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Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

sorry i have not been online but i just had to stay away from this site.
i have the results from the gene testing and i have a single defect of MTHFR gene and hubby has a doubble defect. he said that this is the reason why we mc. its a recesive gene. if i only one of us had it it would be ok. but they also found that i have a very high level of homocysteine. which is bad for many reasons. they are testing me again for it because the level is that high i should be very sick which i am not.

And just to make life friggin fantastic a member of my family is pregnant with twins. i hate my body i know i already have children but i never went through this crap with them it comming up to 12 month of ttc now i dont know how much more heart break i can take.

:hugs: What are they saying happens next? and already it sounds like your body is more resiliant than you realize as you aren't as sick as they are saying you should be. Don't hate that body, you need that body to get you to your destination. I hope they have enough answers to help you both get there.
sorry i have not been online but i just had to stay away from this site.
i have the results from the gene testing and i have a single defect of MTHFR gene and hubby has a doubble defect. he said that this is the reason why we mc. its a recesive gene. if i only one of us had it it would be ok. but they also found that i have a very high level of homocysteine. which is bad for many reasons. they are testing me again for it because the level is that high i should be very sick which i am not.

And just to make life friggin fantastic a member of my family is pregnant with twins. i hate my body i know i already have children but i never went through this crap with them it comming up to 12 month of ttc now i dont know how much more heart break i can take.

:hugs: Thinking of you xx
Hello ladies.

Had my final follicle monitoring scan today. He said he thought he could see my corpus luteum, but was rather non commital about it... He said my endometrium was measuring 13.2mm which is good. Apparently anything over 8mm is good. I've been prescribed progesterone pessaries for 14 days... Why is it everything has to go up my bum this cycle?!! Except for the obvious! :blush:

Feeling very positive and have a really good feeling about this cycle! We'll know in a weeks time anyway as I'm testing on 6th Sept!!

Great news Peach Blossom. Any news from this month? We have quite a few lucky ladies with :bfp: from this thread.

It is great to have some hope
Sorry that I haven't been on here for a long time girls. Been preoccupied by TTC and just getting on with things - although that is beginning to be a long and tiresome task in itself.

I'm still waiting for the chromosome (karyotyping) tests to come back from April, to see if that will shed anymore light on the situation. My OH went to the docs today to ask if he could get some tests :blush: but the doc turned round and said you obviously don't have trouble conceiving. It has just been "bad luck" up to now as your wife has had normal test results back and we need to wait for chromosome test results.

Could there still be a problem with sperm even if we have conceived 3 times? Or is it unlikely?

Good luck to any of you ladies that are TTC at the moment and have got a :bfp:. I really hope this bean is a sticky one xx
OMG widger I was thinking that too about DH sperm. You never know, I'm at the doctor's in the morning and I'm adding this to my list.

OMG widger I was thinking that too about DH sperm. You never know, I'm at the doctor's in the morning and I'm adding this to my list.


Please do add it on to the list. You just never know what someone else may say about it all. There has to be something to explain them all.... right?

What a busy week for your Mrs? :flower:
Hello Ladies :wave: - I've only just noticed this thread or I might have seen it but not felt able to enter as I have had 2MCs not the 3 normally required to call it recurrent MCs.
I am 37 this month and I have uterine fibroids and have finally got lucky and am getting some help. I say got lucky coz where I live there is no funding for any infertility investigations and after a year and a half DH and I had to pay for SA and a scan for me! Also no IVF on the NHS where I live!
I had 10 vials of blood taken last week for thyroid, Karyotyping, clotting and possible others I'm not sure - I was a bit shocked to be offered this investigation! I am also having a Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, dye test on 22nd Sep to investigate the extent of the fibroids and if there is anything else that could be causing MCs. I got pg 1st month trying (Jan08) but didn't make it to 6weeks. I didn't get my next BFP for 16cycles and they found an empty sac at 7weeks in June09.
My cycles have been a mess since the MC 22days, 18days, 32 days! I was neary hospitalised for the first two cycles coz of pain, blood loss and clots. THis last one I bled very heavy but only had pain for one day and the clots weren't so bad. Hopefully my body is on the mend!
So I'm hoping that the op will be a success and we can start TTC again, as we had to have a break while they do investigations.
HI Tansey - glad you posted your last post, Ive had 4 MC and have today had my ovarian/pelvic scan as part of the investigation. She mentioned she could see a fibroid measuring about 2cm width and length but didnt seem to phased that it was cuasing the problem.

What are they doing for you and have you got lots of fibroids?
Hello Ladies :wave: - I've only just noticed this thread or I might have seen it but not felt able to enter as I have had 2MCs not the 3 normally required to call it recurrent MCs.
I am 37 this month and I have uterine fibroids and have finally got lucky and am getting some help. I say got lucky coz where I live there is no funding for any infertility investigations and after a year and a half DH and I had to pay for SA and a scan for me! Also no IVF on the NHS where I live!
I had 10 vials of blood taken last week for thyroid, Karyotyping, clotting and possible others I'm not sure - I was a bit shocked to be offered this investigation! I am also having a Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, dye test on 22nd Sep to investigate the extent of the fibroids and if there is anything else that could be causing MCs. I got pg 1st month trying (Jan08) but didn't make it to 6weeks. I didn't get my next BFP for 16cycles and they found an empty sac at 7weeks in June09.
My cycles have been a mess since the MC 22days, 18days, 32 days! I was neary hospitalised for the first two cycles coz of pain, blood loss and clots. THis last one I bled very heavy but only had pain for one day and the clots weren't so bad. Hopefully my body is on the mend!
So I'm hoping that the op will be a success and we can start TTC again, as we had to have a break while they do investigations.

Tansey - sorry for your losses, partcularly your last one which seems to be causing painxx

Well as far as my consultant is concerned 2 mcs is enough to receive testing as for the majority of women it is something that can be treated. For me they found nothing wrong - obvioulsy something to be very blessed about but in another way, why does it keep on happening.

I'm glad they are giving you a good going over - if you know what I mean ;) and hope this will give you success in the future. Keep everyone posted on what happens xx
HI Tansey - glad you posted your last post, Ive had 4 MC and have today had my ovarian/pelvic scan as part of the investigation. She mentioned she could see a fibroid measuring about 2cm width and length but didnt seem to phased that it was cuasing the problem.

What are they doing for you and have you got lots of fibroids?

Hi fluffyblue. My boss from work had a small fibroid that they only found out once she'd had her son so hopefully that isn't causing your problems although as I mentioned above, at some points you want there to be a reason for something that can be fixed xx Are you TTC again?
Hello Ladies :wave: - I've only just noticed this thread or I might have seen it but not felt able to enter as I have had 2MCs not the 3 normally required to call it recurrent MCs.
I am 37 this month and I have uterine fibroids and have finally got lucky and am getting some help. I say got lucky coz where I live there is no funding for any infertility investigations and after a year and a half DH and I had to pay for SA and a scan for me! Also no IVF on the NHS where I live!
I had 10 vials of blood taken last week for thyroid, Karyotyping, clotting and possible others I'm not sure - I was a bit shocked to be offered this investigation! I am also having a Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, dye test on 22nd Sep to investigate the extent of the fibroids and if there is anything else that could be causing MCs. I got pg 1st month trying (Jan08) but didn't make it to 6weeks. I didn't get my next BFP for 16cycles and they found an empty sac at 7weeks in June09.
My cycles have been a mess since the MC 22days, 18days, 32 days! I was neary hospitalised for the first two cycles coz of pain, blood loss and clots. THis last one I bled very heavy but only had pain for one day and the clots weren't so bad. Hopefully my body is on the mend!
So I'm hoping that the op will be a success and we can start TTC again, as we had to have a break while they do investigations.

:hi: get your ass in here :) very informative thread.

Hi Widger yes Ive been TTC number 3 for nearly 3 years with 4 losses !
She also mentioned a possible hysteroscopy today ?? Im not reading too much into any of it till I have seen the specialist
PMA all round girls.

Fluffyblue, I would defo recommend you requesting the NKC trial honey then you'll know for sure if you have this or not

HI Tansey - glad you posted your last post, Ive had 4 MC and have today had my ovarian/pelvic scan as part of the investigation. She mentioned she could see a fibroid measuring about 2cm width and length but didnt seem to phased that it was cuasing the problem.

What are they doing for you and have you got lots of fibroids?

Hi fluffyblue. My boss from work had a small fibroid that they only found out once she'd had her son so hopefully that isn't causing your problems although as I mentioned above, at some points you want there to be a reason for something that can be fixed xx Are you TTC again?

I have intra uterine fibroids, but was told that it wouldn't cause any problems... don't know what to believe anymore!! So confused with everything! :S
Hubby is getting the calendar out now planning days out round the "peak days to conceive lol" but he asks me every month are you sure of your dates. Errrmm YES HUNNI AFTER 3 FUCKING YEARS I DO ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - sorry ladies but if he asks me one more time if im sure im gonna castrate him or find a lover !
Thanks for the welcome ladies - this thread is very informative, lets hope that admin think a separate section is a good idea.
I am hoping that the fibroid is our only problem. Apparently they are very common in women over 35 who have usually had children. Loads of women have them and don't know they are there coz they don't cause them any probelms. It really depends on their size and location. When mine was found they saw that I had a 6cmx6cm one causing the shape of my uterus to alter. But the FS was more concerned about possible multiple small fiboids on the inner wall which act like a coil - this could be why I am not getting PG or the two times I did I MC'd.
THe thing is loads of ladies with fibroids have had babies no problem and some didn't even know they had them until they were scanned when pg! So they might not even be causing a problem :dohh:
TMI but I'm slimmish and I can prod my abdo and feel it! I let DH feel it!
Sometimes it causes discomfort and when I went to the docs recently when she pressed on it (on my right) I got referred pain on my left side :wacko:
Oh also the FS was surprised that I wasn't having any bladder problems coz of the fibroid - it must be it's position or what it is pressing on! But when I got PG I had terrible pain and sometime found it hard to pee. I reckon it was coz I had a thick lining, a beanie and not much room thanks to fibroid and bladder!

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