last wake time is the most important one, so if you need to cut into the second to last one a bit to fit in a catnap, that's the better way to do it. But others might disagree. So with a 1:30 wakeup, for example, I would try to put down around 3:30-4.

Your night definitely sounds better! :happydance: Of course Dad is fun...tell him to GET OUT! :lol: Mine gets the death glare if he's hovering at bedtime :rofl: of course, if he's helping, that's something else, just just standing there giving LO hope is not helpful.

To answer your question, what I've been doing for a few months now is nursing until LO falls asleep and then moving him right away, and not especially carefully, to his crib. So the transition always wakes him up. Last night, if he hadn't stopped nursing while awake, I was planning to sing to him for a minute before putting him down or something like that. When I've done that before to try to gradually shift nursing earlier (which didn't work), it made him mad, so I definitely think it would wake him up. But I think even just waking him up during the transition has helped a lot in preparing him to learn to self settle.

NotNic, so glad things are going better! :thumbup: It really is wonderful to have a happy and well rested kiddo!

Vikki, I agree, if the late bedtime made things worse then definitely take early mornings! Glad you are back to STTN. Hope you get later mornings soon though!

Polaris, so sorry you are struggling again this week :hugs: :hugs: I think Noelle gave you good advice regarding cosleeping -- if you don't think that's going to result in the best sleep for Clara, then I don't think it's a good solution even if it helps you cope with the situation in the short term.

I think you may have said a while ago that you were considering gradual withdrawal? And that it comforts Clara to have you next to her? Given how last night went (night 1 of gradual withdrawal), I'm thinking the checking last time was a disaster for Munchkin given his separation anxiety. Of course, we'll see how it goes when I'm no longer right next to him, but in theory his SS skills should be better by then. I could go on and on about the differences between night 1 this time and night 1 with checks, at least. Anyway, is that something you would consider trying?

Of course, I don't even know yet whether this will work better for us down the road, and even if it does, that doesn't mean it will work for you. But I do think Munchkin and Clara have some relevant similarities. If it's something you were thinking about trying anyway, I think it may be worthwhile.

Kettle, I think it depends on the baby, but if LO isn't fighting, then you're not putting down too soon. My LO sometimes rubs his face when he's hungry. He would never go to sleep if I tried putting him down just based on that, so I know it's not the right cue. Also, as a reality check, 1 hr 45 min WT sounds appropriate for your LO's age, so you are probably not too far off.
Thanks everyone.

OH has managed to figure out a way to just barely fit both the open futon and the cot into the box room by rearranging the other furniture - I didn't think they would both fit but they just about do, although the door of the room doesn't open fully!

So I can put her to bed in the cot and then co-sleep with her on the futon for the second half of the night. As you say Steph, at least it will give me an idea as to whether cosleeping helps or not, i.e. are we both getting enough sleep or not. If she's still waking up constantly and awake for long stretches in the night then I will probably look into more sleep training. Seaweed, it's so encouraging to read about your success so far with gradual withdrawal, I do think this might possibly be a good approach for Clara. However I think I am going to try and get her through this period of teething before making any decisions about sleep training. Noelle, I think you have hit the nail on the head about being 110% consistent for a baby like Clara. This is why I need to psyche myself up and make sure I am fully committed before starting into anything - and I'm not sure that I'm fully committed at the moment. So I think my plan is that I'm going to try co-sleeping for a week and then reassess the situation.

Sorry I haven't been much use for answering other people's questions this week - we were away for a few days so there was lots to catch up on when I got back. I do appreciate the advice from others on this thread and I'll try and look back and respond to other people when I get the chance!!
I accidentally skipped Josalyn's third nap today! We were so busy and have family visiting... We were at my moms house during her third nap time and she was fine, no meltdown, no fussiness. I'm guessing she may be ready to cut down to only two naps? :shrug:

She fell asleep super easily tonight for her night sleep also. I think I may have to try this again!
That sounds awesome, Aimee! :thumbup: I would say definitely worth trying!!

We had no crying at bedtime tonight. Zero!!! :shock: However, I am afraid I have made things too easy by nursing right before sleep. I took him off awake (he didn't come off on his own today) -- which he wouldn't have agreed to before, so it's progress, but still the nursing probably helped. So we're going to take a detour from withdrawing and start doing nursing earlier in the routine tomorrow. Eek! I am really nervous about that. Hopefully he is ready.
Fingers crossed for you Seaweed! It seems like he's making progress though, so hopefully the change goes smoothly!
Aimee definitely try two naps ... She sounds very ready for it! I'd also go cold turkey as she sounds like she can cope really well with a longer awake time.

SE, are you worried Munchkin is too sleepy when you put him down and he isn't learning to SS? How was the rest of the night (hold on, that's a stupid question - you probably don't know yet!! Damn time differences!). You're a brave woman! Good luck with your plan!!

Polaris, so glad you found a solution! Your DH sounds very handy :) good luck, I really hope this works for you guys and you don't need to go down the sleep training route, as I know that will be really tough for you. Although as SE says, Clara might be more responsive to a gradual removal type of training.

Kettle, that awake time sounds good! Just remember to keep extending waketimes as the weeks go on because (as Noelle mentioned) tiredness can be from habit and he may not naturally extend his naps.

As for us, C was wide awake for 1.15 hours after his last feed and bed time. I'm not going to overanalyse our current sleep as I'm certain there are some interesting developmental things going on. So I will wait a few days before I comment on any changes to our sleep pattern... Things are changing on a daily basis around here!!!
Polaris - just a thought but rather than do co-sleeping how would she be if you just slept next to her on the floor? Could you reach to reassure her without getting up? That Bedtime Live program were very keen about having parents on a mattress on the floor next to the cot, so baby was reassured by your presence but they didn't rely on you physically for soothing. It was a gradual way according to those experts of supporting baby while they learnt to ss. Also I have to say I love how Thomas is your own in-house sleep consultant. So cute!
Polaris - just a thought but rather than do co-sleeping how would she be if you just slept next to her on the floor? Could you reach to reassure her without getting up? That Bedtime Live program were very keen about having parents on a mattress on the floor next to the cot, so baby was reassured by your presence but they didn't rely on you physically for soothing. It was a gradual way according to those experts of supporting baby while they learnt to ss. Also I have to say I love how Thomas is your own in-house sleep consultant. So cute!

This is what I have been trying really up until now, on the nights that she has been very unsettled I have been sleeping on the futon couch in the box room and soothing her when she wakes. The reason I was thinking of cosleeping was because it was just physically exhausting lifting her in and out of the cot so often and also I brought her into the bed one night while we were away and we both slept much better than usual.

Last night was good. It took about an hour to go to sleep at bedtime and she actually seemed really undertired so I think she might need a longer wake time before bed? I have been doing four hours but she seems to need longer. Anyway she finally went to sleep at about 8.30 and slept until about 12 which was great! She was awake quite a while at that waking (maybe 45 minutes) and difficult to get settled. However after that I slept with her on the futon for the rest of the night and she stirred a couple of times and had a brief feed at about five but basically slept for the rest of the night until the alarm woke us at 7! I don't want to speak too soon but it was much much better than we have had recently.
Thought I'd update in here, Mia has sttn 7pm-6:30am 3 nights in a row :happydance: She wakes each night around 11:30/midnight and has a wee cry before resettling herself so I don't go up to her then.

I finally cracked and sleep trained her!!! Can't believe I'm happy about it either! I did CIO I guess but my own version which was just putting her in her cot and lying on the bed next to her pretending to sleep. She cried/yelled at me for 10 minutes the first night, 5 minutes the next night and last night didn't cry, just rolled over and went to sleep. Prior to this she was still waking 2-6 times and motn partying almost every night. I am praying to every god that this lasts, she seems to be happier the last few days as well :)
Last night was not such good sleep, as Chloe was up a lot again. But, I just started reading the Wonder Weeks, and realized we are in WW26 since her age is 25 weeks adjusted for being a preemie. That makes me feel not so bad about her sleep issues since I know there is a reason behind it.

Also, I do believe we are making some progress, since I was able to soothe her in her crib last night a few times, and I also heard her put herself back to sleep a couple of times. Still had the early morning waking at 4:30am, but I pulled her into bed with me. Hubby doesn't want to co-sleep, but he was up with the dogs by that time, so it was just the two of us!

Seaweed - It sounds like your little guy is adapting really well to your changes. I love reading your progress!
SE I'm sooo happy for you! You can always work on moving the breastfeed back if and when you think it's necessary. But if it ain't broke... :) yay Munchkin!!!

Amy, when it was just the two of you how did she sleep? How are you going with naps?

Polaris, that sounds so positive, I'm glad :) Thomas might get his room buddies after all!

MiniKiwi that's awesome and sounds like a really good approach to take to sleep training.

I hope all the good news continues!! X
Polaris, really glad last night was better :hugs:

MiniKiwi, so encouraging to read about your progress!! :happydance: Especially since that's very similar to the approach we are taking now. Long may the STTN continue!

Amy, I'm sorry the night wasn't better, but I'm glad she was able to go back to sleep on her own. That's a really good sign. I hope things get better soon. :hugs:
Thought I'd update in here, Mia has sttn 7pm-6:30am 3 nights in a row :happydance: She wakes each night around 11:30/midnight and has a wee cry before resettling herself so I don't go up to her then.

I finally cracked and sleep trained her!!! Can't believe I'm happy about it either! I did CIO I guess but my own version which was just putting her in her cot and lying on the bed next to her pretending to sleep. She cried/yelled at me for 10 minutes the first night, 5 minutes the next night and last night didn't cry, just rolled over and went to sleep. Prior to this she was still waking 2-6 times and motn partying almost every night. I am praying to every god that this lasts, she seems to be happier the last few days as well :)

Guess who STTN 8:45-6:15. I am not changing a darn thing tonight!!!!


Happy Friday girls! Long may it continue!

(MiniKiwi, sounds similar to what I did with Charlotte)

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