Ready for round two... Bring it!!!

I wish I saw my Dr more often. I think I last saw him in January or February. It is a medical school clinic so he is only there a couple of days a week and even if he is there they usually have you see one of the student fellows. Ultimately the Dr is consulted on your case if there are any changes to be made but it would sure be nice to see my Dr now and then.

I can't imagine having to take a cycle off just because the Dr was on vacation. That must have been so frustrating. FX you get your AF soon and won't have to worry about it.
Well well, speak of the Devil! AF is starting to make an appearance, just started spotting but went ahead and called for an appt Thursday right away! Luckily they always fit me in even last minute (knock on wood)
Def am curious to see what the dr tries this time as he said we would do something diff, I think if it doesn't work this time I'll be on to IVF. will keep you updated on what he says and let me know how ur IUI goes with all those follies!! :)
Glad she showed early enough to schedule your scan this week :thumbup: Be sure to tell the Dr you got the + OPK early last cycle in case he wants to adjust your timing any this month to account for that. Good luck!
Am I the only one who hates the day between trigger and IUI? Between discomfort in the ovaries, soreness from the shot and feeling nausea all day long I always feel plain awful.
Hi bear, the first time I took the ovidrel I was very sleepy but no other side effects (that was with 2 eggs) second time I didn't feel anything (1 egg) don't know if that makes a did ur IUI go?! My appt didn't go so well, no cysts but the dr said I couldn't start injectables yet cuz we didn't prepare ahead of time or get insurance authorization. So I'm on the exact same protocol as the last 2 times. Then a week after insemination we will start preparing for either injectables or IVF. we r going to discuss which would be better. I feel like each cycle is getting worse, maybe my body is getting used to the meds, any suggestions on helping get more eggs around ovulation? I'm thinking I'll completely cut out sugar and caffeine...
Bepaisley - I wonder if our bodies don't get used to the meds too. Are they willing to up your clomid at all to see if you can get more follies. I don't have any other advice on how to get more follicles. I only get as many as I do because of the medication they have me on. I haven't done anything different than when I was on other meds and had 0-1. I've cut out things like caffeine and alcohol too (except during AF) but don't know if that makes a difference really. I've also heard keeping your feet up as much as possible can help them grow but who knows :shrug: Sorry you have to wait to try injectibles. FX this cycle will work and you won't need to after all :hugs:

My IUI went ok. Had 7 million with 39% motility. The count is about avg for our frozen samples but the motility was really good compared to previous thaws so FX that makes the difference. I'm hoping taking til cd20 for the IUI won't mean poor egg quality.

I definitely did not like the Dr though. It wasn't one I'd ever seen before and after making me wait 15 minutes (90 min post thaw) he comes in making comments and asking questions about my history and treatment. I wanted to scream 'just do the IUI already before all the sperm die!' :hissy: I go into more detail in my journal...

Anyway, I'm officially in the 2ww now and plan to test 6/1. I figure the trigger should be out of my system by then at 13dpo.
I'm thinking of maybe walking more before the IUI to hopefully get blood flowing a bit more? I dunno why I think that'll help but I'll try anything! Lol
Hahah - I can imagine u with that dr, mine always asks how work is, who knows what goes on at work, all I do is come on this site through my phone and google all day lol...I can't focus on anythin else!! I don't know too much about what mOtility is good or not, they usually just tell me count...thatll be my next google I guess!
I was very proud of myself for not screaming... :thumbup: I don't get a lot done at work some days either LOL

From what I have found ideally they want a count of at least 10 million with 30% motility for the best chance. So I figure if that gives 3 million motile then our 39% of 7 million would be 2.73 million so that's pretty close
Yea, I don't even understand why so many r needed when it only takes one and they put it so close to the egg! First cycle I ha 2 eggs (one on each side) did back to back iuis with 30 million each day and still nothing! Makes no sense to me :/
When is ur husband back, and do you get to talk daily?
I get to talk to my husband but he's not as helpful as talking on here lol, keeps telling me to be patient and if I cry tells me I have to be calm and it'll happen etc. He tries to be so sweet but sometimes I wanna just scream at him! Lol
People have had success with only 500K for IUI and one egg while other can have 80 million and lots of eggs and get BFN. It makes absolutely no sense at all...

DH will be back in a couple of months for two weeks on leave but it will be :cold: again before he is back for good. We typically communicate 3-4 times per week but it all depends on what he has going on and if the internet there is working. Some weeks I will hear from him almost every day and other only once or twice. This week is unusual - I haven't heard from him since last Friday :sad1:

He is about the same as your husband with ttc. Tells me it will happen and tries to be supportive. I try not to overwhelm him with details of the process but still keep him in the loop. I definitely come here to really discuss things. It makes such a difference when you discuss it with people who are in the same boat.
Aww sorry, that's stressful too. I'm sure you're excited for him coming back even if it is for a few weeks. I'm the same about not going into too many details, he can't keep any of my meds straight. My Drs office didn't even meet him till after all my testing and before treatments, so they joked that they wondered if he existed. I'm so close to the office I just didn't think he needed to make the commute to just sit there, it's not like he could really do much, but def glad he's around. Hope you hear from ur DH soon!
Hey guys,
Just stopping in to see how you are doing.
Paisley, I'm really sorry about your BFN. I know how devastating it is. I also know how scary it is to think of IVF if the next one doesn't work. I found that I finally reached my threshold and just bit the bullet and decided to go for it, but everyone has their limit for what they can endure and what they want to do. I am scared because if this doesn't work, what do I do? I did feel better when the nurse practitioner told me that she couldn't think of anyone my age or younger (I just turned 31) for whom it never ending up working. She said for some people it took a few times or took longer, but it eventually worked. I felt better after that, but then I was also thinking that I don't want it to take a few times of IVF. much to think about.

MrsBear - glad you got the IUI done and you're in the 2WW. I don't get the numbers, either. Some ppl have success with lower numbers and some have 100 million post wash and have BFN.
I'm thinking back to my 4 IUIs and I feel like they went really quickly because now I've been on BCPs for a week in prep for IVF and I can't take it anymore! I feel like I'm not doing anything and I want to get back to injecting and feel like I'm making some progress or something!

Best of luck to you both...
I know what you mean Kaylakin, I've been put on BCP before when I've a cyst and it's torture being made to wait. I think the worst part of BCP is that it is a daily reminder that you aren't ttc.

I will probably move on to IVF once DH is back too. I know several people that have had successful IVF. Two were in their late 30s and one mid 30s. At 31 you have even better odds. I'm sure you will get your BFP soon - hang in there :hugs:
Kaylakin good to hear from u! I think I was scared to do IVF before because of the whole process, but now i feel I can handle that and my new fear is that it's my last option and what if it doesn't worn?! So glad to hear what ur nurse said though, makes me feel a little better. The great thing about this site is having ppl to relate to but the bad thing is u can find just about any circumstance on here and I start to think all these things might happen to me cuz of reading about others! Sigh...well I really really hope to hear about some BFPs from the ladies on here!
How is everyone doing?

Harvest - have you tested yet?

I'm not testing til next Wednesday so still a ways to go... :wacko:
I went for my scan yesterday and there was nothing on the right side but on the left it seemed like a follicle was developing but also there was a cyst...
I asked the dr about it and he said it's ok, get my bloodwork and come back on tuesday. I feel like another cycle is wasted :(
I guess I'll see what happens Tuesday. Still going back and forth between injectables and IVF, if I have to go on BC to get rid of the cyst I'm thinking IVF, I just feel like everything is taking too long
When's everyone else testing??
Sorry bepaisley, I know how you feel, this process feels like it is taking forever! Just had a BFN after IUI #2, my optimism is a little shattered. Who knows, 3rd time lucky?
How is everyone else doing?
Sorry for the BFN Harvest :hugs:

Bepaisley - FX the follicle they saw develops ok and you got good news at today's scan.

I'm testing tomorrow and this morning I just had a gut feeling that it is a BFN. It is odd because yesterday I had a feeling it would be BFP. Hopefully it is just my mind preparing me for the BFN so I don't get my hopes up too much.
Sorry mrs.bear, is ivf next? The chances will be much higher, I know its so hard, I hope you're doing ok. Sorry harvest for ur Bfn as well, hope that 3rd times the charm! As for me, im out also, I have had a really weird cycle. My day 11 bloodwork showed I had already ovulated. I dunno if the cyst was from me trying to ovulate or if I really did. Anyways there is nothing they can do and dr said since my lining was thin it most probably won't happen on it's own this cycle either so just waiting on my period now. Don't know what's next...

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