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Reasons you SHOULD breastfeed

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Breast feeding was not very successful with my three bigger kids. I tried with my son last year but i couldn't get to settle down and relax this time I am prepared to give it my full shot with this baby. You girls wrote some very encouraging words and I am happy I can rely on here for support thanks ladies
Breast feeding was not very successful with my three bigger kids. I tried with my son last year but i couldn't get to settle down and relax this time I am prepared to give it my full shot with this baby. You girls wrote some very encouraging words and I am happy I can rely on here for support thanks ladies

Good for you for giving breastfeeding another try. :thumbup:
I wouldnt have a clue how to make formula and how much and when. Sounds complicated and hard work.

It is, especially during night cluster feeding :sleep: I think many new moms are so exhausted and sleep deprived that they completely forget about the next 12-24 months+ and what a pain FF can be.

I just get boob out and lay there in bed feeding. I dont know why people say formula is handier.
I wouldnt have a clue how to make formula and how much and when. Sounds complicated and hard work.

It is, especially during night cluster feeding :sleep: I think many new moms are so exhausted and sleep deprived that they completely forget about the next 12-24 months+ and what a pain FF can be.

To be fair, you can measure out the formula in advance and then you just add water and shake (and warm up in microwave for a few seconds if necessary). But yes, BF sounds much easier once you get past some of the pain etc and assuming LO latches on ok. Formula is quite easy though especially when you're out and about. Cant wait to BF
I like my bed and dont want to get up in the night . we co sleep to. Theres stuff in breast milk that puts baby and mum to sleep.
I'm not sure I'd want to take the chance of bfing my lo while on a medication that has not been studied, no matter what it was. I am taking as few medications as possible myself right now.

thank you for your advice about foods, BT. Hopefully I will never have to deal with any food allergies in my lo.

I agree with dragonfly that it's so nice to see so many women excited to bf because it's looked upon very negatively around here, too. Most of the babies born in my area are born to teen/young adult moms that are very superficial and care only about themselves and treat their babies like paris hilton treats her dog (which admittedly is better than a lot of people treat their children). I'm not saying all young mothers do this, just that it seems an overabundance of them in my area do. They ff, have c sections to avoid the pain of vaginal delivery and think vaginal delivery would make their vaginas loose for the rest of their lives so guys won't want them. They pierce their babies ears when they're barely old enough to hold up their own heads, they put clothes on their babies with foul language printed on them, they teach their children to say bad words because they think it's funny, they feed them mcdonals when they are too young to eat things like that, they fill up their bottles with chocolate milk when they're 6 months old.... I could go on and on about the things I've seen. It's just really ice to have a place where I can interact with actual responsible adults for once, of all ages.
shocking that you think that its only young mums that do this i agree some mothers do what you said but i wouldnt put it entirely on young people thats extremely discriminating

from previous experiances i was not even goin to give breastfeeding a try this time but after reading some of the great advise on this thread im reconcidering at least giving it a try so thanks ladies! :D x
I wouldnt have a clue how to make formula and how much and when. Sounds complicated and hard work.

It is, especially during night cluster feeding :sleep: I think many new moms are so exhausted and sleep deprived that they completely forget about the next 12-24 months+ and what a pain FF can be.

I just get boob out and lay there in bed feeding. I dont know why people say formula is handier.

yes ff is hard but then again what type of feeding isnt?

personaly i didnt care about getting up at stupid hours to make yet another bottle as that is what my son needed to eat
I'm not sure I'd want to take the chance of bfing my lo while on a medication that has not been studied, no matter what it was. I am taking as few medications as possible myself right now.

thank you for your advice about foods, BT. Hopefully I will never have to deal with any food allergies in my lo.

I agree with dragonfly that it's so nice to see so many women excited to bf because it's looked upon very negatively around here, too. Most of the babies born in my area are born to teen/young adult moms that are very superficial and care only about themselves and treat their babies like paris hilton treats her dog (which admittedly is better than a lot of people treat their children). I'm not saying all young mothers do this, just that it seems an overabundance of them in my area do. They ff, have c sections to avoid the pain of vaginal delivery and think vaginal delivery would make their vaginas loose for the rest of their lives so guys won't want them. They pierce their babies ears when they're barely old enough to hold up their own heads, they put clothes on their babies with foul language printed on them, they teach their children to say bad words because they think it's funny, they feed them mcdonals when they are too young to eat things like that, they fill up their bottles with chocolate milk when they're 6 months old.... I could go on and on about the things I've seen. It's just really ice to have a place where I can interact with actual responsible adults for once, of all ages.
shocking that you think that its only young mums that do this i agree some mothers do what you said but i wouldnt put it entirely on young people thats extremely discriminating from previous experiances i was not even goin to give breastfeeding a try this time but after reading some of the great advise on this thread im reconcidering at least giving it a try so thanks ladies! :D x

i agree. its not just young mums who ff as i no alot of young mums who bf. also i was a young mum and u have no idea why i was bottle feeding my child, it wasnt because i was vein at all. it was because i felt i couldnt carry on.
that was a very insulting comment
I'm not sure I'd want to take the chance of bfing my lo while on a medication that has not been studied, no matter what it was. I am taking as few medications as possible myself right now.

thank you for your advice about foods, BT. Hopefully I will never have to deal with any food allergies in my lo.

I agree with dragonfly that it's so nice to see so many women excited to bf because it's looked upon very negatively around here, too. Most of the babies born in my area are born to teen/young adult moms that are very superficial and care only about themselves and treat their babies like paris hilton treats her dog (which admittedly is better than a lot of people treat their children). I'm not saying all young mothers do this, just that it seems an overabundance of them in my area do. They ff, have c sections to avoid the pain of vaginal delivery and think vaginal delivery would make their vaginas loose for the rest of their lives so guys won't want them. They pierce their babies ears when they're barely old enough to hold up their own heads, they put clothes on their babies with foul language printed on them, they teach their children to say bad words because they think it's funny, they feed them mcdonals when they are too young to eat things like that, they fill up their bottles with chocolate milk when they're 6 months old.... I could go on and on about the things I've seen. It's just really ice to have a place where I can interact with actual responsible adults for once, of all ages.

Please could you be any more judgemental. I had a naturual birth aged 17. C-sections can not always be avoided. and I have NEVER done any of the things you described. Apart from FF. I think you have a very niave point of view :nope:

With regards to the OP, if a woman can she should have a go at breastfeeding :). I did attempt it with my son, unforutunalty it didn't work out and I switched to FF. With my next baby I will be trying again because of all the things you mentioned in your orginal post :)
Ember did say not all teens just some in her area in all fairness. Its the same here but with all ages ranging from teens to 30s.
I in no way said that it's all young mothers, I just said an overabundance of them in my area. And the ones I know of that had c sections started talking about having c sections as soon as they knew they were pregnant. When I asked why they'd want to just automatically have their stomachs cut open, they said it's better than a loose vagina. I live in a very small town, literally classified as a village. There is really nothing to do here and it's in the middle of nowhere, at least half an hr drive to the nearest city. So all teenagers do is have sex. Not all teenagers, but most of them. In high school, all you hear at lunchtiime is "anal this, blowjobs that". I'd say about half of each graduating class each year either had kids already or were pregnant at graduation. I suppose it's better than some small towns, at least they graduated at all and we didn't have a 90% dropout rate.

I'm ot saying older moms don't do stupid things too, they certainly do, but there are hardly any around here. Most everyone in my town is over 60 or under 25. Also, I am 24 so I would consider myself a young mother as well, so don't think I'm just looking at people younger than me and saying they're stupid. Mostly, they're just uninformed or their minds are twisted by the media. Most teenagers have parents over 50 around here, and that generation is very different. They're very uninvolved and the younger ones can't relate, so they don't communicate much. So the young parents don't get much advice and when they do, they rarely listen to it. It's just a really sad place to me because it seems like no one cares about anyone or anything, not even teachers or guidance counselors. That's part of the reason I'm hoping to move to a bigger town, then maybe there'd at least be a little diversity.
oh, I talked to my best friend last night and guess what? She wishes she had breastfed now. Her reason for ff this time was so her husband could do middle of the night feedings and she could sleep. He doesn't, lol. She is still up every 3 hrs feeding her herself, and between making bottles and calming her down when she cries, by the time she gets her put back to sleep, it's time for another feeding. I don't know why so many people think ff is easier either she now even thinks bf wouldve been a lot easier. I can't wait to just roll over and give baby a booby, lol!
I in no way said that it's all young mothers, I just said an overabundance of them in my area. And the ones I know of that had c sections started talking about having c sections as soon as they knew they were pregnant. When I asked why they'd want to just automatically have their stomachs cut open, they said it's better than a loose vagina. I live in a very small town, literally classified as a village. There is really nothing to do here and it's in the middle of nowhere, at least half an hr drive to the nearest city. So all teenagers do is have sex. Not all teenagers, but most of them. In high school, all you hear at lunchtiime is "anal this, blowjobs that". I'd say about half of each graduating class each year either had kids already or were pregnant at graduation. I suppose it's better than some small towns, at least they graduated at all and we didn't have a 90% dropout rate.

I'm ot saying older moms don't do stupid things too, they certainly do, but there are hardly any around here. Most everyone in my town is over 60 or under 25. Also, I am 24 so I would consider myself a young mother as well, so don't think I'm just looking at people younger than me and saying they're stupid. Mostly, they're just uninformed or their minds are twisted by the media. Most teenagers have parents over 50 around here, and that generation is very different. They're very uninvolved and the younger ones can't relate, so they don't communicate much. So the young parents don't get much advice and when they do, they rarely listen to it. It's just a really sad place to me because it seems like no one cares about anyone or anything, not even teachers or guidance counselors. That's part of the reason I'm hoping to move to a bigger town, then maybe there'd at least be a little diversity.

i get a little oversensitive in regards to young mothers as i was one myself but i can see what your saying and id wanna move aswell if i lived in your village it sounds bloomin awful! x
i cant stand when women/girls what ever say they want a c section! i cant believe my ears, its a serious operations with so many side effects and recovery time is 10 times longer. anyone whos needed a c section i admire, obviously if i needed one id have to but i couldnt do it awake lol

altho i dont no anyone who can just ask and get a section for no reason
I'm glad to see that this thread has calmed down. Please remember that we are only trying to give accurate, encouraging, supportive information and opinions about breastfeeding. Ember's opinion and experience is a valid one and I'm glad she had the opportunity to clear up what she was trying to say. I don't appreciate how she was called insensitive, insulting, judgmental, discriminating... It's just find to disagree but please try to be kind in your response and respect that her (and others) opinions and experiences are just as important as yours. Thank you.
why does milk also come out of my auorla like just a spot when feeding? its weird looking. Do I have a puncture? lol
why does milk also come out of my auorla like just a spot when feeding? its weird looking. Do I have a puncture? lol

It sounds like you have a milk duct near the the surface of the skin in your areola. If it isn't painful it shouldn't be anything to worry about.
This article gives fantastic accurate information about breastfeeding. Every mother who is able really should try to breastfeed.

I agree with every fact that you posted but not this bit. Its a personal choice and no one SHOULD do anything
I have to agree with Blutea...I think every mother who CAN, SHOULD try breast feeding. There really isn't any decent excuse not to.
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