Realy early pregnancy ladies! lets support each other all the way to wen we givebirth

Hello I got my faint line on Tuesday the 14th I am 3.6 weeks the due date is looking like February 25th. I have night sickness, headache, heart burn, my breasts are sore and getting heavy,I have cramps, I have a lovely implantation dip, (if any one would like to see it's in my sig) I had a m/c last feb 14th, this will be DH and my first together, this is our 2nd marriage and we both are blessed with 3 children. I am fatigued, weepy (in a good way) very thirsty, going pee allot..And that's about it..My m/c was @ 6.5 weeks so I think once I see the heart beating and get past that point I will feel better and we can start telling people. I am excited to take this journey with you all..I hope every one has a sticky bean!!!!!

I got a BIG surprise last Monday and it's still sinking in! We have two children aged 6 and 2 and weren't planning any more after losing one to Downs and another early m/c. I'm 40 and was too worried to try again.... anyway it's happened naturally if unexpectedly(miracle as all my other pregnancies were Clomid) and we are cautiously excited. Have a dating scan booked for next Thursday as can't remember when last cycle was but think I'm about 6 weeks now.
Got a positive pregnancy test this morning but have felt pretty certain for a few days. I would be about 4.5 weeks pregnant. I am looking up doctors to call. I use Tricare so probably will have to go in for a pregnancy test then be referred. Hopefully it will not be too hard of a process finding a good doctor, as we are stationed in Germany.

I'm feeling good, hungry frequently, and craving meat, cheese etc., which is unusual for me since I am a sweets girl. Headache yesterday but that could've been a caffeine withdrawal headache since I am having only a little black tea now (I was a heavy coffee drinker).
Hi ladies! I usualy just come on here on my phone sometimes it doesn't work! If any of you ladies would like to stay intouch by email I'd like that!! [email protected]
Robertsgirl- I really hope urs is a sticky bean! Sorry for ur losses! And wow that's a lot of symptoms! I love. Symptoms tho shows everythings going well!!!

Joana- aww congrats on your suprise and I am sure this isyour mirical baby! It will all go well for you! Keep us updated on your sccan!!

Katy- wow u just found out this morning congrats how r u feeling? Be careful with the cheese! Makes sure its pasurised and not mouldy cheese like bre etc I'm just sticking to pasturised chedder xx
I never posted this, but I'm bored so why not...

My last af : March 23rd (PCOS, not this far along!)
Estimated due date around mid February 2012
How far gone am I: 5-6 weeks
How far when found out?: 3-4 weeks (No proper date yet!)
Urine or blood test: POAS
Was I ttc or was it a suprise: NTNP Didn't think we could get pregnant!!!!
Vitamines: Prenatals for hair
Age: 26 years old
OH: my DH is 27 years old. (Why OH? I always say DH...I dunno!)
Who have I told: Everyone at work, his Dad and Stepmom and my Dad and sister
When will I tell others and how: Probably 8 - 10 weeks...
Worries: Bad US in the beginning, hoping everything is ok and pregnancy is viable. Bad shaped sac at 4 week ultrasound :(
Most excited:About everything! Being a MOMMY!!!
Hi everyone. Was wondering if I could join? I just found out 3 days ago. Still hasn't sunk in. This is my first pregnancy so I don't know what to expect. I'm also worried about mc.

Robertsgirl we are due on the same day! But I have a doc apt Wednesday to confirm and do blood work.
Hi to all the new ladies, it is going to be great learning about all your journeys and supporting each other.

Robertsgirl, loved your pics on your ff chart page, disneymoons are the best!

I am trying to feel a bit more positive, and we have told our parents now they are very happy at the prospect of their new grandchild!

How is everyone else doing today?

I still have a few cramps today, fell hungry for peparami this afternoon, and starting to feel a bit more tired, will see how i feel tomorrow have a long day out tomorrow at the good food show, so will see if the long drive or the different food smells set any ms off.
jonana- I'm so sorry for your losses. Congrats on your little bean I pray all goes well for you :)
KatyW- I am craving everything dairy!!! I don't care for milk, but right now it is SOOOOOO good!! LOL
youngwife20-Thank you!!! Keep us updated on your little angel!!!
xPeacexSellsx- Let us know updates on your bean your both in my prayers!!
Sunkissed- That is so exciting!!!!! Every pregnancy is different so really none of us knows what to expect.. I'm so happy you got your BFP!!!!!
Tink81- thank you so much, they are my world I am blessed with a wonderful family I married a great guy and I have 3 more children to love!!! This will be our first together! We are a Disney family it's our happy place..LOL...Don't stress everything will be fine, there is a hormone that is dumped into your blood stream when you stress and it can be harmful for your bean so just breath and talk to your baby and be positive in 9 months you will be holding your perfect angel :)

I'm having nausea in the mornings and in the evenings I am able to keep my breakfast down but having a harder time with dinner..Even worse if I give in and snack at night..Preggie pops are really helping though. I have cramps, a headache, I'm going to take a nap in a moment..same symptoms really..I did another test and I see it's getting darker and this is a huge relief to me, I have a Doctors appointment Tuesday morning..I'm really happy, I feel like that part of me that was wounded and always hurt is gone, I don't look down when I see an expecting mother I smile I know that will be me this time..I have thanked God a million times for this baby.. My DH keeps calling me his beautiful pregnant wifey I love it!! I am so happy!!!! And I am happy for all of you!!!!!! I wish all the girls I have crossed paths with on here TTC would show up in this thread..I pray for them that they soon will have their dreams and prayers answered.. I have given birth to three precious little girls, and I believe I took the pregnancies for granted, live every moment to it's fullest, don't rush it and wish it was over you'll miss your bump I always did..We are lucky I have learned on this journey it is not as easy to get pregnant and many lost there beans early on and much too soon.. And some sadly may never get to carry a baby of their own, be thankful and humble and when you can't see your toes and your sore and tired just know it's so worth it and you are growing a little image of God in your belly made with beautiful love. :)
Beachcomber- I'm so sorry for ur losses! And I realy hope things get better its normal for symptoms to come and go xx try not to worry
Sorry ladies! My phone freezes someotimes and I can't get on here!

Peace I just put "oh-otherhalf" incase people arnt married :)

Tinks- I probably wouldn't eat peparami or salami.

And I have been so emotional today! Just crying a lot! I think its just hormones mixed with waiting for the scan on monday to make sure the internal bleeding I had has disolved.. I wish my fone would work so I can get on here more often!!
Hi im new here, found out a couple of days ago, still a bit scared that it is all not real. My lmp was on the 19th may so i would be 4 weeks today, due around the 23rd feb according to fertility friend.

Only told one close friend so far, don't want to get too many hopes up and then it all go wrong as we have been tic for nearly 2 years and this was our first round of clomid.

Thoughts and prayers that these are all sticky pregnancies for us all, and we will be supporting each other over the next nine months

gem congrats! i am due on the 22ndof feb! i am afraid to get my hopes up too much but all seems as it should for now. i have had positive hpt's since 9dpo! i am just keepin my feet up as much as possible and stayin positive! are you feeling any symptoms? i've just a bit of lower back pain and pretty bloated at night. scan anytime soon? i have one in 3 weeks (that is because i booked private) and it seems ages away! maybe you have one sooner due to clomid? congrats hun! here's hoping we are big and gross feeling in 8 months!!:happydance:
Sophie: thanks for the advice ur right I'll try not to tell anyone but I haven't been sogood we have been telling everyone! How long did u wait to tell ppl?

Lovely: I know how you feel! I can't stop telling people!! I'm glad you found this friendf too so many of us going through the same!

Cho- congrats and goodluck for ur first sccan! I agree everything happens for a reason :)

Sweet- I'm so sorry ppl haven't been as supportive or think it counts don't listen to anyone xx honestly you keep being positive nothing counts apart from u baby and ur partner try not to listen to anyones negitivity!

Tink: I get so worried about telling ppl I even cried when my mum told my grandma to let our family know so they can pray for me.. Thinking bak I think I was over reacting.. Hormones!

Peace- what's pink eye?

Jemmy- congrats and sorry about ur sickness! My apointment is 6 of july I'll be about 9 weeks then!

But have a scan on monday to check everythings ok but they don't think theyl see baby yet.

Maybe- wow congrats that is early hope ur feeling good

That's intresting we had our period the same time but I'm 4 weeks? Do u know ur. 2 weeks pregnant before conception (well if u do end up the sperm meeting the eg) u cud be alittle further along depending on when u ovd though I don't know when I ovulated

And wow ur gonna wait till end of first tri to tell I wish I cud but I have a big mouth
@robertsgirl - thank you so much for your kind words. I hope everything goes well for you and I hope the symptoms wear off or at lease ease up for you soon. There isn't anything that can ruin a day quite like nausea, is there?

@youngwife - ohhhh....the Other Half makes sense now. I googled OH and it came back with Old Hubby and I just didn't like that lol! Maybe we should put BH for Better Half? Or Worse Half? :rofl:

Pink Eye, it is conjuctivitus...basically where your eye swells up and gets pink and red and crusty and gross lol - it's nasty!
@ Belong - the beginning is SO nervewracking isn't it? I can not WAIT to join the 2nd trimester forum!!

@Tink - hopefully you get enough rest today to prep for tomorrow. Don't over do it girl!

@joanna, katy, and sunkissed - good luck to you all and I wish sticky dust in your direction!
Congrats to all you ladies, I just found out last week!! We're very excited and due around Feb 23. Our first apt in on Tuesday can't wait
My last af : 14th of May
Estimated due date: February 19, 2012
How far gone am I: 4 weeks, 5 days
How far when found out?: 3 weeks, 2 days
Urine or blood test: urine, faint positive at 9dpo on an IC
Symptoms: lower back pain, mild cramps, bloating
Was I ttc or was it a surprise: TTC for 4 months
Vitamins: Womens-1-a-Day Prenatal Vitamins
Age: 28 years old
OH: my husband is 29 years old. We have been together since we were 16
Who have I told: Hubby, Mom, 6 best girlfriends :) I'm telling my dad this weekend on Fathers Day
When will I tell others and how: 11-13 weeks... on FB with a ultrasound... and i will make phone calls to my grandparents
Worries: worried about every little cramp! I worry everytime i trip or stumble
Most excited: about being big pregnant and feeling the baby inside me and then having a healthy baby!!
Hi everyone,

My name is Nancy and I just got my BFP today at 11 dpo, on my 5th cycle of TTC. I'm only 3weeks, and 3days pregnant! My doctor won't even see me until I'm past 7 weeks- I have an appointment on 7/15.

This will (hopefully!) be my 4th child. I am 38 years old and currently have a teen, a 10 y/o and a 5 y/o. Finally talked my husband into "just one more" (yes that clock was ticking lol) and 5 months later, I got my BFP!

I am a little nervous because of my age- it's going to be a long 4 weeks til that dr appt and every twinge will prob have me paranoid- I just want to hear that everything looks like it should, that there is a good strong heartbeat, I want it to "stick," etc.

Good luck to all of you, I hope we all have happy and healthy pregnancies and babies!
@robertsgirl - thank you so much for your kind words. I hope everything goes well for you and I hope the symptoms wear off or at lease ease up for you soon. There isn't anything that can ruin a day quite like nausea, is there?

@youngwife - ohhhh....the Other Half makes sense now. I googled OH and it came back with Old Hubby and I just didn't like that lol! Maybe we should put BH for Better Half? Or Worse Half? :rofl:

Pink Eye, it is conjuctivitus...basically where your eye swells up and gets pink and red and crusty and gross lol - it's nasty!

lol my hubbys only 24 :p so not too old! haha lol your we should to BH :p i like that that made me giggle!
Lisa- congratulations!! is thee apointment on tues with your midwife? goodluck

JOKER- wow you got a positive on urine at 3 weeks thats one strong bean you got ther!

this lower back pain were is it i am having like lower back pain liek the bottome of my spine!

NFG- congratulations!! and anytime you worry were here!! its nice to see that other people worry about the same things i thought i was being over the top worried but now i see its completly normal!

joker im exactly the same its the first time ive been out since i came out of hospital and i walked to the library and i was getting so worried!! but im at the library now so i made it here safely lol
and wow since you were 16 aww young love that was ment to be!

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