Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Big :hug: to all the new ladies! Miscarriages suck!
I'll be back later with more time, just didn't want to read and run.

I don't mean to upset anyone, but just wanted to point out that this is a thread for recurrent miscarriage. So to the ladies who posted in here with their first losses, we are very happy to support you as we truly feel your pain, but you might also want to post in the main loss section. You will notice that we talk a lot about testing and treatment in here, which is hopefully something you will never need :hugs:

Hunni where is the main loss section? Could not find a thread for 1st losses. I posted in here cause I just needed some support as this is very devastating for me.

Greeneyes, if you go up a level to
you can add new threads xxx

As for the D&C, this is how mine went (I've had four but they were very similar):
I arrived at he hospital with instructions on when to stop eating/drinking (I drank LOADS a minute before the stop lol), spoke to the gynae surgeon and anaesthetist, gave consent. I was given a gown and an embarrassing excuse for knickers to change into and was then taken to the ante-room to theatre. The anaesthetist would be waiting for me dressed in full scrubs, hat, etc. along with a couple of 'helpers' (nurses, I assume?). Someone then put a canula into my hand (this is the only painful part of the process and quite honestly it's nothing!). The anaesthetist or one of the assistants then flushed the canula by injecting something into it (doesn't hurt!). After this, they put an oxygen mask on me and injected the sleepy stuff into the canula. It actually makes me laugh. It's like 10 g&t's kicking in within seconds, not unpleasant at all, and suddenly you're asleep. When I woke up I had an oxygen mask or those funny little nose plugs on. This is to help you wake up faster and feel better.
After the procedure you should expect some bleeding, maybe some small clots, as well as some soreness. The bleeding should subside within a couple of weeks and around that time you could take a pregnancy test to verify whether all the hcg has left your system.
I had four D&C's last year and in themselves found them not unpleasant at all. Obviously, the reason for the operation is a completely different matter and that's the upsetting part!
Make sure you look after yourself after the procedure :hugs: If you feel in pain or nauseous, do not hesitate to ask for something to alleviate your discomfort. Be gentle on yourself :kiss:

If you feel ready to ttc again most people are told to wait until they have had a normal af (if your post-d&c af is abnormal you need to wait another cycle).

I hope all goes as smoothly as possible for you, hun :hugs:
Big :hug: to all the new ladies! Miscarriages suck!
I'll be back later with more time, just didn't want to read and run.

I don't mean to upset anyone, but just wanted to point out that this is a thread for recurrent miscarriage. So to the ladies who posted in here with their first losses, we are very happy to support you as we truly feel your pain, but you might also want to post in the main loss section. You will notice that we talk a lot about testing and treatment in here, which is hopefully something you will never need :hugs:

Hunni where is the main loss section? Could not find a thread for 1st losses. I posted in here cause I just needed some support as this is very devastating for me.

Greeneyes, if you go up a level to
you can add new threads xxx

As for the D&C, this is how mine went (I've had four but they were very similar):
I arrived at he hospital with instructions on when to stop eating/drinking (I drank LOADS a minute before the stop lol), spoke to the gynae surgeon and anaesthetist, gave consent. I was given a gown and an embarrassing excuse for knickers to change into and was then taken to the ante-room to theatre. The anaesthetist would be waiting for me dressed in full scrubs, hat, etc. along with a couple of 'helpers' (nurses, I assume?). Someone then put a canula into my hand (this is the only painful part of the process and quite honestly it's nothing!). The anaesthetist or one of the assistants then flushed the canula by injecting something into it (doesn't hurt!). After this, they put an oxygen mask on me and injected the sleepy stuff into the canula. It actually makes me laugh. It's like 10 g&t's kicking in within seconds, not unpleasant at all, and suddenly you're asleep. When I woke up I had an oxygen mask or those funny little nose plugs on. This is to help you wake up faster and feel better.
After the procedure you should expect some bleeding, maybe some small clots, as well as some soreness. The bleeding should subside within a couple of weeks and around that time you could take a pregnancy test to verify whether all the hcg has left your system.
I had four D&C's last year and in themselves found them not unpleasant at all. Obviously, the reason for the operation is a completely different matter and that's the upsetting part!
Make sure you look after yourself after the procedure :hugs: If you feel in pain or nauseous, do not hesitate to ask for something to alleviate your discomfort. Be gentle on yourself :kiss:

If you feel ready to ttc again most people are told to wait until they have had a normal af (if your post-d&c af is abnormal you need to wait another cycle).

I hope all goes as smoothly as possible for you, hun :hugs:

Thanks! Wow! 4 within a year. I have no desire to ttc for at least 6 months. I need to grieve and heal emotionally. Thanks again! I hope all goes well with you also. I've stalked ya in the past, lol.
So sorry to see that there are so many new ladies in here :cry:

Tasha, stories like yours are lovely to read! They give me so much more hope than reading about straightforward conceptions. I keep thinking, if you can do it, then so can I maybe...

Ok, I hope I'm not missing anyone!

Afternoon ladies, well after thinking I was going through my 3 rd miscarriage in a row after spotting brown discharge for 2 and a 1/2 weeks and faint pregnancy tests I got admitted into hospital saturday with a ruptured ectopic. Starting to recover slowly but I know dont know where I stand with my appointment with my consultant (he did surgery on both tubes as they were blocked). My doctor referred me because he thought I was having my 3rd m/c and therefore referral was for recurrent miscarriage. But now obviously its 2 m/c's and an ectopic in the space of 8 months, appointment is booked for 7th april, do you think we should still go?? We werent told anything about what to expect from ttc , when to try etc after I was discharged and i have no follow up appointment to attend. All I know is the surgeon said my left tube looked fine and clear and he has left my right ovary (right tube was removed)

So sorry to read about your loss, and an ectopic at that (ouch!) :hugs:
That's horrible that you don't have a follow-up! Surely, you should be seeing someone if only to discuss your fertility after this event, when you can start ttc again etc? If you can, definitely still go to your appointment at the recurrent miscarriage clinic.

Take care, hon, I hope you recover well from your surgery xxx

Hi everyone, I am new here and looking for some advice. Hope this is the right thread.

I think I am about to have my 2nd back-to-back early miscarriage/chemical pregnancy. The first was in Dec 2010, we took Jan off, and now I'm 4w5d pregnant and probably about to miscarry. On my Monday, my symptoms disappeared and I insisted on a Hcg/beta - unfortunately it was only a 20. I'm going in tonight for a re-draw to check the Hcg levels again. Also, my progesterone was only a 9 on Monday (should be 20+, correct?). So this is also bad.

Do you think that since the HcG numbers are so low it means I will start bleeding and miscarry soon? I'm so worried it might be ectopic.

Also, I'd like to start running some tests to see what is going on. I'm hoping to switch OBs b/c I feel like the care I'm receiving right now is HORRIBLE (had to call 3x for my blood results yesterday, no real indication of what to do next, etc.). Can you all recommend some tests that I should have done in the near future?

I think my problem is in/around implantation. Since this is only our third month trying, I seem to be able to get pregnant but not stay pregnant. Plus, with such a low progesterone, etc., it looks like I might need some support, etc. But I'm also worried about genetic mutations, etc.

I know everyone says early miscarriages are normal - but 2 in a row?? I'm freaking out and so so sad that this is happening again.

Thanks in advance for all your advice.

Epump, sorry to hear about your losses :cry:

Please don't get too hung up about your progesterone results right now. When a pregnancy fails the progesterone goes down. It's a bit of a chicken/egg scenario.

Someone else can probably give better information than I can, but I think that if you want to check your hormone levels and whether they are normal, you need blood tests on day 3(ish) test and day 21(ish). I'm going to ask my consultant about this when I next see her...

To anyone who's had a day 21 test, does this have to be a non-pregnant cycle?

Hi ladies. I'm waiting for my bleeding to start and I have some question. First here's my history
dd, 9, ds, 7, m/c, ds4, ds2 (born 1/1/2009)
then Nov2010 m/c at 7 weeks
and now Feb2011, confirmed no heartbeat twice with u/s and my hcg levels dropped by 25% in 10 days. Awaiting bleeding at 9weeks4days

So what next? Getting pregnant is not an issue, but all of the sudden it seems staying pregnant is. I will be 38 next month, so aging might be a factor.

My midwife has said the following are not issues: clotting, sugar levels, thyroid
During this pregnancy, when I started feeling cramping at 6 weeks, she told me to start progesterone cream - now in hindsight that was probably too little too late.

How do they test to see if Progesterone levels are an issue for you?
What other types of tests should I be thinking about?

Thanks for your help. and hugs to all of you. I am sorry we are meeting in this way, but thankful to have ladies to talk to.

Hi Lori :hugs:

I was just wondering, your midwife is ruling out a lot of issues - is this because you have had tests already?

This really is not the nicest circumstance to meet people, but I know this forum has been a lifesaver for me!

hi all, im new to this thread i hope you dont mind me posting but im really at my wits end, i feel like falling apart, im going through yet another miscarriage, i have had umpteen over the years, getting pregnant isnt the problem im pregnant every couple of months, but i cant seem to keep hold of the babies, i cant get past 4 weeks, im seeing the fs currently, and all blood work has come back fine so far, so now they are talking about doing a lap and dye to check tubes etc, i feel like they arent lisgening to me at all, she said to me, i dont mean to be disrespectful but just disregard all the pregnancies you've had and we will start all over for problems from concieving onwards, well i felt sick at her even saying that to me, and i was told ive not to test until im at least 2 - 3 weeks late, which never happens as i say i lose them all at 4 weeks, i dont know what to do i feel like they are waisting my time, i tried 75mg of asprin my self for a few months but didnt get pregnant whilst takng it so i dont know if that affected me in any way good or bad, all day 21 bloods are fine everything is normal with them, i guess what im looking for is anyone whos been the same not got past 4 weeks and found what the problem is or was, im sorry for the long message ladies thank you for taking the time to read it, im also very sorry for all your losses i knw how hard it is :hugs: to you all xxx

Hi, I really don't know much about early losses, but it's rather insensitive of them to tell you to disregard all positive tests until you are two weeks past af! It's like saying they aren't important and yet every pregnancy is! I don't know about you, but days before I get a positive with a sensitive test my body lets me know quite reliably that I am up the duff! And just going by the timing you don't need a test to know why you're late.:growlmad:
Where in the world are you? Do you have a local recurrent miscarriage clinic you could attend? Has your doctor run any tests e.g. for APS?

Hello everyone my name is Michelle and I am currently suffering my 6th m/c in 2 years! I am currently 7 weeks and have not actually started to miscarry yet. I had my levels checked today and they dropped:cry: I have have all the tests done after my 3rd m/c done and everything came back clear. So I sit here not knowing what to expect. With 4 of my m/c they were natural and I was only 5-6 weeks. My 1st I had a d&c. So now with being 7 weeks, my Dr wants to wait a week to see if I miscarry on my own. Am I going to see a embryo? I did not get a chance to do an u/s, my Dr.'s do not do u/s before 8 weeks. I have no bleeding, cramping, or pain of any kind. In fact I have many symptoms still. I feel so empty, and keep asking myself why, I know in my heart that it will happen. I just don't know how many more times I can go through this:sad1: I am glad I found this thread. Thank you for all that take a look at this and answer my question:D

I don't have experience with a natural at 7w, but want to give you a big hug :hugs:
Will you be going back to your recurrent miscarriage clinic to discuss future treatment options? Even if your tests all came back clear, maybe there is something you can do or take that would not harm a pregnancy, but could just be the miracle ingredient you are waiting for?

hi all, i mced on the 21st feb and its been a recovery journey since the D&C on 21st feb evening. It was our first, and we tried really hard for this as i only ovulate 6-8 times a year and my cycles at really irregular at 31-48 days. now with the mc, im not sure when the period will come again...

The return of af varies a lot from what I can see, although you could be surprised and you pop an egg quite soon after your hcg levels go down. In general, I'd take your 'normal' cycle length and add a couple of weeks for safe measure. If she shows up earlier, that's a bonus.

Big :hug: to all the new ladies! Miscarriages suck!
I'll be back later with more time, just didn't want to read and run.

I don't mean to upset anyone, but just wanted to point out that this is a thread for recurrent miscarriage. So to the ladies who posted in here with their first losses, we are very happy to support you as we truly feel your pain, but you might also want to post in the main loss section. You will notice that we talk a lot about testing and treatment in here, which is hopefully something you will never need :hugs:

How many losses do you have to have had to be classed as recurrent?

After what I wrote, I am ashamed to admit that I joined this thread after my second loss :blush: Geez, I should go hide in a deep dark hole now!

I've had two MMC's but there was over 10 years between them, and I was with different partners with each one. It kind of makes me think that it is me that is the problem :(

I had an ERPC yesterday and im feeling sad today...

Oh sleonie :kiss:

yeah I was told it was 3 or more. I am having a hard time with this pregnancy, bc my lines are only slightly darker, and my doctors wont see me till march.

I have had 9 mc, I am very much afraid of another one.

Ok, who am I kidding? I do the same!
But honestly, I took a test every day this past week. At the beginning a blood test confirmed an hcg level of around 235, yesterday it was 67. Do my tests look like they are gradually getting lighter? NOT AT ALL!!! They're up and down and yesterday's was actually the darkest one of the lot :dohh:
Keeping my fingers tightly crossed for your little one :dust:
Big :hug: to all the new ladies! Miscarriages suck!
I'll be back later with more time, just didn't want to read and run.

I don't mean to upset anyone, but just wanted to point out that this is a thread for recurrent miscarriage. So to the ladies who posted in here with their first losses, we are very happy to support you as we truly feel your pain, but you might also want to post in the main loss section. You will notice that we talk a lot about testing and treatment in here, which is hopefully something you will never need :hugs:

How many losses do you have to have had to be classed as recurrent?

After what I wrote, I am ashamed to admit that I joined this thread after my second loss :blush: Geez, I should go hide in a deep dark hole now!

LOL, I think I need to join you in that hole :haha:, I've joined after 2 losses but my EPU is doing recurrent miscarriage tests on me now so I thought this is proboably the best place to get advice & support :winkwink:
hi ladies, thank you all for taking the time to answer me i really appreciate it, im in the uk, and the hospital thats dealing with me theres 4 or 5 fs in the 1 dept but ur not guarenteed to see the same one each time although they will try they said, i cant really remember what all of the testing was for as my head was up my backside as you can imagine, i have another appt 22nd march where hopefully i will get a diff specialist that might try to understand at least, to all the other ladies im so very sorry for your loses :hugs: to you all xxx
Hi all.
So sad to see all these new posts. I'm sorry for all these baby losses, it's tragic, so sending everyone big hugs. Hope to catch up on the thread over the weekend.
So sorry to see that there are so many new ladies in here :cry:

Tasha, stories like yours are lovely to read! They give me so much more hope than reading about straightforward conceptions. I keep thinking, if you can do it, then so can I maybe...

Ok, I hope I'm not missing anyone!

Afternoon ladies, well after thinking I was going through my 3 rd miscarriage in a row after spotting brown discharge for 2 and a 1/2 weeks and faint pregnancy tests I got admitted into hospital saturday with a ruptured ectopic. Starting to recover slowly but I know dont know where I stand with my appointment with my consultant (he did surgery on both tubes as they were blocked). My doctor referred me because he thought I was having my 3rd m/c and therefore referral was for recurrent miscarriage. But now obviously its 2 m/c's and an ectopic in the space of 8 months, appointment is booked for 7th april, do you think we should still go?? We werent told anything about what to expect from ttc , when to try etc after I was discharged and i have no follow up appointment to attend. All I know is the surgeon said my left tube looked fine and clear and he has left my right ovary (right tube was removed)

So sorry to read about your loss, and an ectopic at that (ouch!) :hugs:
That's horrible that you don't have a follow-up! Surely, you should be seeing someone if only to discuss your fertility after this event, when you can start ttc again etc? If you can, definitely still go to your appointment at the recurrent miscarriage clinic.

Take care, hon, I hope you recover well from your surgery xxx

Hi everyone, I am new here and looking for some advice. Hope this is the right thread.

I think I am about to have my 2nd back-to-back early miscarriage/chemical pregnancy. The first was in Dec 2010, we took Jan off, and now I'm 4w5d pregnant and probably about to miscarry. On my Monday, my symptoms disappeared and I insisted on a Hcg/beta - unfortunately it was only a 20. I'm going in tonight for a re-draw to check the Hcg levels again. Also, my progesterone was only a 9 on Monday (should be 20+, correct?). So this is also bad.

Do you think that since the HcG numbers are so low it means I will start bleeding and miscarry soon? I'm so worried it might be ectopic.

Also, I'd like to start running some tests to see what is going on. I'm hoping to switch OBs b/c I feel like the care I'm receiving right now is HORRIBLE (had to call 3x for my blood results yesterday, no real indication of what to do next, etc.). Can you all recommend some tests that I should have done in the near future?

I think my problem is in/around implantation. Since this is only our third month trying, I seem to be able to get pregnant but not stay pregnant. Plus, with such a low progesterone, etc., it looks like I might need some support, etc. But I'm also worried about genetic mutations, etc.

I know everyone says early miscarriages are normal - but 2 in a row?? I'm freaking out and so so sad that this is happening again.

Thanks in advance for all your advice.

Epump, sorry to hear about your losses :cry:

Please don't get too hung up about your progesterone results right now. When a pregnancy fails the progesterone goes down. It's a bit of a chicken/egg scenario.

Someone else can probably give better information than I can, but I think that if you want to check your hormone levels and whether they are normal, you need blood tests on day 3(ish) test and day 21(ish). I'm going to ask my consultant about this when I next see her...

To anyone who's had a day 21 test, does this have to be a non-pregnant cycle?

Hi ladies. I'm waiting for my bleeding to start and I have some question. First here's my history
dd, 9, ds, 7, m/c, ds4, ds2 (born 1/1/2009)
then Nov2010 m/c at 7 weeks
and now Feb2011, confirmed no heartbeat twice with u/s and my hcg levels dropped by 25% in 10 days. Awaiting bleeding at 9weeks4days

So what next? Getting pregnant is not an issue, but all of the sudden it seems staying pregnant is. I will be 38 next month, so aging might be a factor.

My midwife has said the following are not issues: clotting, sugar levels, thyroid
During this pregnancy, when I started feeling cramping at 6 weeks, she told me to start progesterone cream - now in hindsight that was probably too little too late.

How do they test to see if Progesterone levels are an issue for you?
What other types of tests should I be thinking about?

Thanks for your help. and hugs to all of you. I am sorry we are meeting in this way, but thankful to have ladies to talk to.

Hi Lori :hugs:

I was just wondering, your midwife is ruling out a lot of issues - is this because you have had tests already?

This really is not the nicest circumstance to meet people, but I know this forum has been a lifesaver for me!

hi all, im new to this thread i hope you dont mind me posting but im really at my wits end, i feel like falling apart, im going through yet another miscarriage, i have had umpteen over the years, getting pregnant isnt the problem im pregnant every couple of months, but i cant seem to keep hold of the babies, i cant get past 4 weeks, im seeing the fs currently, and all blood work has come back fine so far, so now they are talking about doing a lap and dye to check tubes etc, i feel like they arent lisgening to me at all, she said to me, i dont mean to be disrespectful but just disregard all the pregnancies you've had and we will start all over for problems from concieving onwards, well i felt sick at her even saying that to me, and i was told ive not to test until im at least 2 - 3 weeks late, which never happens as i say i lose them all at 4 weeks, i dont know what to do i feel like they are waisting my time, i tried 75mg of asprin my self for a few months but didnt get pregnant whilst takng it so i dont know if that affected me in any way good or bad, all day 21 bloods are fine everything is normal with them, i guess what im looking for is anyone whos been the same not got past 4 weeks and found what the problem is or was, im sorry for the long message ladies thank you for taking the time to read it, im also very sorry for all your losses i knw how hard it is :hugs: to you all xxx

Hi, I really don't know much about early losses, but it's rather insensitive of them to tell you to disregard all positive tests until you are two weeks past af! It's like saying they aren't important and yet every pregnancy is! I don't know about you, but days before I get a positive with a sensitive test my body lets me know quite reliably that I am up the duff! And just going by the timing you don't need a test to know why you're late.:growlmad:
Where in the world are you? Do you have a local recurrent miscarriage clinic you could attend? Has your doctor run any tests e.g. for APS?

Hello everyone my name is Michelle and I am currently suffering my 6th m/c in 2 years! I am currently 7 weeks and have not actually started to miscarry yet. I had my levels checked today and they dropped:cry: I have have all the tests done after my 3rd m/c done and everything came back clear. So I sit here not knowing what to expect. With 4 of my m/c they were natural and I was only 5-6 weeks. My 1st I had a d&c. So now with being 7 weeks, my Dr wants to wait a week to see if I miscarry on my own. Am I going to see a embryo? I did not get a chance to do an u/s, my Dr.'s do not do u/s before 8 weeks. I have no bleeding, cramping, or pain of any kind. In fact I have many symptoms still. I feel so empty, and keep asking myself why, I know in my heart that it will happen. I just don't know how many more times I can go through this:sad1: I am glad I found this thread. Thank you for all that take a look at this and answer my question:D

I don't have experience with a natural at 7w, but want to give you a big hug :hugs:
Will you be going back to your recurrent miscarriage clinic to discuss future treatment options? Even if your tests all came back clear, maybe there is something you can do or take that would not harm a pregnancy, but could just be the miracle ingredient you are waiting for?

hi all, i mced on the 21st feb and its been a recovery journey since the D&C on 21st feb evening. It was our first, and we tried really hard for this as i only ovulate 6-8 times a year and my cycles at really irregular at 31-48 days. now with the mc, im not sure when the period will come again...

The return of af varies a lot from what I can see, although you could be surprised and you pop an egg quite soon after your hcg levels go down. In general, I'd take your 'normal' cycle length and add a couple of weeks for safe measure. If she shows up earlier, that's a bonus.

Big :hug: to all the new ladies! Miscarriages suck!
I'll be back later with more time, just didn't want to read and run.

I don't mean to upset anyone, but just wanted to point out that this is a thread for recurrent miscarriage. So to the ladies who posted in here with their first losses, we are very happy to support you as we truly feel your pain, but you might also want to post in the main loss section. You will notice that we talk a lot about testing and treatment in here, which is hopefully something you will never need :hugs:

How many losses do you have to have had to be classed as recurrent?

After what I wrote, I am ashamed to admit that I joined this thread after my second loss :blush: Geez, I should go hide in a deep dark hole now!

I've had two MMC's but there was over 10 years between them, and I was with different partners with each one. It kind of makes me think that it is me that is the problem :(

I had an ERPC yesterday and im feeling sad today...

Oh sleonie :kiss:

yeah I was told it was 3 or more. I am having a hard time with this pregnancy, bc my lines are only slightly darker, and my doctors wont see me till march.

I have had 9 mc, I am very much afraid of another one.

Ok, who am I kidding? I do the same!
But honestly, I took a test every day this past week. At the beginning a blood test confirmed an hcg level of around 235, yesterday it was 67. Do my tests look like they are gradually getting lighter? NOT AT ALL!!! They're up and down and yesterday's was actually the darkest one of the lot :dohh:
Keeping my fingers tightly crossed for your little one :dust:
I hope I get darker tests, when I get closer to 6 weeks.
thanks for being so supportive, it makes me nervous about the lines. I need to stop testing so much.
Hello. I had a Mc almost 2 Saturdays ago. I was 4 mos. My Obg put me on Folic Acid 3 times a day along with a baby aspirin. The 2 together made me sick as soon as I started taking them. I asked them shouldn't they wait for my blood tests to come back first before they determine I needed both but they said it would be ok to take it anyways. I repeatedly complained but was told to keep taking it. When my test came back everything was negative, but was still had to keep taking them. The day of my Mc my water broke and my baby came here moving and kicking as if it was suppose to be here. I was in no pain, not even an ouch. I had to call ambulance bc I started bleeding like a faucet. They asked what I was taking and I told them. The first question was why on earth were you taking aspirin? I got asked that so many times till I became absolutely furious. I found out no woman pregnant should ever take aspirin bc it will cause them to miscarry and even bleed to DEATH. I lost 5 units of blood and they had to give me 4. Thank God I'm still alive. I also read out of 100 women taking aspirin during pregnancy, 80% miscarry and only 20% have normal pregnancy. Only you know your body. If your doc gives u anything and it makes u sick discontinue taking it and let them know. My VOTE FOR ASPIRIN DURING PREGNANCY IS NO!!!!! Good Luck to everyone trying. I'm going to try again in 2-3 months and they are going to sew me up on my 12th week.

Oh yeah, I was told that a lot of women miscarry because the womb doesn't take shape like it should but with the stint it will allow the womb to blouse out like it should. Consult with ur Obg about getting ur uterus sewn up on ur 12th week. It has helped so many women get their babies here alive and healthy!!!!
Good girl, I am so very sorry for your loss. What you went through is really awful and you are clearly devastated. I hope they find out what happened so that they can help you prevent this from happening again.

Please don't blame your loss on aspirin though. I don't know where you got your figures from but 80% of aspirin users miscarrying is incorrect. It is a lifesaver for many babies. Sadly it wasn't the right medicine for yours :cry: You aren't alone in having the vitamins make you feel sick, but they are important. Sometimes it helps to change brands or to take them just before you go to sleep.

I am sure you are a strong woman and will get through this, but be easy on yourself. You need to look after yourself. What was your baby's name? Xxx

Hi Lori :hugs:

I was just wondering, your midwife is ruling out a lot of issues - is this because you have had tests already?

This really is not the nicest circumstance to meet people, but I know this forum has been a lifesaver for me!

Yes, those were tests we ran.

I guess I didn't do the quotes thing right. This was supposed to be quoting/answering 9babiesgone
Goodgirl - I'm sorry that you've been through such a devastating time but as Petitpas said Aspirin is, for some women, what will get them their baby. TBH paramedics aren't really as up to date on drugs in pregnancy as recurrent miscarriage specialists or obs/gynae/fertility specialists. You are right that some 2nd tri losses are due to cervical incompetence but for ladies with first tri losses, cervical cerclage isn't usually necessary. I wish you all the best with your recovery.

frank_noahsmo/Michelle - I lost a baby at about 6 weeks, I know this isn't quite seven weeks but I miscarried at 10 weeks baby was only 6 weeks gestation. I had had brown spotting for about 3 weeks and then I started getting cramps, what I imagine labour is like as these definitely weren't period pains. I had lots of red blood and clots over night. Next morning no pain, was like a normal light period, naughtily I used a tampon, was at work so couldn't face bleeding. when I removed the tampon I felt something inside me so pulled it out and it looked like a prune, this was my gestational sac. I didn't see an embryo but then it had been dead for quite some time, it did freak me out a bit though but after I passed the sac I had a normal period for a couple of days and my cycle returned to normal. :hugs: waiting to miscarry is awful but for me I'd rather do that than have a d&c.
Hi Ladies

Goodgirl35, so sorry for your loss, like Petitpas says, aspirin has worked for many people. My cousin has had 4 mc's and only carried 2 babies to full term after taking aspirin.
I have taken aspirin twice when pregnant once at 75mg and still miscarried, then once at 100mg along with progesterone, unfortunately this pregnancy was ectopic.
I think it's important to remember that even the specialists can't agree on certain meds and I have spoken about this with my gp today, who has agreed to refer me to a different ob in the hope of getting prednisone for my next BFP, which I will take along with progesterone and aspirin.

And like rabbit says, gp's and A&E staff, generally aren't too up-to-date on developments re m/c, so always best to speak with a specialist.

Sounds like you have a plan of action in place though and hopefully the stitching will work, I have heard of this infact I girl I sort of know had this done, after 2 2nd tri m/s's, I'll see if I can get some more info for you.

So 2 weeks til I ov now and I'm feeling a bit nervous after my ectopic, grrrrrrr I hate all this anxiety and waiting and still feeling raw after my latest loss, argghhhhhh.
I am so dang upset right now. I am spotting right now.

I dont know what to think. uggh...
Afternoon ladies, well after thinking I was going through my 3 rd miscarriage in a row after spotting brown discharge for 2 and a 1/2 weeks and faint pregnancy tests I got admitted into hospital saturday with a ruptured ectopic. Starting to recover slowly but I know dont know where I stand with my appointment with my consultant (he did surgery on both tubes as they were blocked). My doctor referred me because he thought I was having my 3rd m/c and therefore referral was for recurrent miscarriage. But now obviously its 2 m/c's and an ectopic in the space of 8 months, appointment is booked for 7th april, do you think we should still go?? We werent told anything about what to expect from ttc , when to try etc after I was discharged and i have no follow up appointment to attend. All I know is the surgeon said my left tube looked fine and clear and he has left my right ovary (right tube was removed)

Hi C&J

I wanted to reply to you, as it sounds like we have been through exactly the same thing.
I too had an ectopic pregnancy (4 weeks since op) following 5 m/c's, I had my right tube removed and because of my previous track record they checked to make sure my left tube was ok, which luckily it was, I had a small cyst on my right ovary previously but again, luckily it was ok and wasn't removed.

I can honestly say, it was a horrific experience and I was totally devastated, still am.
I asked so many questions so maybe I can help you with anything you want to know if you want to pm me.

With regards to trying again, I was advised by gyno straight after operation to try asap or when I felt ready, so I have just finished AF, and am about to start ttc again, I have heard you need to wait 2/3 months but both my gyno and specialist said this was rubbish, only if you have had methotrexate injection, NOT if you had had an op as long as there are no complications, and you have healed.

I was also worried now only having the one tube, but again I have been reassured that you only need one tube and this shouldn't effect the ability to conceive.
The chance of another ectopic is 10%, or to look at it another way 90% chance you won't have another.

When I left the hospital I wasn't given much info by the nurses, only that I should be ok in a few days, what a pile of crap, I was so sore, but after about 10 days was feeling much better, well, physically anyway.

I wasn't told anything about a follow up appointment when I left either, but this week an appointment for the hospital arrived for me, when I called them to ask what it was for they said it was for a follow up, so hopefully the same willl happen for you.

AF arrived 3.5 weeks after my op, it was heavier than usual, but no more painful than my normal AF (sorry if TMI).

I hope this helps you or anyone else looking for some answers after an ectopic.

Sending hugs as per ladies xxx.
Awwww 9babies I just read your post, hoping that you are ok, can you go to your gp/hospital or at least call someone.
I'll be thinking about you hun and hoping it's nothing to worry about xxx.
I hope it's ok, try to relax, I know that's easier said than done. I am keeping everything crossed for you that this is just general spotting and nothing to worry about.
It's just so harrowing and never gets any easier.
My thoughts are with you xxx
thanks I have been crying ever since I started spotting. I am hoping it is nothing. uggh.
Thank you so much Petitpas. I googled women taking aspirin while pregnant and got a lot of info from that website. I went to another Obg and he stated that I should've been given a test to see if I was folic acid insufficient. My obg told me they would never give me aspirin ever again. My boyfriend is already wanting to try again but I was put on birth control for 2 months and prenatal vitamins. I had a suction D&C. I'm still a bit fragile from the blood loss but men don't'm secretly taking the birth control pills :-D. I expect to be giving birth by the beginning of of 2012. My heart goes out to everyone that has loss their babies. My son name was Jacob Romelo.... Oh God how I wish he could've survived!!!!

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