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Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

iv herd of the two bloods not being compatable but never using partners blood as a vaccine as such.. i wouldnt think that would be allowed :S might be wrong tho.. i was told you was given a drug to stop your platlets attacking any foreign objects ( blood included)
Girls, I took this text from the website: https://repro-med.net/

Immunization. This is synonymous with vaccination. A substance is introduced by injection (measles) that then stimulates an immunity response with the formation of antibodies to measles. These antibodies protect the person against getting the infection. Immunization occurs naturally during a successful pregnancy. The woman immunizes herself against her husband's HLA antigens, and she produces blocking antibodies that protect and aid in the growth of the placenta. Women with recurrent pregnancy losses fail to produce these protective antibodies because they are too similar to their husbands. Immunization (vaccination) with paternal or donor lymphocytes corrects this problem and results in subsequent live born babies when a pregnancy is established.

This is the treatment I did!

wow, that blood thing blows my mind Felicity. How did they even think to test you guys and what did they do? Did you go to a geneticist or another specialist to figure it out? I think I will ask about it at my next visit.

I was supposed to get results back today and the craziest thing happened. Yesterday I had to repeat blood work for a test they forgot to do a month ago, and today he realized they forgot to test me for something from last weeks bloods and I had to get retested there as well. So it won't be till Thursday till we get something more concrete! I'm not even thinking about it, just going about life in the mean time, its to much work to over think things and stress it.
Hi, bklove.
When I had the second mc, I went to a human reproduction specialist. He told me to do several blood exams, most of them immunological, to check if I have thrombophilia. The blood test that accused the incompatibility is called here in Brasil "crossmatch"- and it is the same blood test people who need organ transplant do. Ask you MD about it. The important thing to know is that this treatment is approved and done in many countries all over the world: France, Japan, UK, etc. With excelent results!!!
So, now that I am "immunized", I am back ttc.
Each cycle I also take 100mg of progesterone to help implantation from CD 19 until Af comes.
And, when I get pregnant, I will have to take clexane until the baby is born!!
You can read more about this treatment on the website https://repro-med.net/
Good luck on your exams!
Baby dust for all!
hi ladies well got my results back this week blood clotting ones came back fine as did dfs chromosomes mine are yet to be sent to my hospital so are waiting on them to send me a letter to let me know.

feel like i am in limbo now as the hospital were useless dont know what will happen and have no clue as to my careplan when i next pg. doctor didnt know anything and said she wasnt sure what my consultant will want o do next.

arrrghhh so frustrated! i havent had progesterone tests done yet or a scan which i know i can have done after 3 losses as its in the guidelines. should i ring up my consultant and request these or see my doctor.

i hate how they treat me where i know nothing at all and have to ask ladies online for advise or do my own research. feel like complaining about them again as its the only time they get their butts in gear and let me know whats happening iykwim.

on positive news am on the 2ww hoping to test in 7 days :D fingers crossed its a sticky bfp :D x
Babytots :hugs: and i'm sorry they treat you like buttheads, but i'm glad that things came back good, even though I know that may have caused mixed feelings. It sure did for me, my clotting stuff came back ok and I have no blood disorders, yippie!:) but its still like darn, nothing broken to fix! I'm cool with things though and so the adventure continues. I see my gyn next monday and will be asking him about seeing an immunologist thanks to Felicity, knowledge is power I tell ya! and good luck on that 2ww babytots.
bklove you should have been tested for your immunitys when you havd your bloods and genetics done.. i no i did.. i had 8 viles taken in all over a period of 3 months.
Hello all been on holiday for a few weeks so catching up.

Since starting this thread all those months ago, I didn't realise how busy it would be. Unfortunately it appears there are a few of us who have the same problem - recurrent mcs. I have often thought about asking if we could have an actual area that we could put all our separate thoughts on etc as it does get a bit hectic having to look back over posts from 2 weeks ago etc. Glad you have thought the same Smiler thanks. Rumpskin - thanks for asking Wobbles. Fingers crossed they will set one up.

Well, as for me just got back from holiday and have spent whole time ttc :blush: If it doesn't happen this month then who knows what more I (or my hubby :)) could do.... poor thing :) Just 2 weeks to wait now......
I know too well what it feels like to have tests coming back as 'normal' - mixture of emotions isn't it.

One hand really excited, the other...... what the bl**dy hell is it then!!!

This thread has been great for support for everyone it seems as we all feel the same xx
Great thread (sad topic though) just wanted to add i too think we should get a separate area cause i really have probs fitting in. I know im in the LTTC but i have no fertility treatment and all that jazz so i end up being a floater and sometimes even quitting coming on..anyway, enough moaning. BTW, just had a hospital apmt for my bloods to check on my thyroid levels and they've come back low again, so i need to have my meds upped.

For those who dont know, after my mc's the investigations/tests found that i had an underactive thyroid. And although they found something i can very much empthise with all the feelings all of you have. It was first suspected i had clotting issues but a subsequent test showed normal levels (the first was borderline- I am gonna take baby aspirin anyway :))

All the best and wish everyone a great weekend!

Omi xxx
Hi girls! Haven't posted in here in a while but gearing up to start the ball rolling again. Since my last post I've been trying to focus on myself and family and work through all the emotions. Next week I'm scheduled to go in for a pap and talk to the doc about mid-cycle and end cycle spotting. Which is driving me mad, TTC or not. As of now, I'm not... but would like to in the fall. You could imagine my concerns having had 3mc already, and my cycle is not cooperating. Going to ask for my hormones to be checked again, including thyroid. Any other thoughts girls?
Omi - I've been taking baby aspirin the last month as my consultant said he was going to put me on it as soon as I got pregnant so figured I'd start taking it now.

Superp123 - My cycle has more or less sorted itself out over past few months in terms of length e.g. has been 26 days, but gone to 28 like it used to be. I have though had funny cycle lengths. I'm usually heavy and last month only 2 days.... very strange for me. It is annoying as you wonder what is going on... nobody tells you that it changes after a mc do they? Hope you get answers you need.
Thanks Widger. I know that some of the irregularity is due to things getting back to normal but this cycle I started spotting cd18 and haven't quit yet. Ug!
I've been having the strangest dreams lately about all sorts of things. Mostly having babies. Last night I dreamt that I went out to dinner with a college and in the middle had this horrible urg to use the bathroom. I got up and excused myself, only to get to the restroom and find there were no toilets. The bathroom was green. Tile, walls, stalls and sinks. The toilets had all been ripped out of the floor. I left and went searching for another place to use the bathroom. I ran into my son Xavier(4) and he wanted to go with me, I held his hand but still went looking for a bathroom. Mind you I'm still in the restaurant. I came to a door which was marked bathroom and opened it. It was a hospital that was all white and had beds lined up on the walls each divided by a curtain. I then asked the nurse where's the bathroom? She pointed. Finally I was able to pee, only now Xavier wasn't with me anymore. :shrug: In the bathroom I passed a very small skeleton, just as big as my hands. Which I examined carefully to make sure it was what I thought it was. I wasn't distressed, but I knew what it meant. Then I woke up.
I know I'm obviously working through some things right now... but geesh. Could the dreams get any weirder? :dohh:
Just had to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening.
Wow, Super, that really is a wierd dream. I hope they get happier and less wierd for you from now on. :hugs:

I had my first follicle monitoring session on Friday. It was basically an internal u/s. All looked normal... Back next Friday for the next scan.

As some of you may know from other threads I am organising a concert in aid of the Baby Loss Awareness Campaign in London on 15th October. I hope that some of you will be able to make it! I'm collecting messages from people who have mc'd either about their experiences or to their angels. They will be part of a film that my OH is putting together to show at the end of the concert. I would really love it if you ladies would contribute if you want to. PM me with your message. And please spread the word!!

Hi ladies - new to this one I think, ive had 3 miscarriages and begin my testing tomorrow first appointment - dont know what to expect !

Im 37 so time is kicking on and really want to find oout why although deep down im convinced its just "bad luck". Love to you all. Heather xx

Sorry to be joining in on this thread too. I have a 3 year old daughter, then since then in the past year i have had 3 losses. 6 weeks, 16 weeks and 9 weeks. I had all the testing done after my later loss and all came back negative. No reason for me not to be able to carry my baby. Such a frustrating time for me. I feel like giving up. I am going to have some time out, get fit and healthy and then maybe try again next year. I am sick of being so miserable.
I feel the same way about the LTTC group, i'm not doing the IVF thing, or on drugs like clomid and what not, so I really don't linger there to much either. I think this is great when it comes to what to do and how to deal with recurrent miscarriages, the support needed is unique to anything else.

It is a frustrating process scarletsmom, and I hope whatever break you take does you good. I've been put on a forced time out, but seeking answers in that time frame has been frustrating and I can't really work out like I want to because of the last surgery, so that makes waiting a bust! I want to believe i'm ok, but its scary thinking what if i'm not...and i'm trying hard not to entertain that. So far tests show i'm healthy....aaaargh. Good luck to those of you just starting the testing process, its hard to say what to expect because there are sooooo many potential tests. Maybe that needs to be a sub thread- tests, what they are and when to take them!
Hi all,

The tests dilemma is a really difficult one: could potentially spend a lot of time and money, and different doctors recommend different tests. Then there is the question of drugs: hormones, steroids, aspirin etc. It is such an emotional time it's hard to be rational about it......

Best wishes ladies.

We have just booked a lovely holiday, at least I will be able to have some nice alcoholic drinks! Am trying to look on the bright side.
Scarletsmum - I sooooooo feel the same!

After mmc in Jan waited 2 cycles to recover (mostly spent thinking about ttc!!) got BFP straight away only to end up with another D&C 4 weeks ago. I'm sick and tired of being pi*sed off and putting on a brave face in work!! I'm rowing with my OH cause I feel so down sometimes, I've lost contact with many of my friends too, as when I was pregnant I kinda spent weekends in as no-one knew and then when I mc you don't be much in the mood for partying!! I've spent the last two christmas' pregnant & yet am still waiting for my longed for little one - I'm not sure I could risk being in that position again this year. :cry:
The choice of ttc at mo has been taken out of my hands, I've been told not to til my test results come back in 2 months & in a way it has taken the pressure off......

Anyway rant over..... heres hoping 2010 is the year for all of us :hugs:

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