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Reasons you SHOULD breastfeed

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ooh they know better apparently,. I have gotten in many of rows about whats best with my mum who thinks chocolate is suitable for a 3 month old. Many of rows where had. I have developed such a thick skin since starting. I hate when poeple ask what are you going to do when he goes to school and play school. My breastfeeding always seemed more of a problem for everyone else than me. My mum wanted to know what times my son was fed at? no idea mum 6 weeks old whenever he wants. She was disgusted. She is on for breastfeeding but she never done any of it and everything she done was apparently right.
It's so easy for others to judge when they aren't in the situation. You're doing what is best for your children and that's all that matters. After all, William and Alexander are not her kids.
ooh they know better apparently,. I have gotten in many of rows about whats best with my mum who thinks chocolate is suitable for a 3 month old. Many of rows where had. I have developed such a thick skin since starting. I hate when poeple ask what are you going to do when he goes to school and play school. My breastfeeding always seemed more of a problem for everyone else than me. My mum wanted to know what times my son was fed at? no idea mum 6 weeks old whenever he wants. She was disgusted. She is on for breastfeeding but she never done any of it and everything she done was apparently right.

when my brother was at school a woman used to go to the school gates, her sons would meet her there aged 6 and 10. well shed stick her boobs thru the gates and feed them:wacko: now i think thats abit too far lol
ooh they know better apparently,. I have gotten in many of rows about whats best with my mum who thinks chocolate is suitable for a 3 month old. Many of rows where had. I have developed such a thick skin since starting. I hate when poeple ask what are you going to do when he goes to school and play school. My breastfeeding always seemed more of a problem for everyone else than me. My mum wanted to know what times my son was fed at? no idea mum 6 weeks old whenever he wants. She was disgusted. She is on for breastfeeding but she never done any of it and everything she done was apparently right.

when my brother was at school a woman used to go to the school gates, her sons would meet her there aged 6 and 10. well shed stick her boobs thru the gates and feed them:wacko: now i think thats abit too far lol

:wacko: I will not be going that far lol before school he will be weaned I hope.
ooh they know better apparently,. I have gotten in many of rows about whats best with my mum who thinks chocolate is suitable for a 3 month old. Many of rows where had. I have developed such a thick skin since starting. I hate when poeple ask what are you going to do when he goes to school and play school. My breastfeeding always seemed more of a problem for everyone else than me. My mum wanted to know what times my son was fed at? no idea mum 6 weeks old whenever he wants. She was disgusted. She is on for breastfeeding but she never done any of it and everything she done was apparently right.

when my brother was at school a woman used to go to the school gates, her sons would meet her there aged 6 and 10. well shed stick her boobs thru the gates and feed them:wacko: now i think thats abit too far lol

:wacko: I will not be going that far lol before school he will be weaned I hope.

hahaha, my mum who is all for bf was in so much shock when she saw it. i am suprised the school let her keep doing it thru the gate tho lol
It's so easy for others to judge when they aren't in the situation. You're doing what is best for your children and that's all that matters. After all, William and Alexander are not her kids.

I wont get into it for I will rant on and on lol but she thought when william was born she had some sort of rights to him from his name to what he done when he was older. Never helped out just dictated what he was going to do and what I should be doing. lots of rows and dfall outs where to follow. His surname she had beef with as it was my OH she wants hers there??? she just dosnt agree with me and I dont her. Well lifes not boring anyway. :haha:
This is a great post about what to say when someone comments negatively about your breastfeeding-


Witty comebacks for replying to breastfeeding harassment

Most breastfeeding moms have experienced it at least once. You're feeding your baby and some nosey stranger decides to insult you or ask you personal questions. Your meddlesome mother-in-law just has to share her opinion of everything you are doing wrong as a mom. Maybe your own husband is not fully supportive of your choice to feed your baby the way Mother Nature intended.

Here is a definitive list of comebacks and replies for all types of breastfeeding related harassment. Feel free to share your own comebacks in the comments section and we will add them!

"Are you still nursing?"

"Of course not! My mom weaned me a long time ago. My baby is though!"

"Absolutely, isn't it wonderful?"

"Right now? No, he's over there playing."

"I was never a nurse."

"Yes, his doctor is so thrilled. So many moms give up due to pressures of rude friends and family."

"Everyone asks that, it must be because he's so incredibly healthy."

"Yes, he deserves only the very best. "

"Of course, I am glad you keep asking. It shows you want the best for him."

"It's her turn, you'll have to wait in line!"

"When are you planning on weaning?"

"I'm not. He'll wean me."

(pause) "Oh, you were talking to me? I thought you were asking him...he can't answer you yet."

"Maybe when she moves out. She can always come home for a snack, though."

"When are you planning on minding your own business?"

"He hasn't told me yet."

"I haven't asked him yet."

"I hope not for a while. We're both enjoying our time together."

"What, and get my PMS back? are you crazy?"

"I weaned a long time ago, when I was two I think."

"I don't know. He seems to still enjoy it and I enjoy those extra 500 calories I burn."

"Thanks for asking. Everyone seems to need an answer for that except for me and my child."

"When will you give him cow's milk?"

"Whenever he becomes a baby cow."

"When he starts thinking he's a calf."

"Whenever human milk stops being the best for human babies."

"Breastfeeding is gross!"

"So is changing diapers, yet people do it all the time."

"The reason women have breasts is to feed their young."

"Hello? Did you not realize that humans are mammals?"

"Seems to me that you have some issues you need to work out."

"Feeding my baby with whatever it is that they put in formula is gross to me."

"Watching people stuff their faces in restaurants is gross. Should that not be allowed?"

"Watching people eating crappy fast food is gross, and they do that in public all the time!"

"Why would you want to nurse when you can just get formula?"

"Gee, I don’t know. It must have something to do it with being free, always the right temperature, portable, what nature intended, and the best way I can nourish my baby."

"Have you checked out the price of formula lately?"

"Breastmilk is sterile and safe - the same cannot always be said for formula."

"Why give my baby something man made when I can give her what nature intended?"

"You should go feed her in the bathroom."

"Do YOU eat in the bathroom?"

"Why don't YOU go eat in a filthy bathroom?"

"If my breastfeeding offends you, I will be happy to ask your waiter to bring you your food in the restroom."

"How long are you going to do that? Shouldn’t you be feeding your baby solid food now? "

"I plan to follow medical recommendations: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and continued breastfeeding at least through the end of the first year. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for at least two years and beyond as long as mom and baby want to continue."

"Oh, until he goes off to college."

"Its just until I learn to cook!"

"Don’t you want your husband to be able to bond with the baby?"

"You’re right, holding the baby, talking to the baby, changing the baby, bathing the baby, and spending time just being with the baby sure won’t be enough for him to bond with the baby."

"He will bond the same way fathers have bonded for their babies in the thousands of years before formula was invented."

"You want to get up in the middle of the night to nurse?"

"You’re right: I don’t want to get up; that’s why my husband gets up and brings the baby to me."

"I’d rather nurse in my sleep than schlep to the kitchen and try to mix, heat up, and feed my baby formula in my sleep … because I sure do love sleeping."

"We co-sleep. I just roll over, give him the breast, and go back to snoozing!"

"There goes your sex life. "

"My husband would be really shocked to hear that … especially after we … well, I’d better not say any more."

"Are you speaking from experience?"

"How long are you going to keep nursing?"

"Oh, another 10 minutes or so..."

"Until I finish medical school to become a doctor!"

"Isn't he a little old for that?"

"Aren't you a little old to be wearing those jeans?"

"His doctor doesn't think so."

"What?! He's not even out of diapers!"

"Aren't you a little old to be randomly coming up to strangers and asking impolite questions?"

"He doesn't NEED to nurse at this age!"

"He doesn't need his teddy bear either and but we still give it to him."

(laugh) "Where did you hear that?"

"He can HEAR you, you know."

"And you don't NEED to eat that doughnut, but you still are."

"And you should be OVER the whole thing by now, are you still afraid of a breastfeeding child?"

Miscellaneous Responses

"If you are offended by me doing this, then you are looking too closely."

"Do you often look this closely at women's breasts?"

"It is illegal to harass a mother breastfeeding in public or to ask her to cover up. If you still have a problem feel free to call the police. You can explain to them why you are breaking the law."

And of course, you all know our favorite:

If breastfeeding offends you, put a blanket over YOUR head!
i think id just say none of ur business or tell the person to f off lol
altho ive always been quick witted so hopefuly ile come up with something. altho ive heard its illergal to now make nasty comments to a bf woman and u can actualy call the police and press charges.

i might of been dreaming tho who knows lol
T funny post ![/B]

LOL I love it I have been asked them in the past and am dying to be asked them so I have an answer. Well i will be at my granddads party as I will take Alex and he will need fed and my whole family are all formula and keep stating all their kids are fine to me so again this should gross them out. Then they all snub me and treat me like I am looking down on them when I am not.
T funny post ![/B]

LOL I love it I have been asked them in the past and am dying to be asked them so I have an answer. Well i will be at my granddads party as I will take Alex and he will need fed and my whole family are all formula and keep stating all their kids are fine to me so again this should gross them out. Then they all snub me and treat me like I am looking down on them when I am not.

It sounds like they are offended because you are making a different choice than they did even though your choice is the right choice. They may have had medical reasons not to breastfeed and that's understandable but based on their attitudes toward breastfeeding, it just sounds like they are uninformed and they choose to stay that way. I just don't understand how ANYONE could possible think that formula is better for a baby than breast milk. :dohh:
Hahaha I love all those comebacks...going to post to FB too, thanks for sharing
I am really nervous about breastfeeding this time =( my daughter had such an awful time latching and I had a hard time helping her I tried opening her mouth around my nipple, nipple cups to make it easier to get ahold of, holding it so she could keep it in! She never really got it right she split my nipples soooo bad and my boobs were such perfect balls! I mean seriously I had to start pumping because she was not latching and bottle feed at times which cause more issues with nipple confusion. I mean I kept going until I had surgery but after a week in the hospital and having her on formula because I was on strong meds that could harm her and not being able to use milk I just gave in. I only made it 3 months. I want to have a better time this time. By no means do I think its gonna be easy but I really hope I can keep going this time. Any links or suggestions?
I want some of those witty comebacks on a t-shirt! Or a nursing tank, naturally :haha: I think the "through the gates?" was referring to the story about the mother nursing her kids through the gates at school.

I love this thread so much. It just makes me more and more excited for when my baby is finally here. I talked to my best friend today for the first time since she had her daughter couple weeks ago. She decided not to try bf, not sure why exactly. Her daughter is less than two weeks old and already sick, along with everyone else in her family. They've all had a horrible time with getting sick constantly, from the time her first was born. I can't help but wonder if those poor babies wouldve had an easier time of it if she had breastfed them all for an extended period of time. All I know is that hearing her poor newborn crying broke my heart, but at the same time, hearing a newborn baby that wasn't on tv made me cry in anticipation of the arrival of my own. These next 19 weeks cannot go fast enough!

thanks for all the wonderful tips and links, BT. You really are awesome! I still can't get over how I started off this pregnancy dreading bf and thinking it'd be gross to do it for more than a year, and now I'm all pumped up about it and excited to bf for longer and have witty comebacks for people that think the way I used to, lol!

you mentioned allergies earlier. I was bf just past 2 years (my mom thinks, she can't remember specifically), but I have horrible allergies to just about everything except any food I've had so far. Being vegetarian, I eat a lot more soy based foods than most people, and I'm afraid the exposure to it through my breastmilk might make LO allergic to it. Is this possible? I'm also afraid that our having cats will make her allergic to them, but I was raised in a dog family, crawling around on the floor with them, and I'm much more allergic to cats than dogs. I'm thinking about going back to my allergist and asking for tips from him if he knows any on how to prevent allergies, but thought you might at least be able to answer the one about things I eat going through my breastmilk.
I am really nervous about breastfeeding this time =( my daughter had such an awful time latching and I had a hard time helping her I tried opening her mouth around my nipple, nipple cups to make it easier to get ahold of, holding it so she could keep it in! She never really got it right she split my nipples soooo bad and my boobs were such perfect balls! I mean seriously I had to start pumping because she was not latching and bottle feed at times which cause more issues with nipple confusion. I mean I kept going until I had surgery but after a week in the hospital and having her on formula because I was on strong meds that could harm her and not being able to use milk I just gave in. I only made it 3 months. I want to have a better time this time. By no means do I think its gonna be easy but I really hope I can keep going this time. Any links or suggestions?

First of all, good for you for breastfeeding for 3 months! :thumbup: It sounds like you had it pretty rough and you did the best you could. :hugs: I have helped mothers who had a hard time breastfeeding their first babies and then went on to breastfeed their second with no trouble at all. Your last breastfeeding experience does not mean you will have difficulties this time.

Here is a great article on latching and positioning-
It sounds like you already know so much about it maybe these links and articles can help prepare you even more...just in case.

I encourage you to start attending your local La Leche League meetings. There you will find local like minded mommas who will be able to give you advice and support, especially if you have a rough time again.
I want some of those witty comebacks on a t-shirt! Or a nursing tank, naturally :haha: I think the "through the gates?" was referring to the story about the mother nursing her kids through the gates at school.

I love this thread so much. It just makes me more and more excited for when my baby is finally here. I talked to my best friend today for the first time since she had her daughter couple weeks ago. She decided not to try bf, not sure why exactly. Her daughter is less than two weeks old and already sick, along with everyone else in her family. They've all had a horrible time with getting sick constantly, from the time her first was born. I can't help but wonder if those poor babies wouldve had an easier time of it if she had breastfed them all for an extended period of time. All I know is that hearing her poor newborn crying broke my heart, but at the same time, hearing a newborn baby that wasn't on tv made me cry in anticipation of the arrival of my own. These next 19 weeks cannot go fast enough!

thanks for all the wonderful tips and links, BT. You really are awesome! I still can't get over how I started off this pregnancy dreading bf and thinking it'd be gross to do it for more than a year, and now I'm all pumped up about it and excited to bf for longer and have witty comebacks for people that think the way I used to, lol!

you mentioned allergies earlier. I was bf just past 2 years (my mom thinks, she can't remember specifically), but I have horrible allergies to just about everything except any food I've had so far. Being vegetarian, I eat a lot more soy based foods than most people, and I'm afraid the exposure to it through my breastmilk might make LO allergic to it. Is this possible? I'm also afraid that our having cats will make her allergic to them, but I was raised in a dog family, crawling around on the floor with them, and I'm much more allergic to cats than dogs. I'm thinking about going back to my allergist and asking for tips from him if he knows any on how to prevent allergies, but thought you might at least be able to answer the one about things I eat going through my breastmilk.

I know some babies can be allergic to diary passed through breast milk but I'm not sure about soy. I'll look into that and get back to you.

I'm so glad this thread has helped you. :happydance: I feel bad for your friend's baby. :nope:

Yes! That gate reference makes sense now. LOL
That list is wonderful!! I especially love the "I'm sure the waiter will bring you your meal in the bathroom" one :haha:

I only ever had comments from friends, never strangers, so I never felt I could be catty with them. I just did the whole "oh this is so much easier" response to the "when are you going to stick her on a bottle" thing.

I just wish people would leave me alone when it comes to my choices. I'd never dream of telling them they were "wrong" for FFing, why do they feel the need to try and convert me?
I am really nervous about breastfeeding this time =( my daughter had such an awful time latching and I had a hard time helping her I tried opening her mouth around my nipple, nipple cups to make it easier to get ahold of, holding it so she could keep it in! She never really got it right she split my nipples soooo bad and my boobs were such perfect balls! I mean seriously I had to start pumping because she was not latching and bottle feed at times which cause more issues with nipple confusion. I mean I kept going until I had surgery but after a week in the hospital and having her on formula because I was on strong meds that could harm her and not being able to use milk I just gave in. I only made it 3 months. I want to have a better time this time. By no means do I think its gonna be easy but I really hope I can keep going this time. Any links or suggestions?

First of all, good for you for breastfeeding for 3 months! :thumbup: It sounds like you had it pretty rough and you did the best you could. :hugs: I have helped mothers who had a hard time breastfeeding their first babies and then went on to breastfeed their second with no trouble at all. Your last breastfeeding experience does not mean you will have difficulties this time.

Here is a great article on latching and positioning-
It sounds like you already know so much about it maybe these links and articles can help prepare you even more...just in case.

I encourage you to start attending your local La Leche League meetings. There you will find local like minded mommas who will be able to give you advice and support, especially if you have a rough time again.

Thanks so much! I really hope this time I can go longer I really did love her falling asleep on my breast the times she did get on there decent such a great bonding exp :cloud9:. Not just that I know it was better for her! So I will deff look into the group I had a greaaat LC from Mommy and me and I took Alix in to see her often trying to get help and while it did help to an extent I was still sooo sore and split then surgery :cry: that broke it all. Pain meds that I would not dare pass to my baby.
when my brother was at school a woman used to go to the school gates, her sons would meet her there aged 6 and 10. well shed stick her boobs thru the gates and feed them:wacko: now i think thats abit too far lol

:rofl: through the gates?

I must have pregnancy brain...I'm not sure what you mean by ":rofl: through the gates?" ??? :shrug: I'm sure it will make sense once you explain it and I'll feel so slow. :blush:

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