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Reasons you SHOULD breastfeed

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olive oil ok with baby contact? lansinoh stains my tops and bras.

Olive oil is just fine with baby contact. In fact, I bet it's very healthy for a baby what with all it's monounsaturated fat and antifungal properties but, like with anything, watch for allergic reaction. I switched to olive oil because I was actually allergic to lanishoh and other lanolin creams and olive oil worked very well for my son and I. I have found that the olive oil absorbs very quickly so it doesn't usually stain but any staining does come out with some dish soap and warm water.
Ohhh great tip about the olive oil! Thank you. I think I should be able to keep going through the pain bit, providing I get the support! My mum is super keen for me to feed, my husband too, as we said before, mainly for cost reasons as I don't think he knows about all the benifits. He is a little uncomfortable with me doing it in public, but tbh he hasn't seen any women do it in public! A few weeks ago we were out and I said "did you see the woman breast feeding in the corner?" "no"he says, "exactly! You don't need anyone else to see!" hahah think he thinks I'll be stripping off! Lol.
About the baby, yeah he prob did have a combo of colustrum and blood,the mum was still in hospital and had a terrible time, no support from midwives when she begging for help to feed him, she did want to breastfeed. She still feels guilt about giving up, it's terrible. It's good that there is help. I live in a socially deprived area so there is a huge push on breast feeding, I think for child health and cost reasons really, so I looked it up and my health centre seems to do a breast feeding support group etc, they also have posters up everywhere in most health centres saying "breastfeeding friendly area". Only thing is I've got some weddings to go to this summer and not sure if I can bring baby! I'm hoping I can. :) xx

You could purchase a Bebe au Lait/Hooter Hider or other breastfeeding cover for nursing in public, if that helps your husband feel better. https://www.bebeaulait.com/

It sounds like your friend did the best she could. It's discouraging when difficulties occur and there is no support available.
Hi, just wanted to say thanks. I really really want to breastfeed! I'm a little scared about it, like the discomfort and pain, but I'm really hoping I can. My mum done it with with all 3 of us, so she thinks it will be fine! Lol. I feel better after reading all this, that it doesn't need to be a trauma. I used to think it was so natural and easy, but hearing peoples horror stories really frightened me, with bleeding and babies vomiting blood! Eeeekkkkk! I'm so glad to hear there is help, should I need it. :) is it also a bit cheeky to want to do it for cost reasons...? :blush: xx

It's not all fun and games in the early days, it does take a little while to get your nipples adjusted and your supply settled. But honestly, after the initial tricky period (which I'm sure is worsened by post-partum hormones in no small part!) it is SO easy and SO wonderful. Like you, I'm a little nervous in case it's awful this time around but I WILL be sticking with it because I now know just how incredibly worth it it is.

Use forums like this Lettuce. I had a 'breastfeeding buddy' on another forum and I swear she kept me sane. 3 kids herself (all BFed) she was there if I just needed a rant, she gave me advice about clusterfeeding and made me realise that each little hiccup was not the end of the world (hormones, remember? lol). It really is invaluable to have support like this at the other end of a computer

And I will be trying the olive oil tip - my old sleep bras are still stained with lansinoh, it's grim lol

Blutea, thanks again for your suggestion. I don't want to force her to start taking BM again but if she's interested I don't want to be stopping her either.

Ach, I'm so excited to have this baby now :blush:
Hi, just wanted to say thanks. I really really want to breastfeed! I'm a little scared about it, like the discomfort and pain, but I'm really hoping I can. My mum done it with with all 3 of us, so she thinks it will be fine! Lol. I feel better after reading all this, that it doesn't need to be a trauma. I used to think it was so natural and easy, but hearing peoples horror stories really frightened me, with bleeding and babies vomiting blood! Eeeekkkkk! I'm so glad to hear there is help, should I need it. :) is it also a bit cheeky to want to do it for cost reasons...? :blush: xx

It's not all fun and games in the early days, it does take a little while to get your nipples adjusted and your supply settled. But honestly, after the initial tricky period (which I'm sure is worsened by post-partum hormones in no small part!) it is SO easy and SO wonderful. Like you, I'm a little nervous in case it's awful this time around but I WILL be sticking with it because I now know just how incredibly worth it it is.

Use forums like this Lettuce. I had a 'breastfeeding buddy' on another forum and I swear she kept me sane. 3 kids herself (all BFed) she was there if I just needed a rant, she gave me advice about clusterfeeding and made me realise that each little hiccup was not the end of the world (hormones, remember? lol). It really is invaluable to have support like this at the other end of a computer

And I will be trying the olive oil tip - my old sleep bras are still stained with lansinoh, it's grim lol

Blutea, thanks again for your suggestion. I don't want to force her to start taking BM again but if she's interested I don't want to be stopping her either.

Ach, I'm so excited to have this baby now :blush:

I'm so excited FOR you! :happydance:
Breastfeeding maybe good for both mother and baby but it doesnt prevent the baby from getting sick. Babies can still get sick. Yea it helps the mother with weight loss depending on if the mother sticks to eating healthy.
I never have had any desire to breastfeed, the whole idea of it does not appeal to me & I also like the idea that the baby's Dad, grandparents & others can help with feeds ect.

I wanted to second what BluTea said about your open-mindedness. It really is so commendable!

I had a c section with my first so found getting up and down quite difficult - as a result, Mr B had to do a lot of the childcare in the early weeks - nappies, baths, he would bring her to me in the night and burp her after her feeds (he was always much better at getting wind out of her than I was anyway). He was far more involved than I was actually in the first month! I know it seems like feeding is the 'main' way for a father to be involved with his baby but there are so many other ways to bond that I'm sure, if you choose to breastfeed, he won't feel he's missing out.

Blutea I have another rather random question ref: tandem nursing.

I got pregnant whilst breastfeeding but she weaned probably a month after my BFP... I know a lot of ladies continue to nurse throughout their pregnancies (tbh I was hoping to do that myself but it didn't work out that way) and then go on to tandem nurse their newborn and their toddler.

Now is there any way, obviously only if Claudia is willing, to reintroduce the breast to my older child when the baby arrives and I start lactating again? I'm not dead set on it or anything, more curious as to whether it can be done... She has shown no interest in BFing since she weaned but if she does when the new baby arrives what are your thoughts (everyone, not just BT) on offering her the boob?

Thanks :hugs:

You certainly can try. Some toddlers do temporarily wean during a pregnancy and take to the breast right away when the new baby is born while others forget how to breastfeed. Some mothers have successfully taught their toddlers how to relatch, especially when they show an interest in it because the baby is breastfeeding. I'd say go for it! That is my plan too, if my son decides to wean during this pregnancy. He was upset, at first, by the change in taste and amount of my breast milk but now he seems okay with it and nurses mostly for comfort. I'm not sure how to teach a toddler how to relatch but I'll ask my co leaders and see if they have any suggestions and I'll let you know.

To help teach a toddler to nurse ask him/her to open wide and stick their tongue out over their bottom lip before latching onto the nipple. If they are not quite sure what you mean you could demonstrate on a bottle. This will help ensure that he/she has a proper latch. If they are still unable to relatch properly, you could always express and offer breast milk in a cup. This way they still receive the nutritional and immunological benefit of your milk.
Breastfeeding maybe good for both mother and baby but it doesnt prevent the baby from getting sick. Babies can still get sick. Yea it helps the mother with weight loss depending on if the mother sticks to eating healthy.

Breast milk does offer immunological benefit. Breast milk offers the baby the mother's antibodies and this can shorten the duration of sickness and even prevent it. Infection is still possible but, usually, a healthy breastfed baby is able to fight it better and recover faster.

From the article I posted previously- https://www.kellymom.com/bf/bfextended/ebf-benefits.html#Immunological

Breastfeeding children are SICK LESS OFTEN

The American Academy of Family Physicians notes that children weaned before two years of age are at increased risk of illness (AAFP 2001).

Nursing toddlers between the ages of 16 and 30 months have been found to have fewer illnesses and illnesses of shorter duration than their non-nursing peers (Gulick 1986).

"Antibodies are abundant in human milk throughout lactation" (Nutrition During Lactation 1991; p. 134). In fact, some of the immune factors in breastmilk increase in concentration during the second year and also during the weaning process. (Goldman 1983, Goldman & Goldblum 1983, Institute of Medicine 1991).

Per the World Health Organization, "a modest increase in breastfeeding rates could prevent up to 10% of all deaths of children under five: Breastfeeding plays an essential and sometimes underestimated role in the treatment and prevention of childhood illness." [emphasis added]

Breastfeeding children have FEWER ALLERGIES

Many studies have shown that one of the best ways to prevent allergies and asthma is to breastfeed exclusively for at least 6 months and continue breastfeeding long-term after that point.

Breastfeeding can be helpful for preventing allergy by:
reducing exposure to potential allergens (the later baby is exposed, the less likely that there will be an allergic reaction),
speeding maturation of the protective intestinal barrier in baby's gut,
coating the gut and providing a barrier to potentially allergenic molecules,
providing anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the risk of infections (which can act as allergy triggers).

I agree that good nutrition is very important while breastfeeding and weight loss does vary from one mother to another but weight loss is typically easier for a mother who is beastfeeding a baby. I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and I still lost a ton of weight.
Breastfeeding maybe good for both mother and baby but it doesnt prevent the baby from getting sick. Babies can still get sick. Yea it helps the mother with weight loss depending on if the mother sticks to eating healthy.

doesnt prevent all babies as all babies are different but cold make weaker babies less ill. With most it does give them an excellent immune system. I havnt seen my son sick yet, I seen him with sniffles for a few hours then it was gone once. As for the eating thing thats true I think I didnt loose any weight but I do eat more,. I replace the calories that burn off thus loosing none. I think I need to stop eating like a pig though. for most who eat the same way as they did without eating extra i think it does.
i was breastfeed and my immun system is shite! if someone is ill i get it ten times worse, i catch colds really easily. i have eczema, mild asthma. where as i do no someone who was just bottle fed n they are rarely ill.

i think it has more to do with genes and the person then how they are fed, but ofcourse the natural way is better as its nature after all.
I have all that to and was formula fed. And some more. :( there are anti bodies in breastmilk they do help, some maybe worse without them and it does depend how long to. Some woman think a few months will work I actually read its years you need to bf for to get the full benefits. Bluetea will know more though.
think im just a walking disaster zone anyway lol

"they" keep changing the guide lines which does my head in. i was bf for 6 months and if it has helped make my immune system better then god help me if i wasnt bf, id of prob died by now.

i do think illness and if ur prone to certain things has more to do with dna rather then how ur fed, not saying im right and others are wrong thats just how i feel
oh some would be genetic. I dont go by guide lines as before formula there was no stopping at 6 months. 2 years min with WHO recommended. I go for as long as they both want it I think thats a good guide line :)
its what ever is best for that mother and child that should be the guide lines ur right.
in a perfect world wed all bf or atleast try and not just see our boobs as sexual like some women do....ermm sorry we dont have boobs for men to look at hence why they will with milk!

ive already made a wish list getting nipple sheilds and those rings u put in the fridge lol
Breastfeeding maybe good for both mother and baby but it doesnt prevent the baby from getting sick. Babies can still get sick. Yea it helps the mother with weight loss depending on if the mother sticks to eating healthy.

Of course it doesn't prevent the baby from getting sick but it does have excellent immunological benefits which formula just doesn't have.

I don't know if any of you have seen this place yet but it has some incredible articles in the 'notes' section.

Here is the one on "Good bacteria, the role of breastmilk in immune system development and that "one" bottle". Well worth a read and would clear up a few questions you might have, Shey, on breastfeeding and the immune system.

its what ever is best for that mother and child that should be the guide lines ur right.
in a perfect world wed all bf or atleast try and not just see our boobs as sexual like some women do....ermm sorry we dont have boobs for men to look at hence why they will with milk!

ive already made a wish list getting nipple sheilds and those rings u put in the fridge lol

never had them rings just use williams hands he has cold hands :haha: nipple shields I bought twice and lost before even using them . toddlers make things disappear.
I go with instinct now its always the best way. I dont listen to my family of friends so why should i lisyen to the government :haha:such a rebel. (embarassmet to my mum as she reminds me lol)

I have actually thought about drinking my own breastmilk, it works for cancer patients so it has to do sometihng for me, make me pretty would be nice ahaha.

But its not some miracle cure it just makes us how we are meant to be.
its what ever is best for that mother and child that should be the guide lines ur right.
in a perfect world wed all bf or atleast try and not just see our boobs as sexual like some women do....ermm sorry we dont have boobs for men to look at hence why they will with milk!

ive already made a wish list getting nipple sheilds and those rings u put in the fridge lol

never had them rings just use williams hands he has cold hands :haha: nipple shields I bought twice and lost before even using them . toddlers make things disappear.
I go with instinct now its always the best way. I dont listen to my family of friends so why should i lisyen to the government :haha:such a rebel. (embarassmet to my mum as she reminds me lol)

I have actually thought about drinking my own breastmilk, it works for cancer patients so it has to do sometihng for me, make me pretty would be nice ahaha.

But its not some miracle cure it just makes us how we are meant to be.

shut up! i think ur gorgeous :)
i think this time im going to try anything to help me bf, that i didnt try with zane and the nipple sheilds seem like a good idea for me. im also getting stuff for after the birth im getting stuff for down there.....thats the part im dreading lol
Thanks so much for this thread Blutea. I find it sad that so many give up on BF or dont even try due to misinformation. Education really is the key.

Only a very small percentage of women are unable to physically breastfeed so if we can help even one of those that can but have issues then we have succeeded!!!

I really struggled to get where i am now with BF, i found it incredibly hard at times but it has been so rewarding to succeed at it and now am finding it such a breeze!! I really believe nearly everyone can do it with the right support and info

Good on you!!! x
I only breastfeed my son for one month and the rest of the time he was on formula and he's a really smart 2 and half year old.
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