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Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

hi ladies just a quick post from me.

firstly mmmmmmm at gerrard butler how tasty is he especially in 300 when he has his top off most of the time hubba hubba!!! btw smiler he is an actor i think hes in a new film thats out in cinemas with katherine heigl (think thats her name) in it.

so got rest of my results today my chromosomes are fine so now we will never know why we have lost 3 babies or why we lost jessica so late on. am feeling a mix of emotions atm. to top it off been discharged from my consultant with no reassurance as to what happens next and i have so many unanswered questions i was hoping to ask her and now i wont be able to. am in the process of writing to pals as i feel so let down not only with the lack of information regarding with the tests i have had done (i know of 3 we have had the rest i havent a clue) but also the lack of reassurance regarding my care in future pregnancies and what they can do to ensure baby sticks. i have also complained about the fact i havent had a scan done to check my womb nor hormone levels done (the prgesterone,fsh.lh ones) so i hope that gets me somewhere.

how is everyone else doing? x
Oh babytots, sometimes these consultants suck big time.

Your own doctor can do your bloods for progesterone etc, so I would contact them in the meantime.

Who is this bloke? I need to get out more!

Am hopefully getting results of my RMC tests on Thursday (assuming that they have actually got to the doctor, you never know with hospitals! Have tried to ring the dr's secretary and have left messages, but the usual nil response). Nervous.

OMG Smiler you don't know this guy???? watch ps I love you, he's amazing

Good luck for thursday :hugs:

I'm starting to think that I need to speak with my Dr again! I have just had the second mc this year and am not very happy about. After the first mmc they did tests on my amnio and they were all negative and after this last one nothing. I am ttc straight away this time and not waiting as I don't think it will hurt. Do you ladies have any advice on getting my Dr to run tests?

Oh Csunshine, sorry to hear this :hugs:

They don't normally do tests until the 3 MC however, my gyne done it after my 2nd due to my thyroid being removed.

I would make an appointment with your doctor to discuss it, he may do your progesterone tests etc for starters.

Just wanted to send some :hugs: out to you ladies. I can't add any more advice to Mrs JD's, except that to say I went privately and have had every test done under the sun.... still no answers and no clearer on what happened... Dr's like to use the phrase 'just bad luck'.... I hate that! :hugs: to everyone. xxx
I'm starting to think that I need to speak with my Dr again! I have just had the second mc this year and am not very happy about. After the first mmc they did tests on my amnio and they were all negative and after this last one nothing. I am ttc straight away this time and not waiting as I don't think it will hurt. Do you ladies have any advice on getting my Dr to run tests?

Oh Csunshine, sorry to hear this :hugs:

They don't normally do tests until the 3 MC however, my gyne done it after my 2nd due to my thyroid being removed.

I would make an appointment with your doctor to discuss it, he may do your progesterone tests etc for starters.


When I called and told them I was pg last time they immediately started me on a progesterone suppositories twice daily up my WooHaa :dohh: They sucked! To top it off it didn't help and I still mc. I am just fxd that my next pg doesn't end in mc.

Thanks ladies for the advice and truly appreciate all the help and kind words!

So sorry for all your losses and hope they find a way to resolve them!

I will also add that I found this website after my first and it has been just an awesome place for me thanks to all you wonderful ladies!
Hi ladies, thanks for the info on Mr Butler, is always good to swoon at people on-screen, it's a nice bit of distraction!

Babytots, sorry that you have had a bad time with the consultant, good plan to contact PALS, you are entitled to full information about the tests that you have had so far, from your medical records.

Also, despite the consultant being unhelpful, it may be that your local early pregnancy unit (if there is one) could offer you support if you conceive again, e.g. early scans, access to a specialist at an early stage. You could research this, perhaps with the help of your GP (if they are supportive of course - if not, try another one, mine has been really helpful). My local miscarriage clinic said that if no abnormal results were found I would be discharged - they wouldn't do hormone tests either - but did say that I could have extra support in early pregnancy (though they only recommend drugs etc. in cases where a specific problems have been found).

I understand from Prof Lesley Regan's book that no news is good news in terms of test results - statistically there is a better chance of pregnancy in future if nothing is found. But then again, statistics are awful!

It's all a minefield.

CSunshine, hiya, and sorry for your losses. I felt very similarly after my first two losses, and sadly lost a third pregnancy before I could have tests, but some people are fine the third time around. Guess it depends on what you can persuade your doctors to do, and whether you have any money to spend on private tests! I have found that it is worth asking about tests, quicker appointments etc. It's hard to do though.
I think I'm just going to wait until after this cycle. LOL That is if I'm not pg.

I will have to wait and see. The Dr here is very open to suggestions and is a good guy. I love his nurse though she is the BOMB! I can tell her anything and everything.

Thanks for all you kind words they mean the world to me!

So sorry for your losses ladies I don't know how but we push through! :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Had the results of my tests today. The blood-clotting ones were all fine, which is good. They have ruled out Asherman's, yay.

But the ultrasound scans I had showed that the corpus luteum was not right for the time in the cycle, so have been advised to take progesterone for the latter part of my cycle each month and for the first part of the pregnancy if I conceive.

Still awaiting the karyotyping ones for me and my partner, grrr.

For now, no more tests! And have got the green light to TTC!

Am excited and want to try again, but also scared. Also feel guilty: initally, after the last (and worst) miscarriage I vowed to be healthy, lose weight etc etc but have been feeling low and eating badly and being a couch potato! And never get much sleep as have been stressed and our daughter doesn't really do sleep! Worried that all this will somehow lower our chances.

Cusunshine, know what you mean about nice nurses, it makes a massive difference to get on well with someone. There is a lovely team of nurses at my local hospital, and one in particular who is just fab.

Hope other ladies are well?
So happy :happydance: Got a letter from my Doctor..this is what it says:

'I recieved a letter back from the local primary care trust approving that we refer you for a specialist opinion at Queen Charlotte's Hospital in London. However they have stipulated that it is a referral only at presemt and that based on this initial referral they will make a decision whether they will finance any treatment or not.

I have therefor sent a letter to professor Jan Bronins at Queen Charlotte's Hospital. You will hear from them in due course.'

:happydance: Its one step closer to finding out whats wrong. I cant see them not funding me for treatment if i need it. It would be cruel if they did! But im thinking positive for now xx
That is such great news Smiler13 and Littlehush! Get some answers and move on to ttc YEAH!

Hope all you lovely ladies are doing well today! I am having a little rush of PMA.

Hello ladies.

Had my final follicle monitoring scan today. He said he thought he could see my corpus luteum, but was rather non commital about it... He said my endometrium was measuring 13.2mm which is good. Apparently anything over 8mm is good. I've been prescribed progesterone pessaries for 14 days... Why is it everything has to go up my bum this cycle?!! Except for the obvious! :blush:

Feeling very positive and have a really good feeling about this cycle! We'll know in a weeks time anyway as I'm testing on 6th Sept!!
:hugs: ladies!
Smiler13- I don't think you should feel guilty, but do set up a plan for yourself and take it one day at a time, you can do it! and its not to late even as you are working on ttc.
sorry i have not been online but i just had to stay away from this site.
i have the results from the gene testing and i have a single defect of MTHFR gene and hubby has a doubble defect. he said that this is the reason why we mc. its a recesive gene. if i only one of us had it it would be ok. but they also found that i have a very high level of homocysteine. which is bad for many reasons. they are testing me again for it because the level is that high i should be very sick which i am not.

And just to make life friggin fantastic a member of my family is pregnant with twins. i hate my body i know i already have children but i never went through this crap with them it comming up to 12 month of ttc now i dont know how much more heart break i can take.
sorry i have not been online but i just had to stay away from this site.
i have the results from the gene testing and i have a single defect of MTHFR gene and hubby has a doubble defect. he said that this is the reason why we mc. its a recesive gene. if i only one of us had it it would be ok. but they also found that i have a very high level of homocysteine. which is bad for many reasons. they are testing me again for it because the level is that high i should be very sick which i am not.

And just to make life friggin fantastic a member of my family is pregnant with twins. i hate my body i know i already have children but i never went through this crap with them it comming up to 12 month of ttc now i dont know how much more heart break i can take.

Oh honey :hugs:

sorry i have not been online but i just had to stay away from this site.
i have the results from the gene testing and i have a single defect of MTHFR gene and hubby has a doubble defect. he said that this is the reason why we mc. its a recesive gene. if i only one of us had it it would be ok. but they also found that i have a very high level of homocysteine. which is bad for many reasons. they are testing me again for it because the level is that high i should be very sick which i am not.

And just to make life friggin fantastic a member of my family is pregnant with twins. i hate my body i know i already have children but i never went through this crap with them it comming up to 12 month of ttc now i dont know how much more heart break i can take.

:hugs: :hugs:
I fell a bit disloyal to BnB posting this, but I have found a forum which has a recurrent mc bit on it. I don't know if its any good as I haven't read it properly yet, but thought I would pass on the link in case any of you were interested. https://www.lifeafterloss.org.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=7
Hello ladies.

Had my final follicle monitoring scan today. He said he thought he could see my corpus luteum, but was rather non commital about it... He said my endometrium was measuring 13.2mm which is good. Apparently anything over 8mm is good. I've been prescribed progesterone pessaries for 14 days... Why is it everything has to go up my bum this cycle?!! Except for the obvious! :blush:

Feeling very positive and have a really good feeling about this cycle! We'll know in a weeks time anyway as I'm testing on 6th Sept!!

That's great news honey, hopefully this will be you sorted :happydance:

ps nearly killed myself last week, I accidently took 450mcg of thyroxine instead of 150mcg :dohh: ended up being admitted to hospital, such an idiot.


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