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Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

There are many of us that know that feeling all to well... apparently healthy and nothing wrong but why have we had recurrent mcs? Very frustrating.

I've been trying again since April (after my rmc testing) so I'm hoping for a miracle soon.

Enjoy the vino whilst you can girls and smiler you will feel so much better after a holiday. I've just come back and feel much better... apart from a bout of flu boo hoo.
Yeah time out sounds very good at the moment. I am going to Majorca next month so I guess at least now i can hit the vino whilst i am there!

It is a whole different fertility issue isn't it? Like some of you said, it isn't like we can't get pregnant, just the staying pregnant part. For me as well to have all my tests come back clear and the consultant even said to me "I would bet my last £100 that your next pregnancy will have no problems". Yeah right - here I am again Another miscarriage. 3 in a year.

But the main reason for me to take a break like you said ASI is I am just sick of being so miserable. I feel like almost all of the last year has had all the fun sucked out of it. With me either being pregnant and worried, losing a baby, mourning a baby or feeling sorry for myself. I can't cope with another year of that. So I plan to lose some weight and have some fun.

Here's to a healthy baby future for us all and some happiness inbetween! xx
change of subject mrsjd can you please change your avi... i keep drooling on my keyboard :rofl:
change of subject mrsjd can you please change your avi... i keep drooling on my keyboard :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: don't you just love him....I know I do. Everytime he's home I always hope to bump into him, wishful thinking eh!

I had 3 M/c 1 at 12weeks 2nd at 22weeks,3rd at 19 weeks have had all the tests for sticky blood ,lupus etc but all were negative i am now under a reproductive medicine professor and am 22 weeks preg am on Clexane,progestrone and folic acid i also had a cervical stitch inserted at 14weeks as they also suspected an incompetent cervix.Hope this helps.
Sounds like they are doing alot for you trish, lots of luck to you. Scarletsmum, I think someone owes you some money! my doctors are pretty much saying the same thing though, today I was cleared to get back to business which I'm mostly happy about it. Its tough because I know we haven't solved anything, but i'm ready to get back to it anyway, and i'll play along to, maybe this next one will be it. I did ask about the immunoology stuff but he dismissed it as an old belief regarding m/c, which I was disappointed with. It's on my to do list after trying once again.
Just found out I had my 3rd miscarraige. Apparently my bloodwork showed elevated prolactin levels. Anyone else experience this and if so how did they treat it?
Ah BKlove thats great news - I hope you get your BFP soon and its for keeps this time xx

Trish4 - hope all goes well for you - Keep us posted on your progress xx
change of subject mrsjd can you please change your avi... i keep drooling on my keyboard :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: don't you just love him....I know I do. Everytime he's home I always hope to bump into him, wishful thinking eh!


i want to have his babies!! he is just walking sex!! grrrrrr

:rofl: :rofl:

A girl that works with my sister went to school with him and they dated, he probably wouldn't look twice at her now, but how bloody lucky is she :(

keepingfaith, I haven't heard of the elevated levels you mentioned, did you Dr's explain anything about it? All I can say is ask ALOT of questions and I am sorry for you loss, I'm in the same sucky boat :hug:
change of subject mrsjd can you please change your avi... i keep drooling on my keyboard :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: don't you just love him....I know I do. Everytime he's home I always hope to bump into him, wishful thinking eh!


i want to have his babies!! he is just walking sex!! grrrrrr

:rofl: :rofl:

A girl that works with my sister went to school with him and they dated, he probably wouldn't look twice at her now, but how bloody lucky is she :(


Well this thread has cheered me up unexpectedly! :rofl: Gerry is bloody amazing! My cousin Ian was his best pal at law school, they meet up when he comes home....he goes for dinner at my Auntie's house! Funnily enough, they don't ring me to tell me when he's over......bugger :rofl:
[/QUOTE]Well this thread has cheered me up unexpectedly! :rofl: Gerry is bloody amazing! My cousin Ian was his best pal at law school, they meet up when he comes home....he goes for dinner at my Auntie's house! Funnily enough, they don't ring me to tell me when he's over......bugger :rofl:[/QUOTE]

OMG you need to phone me when he's next in town :rofl: I'll come to your aunties too.

Who is this bloke? I need to get out more!

Am hopefully getting results of my RMC tests on Thursday (assuming that they have actually got to the doctor, you never know with hospitals! Have tried to ring the dr's secretary and have left messages, but the usual nil response). Nervous.
I'm starting to think that I need to speak with my Dr again! I have just had the second mc this year and am not very happy about. After the first mmc they did tests on my amnio and they were all negative and after this last one nothing. I am ttc straight away this time and not waiting as I don't think it will hurt. Do you ladies have any advice on getting my Dr to run tests?

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