Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

I'm not sure if I fit in here as I've only had 2 losses but really need to speak to others who've been through similar. I know lots of you have been through much worse - and I am lucky as I have two lovely boys, but I hope you don't mind me joining you.

I had a late loss in October 2010 - at 20+3. We have no idea why it
happened, still awaiting results - consultant appointment is on 15th March.
I became pregnant again in January, only to lose this one on Sunday at 7/8 weeks.
With both these pregnancies, I knew something wasn't right - particularly the most recent as I had no sickness at all.

My immediate reaction was that there must be some connection between the two losses. However, my GP and the nurse I saw at the EPAS both said quite clearly that these losses will not be linked in anyway - they are medically very different. And that does make sense when I think about it.

So, I'm just very confused at the moment, as well as mourning my lost babies. I have had two successful pregnancies with no problems whatsoever - my boys are now 4 and 6 (and as I said before, I know how lucky I am to have them) and then this.

My brain (and DH) says wait 3 months before TTC - but my heart just wants another baby as soon as possible.
fifi-folle good to know awful things don't always happen :) am trying to keep this in mind x x x

iloveblue - sorry you've had to find yourself here. I would agree with your Dr late losses and early losses are usually for different reasons. I hope that you get some answers with your appointment in march.

I know the feeling of wanting a baby asap, we have waiting one cycle in the past, my drs have always said wait one cycle til you have a proper period but they all say that's to give you some breathing space to mourn and to make things easier for dating. I think it's up to you and your DH what you want to do but normally there isn't a reason to wait 3 months. :hugs:
I am still reading girls.

I am so sorry for the recent loses :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Congratulations to the girls with BFP's, I have everything crossed for you all.

I am seventeen weeks now, I always feel bad writing that sort of thing on this thread but I really hope after the seven miscarriages in two years it gives you all hope, obviously because I lost Honey at 36+6 I am not out of the woods though.
I am seventeen weeks now, I always feel bad writing that sort of thing on this thread but I really hope after the seven miscarriages in two years it gives you all hope, obviously because I lost Honey at 36+6 I am not out of the woods though.

I don't think you should feel bad at all! I love success stories that give us hope! Congratulations! My favorite pregnancy announcements are from people with previous losses...selfish I know to get jealous of others ( I need to work on that!), but it's totally different with people who have experienced the same pain. :hugs:

Iloveblue- :hugs:
Thank you hopeful. I felt the same, but understand others may not. Oh and I dont think you need to work on the jealousy thing, I always told myself feeling envious is not horrible because it is not as if you want that person to feel your pain, or to take away their happiness you just want some happiness for you too. It is not an either or thing :hugs::hugs:
I love blue. I would agree with Rabittchild, it would sound like a different reason to me for your losses. Hopefully you can get some closure on this from gp or EPAS and so sorry for your losses.
We all know how you must be feeling on here. I got pregnant one week after one of my mc's, so yeah, it really is more the case of when you and dh feel ready to ttc again.

I've had my own gp telling me to wait 3 cycles after my ectopic, but my gynae told me I'd be ok to ttc more or less straight away, so I'm only waiting one, as it's more mentally difficult for me having to wait, but it really is a personal thing, so do what you feel is right for you.

Tasha, I agree with Hopeful, it's fab to hear success stories on here, give us hope and motivation to deal with all the crap!!!
And yeah, its nice to see us girls with recurrent get happy endings, I'll be keeping everything crosses for all the BFP's on here recently.

Well, my AF is back with a vengeance after my ectopic, has anyone else had this problem, it's just so much heavier than usual (sorry tmi).
Got my wish though, so hopefully Illl get get my BFP in next couple of months.
DH and I are going to be busy but I'm feeling ok today, after a very rough and emotional weekend.

Baby dust to all and hope there's not too many spelling errors, it's way too late in the day to read back over this lol...

I just recently found out that I am pregnant :bfp: after a medicated cycle of Clomid and Ovidrel. I am so nervous because I have had two previous misscarriages :angel: withing this past year. I got my HCG results, at 4 weeks my levels are at 135HCG. My doctor has me on Baby Aspirin, Folgard (extra folic Acid), and Prescription Prenatal Vitamins. Has anyone had a misscarriage while on Folgard and/or Baby Aspirin?? I am also doing Acupuncture to help with blood flow and anxiety. I am just so nervous....
I am trying my best to stay calm but I am so nervous I am only 4 weeks adn after 9 mcs, I am so scared
Tasha - I'm so pleased for you - please keep posting - it's good to know that it can work out! Fingers x'd all is well right to the end - you must be out of your mind with angst.

I love blue - sorry for your losses - the fact that you have other children helps i know but it still doesn't mean your loss is any less than anybody else's. We spend a lot of time trying to reason it all out, and drive ourselves mad, but the 2 are probably not connected at all and it may have been something randomn that won't happen again. Good luck with you appt.

debtha - hugs

9 babies - you've got to try to calm down a bit hun - all this stressing won't be doing you any good at all, although I totally understand it. Have you tried yoga or some other relaxation technique? I'm doing yoga every week to try and help - it can't do any harm!
Found this - it's a bit cheesy and makes me feel old but the sentiment is what I would like to convey to all my friends here:
Tasha - I agree pls keep posting, always so great to hear success stories, I think it keeps us all going and gives us hope.

Debtha - congrats, In past pregnancies I took 75mg aspirin and then on the last one took 150mg aspirin for my clotting problem although those pregnancies didn't end well it wasn't anything to do with clotting. I'm on 150mg aspirin again this time and 400mg progesterone whcih is pretty much for the hell of it. Hang in there, I know how awful waiting is but distraction is the best thing if you can manage it.

9babies - i know how hard it is, my bad backache is worrying the hell out of me at the moment but there isn't anything I can do. Just need to try and distract yourself and unfortunately what will be will be. I'm sorry if that's not very comforting but we're all quite powerless to change things we just need to find ways to deal with the wait. x
Afternoon ladies, well after thinking I was going through my 3 rd miscarriage in a row after spotting brown discharge for 2 and a 1/2 weeks and faint pregnancy tests I got admitted into hospital saturday with a ruptured ectopic. Starting to recover slowly but I know dont know where I stand with my appointment with my consultant (he did surgery on both tubes as they were blocked). My doctor referred me because he thought I was having my 3rd m/c and therefore referral was for recurrent miscarriage. But now obviously its 2 m/c's and an ectopic in the space of 8 months, appointment is booked for 7th april, do you think we should still go?? We werent told anything about what to expect from ttc , when to try etc after I was discharged and i have no follow up appointment to attend. All I know is the surgeon said my left tube looked fine and clear and he has left my right ovary (right tube was removed)
Tasha - I'm so pleased for you - please keep posting - it's good to know that it can work out! Fingers x'd all is well right to the end - you must be out of your mind with angst.

I love blue - sorry for your losses - the fact that you have other children helps i know but it still doesn't mean your loss is any less than anybody else's. We spend a lot of time trying to reason it all out, and drive ourselves mad, but the 2 are probably not connected at all and it may have been something randomn that won't happen again. Good luck with you appt.

debtha - hugs

9 babies - you've got to try to calm down a bit hun - all this stressing won't be doing you any good at all, although I totally understand it. Have you tried yoga or some other relaxation technique? I'm doing yoga every week to try and help - it can't do any harm!

thanks I dont do yoga, I do meditation and my journeywork, but lately my hormones are all over the place.
C&J, you poor thing. sorry to hear you are going through yet more pain. I would go to any appointments that are offered to yoou. its good to see a person face to face and even if its not the completely right route, it will help answer questions and just set the ball rolling. I am sorry I cant give much advice though :hugs:

Tasha OMG!!! I am so happy to see you are 17 weeks. I agree with all the others when I say that I am very glad you came on here and posted, please come back lots and lots. The success stories are what we need. When we are at the point of giving up we see someone like you! I also get very jealous of people but when its someone who has had a loss it somehow feels different. I wish i could be TRULY happy for my friends who have just fallen first time and have a baby. Life for them seems so easy. I would never wish bad for them, I just wish I could feel happier for them. If that makes sense! my pain is so bad sometimes that is just takes over. :cry:

Sorry I cant mention everyone separetly, it is so hard to keep up on here at times but I read every post and try to reply as much as I can.

Thinking of you all
Tasha - I agree pls keep posting, always so great to hear success stories, I think it keeps us all going and gives us hope.

Debtha - congrats, In past pregnancies I took 75mg aspirin and then on the last one took 150mg aspirin for my clotting problem although those pregnancies didn't end well it wasn't anything to do with clotting. I'm on 150mg aspirin again this time and 400mg progesterone whcih is pretty much for the hell of it. Hang in there, I know how awful waiting is but distraction is the best thing if you can manage it.

9babies - i know how hard it is, my bad backache is worrying the hell out of me at the moment but there isn't anything I can do. Just need to try and distract yourself and unfortunately what will be will be. I'm sorry if that's not very comforting but we're all quite powerless to change things we just need to find ways to deal with the wait. x

thanks!! I really appreciate your support!! You are such a great person. :hugs:
Hi everyone, I am new here and looking for some advice. Hope this is the right thread.

I think I am about to have my 2nd back-to-back early miscarriage/chemical pregnancy. The first was in Dec 2010, we took Jan off, and now I'm 4w5d pregnant and probably about to miscarry. On my Monday, my symptoms disappeared and I insisted on a Hcg/beta - unfortunately it was only a 20. I'm going in tonight for a re-draw to check the Hcg levels again. Also, my progesterone was only a 9 on Monday (should be 20+, correct?). So this is also bad.

Do you think that since the HcG numbers are so low it means I will start bleeding and miscarry soon? I'm so worried it might be ectopic.

Also, I'd like to start running some tests to see what is going on. I'm hoping to switch OBs b/c I feel like the care I'm receiving right now is HORRIBLE (had to call 3x for my blood results yesterday, no real indication of what to do next, etc.). Can you all recommend some tests that I should have done in the near future?

I think my problem is in/around implantation. Since this is only our third month trying, I seem to be able to get pregnant but not stay pregnant. Plus, with such a low progesterone, etc., it looks like I might need some support, etc. But I'm also worried about genetic mutations, etc.

I know everyone says early miscarriages are normal - but 2 in a row?? I'm freaking out and so so sad that this is happening again.

Thanks in advance for all your advice.
Hi ladies. I'm waiting for my bleeding to start and I have some question. First here's my history
dd, 9, ds, 7, m/c, ds4, ds2 (born 1/1/2009)
then Nov2010 m/c at 7 weeks
and now Feb2011, confirmed no heartbeat twice with u/s and my hcg levels dropped by 25% in 10 days. Awaiting bleeding at 9weeks4days

So what next? Getting pregnant is not an issue, but all of the sudden it seems staying pregnant is. I will be 38 next month, so aging might be a factor.

My midwife has said the following are not issues: clotting, sugar levels, thyroid
During this pregnancy, when I started feeling cramping at 6 weeks, she told me to start progesterone cream - now in hindsight that was probably too little too late.

How do they test to see if Progesterone levels are an issue for you?
What other types of tests should I be thinking about?

Thanks for your help. and hugs to all of you. I am sorry we are meeting in this way, but thankful to have ladies to talk to.

Welcome to this thread, although I am sorry its under the same circumstances as most of us! sending you :hugs:

It is my understanding that progesterone testing can only be done when you are pregnant so unless your doctor is going to do any other type of testing at this point (if you are in US I dont know how things work?) you would need to get pregnant and then they test as soon as you get the BFP (please correct me people if I am wrong!)

I have had 4 miscarriages in the past year, 2 of which were around 10-13 weeks - after heartbeats were seen and 2 early 6 week miscarriages. I have been referred for testing and so far thyroid, hormone levels, ovaries, lining and tubes all are fine. I may have a blood clotting problem which I am waiting to have confirmed with a repeat blood test. I had clexane injextions and asprin with my 4th pregnancy but I still miscarried. I am hoping this was just a pregnancy that was doomed and when I get pregnant again, it will be ok with the help of the meds. I cant ttc until next month. I am also waiting for the karyotyping results for me and my husband. chromosone testing! really scared about this one as its very rare (or so I am told)

I am 36 soon so I feel very worried about my age. My doctor also said that if you are falling pregnant easily and are mid to late 30's it is a good sign and more than likely you will be ok (not easy to accept this when you are having recurrent miscarriages) he said that if you cant get pregnant and you are mid to late 30s that is more of a problem. I cant see that myself as the goal is the same WE WANT A BABY!! but I do get what he means!!!!

I just hope we get some answers, by WE I mean all of us on here!!
Afternoon ladies, well after thinking I was going through my 3 rd miscarriage in a row after spotting brown discharge for 2 and a 1/2 weeks and faint pregnancy tests I got admitted into hospital saturday with a ruptured ectopic. Starting to recover slowly but I know dont know where I stand with my appointment with my consultant (he did surgery on both tubes as they were blocked). My doctor referred me because he thought I was having my 3rd m/c and therefore referral was for recurrent miscarriage. But now obviously its 2 m/c's and an ectopic in the space of 8 months, appointment is booked for 7th april, do you think we should still go?? We werent told anything about what to expect from ttc , when to try etc after I was discharged and i have no follow up appointment to attend. All I know is the surgeon said my left tube looked fine and clear and he has left my right ovary (right tube was removed)

C & J I just read your post. I am 4 weeks past my ectopic and have had 5 previous mc's and no children :( it's late but I didn't want to read and run.
I will post tomorrow or Friday with my experience as it may help answer some of your questions. If you prefer please private mail me.
Sending hugs and hope you are recovering. It really was the worst experience I've ever had :( xxx

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