Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

you guys are awesome to talk to.

I'm selling magic fairy sleep sand for... a price. One oz = 1 hr of assured, uninterrupted sleep. All natural, non habit forming, safe at 2 months +. Who wants some? How much are you willing to pay for a good night's sleep?

Name your price ;-)
you guys are awesome to talk to.

I'm selling magic fairy sleep sand for... a price. One oz = 1 hr of assured, uninterrupted sleep. All natural, non habit forming, safe at 2 months +. Who wants some? How much are you willing to pay for a good night's sleep?

Can I ask a really stupid question Noelle? When you talk about these ultra dry 12 hour nappies...but do you still have to change a dirty nappy? Because I thought you did. I leave it if it's just wet but joni loves to poo, I mean she really loves it, so should I be changing it at night when she poos? Sorry if I just sound really thick.

Last night was ok, she had 3 hours then a feed, then she pooped...then she smiled...and that's when I know the battle has begun! Had a coffee now though so I'm feeling goooood. X
you guys are awesome to talk to.

I'm selling magic fairy sleep sand for... a price. One oz = 1 hr of assured, uninterrupted sleep. All natural, non habit forming, safe at 2 months +. Who wants some? How much are you willing to pay for a good night's sleep?

Can I ask a really stupid question Noelle? When you talk about these ultra dry 12 hour nappies...but do you still have to change a dirty nappy? Because I thought you did. I leave it if it's just wet but joni loves to poo, I mean she really loves it, so should I be changing it at night when she poos? Sorry if I just sound really thick.

Last night was ok, she had 3 hours then a feed, then she pooped...then she smiled...and that's when I know the battle has begun! Had a coffee now though so I'm feeling goooood. X

Not a stupid question :) Unfortunately I think you have to change a poo. My LO tends to err on the side of constipation, so it's not usually an issue for us. I will admit to hearing Charlotte fart during a feed and thinking, "Let's just pretend that was only gas" (it usually is!) :haha:
Haven't got time to read all the posts but I honestly think your LO's reflux is not under control and sleep training isn't the asnwer. Your LO already knows how to self-settle which means that there is something stopping her from doing so when she wakes. When she wakes in the night is the room, light, noise etc. exactly the same as when she first went down? If so I'd say it's definitely reflux! My DS knows how to self-settle and we have nights where he is comfortable and sleeps through except for a feed but other nights where the reflux is flaring and he is up every hour thrashing around, grunting or crying.

Is your LO's reflux medicated? BF or FF?

OMG I want to kiss you right now! I know your post wasn't directed at me but I think you may have been correct about my LO anyway. She hasn't been spitting up as much lately so I haven't been giving her her ranitidine very often (per the pediatrician's recommendation), but last night I gave her a full dose a half hour before bed and she slept so much better. She still woke up at 11pm (I think that's a habit at this point), but I rocked her back to sleep and then she only had one waking at 2am before being up for the day at 6am! :happydance: Please let this be because of the meds and not just a fluke...
Haven't got time to read all the posts but I honestly think your LO's reflux is not under control and sleep training isn't the asnwer. Your LO already knows how to self-settle which means that there is something stopping her from doing so when she wakes. When she wakes in the night is the room, light, noise etc. exactly the same as when she first went down? If so I'd say it's definitely reflux! My DS knows how to self-settle and we have nights where he is comfortable and sleeps through except for a feed but other nights where the reflux is flaring and he is up every hour thrashing around, grunting or crying.

Is your LO's reflux medicated? BF or FF?

OMG I want to kiss you right now! I know your post wasn't directed at me but I think you may have been correct about my LO anyway. She hasn't been spitting up as much lately so I haven't been giving her her ranitidine very often (per the pediatrician's recommendation), but last night I gave her a full dose a half hour before bed and she slept so much better. She still woke up at 11pm (I think that's a habit at this point), but I rocked her back to sleep and then she only had one waking at 2am before being up for the day at 6am! :happydance: Please let this be because of the meds and not just a fluke...

That is wonderful!

If you think Elsie is waking at 11pm due to habit, you might want to try "wake to sleep". I have never tried it, but Dr. Weissbluth of "Healty Sleep Habits, Happy Child" recommends it. He's usually big on CIO, but for habitual wakings he says it can work. You basically wake her at 10:45pm and help her get back to sleep. I guess the hope is that you disrupt her rhythm of waking at 11pm? I don't know quite how it's supposed to work...
Our night last night was weird...

Charlotte skipped her 3rd nap, which is always a recipe for disaster. She is extremely sensitive to being overtired. There's a new kid at daycare and he's quite loud, so the daycare provider has agreed to put her away from the other kids for this nap since she fights it.

Anyway, when Charlotte doesn't have her 3rd nap, she's basically up from 2pm until bedtime, which is way too long for her. She will then go down super easy because she's exhausted, but wake frequently. So she went to bed without a peep at 6:30pm, but woke at 8:30pm (she put herself back to sleep before I could get to her), 10:30pm (gave her her pacifier and she drifted back off) and midnight (fed her). She then proceed to sleep until 6am! What a nice long stretch... of course, since the beginning of the night was not good I was anticipated another waking and I could not sleep from 3am on. I hate not sleeping when my child does! Darn anxiety. I just wish she could be predictable! I guess unpredictable is better than being predictably bad...
That is wonderful!

If you think Elsie is waking at 11pm due to habit, you might want to try "wake to sleep". I have never tried it, but Dr. Weissbluth of "Healty Sleep Habits, Happy Child" recommends it. He's usually big on CIO, but for habitual wakings he says it can work. You basically wake her at 10:45pm and help her get back to sleep. I guess the hope is that you disrupt her rhythm of waking at 11pm? I don't know quite how it's supposed to work...

Thanks for the tip, if the 11pm wakeup continues tonight then I may be brave enough to try that tomorrow :haha:
That is wonderful!

If you think Elsie is waking at 11pm due to habit, you might want to try "wake to sleep". I have never tried it, but Dr. Weissbluth of "Healty Sleep Habits, Happy Child" recommends it. He's usually big on CIO, but for habitual wakings he says it can work. You basically wake her at 10:45pm and help her get back to sleep. I guess the hope is that you disrupt her rhythm of waking at 11pm? I don't know quite how it's supposed to work...

Thanks for the tip, if the 11pm wakeup continues tonight then I may be brave enough to try that tomorrow :haha:

I honestly cant' imagine waking a sleeping baby, but hey, I'll try anything. Here's some better info:

Noelle - hope this is the start of things looking better for you. I'm like you though I still don't sleep when my baby does...argh!!! Right now I take a Gravol when that happens. I try not to do it more than once a week though :/

Katrina - oh you're here too! I remember you from the 3rd trimester! Nice to see all the familiar faces here again.

Sofia is still all over the map with start of her sleep but once she does sleep, she's down for 4 hours, wakes up for a feed, then sleep again for 4 hours before needing her last feed of the night (typically at 1:30 am and then 5:30 am). I also believe that she's teething already :/ she's very "drooly", sucks on her hands and mind a lot too.

What I'm trying to do is to feed her more during the day so she goes back to her wonderful sleep schedule but no such luck! She keeps looking around while at the breast and smiling at me...damn it! Anyone had any luck with this method?
Our night last night was weird...

Charlotte skipped her 3rd nap, which is always a recipe for disaster. She is extremely sensitive to being overtired. There's a new kid at daycare and he's quite loud, so the daycare provider has agreed to put her away from the other kids for this nap since she fights it.

Anyway, when Charlotte doesn't have her 3rd nap, she's basically up from 2pm until bedtime, which is way too long for her. She will then go down super easy because she's exhausted, but wake frequently. So she went to bed without a peep at 6:30pm, but woke at 8:30pm (she put herself back to sleep before I could get to her), 10:30pm (gave her her pacifier and she drifted back off) and midnight (fed her). She then proceed to sleep until 6am! What a nice long stretch... of course, since the beginning of the night was not good I was anticipated another waking and I could not sleep from 3am on. I hate not sleeping when my child does! Darn anxiety. I just wish she could be predictable! I guess unpredictable is better than being predictably bad...

Don't you hate that last nap of the day?? Elsie rarely misses it these days but it almost always ends up being too early or too late and bedtime is screwy as a result.

A 6 hour stretch is amazing though! Hopefully she'll keep it up and you'll be able to actually relax yourself soon.
This happened to me and now at 8 months it still hasn't 'passed!' so I can't really offer advice :(
Noelle - hope this is the start of things looking better for you. I'm like you though I still don't sleep when my baby does...argh!!! Right now I take a Gravol when that happens. I try not to do it more than once a week though :/

Katrina - oh you're here too! I remember you from the 3rd trimester! Nice to see all the familiar faces here again.

Sofia is still all over the map with start of her sleep but once she does sleep, she's down for 4 hours, wakes up for a feed, then sleep again for 4 hours before needing her last feed of the night (typically at 1:30 am and then 5:30 am). I also believe that she's teething already :/ she's very "drooly", sucks on her hands and mind a lot too.

What I'm trying to do is to feed her more during the day so she goes back to her wonderful sleep schedule but no such luck! She keeps looking around while at the breast and smiling at me...damn it! Anyone had any luck with this method?

Every 4 hours isn't bad! My LO went through a period of being drooly and sucking on her hands, but it turns out she wasn't teething. No sign of it yet at almost 6 months. Either she is a) a really good teether or b) has no teeth yet. I suspect it's the later, as nothing is easy for us :)

I have tried to feed more during the day in hopes if combatting night waking, but it doesn't seem to work. After my 6 month check-up, I may gradually reduce night feeds.
Our night last night was weird...

Charlotte skipped her 3rd nap, which is always a recipe for disaster. She is extremely sensitive to being overtired. There's a new kid at daycare and he's quite loud, so the daycare provider has agreed to put her away from the other kids for this nap since she fights it.

Anyway, when Charlotte doesn't have her 3rd nap, she's basically up from 2pm until bedtime, which is way too long for her. She will then go down super easy because she's exhausted, but wake frequently. So she went to bed without a peep at 6:30pm, but woke at 8:30pm (she put herself back to sleep before I could get to her), 10:30pm (gave her her pacifier and she drifted back off) and midnight (fed her). She then proceed to sleep until 6am! What a nice long stretch... of course, since the beginning of the night was not good I was anticipated another waking and I could not sleep from 3am on. I hate not sleeping when my child does! Darn anxiety. I just wish she could be predictable! I guess unpredictable is better than being predictably bad...

Don't you hate that last nap of the day?? Elsie rarely misses it these days but it almost always ends up being too early or too late and bedtime is screwy as a result.

A 6 hour stretch is amazing though! Hopefully she'll keep it up and you'll be able to actually relax yourself soon.

Yes, I hate it with a passion! I can't wait until she's old enough to drop it. UGH!

I hope she keeps it up, but my baby is nothing if not inconsistent :)
joni loves to poo, I mean she really loves it

Hehe my name is Jonee (the same pronounciation) and I'm so immature, reading this made me giggle :haha: I've never met another Joni/Joanie in my life!

Bananaz, so great to hear you had a good night. I'm hoping for you that it wasn't a coincidence and a bit of medicine at bed time will do the trick.

Mia woke up in the night with wet clothes and a wet bed! :( I felt so bad. Today I'm going to buy her some disposables for night time. After two hours fighting her for her last nap of the day I put her in the moby to take the dog out for a walk and before she was properly in it, she was asleep :wacko: She slept for a whole hour while I walked. I'm going to do that every day instead. So much less hassle than bouncing for hours while she screams.. And I could do with a bit more exercise too :)
joni loves to poo, I mean she really loves it

Hehe my name is Jonee (the same pronounciation) and I'm so immature, reading this made me giggle :haha: I've never met another Joni/Joanie in my life!

Bananaz, so great to hear you had a good night. I'm hoping for you that it wasn't a coincidence and a bit of medicine at bed time will do the trick.

Mia woke up in the night with wet clothes and a wet bed! :( I felt so bad. Today I'm going to buy her some disposables for night time. After two hours fighting her for her last nap of the day I put her in the moby to take the dog out for a walk and before she was properly in it, she was asleep :wacko: She slept for a whole hour while I walked. I'm going to do that every day instead. So much less hassle than bouncing for hours while she screams.. And I could do with a bit more exercise too :)

I HATE having to change clothes/sheets in the night... unfortunately par for the course for a reflux baby!

So glad you found a nap routine that works for you and Mia. Keep your fingers crossed that Charlotte gets that third nap today!
Noelle - hope this is the start of things looking better for you. I'm like you though I still don't sleep when my baby does...argh!!! Right now I take a Gravol when that happens. I try not to do it more than once a week though :/

Katrina - oh you're here too! I remember you from the 3rd trimester! Nice to see all the familiar faces here again.

Sofia is still all over the map with start of her sleep but once she does sleep, she's down for 4 hours, wakes up for a feed, then sleep again for 4 hours before needing her last feed of the night (typically at 1:30 am and then 5:30 am). I also believe that she's teething already :/ she's very "drooly", sucks on her hands and mind a lot too.

What I'm trying to do is to feed her more during the day so she goes back to her wonderful sleep schedule but no such luck! She keeps looking around while at the breast and smiling at me...damn it! Anyone had any luck with this method?

Its so nice to see you!! I remember you from third tri too!! :D

I have found it doesn't matter either way when I feed her, more or less. That's because Lily is waking up to comfort feed though. I think maybe you could decrease the amount of time she feeds (if she's bf) or the amount of formula (through dilution or just less in the bottle). Then you know she's not waking up to feed anymore...

But I have no idea if that trick works, I just read it in one of the 6 books on baby sleep I've read so far.

On a REALLY happy note, today Lily has taken all of her naps (except the last half of one) in her crib!! Now one day is nothing, if only to at least START this going in the right direction...
That is wonderful!

If you think Elsie is waking at 11pm due to habit, you might want to try "wake to sleep". I have never tried it, but Dr. Weissbluth of "Healty Sleep Habits, Happy Child" recommends it. He's usually big on CIO, but for habitual wakings he says it can work. You basically wake her at 10:45pm and help her get back to sleep. I guess the hope is that you disrupt her rhythm of waking at 11pm? I don't know quite how it's supposed to work...

Thanks for the tip, if the 11pm wakeup continues tonight then I may be brave enough to try that tomorrow :haha:

This is from the babywhisperer as well, and she has a few forums, you might be able to find some more information on there, or get any questions answered.

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