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Ready for that BFP again! Talk, vent, cry, share your experience!

Oh ladies, I gave in a got 6 tests today (hangs head in shame) I don't know if I can hold out any longer!!

Soanxious darlin sweetheart I wish there was more I could do, words seem useless at a time like this. I would hug ya and cry on your shoulder, oh I mean you cry on my shoulder.... I hope your mini break helps a tiny bit.. How is OH? Xoxo

Bush, you already know my vote. TEST. I will probably cave early too lol
Cutie!!! You got tests?? I don't know weather to waste one and do it tonight or leave it til morning lol... Probably tonight :haha:
Hi everyone.

I'm new here and as creepy as it might sound I've been reading along for a while! Crossing all my fingers and toes for each of you. Reading has been great for me and its nice to see I'm not alone in this! It certainly feels all in my own head sometimes!

Trying to conceive right after my MC on April 27th over here. Feeling confused and time is dragging...
Gunna POAS in the morning not sure to use FMU or SMU, suggestions?
Btw as being only 8-10dpo it may be to early right? So I'm ready to see a BFN but hoping for a BFP of course :)..

Hi hop, welcome!!! Sorry about your loss :hugs: hope you can get your :BFP: before af shows :)
pain and heavy bleeding started at 9pm tonight.. im away tomorrow for weekend on a mini break.. dreading it.. x

Soanxious.... I'm so very truly sorry this is happening. There really are no right words. Just know that we all feel your pain. I already miss your little angel. I miss all the little beans that our gals on these threads lose, and my heart breaks each time I hear of another. We are here for you all the time Hun. I know it's difficult to look forward to much of anything when this is happening, but I hope your mini break can give you some Zen time to help your body heal as you mourn. :hugs:
Welcome to all our new girls, and so sorry to hear of all your losses. We'll all get our sticky beans soon, I'm certain we will.
Welcome hop!

Bush, I always use fmu. 8 or 9 is still early so don't be discourage but I think we're gonna see some lines!!
Soanxious, I'm so sorry, life can be so crappy sometimes. Hugs to you, be kind to yourself and never give up hope, you will get that rainbow baby xxx

Bright eyez have a fabulous time on your cruise!!! Enjoy every minute with your hubby xxx

Hop, welcome, it's good to share and it definitely helps to get through the harder days.

Cutie and bush mama, good luck with the testing!!! Fingers crossed for you, hoping for those BFP's xxxx
(If you can't tell, I am obsessed with this site already.)

Aaaand I'm a moron. I took a test even though I swore I would wait. I had an extra one and just lost all self control.


I took one a week after MC and got a faint positive. The one today is much darker. I'm three weeks out from my MC. I've had headache, nausea, lower backaches, light cramping, nonstop diarrhea, food aversions and boobs are tingly.

Now what? Wait a week and test again? I would be less impressed with the positive if it weren't so much darker than the other. It does seem soon though....however, my pregnancy symptoms had vanished two weeks ago and now seem to be circling back...

Idk. Like I said, I'm an idiot.
Welcome to the new ladies!

How far along we're you hop? I had positives for a while after my mmc (I was 12 weeks) and how dark the test is can depend on how much you've drunk and when you last had a wee. However, it sounds good so I hope this is your bfp. I agree, test again in a week and see.

So anxious how are you doing Hun? Been thinking about you this weekend. I am so devastated for you, but I do believe you will get your sticky bfp. You need to do the tests and see what they say and then once you k ow why this keeps happening you can stop it. :hugs: I hope you are able to have a nice time on your weekend away. Xxx

Cd14 over here. 5 days until I ovulate!!
I was 6 weeks along.

I got a box of digitals to have on hand. I will test again in a week if no period. I'm definitely not going to get my hopes up, but I really am having the same early symptoms as before. Stomach is queasy constantly and I have a mild headache all the time. I would be so stoked if my efforts workers but I know the chances are small....
Just wanted to give u BIG :hugs: Soanxiuos !!!!!!

I just found out have have a double gene of MTFHR so if u have any questions feel free to ask!!!
Thank you Sis xx

Have people previously had healthy pregnancies and been told by consultants it cant be anything serious for mc then finding out you have something that medications can help?
Good morning ladies,

How is everyone?

AFM - I am waiting to O and vacation. I have been taking my b6, primrose, folic acid, prenatal vitamins and smep. I will start using preseed and softcup today. I think I am suppose to O on the 22nd or 23rd. If it doesn't happen this time I have an appointment with the FD on June 2nd. Any ideas as to what I should ask about or for?
Hello darlin lovely to see your face!! I'm awaiting my BFP and want to confess my new addiction of POAS :haha:

Well come on O! Soon be time to get busy :sex: xo
Hello darlin lovely to see your face!! I'm awaiting my BFP and want to confess my new addiction of POAS :haha:

Well come on O! Soon be time to get busy :sex: xo

Bush, have you tested again?
Brighteyze just ask if you are taking the egg quality nutrients and enjoy the bd and cruise.. I got pregnant last 2 cycles with conceive plus and mooncup.. so fx the items you use will massively increase your chances too x
Cutie- what? Test.... Me... Noooooo (looks around for a suspect) oh wait it's me... Only this morning :) I couldn't help it.. It was there looking at me.. What could I do but pick it up and pee in it!! That's what you do right?? :haha:

It looks like it maybe and I was a little excited but no better if not worse visually to take pic of.. I'll take another in morning I think but use SMU...

Shhhhhh..... Don't tell Soanxious ok... She'll smack me! So shhhhh.. :rofl:

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