Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Thanks guys, we use Pampers Baby Dry for her. Maybe I give Huggies overnight a try too. Though this morning she was fine and slept till 7:00 am. But I just prefer not to have the 5:30 am ever if it can be avoided :)

Def try Huggies Overnights. Pampers Babydry don't even compare in their ability to hold leaks!
Gaia what are you doing for naps now? How many are you aiming for? Not sure if you guys are on two naps yet but it's made such a difference to our day time routine. I hope things get better for you soon. Culver literally just learnt to crawl and we had a horrible two weeks leading up to it. Hugs to you!
Stephie - yay, so glad that the wake-times worked well today. Although as you so rightly said, I'm sure he'll do something totally different tomorrow, LOL. They worked well for us today too although naps were a bit shorter than usual so bedtime was earlier than usual, but that's OK.

Gaia, I agree that it depends on the baby how much teething, separation anxiety, and developmental stuff can mess up sleep. With DS, his sleep was very rarely affected by teething or even illness, but developmental stuff always affected his sleep. Separation anxiety never affected him at night time at all so far as I can remember. With Clara, everything seems to affect her sleep, but teething and illness in particular really affect her badly at nighttime (whereas she is generally perfectly cheerful during the day). Sorry that things are so tough at the moment. :hugs:

Noelle, sorry to hear you had a rough evening, hopefully it was just a once off. I would say that even if the travelling does affect her sleep she's in such a good routine now that I'm sure it won't take her long to get back on track.

LOL, one of the "good" things about having a baby who doesn't sleep well no matter what you do is that you really don't have to worry too much about taking her out of her routine and messing up her sleep! With Thomas I always dreaded the disruption of holidays/travelling/etc. whereas with Clara I just sort of mentally shrug, well her sleep can hardly really be any worse!

Glad to read about people who are having good nights and making progress!
Can anyone offer advice.. My lo is 10months and previously sttn. Then the teething and a nasty cold came and she came into our bed, now the lil tyke clearly prefers this and is waking in the night to come in.

Ive tried calming her in her cot but me or husband going in just makes her crying much worse once she's seen us! What can I do?, I can't just leave her crying once she wakes but also know going in works her up even more! Help?

She naps in the day fine and self settles upon going to bed. Thank you.xx
Thanks guys, we use Pampers Baby Dry for her. Maybe I give Huggies overnight a try too. Though this morning she was fine and slept till 7:00 am. But I just prefer not to have the 5:30 am ever if it can be avoided :)

Def try Huggies Overnights. Pampers Babydry don't even compare in their ability to hold leaks!

Thanks Noelle, we're running out of diapers anyway so I will get a box of the Huggies overnight. They run t about the same size as Pampers, right?

I'm also thinking I need to size up on Pampers. She's in size 3 now and weighs 21lbs. The box says it's good for up to 26lbs but she seems to recently do explosive poops that won't be contained. Maybe a bigger size will help:shrug:
Stephie we are in the midst of messy transition and I do think its ALSO wreaking havoc on the evenings.

He has a few days a week of 2 and sometimes 3 if needed. Today for ex:

Up at 7:30
Nap 9:40-10:20 (boo one cycle naps :()
Nap 1:45-????
Bed at 7 probably

So we are doing 2 today as well, which is slowly becoming the norm. It's tough though because he isn't taking long ones so he does get cranky.

It feels like there's a LOT going on with him right now so I'm trying to just give us both some grace and remember that this little crazy phase WILL pass...

He will stop cutting teeth, he will learn to crawl, he will get used to 2 naps...right!?!? Lol
Hi, I wondered if anyone could help? LO is 7mo. Until recently she usually had 3 x 45 min naps & STTN.

Lately the days go roughly like this...
7.30am up
10.30am nap 45min
4pm nap....? min
7pm bed

So, you can see she seems to be dropping her lunchtime nap. This is unusual right?
If I manage to get her down before 4pm I would like her sleep more than one cycle but she won't do this unless she is on our bed and I am laying with her. And try as I might I cannot encourage her to resettle in her crib.

And alongside the deterioration of naps, she's started night waking again so I'm keen to improve the naps.

How can I get her to sleep more than one cycle in the day.? She obviously can resettle herself cos she only usually wakes once in the night.
Seaweed eater I forgot to reply to your post yesterday sorry.

Can you please tell me why you would swap out the music for white noise? I have done that today but am curious why. I have been playing Enigma to her, since it always relaxes me :haha:

No Emma does not really seem tired and grumpy, only as it approaches her sleep time. In the evenings she is definitely quite tired and grumpy, but she really will not go down any earlier than she sees fit. I bath/shower her at 8pm, and we tend to start the wind down before then. Then after her wash, she gets cuddles with dad, then I take her onto our bed and feed her, while reading a story. Last night I put her down at 8.30pm, she grizzled (not cry) til 9pm, so we left her completely alone and she went to sleep sometimes around 9pm. She did not actually cry, just grizzled. I am not ready to let her cry it out just yet, I think she is still too young, so I would have fed her again if she had cried.

I fed Emma a bit extra yesterday, offering her both boobs over 45 minutes, and she actually only woke twice last night. She woke exactly every 3.5 hours. I felt a lot more rested today. I do wonder how much milk I have in the evenings, I tried to express some last night for OH to give her a bottle, but could get nothing out. Emma got something out of course, but I question how much.

Sadly our place is far too small for us to even sleep in the lounge. We are in transition as we moved back to NZ from the UK in October, and I could not find work due to being pregnant. So as soon as I get a contract in my hand, we are going house hunting, for a two bed place. I hope to get a job with my old boss starting in October.

Thanks for all your advice, and I am sorry I do not have advice for other mum's out there, due to being so new to this myself.
How many naps should my girls be having each day? I never know if I should treat them as 4 month olds or 6 month olds, so it's a bit difficult. Is 3 a good number? Or should it be 2?

I managed to stay in bed until 11:45 today, though I didn't get much sleep past 9:30 when OH left for work, as I had to settle the girls a few times each. I got everyone dressed once we were awake and we got out of the house and enjoyed the (extremely hot and humid) weather. They did catnap in the car a bit, but not enough to really matter, and took their first nap at 3:15. They woke naturally after an hour and wouldn't settle back to sleep. Is one hour enough of a nap?

One more question - if I wake them every day at 7:30, will they eventually alter their sleep schedule and begin naturally waking at 7:30? Would that be beneficial to our sleep issue? Maybe if I wake them at 7:30am, they'll be tired enough come 7pm to go to bed as they used to?

I wonder if getting strict with a schedule for a week or so would kick them back into place? I'm thinking of trying something like this -

7:30 – Awake, Pump
9:30 – Nap
10:30 – Awake (spend some time outside)
12:00 – Lunch (solids)
12:30 – Nap, Pump
1:30 – Awake
3:30 – Nap
4:30 – Awake (spend some time outside)
5:00 – Daddy's home! Pump
6:30 – Bedtime routine
7:00 – Bedtime
9/10 – Pump, sleep for me!
2/4 – Pump

That would give them 2 hours of awake time between naps instead of the 1.5 they used to have. And I normally go 4 hours between pumps but could do 5. Worth a try? :shrug:

ETA: I wouldn't normally keep them asleep until 11:45 but I was SO tired! :blush:
Hiya, lots happening here since I last tries to post. I wrote a long reply and its nowhere to be seen. :shrug: Here's hoping I manage to reply to most of you. Apologies if I miss you out.

rmsh1 - I agree with pp about how great your approach seems to be. I think you may have a future good sleeper on your hands (touch wood!). There definitely is a growth spurt at 12 weeks, so I agree about adding an extra feed in during the day or concentrating evening feeds. Until F started solids we used to bf a long feed 3.30/4pm, a small feed at 6pm and another feed at 8pm. We then used to dream feed him at 11 w/ expressed breast milk. I also would stop any sleeping supports your baby doesn't need ASAP. If you stop rocking, swaddling etc. now before a dependence is formed you'll save your sanity and your back in the future! Obviously don't take them away if they need it, but it sounds to me like she doesn't and without those supports you'll encourage her to self soothe, which is a great skill to help your baby develop. Also I don't think anyone mentioned looking at your health. Around 3mths its quite normal to feel rundown and tired, meaning you're probably finding bad nights harder now than you did a month ago, which makes baby's sleep seem even worse. Your energy levels are zapped by less sleep, more stress and calories being used up by bfing. You're probably well into your energy stores now. Try to eat regularly and up your calorie levels with healthy fats and calcium rich food. A good vitamin will help. Also plenty of fresh air will give you a boost and help tire lo.

Shadowy - we don't have Huggies in the UK anymore but Pampers here do 3+ and 4+ etc. which are supposed to have extra absorbency levels. We use 4+ because Finlay is a broader baby, and the extra padding gives better coverage and less room to leak.

Gaia - heck yes! F's sleep was massively disturbed by every new skill he was learning to do. He practiced them all in his sleep and unlike teething there isn't anything you can do to make it better immediately. As for teething if you're unsure about medicating have you tried teething gels? A little on F's dummy helps him settle enough to drift off.

Shelby - I was going to suggest that you tried to stick with a set waking up time. I do think it helps to give you a little bit of control back if nothing else! Also it sounds like their sleep cycles could do with a jolt to restart them on proper day / night systems. I feel for you all the 4/6mths thing because both WW periods are notoriously bad! I personally would adjust to 4mths for developmental things. Can you and your OH have a twin each of a night time so you're not both up at the same time - creating more activity to stimulate babies and give you guys a chance to sleep longer? Also it sounds like plans and schedules work best for you, so do try keep consistent in timings. A baby learns things often through repetition, so the same bedtime line up could be what you need. So on naps I think the guidelines suggest that 3 naps is most appropriate before 6 mths, however I had no clue of this and was highly grateful for F's 2 naps! :haha: He's turned out okay so far. :)

Mandiemoo - Yeo I think it's time to go to 2 naps. This is the age that they start sleeping longer. It may be a painful week or two where your lo struggles with tiredness but moving away from cat naps is best in the long run. I'd suggest rather than a lunchtime nap, a slightly later 2.30/3 nap might be a better fit. A lot of mums find a 4pm nap interferes with bedtime.

I'm afraid I can't remember who was struggling with motn parties (I daren't move from my page in case I lose my novel :haha:) but from reading I just thought why done you ignore baby's playing? If you keep going in then that motn will become a regular, 'lets hang out with mummy' hour. As long as there's no crying, then you're not needed. F has soft cubes in his cot in case he wakes wide awake. Sometimes he plays quietly for a few mins and passes out!

Noelle - hope those teeth pop through soon. We're teething badly too. Will be glad when they're all through!
Eeek, definitely teething here tonight, no doubt! LO has been extremely cranky all day, so I took a peek inside tonight while she was screaming at me, and I (finally) see 2 small white spots on the front of her lower gums. Gave her some Motrin, and now she's sleeping soundly...I should be too! I hope this means teeth soon! I know they can pop up and down for months...torture!

Shelby - I have a hard time too wondering if I need to treat my LO as a 7 month old or as an almost 6 month old. She was 5 weeks early. I just recently started reading the Wonder Weeks, and she's right on track for her adjusted age of 25 weeks, so I'm going with that for now. But I also celebrated her 7 month birthday today! Yippee! I will have to wait to take her pictures until the weekend though, she's too cranky to smile at the camera!
Amy I was thinking about you and the rock and play at 4 am- can you prop the cot mattress up at an incline the same as the rock and play and get her used to that for a week, and every few days lower it slightly until its flat? You could use towels or something. Glad you finally see a tooth! It took about a week for the first to cut through after I first saw the white. Hoping it's quick for you guys xxx
Hi Dlj2 and welcome. I'm not sure of the answer to your question but hopefully one of the others are able to help you. It sounds like a bit of separation anxiety - could you possibly bring her back into your room until it passes? If not, I hope the others can give you some good pointers.

Polaris, I need to get into your mindset - I'm scared to take a holiday in case things get even worse!

Gaia when we first switched to 2 naps Cully was only taking short naps too. I tried to rock him back to sleep or hold him so each nap was closer to an hour. Is this possible for you? I also lengthened his first awake time which helped push the second nap later making that stretch before bed not so bad. I started with 2.5, 3.35 and 3.5 waketimes and we are now on 3 hours before first nap. The longer waketimes really seem to be helping with longer naps. I do still need to help him back to sleep but its pretty easy now.

Shelby, I think you should wake them at the same time. Regarding naps, I'd stick with three for a little while if they are established on 3 or just catnapping. Especially if their adjusted age is only 4 months.

We had a pretty bad night but I'm sure it's teething. If I drank coffee I'd be drowning myself in it today!!
I will try. I find mornings tough because he gets soooo cranky by the 2 hour mark. And also I'm lazy and tired so never want to do anything exciting to keep him entertained! Lol. Maybe we should do a morning walk.

So he ended up waking when I crib transferred him at 2 then didn't go back to sleep until 2:30 and slept until 5:15!!!! So a bit of a mess. We did bed at 8:45...

I'm tempted to stick to 3 naps and later bedtime because early seems to = battles but then I lose my baby free evenings :(

They haven't been fun lately anyways though with constantly trying to get him to sleep!
I will try. I find mornings tough because he gets soooo cranky by the 2 hour mark. And also I'm lazy and tired so never want to do anything exciting to keep him entertained! Lol. Maybe we should do a morning walk.

So he ended up waking when I crib transferred him at 2 then didn't go back to sleep until 2:30 and slept until 5:15!!!! So a bit of a mess. We did bed at 8:45...

I'm tempted to stick to 3 naps and later bedtime because early seems to = battles but then I lose my baby free evenings :(

They haven't been fun lately anyways though with constantly trying to get him to sleep!

I know what you mean!!! Bedtime is between 6-7pm but he never falls asleep until at least an hour after bedtime! I think a morning walk is a great idea. I found C adapted really quickly when I pushed through his tired signs. All babies are different though of course. Good luck hon xxx
dlj2 - sorry I knew I'd miss someone. I'm assuming you dont want to co-sleep - right? I'd be tempted to be a bit tough with your baby. It sounds like you have a very clever one :) and at the moment coming into your bed is a nice way to spend the night. Have you tried not going in immediately when your baby cries in the night? They might be calling out for company rather than through need. Can you observe from the doorway or somewhere lo can't see you? Alternatively try going in immediately before the cry wakes them up. (I realise this is totally contradictory but we wait and observe F when he's still in a light sleep and its our eve and do the opposite through the night!). Try your hardest not to pick them up. Reassure them in the cot or sit next to the cot to encourage them to lay down and hold their hand or have a hand on their back / tummy. You're probably going to have a tough couple of nights, but with all types of sleep management consistency is key. I'm a big one for explaining to F why his plan isn't going to work :D so if we were experiencing the same thing I would tell him 'Mummy is going to be right here. This is your bed and you need to sleep here. It's not morning so you can't come out yet'. Then I wouldn't say anything else as its the interaction they want. Alternatively CC would probably fix the problem quite easily but I don't think this sounds right for you. Good luck x

I also forgot to say thank you to the WIO encouragement, so thank you! F is teething badly. 8,9 and 10 all swelling at his gums and he's off his food only eating cold things. We've had some poor nights but Monday was great. He sttn (7.45 - 6am) and I gave him his dummy back to see if we could get a bit longer before OH got up for work 6.50am. Next thing I knew it was 7.25am. I'd turned off the alarm in my sleep and OH was v. late for work. :dohh: We couldn't believe F had slept for that long and we went to check on him. Turns out he hadn't! He was playing quietly and happily with his teddies. Love him! No idea how long he'd been awake for but he didnt cry out or play with his Alfie bear. The rustle of his soft cubes is normally loud enough that I can hear them on the monitor. This sort of morning is just the type I'd like to order. :) Last night not so good. Painful wailing around 3.30am which ended up with nurofen and me waking him up at 6.30am again. I bet he's well happy at nursery today....
Notnic that sounds tough. Teething really is such a horrible affliction for our little muffins. Finlay sounds like he was a perfect angel on Tuesday morning. What a sweetheart!! I hope it ends soon for him xx
Stephie - I do have a crib wedge that I have used, but it prevents her from rolling over how she likes when she's in the crib, and then the little diva gets mad! I just can't make her happy! haha

NotNic - Your little boy sounds precious just playing away in his crib in the morning! Too bad the teething monster made your next night horrible.

Bring on the BnB curse! We had another great night (after the teething)! I gave her a dream feed at 9pm, then she woke at 3am. I fed her again, and she slept until 6:30!!! She hasn't done that for months! Of course, she was still in her rock 'n play all night. Tonight, she goes back in the crib again, so hopefully we aren't back to all night wake ups...or early morning wake ups...
Hi everyone, we had a really good night last night too (after the horrible teething episode on Monday evening). I feel so much more relaxed about Clara's sleep this week. She is just sleeping so much better now. I know it's not for everyone but co-sleeping has just been totally the right decision for us for the moment. She is so much happier sleeping on the futon rather than the cot and she is waking much less often - and also because I'm right there I can often get her to go straight back off to sleep after maybe just a very short comfort feed (literally less than a minute sometimes) or sometimes just patting her back a bit. I also think that the new shorter wake times are working well during the day and seem to have eliminated the lengthy settling difficulties that we were having for naps and bedtime. Also, she has started self-settling again!! I am feeding her lying down on the futon and when she is ready she just rolls away from me onto her tummy and takes herself off to sleep! I really can't believe how much her sleep has improved! (I know I am majorly setting myself up for the B&B curse!!).

In other news, my 3.5 year old seems to have gone back to napping. I try to only let him nap every 3 days or so as we are really trying to drop the nap. But this week so far, he has napped Sunday, Monday (just a cat-nap in the car), Tuesday (so cranky that I had to give him a nap), and today (he begged me to let him go up and sleep because he was "too sleepy"). I feel like I am never actually going to get finished with this nap transition!

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