Reasons you SHOULD breastfeed

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I think this post has been remarkably un-preachy actually. I totally agree with mumoffive in that I cannot STAND people trying to make me change my mind to their way of thinking or trying to make me justify myself. That's half the battle I had with breastfeeding in the first place (and I know a lot of FF mums get the same thing).

However, as others have said, this is a support group, not some preachy brigade trying to convert people. If you don't want to BF and don't want to read this kind of thing, don't read the post, it's that simple :shrug:

er, you should re-read it then!
unless you have HIV or a transmittable disease that can be passed through the breast milk then not breast feeding 'because it doesn't feel right' or, 'my mum never breast fed me' or 'ugh..breast feeding is so primitive' really doesn't cut it when it comes to giving a baby the best start in life.

I don't know why people are even needing to debate this subject! And its pointless me saying 'im pro-breast feeding' because its meaningless....its like me saying 'im pro-not stabbing myself in the eye'

Whats this then? I actually wont be coming on this thread again..and have been avoiding it because it winds me up. I am all for free choice and happy for people to have a thread to support bf. I dont have any issue with what people choose to do...however, when i read a post like this ^, i feel it necessary to stand up for others making a different choice.

The anti breastfeeding brigade should steer clear of threads like these, their responses are clearly emotionally charged and so not good for their pregnancies. The original poster is making important points on the benefits of breastfeeding for those who are interested in breastfeeding and she should be thanked for that.

Oh and im not anti bf just for the record..just pro choice. There is a huge difference. Enough said now.
i havent read through the entire thred so i dont know if its been asked already or even if its a daft question lol one of the reasons i stopped breastfeeding last time was because my nipples were in agony and kept cracking it was so painful and i never had anyone to ask before about what to do is there anything that can be used to help with that? do breast shields really work? or will the soreness go away on its own eventually? x
So, on a positive note...

What do you look forward to most about breastfeeding?

And for the mothers who are/were breastfeeding, what do/did you cherish most about the nursing relationship?

I really love how breastfeeding is an instant tantrum stopper. When my son has a meltdown, then asks for "mommy milk" it's so precious because his whole body just relaxes and we have a chance to reconnect and I can talk to him gently about the right way to behave. I think our breastfeeding relationship has made him a sweet, sensitive, affectionate little boy.

I love how my baby looks at me when I feed him, both my sons laughed at me when feeding and its the cutest thing, even if i drown them in breastmilk when they unlatch to laugh :haha:I have the calmest 7 week old and the nicest 2 year old. :)

I think this post has been remarkably un-preachy actually. I totally agree with mumoffive in that I cannot STAND people trying to make me change my mind to their way of thinking or trying to make me justify myself. That's half the battle I had with breastfeeding in the first place (and I know a lot of FF mums get the same thing).

However, as others have said, this is a support group, not some preachy brigade trying to convert people. If you don't want to BF and don't want to read this kind of thing, don't read the post, it's that simple :shrug:

er, you should re-read it then!

unless you have HIV or a transmittable disease that can be passed through the breast milk then not breast feeding 'because it doesn't feel right' or, 'my mum never breast fed me' or 'ugh..breast feeding is so primitive' really doesn't cut it when it comes to giving a baby the best start in life.

I don't know why people are even needing to debate this subject! And its pointless me saying 'im pro-breast feeding' because its meaningless....its like me saying 'im pro-not stabbing myself in the eye'

Whats this then? I actually wont be coming on this thread again..and have been avoiding it because it winds me up. I am all for free choice and happy for people to have a thread to support bf. I dont have any issue with what people choose to do...however, when i read a post like this ^, i feel it necessary to stand up for others making a different choice.

The anti breastfeeding brigade should steer clear of threads like these, their responses are clearly emotionally charged and so not good for their pregnancies. The original poster is making important points on the benefits of breastfeeding for those who are interested in breastfeeding and she should be thanked for that.

Oh and im not anti bf just for the record..just pro choice. There is a huge difference. Enough said now.
I hope you do not come back to this thread as your looking for a fight and debate and this is not the place for that. This is for people who are interested in breastfeeding and even people like me who breastfeed and blue tea is providing her time with answers,. sometimes the health professionals let breastfeeding mums down so she is providing something thats really helping. Your response isnt needed. If you want a debate thread theres a section in this forum for that.

i havent read through the entire thred so i dont know if its been asked already or even if its a daft question lol one of the reasons i stopped breastfeeding last time was because my nipples were in agony and kept cracking it was so painful and i never had anyone to ask before about what to do is there anything that can be used to help with that? do breast shields really work? or will the soreness go away on its own eventually? x
Thats cracked nipples I seem to be prone to it and for months my doc and hv didnt know what it was and told me to stop, i found out here what it was and got lansinoh cream which really helps. I have to use that more than once a day or it comes back. I am not sure if thats normal to have it so much like I have I assume its the usage of them course they will dry and hurt. I am not surprised some give up without any help on it it is very sore. Hvs and docs should know what this is so many more woman could continue with right help.
i havent read through the entire thred so i dont know if its been asked already or even if its a daft question lol one of the reasons i stopped breastfeeding last time was because my nipples were in agony and kept cracking it was so painful and i never had anyone to ask before about what to do is there anything that can be used to help with that? do breast shields really work? or will the soreness go away on its own eventually? x

I've never breastfed before but from what I've read, you can use specially formulated creams that you apply and don't need to wash off before feeding your baby like Lasinoh (sp?) which you can buy from Boots etc. Blutea also said you can use olive oil instead of shop bought creams.

I've heard that nipple shields are ok for really short term use but babies can be susceptible to nipple confusion which could cause more hassle than good.

I'm sure someone with experience will be able to clarify x
i havent read through the entire thred so i dont know if its been asked already or even if its a daft question lol one of the reasons i stopped breastfeeding last time was because my nipples were in agony and kept cracking it was so painful and i never had anyone to ask before about what to do is there anything that can be used to help with that? do breast shields really work? or will the soreness go away on its own eventually? x

I had this too, but like Dragonfly suggested, Lansinoh really, really helped. I also had my son's latch checked by several people (midwife, health visitor, lactation consultant) and once we improved his positioning they improved incredibly quickly. I spent a lot of time sitting naked from the waist up to get air on my boobs, which I think also helped them heal (and provided my darling husband with no end of amusement! :haha:)

The one thing I would suggest to all mums wanting to breastfeed is to ask as many questions as you can, and above all - have faith in yourself and what your body can do. At one point, I had all but given up, and it was only after calling the La Leche League in tears one evening that I was given the encouragement and support I needed to carry on; honestly, having someone on the end of the phone telling me I was doing a great job, and that everything was going to be fine, meant the absolute world to me.

I'm really looking forward to breastfeeding my second child too :)
thanks ill definately try that when the time comes hopefully it will help id rather not have my baby looking up at me when breastfeeding to a face thats cringing in pain! lol its a shame there isnt more support really i think with the right help alot more people would be able to continue with it if they knew what to do to correct mistakes and help with the ups n downs x
i havent read through the entire thred so i dont know if its been asked already or even if its a daft question lol one of the reasons i stopped breastfeeding last time was because my nipples were in agony and kept cracking it was so painful and i never had anyone to ask before about what to do is there anything that can be used to help with that? do breast shields really work? or will the soreness go away on its own eventually? x

I had this too, but like Dragonfly suggested, Lansinoh really, really helped. I also had my son's latch checked by several people (midwife, health visitor, lactation consultant) and once we improved his positioning they improved incredibly quickly. I spent a lot of time sitting naked from the waist up to get air on my boobs, which I think also helped them heal (and provided my darling husband with no end of amusement! :haha:)

The one thing I would suggest to all mums wanting to breastfeed is to ask as many questions as you can, and above all - have faith in yourself and what your body can do. At one point, I had all but given up, and it was only after calling the La Leche League in tears one evening that I was given the encouragement and support I needed to carry on; honestly, having someone on the end of the phone telling me I was doing a great job, and that everything was going to be fine, meant the absolute world to me.

I'm really looking forward to breastfeeding my second child too :)

I have watched them vids on how to latch and seems both mine are, i think i actually need someone to check as I get a red mark which hurts, the cream is good, I say like oiling nipples lol but I cant have anyone check as no one around me knows about breastfeeding? my doc dosnt, the hv hadnt a clue? we dont have places here that I can go to. The sure start meeting no one goes to I called them. And they miles from me and I cant get there if I wanted to any way. For all I know mine may not have ever latched right as I regaluary am sore.
So, on a positive note...

What do you look forward to most about breastfeeding?

And for the mothers who are/were breastfeeding, what do/did you cherish most about the nursing relationship?

I really love how breastfeeding is an instant tantrum stopper. When my son has a meltdown, then asks for "mommy milk" it's so precious because his whole body just relaxes and we have a chance to reconnect and I can talk to him gently about the right way to behave. I think our breastfeeding relationship has made him a sweet, sensitive, affectionate little boy.

There are lots of things I'm looking forwards to about breastfeeding - the close bond, knowing I'm giving my baby the best I possibly can, seeing him/her grow and knowing that that's all my body's work, even the whole process of learning something new!

I also I cannot wait to just grab the changing bag and go out without having to make bottles and make sure I have enough for the day etc. We often go out for the day and then stop to see family on the way home so we don't always know how long we'll be out for. Breastfeeding will definately be more convenient for us in that situation :)
i never thought to watch videos on how to do it im gonna have to have a look at those
So, on a positive note...

What do you look forward to most about breastfeeding?

And for the mothers who are/were breastfeeding, what do/did you cherish most about the nursing relationship?

I really love how breastfeeding is an instant tantrum stopper. When my son has a meltdown, then asks for "mommy milk" it's so precious because his whole body just relaxes and we have a chance to reconnect and I can talk to him gently about the right way to behave. I think our breastfeeding relationship has made him a sweet, sensitive, affectionate little boy.

There are lots of things I'm looking forwards to about breastfeeding - the close bond, knowing I'm giving my baby the best I possibly can, seeing him/her grow and knowing that that's all my body's work, even the whole process of learning something new!

I also I cannot wait to just grab the changing bag and go out without having to make bottles and make sure I have enough for the day etc. We often go out for the day and then stop to see family on the way home so we don't always know how long we'll be out for. Breastfeeding will definately be more convenient for us in that situation :)
Awww and you will feel like that trust me I still feel like that after this long. There will be bobby traps a long the way but you get past them, meaning people who wont like you breastfeeding but its only between you and your baby at the end of it no one else matters.
i never thought to watch videos on how to do it im gonna have to have a look at those

Its handy when your health professionals are not clued up and theres no support. Theres loads on line and down the phone for ladies with no support and this forum to.
The anti breastfeeding brigade should steer clear of threads like these, their responses are clearly emotionally charged and so not good for their pregnancies. The original poster is making important points on the benefits of breastfeeding for those who are interested in breastfeeding and she should be thanked for that.

I am in no way anti breast feeding i just dont agree with people saying what others "should" do with their children.
The anti breastfeeding brigade should steer clear of threads like these, their responses are clearly emotionally charged and so not good for their pregnancies. The original poster is making important points on the benefits of breastfeeding for those who are interested in breastfeeding and she should be thanked for that.

I am in no way anti breast feeding i just dont agree with people saying what others "should" do with their children.

Theres a lot of things people should do but they dont, like i should stop eating chocolate but I dont. people do as they will, the help and advice is here take it or leave it but dont turn the thread in to something its not.
Woman always have a choice no one makes you do anything nor can anyone make someone else feel guilty for not doing one thing and doing another.
Why do people come in threads like these knowing they might somehow be offended and take things personal then post about it? This thread has been nothing but helpful and I have enjoyed so mucht he information that was shared and learned now that I have no family around I do indeed have a group for support in my area! I mean if you don't like whats posted be all mad about it but please keep it to yourself it just ruins the vibe and calm thread women who actually want and need advice from! THANKS!
Why do people come in threads like these knowing they might somehow be offended and take things personal then post about it? This thread has been nothing but helpful and I have enjoyed so mucht he information that was shared and learned now that I have no family around I do indeed have a group for support in my area! I mean if you don't like whats posted be all mad about it but please keep it to yourself it just ruins the vibe and calm thread women who actually want and need advice from! THANKS!

just more negativity around breastfeeding. :nope:
This thread is a great thread, especially for new mums. But I think different situations and difficulties with regards to breastfeeding is a great discussion to as it prepares mums for some of the challenges they may experiance. There is a lot of negativity around bfing and ffing like there is every parenting descion. And I have seen threads about ff have negative posts in them towards FF. But let's all forget about the negativity and focus on support x
This thread has been wonderful! I have to say, this is my first baby so I don't know how breast feeding will go, but I can say with absolute certainty I am going to give it a dam good try.
It saddens me that breast feeding IS a cause of debate, some countries it is so natural that people don't need to discuss it. its just what you do. I don't know when this change happened? when did mothers start shunning breast feeding? Massive formula feeding advertising?
some people just can't help themselves can they? lool

I mean the OP is very clear in showing that this is a thread which contains info,support etc about why do people who have no intention of BF feel the need to come in and try and spoil it?

I wish some people could learn to just ignore threads that are irrelevant,or get over their issues and move on!

As a BF mum i've never posted on the FF section simply because it is not relevant,i would no dream of going onto a FF thread that was started to give info on say how to make up and sterilise bottles etc and try and gets peoples backs up!!

I think this thread is fabulous and the best way forward is to ignore the trolls,less fuel for the fire,after all if noone responds to them they are less likely to bother coming back!

Keep it going ladies!
The anti breastfeeding brigade should steer clear of threads like these, their responses are clearly emotionally charged and so not good for their pregnancies. The original poster is making important points on the benefits of breastfeeding for those who are interested in breastfeeding and she should be thanked for that.

I am in no way anti breast feeding i just dont agree with people saying what others "should" do with their children.

I've avoided this thread for many reasons.

I actually don't know that the general gist of this thread is to tell others what to do. It's obviously a pro breastfeeding thread. You coming in here and saying what you are would be the same thing as one of them coming into a pro formula thread and telling those mothers that they were wrong. That in my opinion would be telling others what they should and shouldn't do with their kids.

While I intend to breastfeed, I don't agree with some of the things people are saying in here either, but it's a pro BF thread. If this was more of a thread where a person was questioning a BF decision then I would understand, but it's not. It's all about what is good about BF, not about whether it is right or not, or BF versus FF.

You kind of know what you're getting when you come in here. That's all I'm saying. If it truly offends, then start a thread about the pros of formula feeding? Otherwise, as a whole, I haven't found this thread to be overly rude or nasty.
unless you have HIV or a transmittable disease that can be passed through the breast milk then not breast feeding 'because it doesn't feel right' or, 'my mum never breast fed me' or 'ugh..breast feeding is so primitive' really doesn't cut it when it comes to giving a baby the best start in life.

I don't know why people are even needing to debate this subject! And its pointless me saying 'im pro-breast feeding' because its meaningless....its like me saying 'im pro-not stabbing myself in the eye'

Whats this then? I actually wont be coming on this thread again..and have been avoiding it because it winds me up. I am all for free choice and happy for people to have a thread to support bf. I dont have any issue with what people choose to do...however, when i read a post like this ^, i feel it necessary to stand up for others making a different choice.

The anti breastfeeding brigade should steer clear of threads like these, their responses are clearly emotionally charged and so not good for their pregnancies. The original poster is making important points on the benefits of breastfeeding for those who are interested in breastfeeding and she should be thanked for that.

Oh and im not anti bf just for the record..just pro choice. There is a huge difference. Enough said now.

You are entitled to your opinion...all I ask is that you keep it polite. I have to say, though, your opinion is in the minority.
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