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Reasons you SHOULD breastfeed

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most woman dont get a period for months after, I didnt have one with william for 8 months after and this time i havnt got one back. everyone is different though. Does not mean you cant get pregnant though I got pregnant while breastfeeding though I had periods bk by then.

I ovulated 3 days before my first post partum period (we were TTC at the time and I was charting/OPKing). Ok so a 3 day LP is nowhere near long enough to conceive but the fact that I ovulated before I'd even had AF speaks volumes...
I never have had any desire to breastfeed, the whole idea of it does not appeal to me & I also like the idea that the baby's Dad, grandparents & others can help with feeds ect.

I wanted to second what BluTea said about your open-mindedness. It really is so commendable!

I had a c section with my first so found getting up and down quite difficult - as a result, Mr B had to do a lot of the childcare in the early weeks - nappies, baths, he would bring her to me in the night and burp her after her feeds (he was always much better at getting wind out of her than I was anyway). He was far more involved than I was actually in the first month! I know it seems like feeding is the 'main' way for a father to be involved with his baby but there are so many other ways to bond that I'm sure, if you choose to breastfeed, he won't feel he's missing out.

Blutea I have another rather random question ref: tandem nursing.

I got pregnant whilst breastfeeding but she weaned probably a month after my BFP... I know a lot of ladies continue to nurse throughout their pregnancies (tbh I was hoping to do that myself but it didn't work out that way) and then go on to tandem nurse their newborn and their toddler.

Now is there any way, obviously only if Claudia is willing, to reintroduce the breast to my older child when the baby arrives and I start lactating again? I'm not dead set on it or anything, more curious as to whether it can be done... She has shown no interest in BFing since she weaned but if she does when the new baby arrives what are your thoughts (everyone, not just BT) on offering her the boob?

Thanks :hugs:

You certainly can try. Some toddlers do temporarily wean during a pregnancy and take to the breast right away when the new baby is born while others forget how to breastfeed. Some mothers have successfully taught their toddlers how to relatch, especially when they show an interest in it because the baby is breastfeeding. I'd say go for it! That is my plan too, if my son decides to wean during this pregnancy. He was upset, at first, by the change in taste and amount of my breast milk but now he seems okay with it and nurses mostly for comfort. I'm not sure how to teach a toddler how to relatch but I'll ask my co leaders and see if they have any suggestions and I'll let you know.
most woman dont get a period for months after, I didnt have one with william for 8 months after and this time i havnt got one back. everyone is different though. Does not mean you cant get pregnant though I got pregnant while breastfeeding though I had periods bk by then.

I ovulated 3 days before my first post partum period (we were TTC at the time and I was charting/OPKing). Ok so a 3 day LP is nowhere near long enough to conceive but the fact that I ovulated before I'd even had AF speaks volumes...

Indeed, it does speak volumes!
most woman dont get a period for months after, I didnt have one with william for 8 months after and this time i havnt got one back. everyone is different though. Does not mean you cant get pregnant though I got pregnant while breastfeeding though I had periods bk by then.

ps does iron tabs go through your milk as william had black pooh today and i started them a few days ago and mines black tmi sorry. Alex is fine though but was told iron dosnt get through. what makes bf babies very windy to?

My son was about 14 months old before I got my period back. It was so nice to be cycle free for a while. :thumbup: Yes, once your cycle returns it is possible to get pregnant, even while breastfeeding.

My understanding is that pretty much everything you consume, including iron supplements, does pass through your milk and you have the evidence to prove it (both of you have black poo) Many factors can make a bf baby windy- gulping air while breastfeeding, crying, and possibly the iron tabs. Baby sit ups can help pass the gass.

I just wanted to clarify my statement here. From what I have read it is estimated that about 1% of what we consume enters our breast milk. That isn't much but when you or your baby is sensitive to the substance it can present an issue. Black poo doesn't sound too bad but if these iron tabs do cause any other issues (maybe your baby's gass is related?), I wonder if there are iron alternatives you could try that are gentler on the stomach?
William is my eldest at 2 so he had black pooh. could have been sometihng else. Alex 6 weeks old has gas and baby acne but since stopping orange jiuce seems to be coming along ok , no nasty spit ups and a bit happier.
William is my eldest at 2 so he had black pooh. could have been sometihng else. Alex 6 weeks old has gas and baby acne but since stopping orange jiuce seems to be coming along ok , no nasty spit ups and a bit happier.

I see. I wonder if you and William, maybe, had an intestinal bug or were fighting some other infection? My son and I seem to get black poo when we're recovering from an infection.
Can I just say what a fantastic thread for the pregnant girls :flower: :flower: :flower:
william never been ill and his pooh not black now, unless he ate one of my iron tabs other day.
william never been ill and his pooh not black now, unless he ate one of my iron tabs other day.

Hummm...then, I'd say it's definetly the iron. You said your baby doesn't have black poo? If that's the case then it does seem more likely that William may have gotten a hold of one of your tabs without you knowing.
Sorry for thread hijack with all the questions but blutea seems very knowledgeable and I wanted to ask because of that and its a good thread this. Breastfeeding is not a terrible thing its one of the best gifts you can give your child and enjoyable for mum to, sometimes gets some getting used to but you get there. No one would bother doing it if it was that bad.
Hi, just wanted to say thanks. I really really want to breastfeed! I'm a little scared about it, like the discomfort and pain, but I'm really hoping I can. My mum done it with with all 3 of us, so she thinks it will be fine! Lol. I feel better after reading all this, that it doesn't need to be a trauma. I used to think it was so natural and easy, but hearing peoples horror stories really frightened me, with bleeding and babies vomiting blood! Eeeekkkkk! I'm so glad to hear there is help, should I need it. :) is it also a bit cheeky to want to do it for cost reasons...? :blush: xx
babies vomiting blood I have never ever heard of as regards to breastfed baby . And why not the cost which is nothing is a benefit also, when you see how great your baby looks, acts and grows you will keep going, I did and felt great I had done that all.
Oh, the baby wasn't latched right, and had in fact, been swallowing the blood from the cracked nipples, the mum didn't notice the pain! Then he was sick right after. It just kinda freaked me a bit, but I assume it's not a common problem! :) xx
I had bleeding nipples but not vomiting, got cream sorted and still use it. have confidence in your boobs :)
Sorry for thread hijack with all the questions but blutea seems very knowledgeable and I wanted to ask because of that and its a good thread this. Breastfeeding is not a terrible thing its one of the best gifts you can give your child and enjoyable for mum to, sometimes gets some getting used to but you get there. No one would bother doing it if it was that bad.

I don't mind the questions at all...they're all relate to breastfeeding.:thumbup: I'm happy to help.
Hi, just wanted to say thanks. I really really want to breastfeed! I'm a little scared about it, like the discomfort and pain, but I'm really hoping I can. My mum done it with with all 3 of us, so she thinks it will be fine! Lol. I feel better after reading all this, that it doesn't need to be a trauma. I used to think it was so natural and easy, but hearing peoples horror stories really frightened me, with bleeding and babies vomiting blood! Eeeekkkkk! I'm so glad to hear there is help, should I need it. :) is it also a bit cheeky to want to do it for cost reasons...? :blush: xx

Cost reasons is a great reason! That's the reason that convinces most men. :haha:

Breastfeeding can seem intimidating if you haven't experienced it yet. Before I had my first baby I was so nervous about it. Yes, I did have quite a few issues but that really isn't common. Breastfeeding is meant to be a natural process perfect for mom and baby and I hope that's how it will be for you. If you do run into any issues it sounds like your mom would be an invaluable resource for you. You could also get in to contact with our local La Leche League group for more support and advice from like minded mommas in your area. Best of luck to you. :flower:
Oh, the baby wasn't latched right, and had in fact, been swallowing the blood from the cracked nipples, the mum didn't notice the pain! Then he was sick right after. It just kinda freaked me a bit, but I assume it's not a common problem! :) xx

Okay, that makes sense. A cracked nipple can bleed. Proper latch is definitely a necessity. I am a bit concerned that what you were told was an exaggeration, though. I'm guessing the baby vomited but the expelled liquid was possibly more pink than pure blood. I have had a cracked nipple before...it did bleed and yes my son did ingest some blood but it was only a few drops. It is possible for the blood to upset a baby's stomach but in most cases it is completely safe for a baby to swallow a bit of blood and to continue nursing while a cracked nipple heals. There are a number of reasons the baby may have vomited (gulping air, sickness, spit up reflex...) and it may not have been related to the blood at all.

Creams are helpful for healing sore, cracked nipples and airing the nipple out helps too. I personally really love olive oil applied to the nipples because it has natural antifungal and anti bacterial properties while it moisturizes and heals and it doesn't need to be wiped off.
Ohhh great tip about the olive oil! Thank you. I think I should be able to keep going through the pain bit, providing I get the support! My mum is super keen for me to feed, my husband too, as we said before, mainly for cost reasons as I don't think he knows about all the benifits. He is a little uncomfortable with me doing it in public, but tbh he hasn't seen any women do it in public! A few weeks ago we were out and I said "did you see the woman breast feeding in the corner?" "no"he says, "exactly! You don't need anyone else to see!" hahah think he thinks I'll be stripping off! Lol.
About the baby, yeah he prob did have a combo of colustrum and blood,the mum was still in hospital and had a terrible time, no support from midwives when she begging for help to feed him, she did want to breastfeed. She still feels guilt about giving up, it's terrible. It's good that there is help. I live in a socially deprived area so there is a huge push on breast feeding, I think for child health and cost reasons really, so I looked it up and my health centre seems to do a breast feeding support group etc, they also have posters up everywhere in most health centres saying "breastfeeding friendly area". Only thing is I've got some weddings to go to this summer and not sure if I can bring baby! I'm hoping I can. :) xx
olive oil ok with baby contact? lansinoh stains my tops and bras.
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