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Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

i dont think i can stay in this thread. your all getting your answers and help and im going bloody bakwards.. just doesnt seem fair anymore :(
i dont think i can stay in this thread. your all getting your answers and help and im going bloody bakwards.. just doesnt seem fair anymore :(

Oh hon, don't lose hope. I went privately and have had test upon test and even had progesterone supplements last cycle to stop mi cycle spotting and I didn't work. I am still no nearer to knowing why I mc'd and how to stop it happening again. If I was on the NHS I still wouldn't have been seen yet!! You'll get there and in the meantime we're all here to support you. :hugs:
Stay positive lovely... I'm sure things will happen for you... My step mum had triplets at 39 after several mc's... Miracles can happen. :hugs:
i dont think i can stay in this thread. your all getting your answers and help and im going bloody bakwards.. just doesnt seem fair anymore :(

Right wee yin, where's your PMA. You are strong honey, don't give up :hugs:

im 21! i have a choromosome abnormality that kills off my babies i need funding to even get a sniff at my treatment and i was denyed because im only 21! somehow i think i lost positive along the way.
im 21! i have a choromosome abnormality that kills off my babies i need funding to even get a sniff at my treatment and i was denyed because im only 21! somehow i think i lost positive along the way.

I'm sorry to hear that. I know it's a radical step, but have you thought of taking your story to a newspaper? Health trusts will do anything to avoid bad press and newspapers can really rally behind someone with a story like yours and who knows a benefector may come forward and offer to help you financially. Keep hope hon, you'll find a way. :hugs:
im doing an appeal first if that fails then maybe i will go to the local paper
Good luck Tracie with the appeal.

Thinking of you!

No honey, but feel free to email me, I'll send you my email by PM since I'm famous :rofl:

How are you feeling now MrsJD? :hugs:

More relaxed Peach, the last 4 days has been a nightmare but my wee bean is still hanging on. NKC results tomorrow and progesterone on thursday. If it's NKC I'm getting the steriod privately from my gyne.

sorry i have not been online but i just had to stay away from this site.
i have the results from the gene testing and i have a single defect of MTHFR gene and hubby has a doubble defect. he said that this is the reason why we mc. its a recesive gene. if i only one of us had it it would be ok. but they also found that i have a very high level of homocysteine. which is bad for many reasons. they are testing me again for it because the level is that high i should be very sick which i am not.

And just to make life friggin fantastic a member of my family is pregnant with twins. i hate my body i know i already have children but i never went through this crap with them it comming up to 12 month of ttc now i dont know how much more heart break i can take.

:hugs: What are they saying happens next? and already it sounds like your body is more resiliant than you realize as you aren't as sick as they are saying you should be. Don't hate that body, you need that body to get you to your destination. I hope they have enough answers to help you both get there.

I hear you. I have 2 healthy children, and now as I try for baby 3, (ttc 3.4 yrs) nothing works anymore. It took 3 years to finally get diagnosed with a prolactinoma, which explained my sudden inability to conceive. I fell preg the month after I started treatment only to loose at 5 weeks. I had at least 2 chemical pregs following this and then another bfp ongoing just this last 2 months. I made it 9 weeks only to find out I had m/c at 6 (mmc) and needed a D&C. I also had another miscarriage back at the very beginning of ttc in feb 2006, before I stopped o. All our genetic tests are clear but I have low amh, which is horrible, and possibly less hopeful. 12 months seems like a lont time but from this place I am now at, it doesn't seem so long.

I too felt anger at my body, anger at myself for waiting so long before trying for a third. I have even felt anger at God, which I know is small and wrong of me. Mainly anger at myself for not being more pushy in pusuit of a diagnosis for the prolactinoma in the first place instead of wasting 3 years not O and letting my amh dwindle even more. I just turned 35. I may never have another child. My heart is broken, but I still have hope.

The BFP is no longer a sight to arouse joy for me. It is a case of, "how long will this last". I have had 3 clinically recognised m/c but for the others, i didn't go to the doc for confirmation b/c I figured I should wait a good while to make sure it sticks. Each time it feels like a death and maybe the tumour was a good thing b/c it spared me the pain. Not conceiving was preferable to continually loosing.

The gyno has told me it is up to me to decide how far I push myself. Can I keep facing this loss in the hope of strong one to emerge, or give up? We start Clomid in a little while, I am having accupuncture, taking suppliments etc, anything to boost the chances.

The Nun at the hospital tried to comfort me with the thought that life begins at conception and these little ones go to heaven to be with God. I guess I'm going to have 10's of kids in heaven. I'd love just one more down her.
But, a week ago today I had a laproscopy/hysteroscopy/hydrotubation/D&C, and they found that my uterus was adhered to the other side.

Does anyone know if this can be caused by having 2 sections??? I have just had my second m/c and I cant get this thing out of my head about the scar tissue inside. When I was having my second section with my son the told me that everything was "stuck down in there" and it took a bit longer.

When my cousin went in to have her 3rd section they warned her not to have anymore because of everything being "stuck down". hmmmmmm this is every interesting indeed.
hi ladies not posted in a long while have had alot going on this end so not had chance to catch up.

littlehush and smiler- thats fab news and am glad you are able to start ttc now :D

wishing4abub- i am glad you have given answers though i am sure it doesnt make it any easier knowing but hopefully there are things that can be done now to help you have a successful pregnancy.

mrsjd- what are you like overdosing yourself. how the heck did you manage to do that?

tansey- welcome to the thread hunni though i wish you didnt have to post here. i am sorry for your losses. i hope the tests go well hunni its a shame your nhs doesnt offer anything even ivf that must be hard for ladies who are having difficulty falling pg naturally and have to go down the private route because of the postcode lottery!

it disgusts me sometimes tbh. like they pay a fortune for people to help stop smoking when they shouldnt. its that persons choice to smoke so why should they get help. we havent chosen to lose our babies/have difficulty trying to concieve yet the help for some isnt there! rant over lol. hope your doing ok hunni.

tracie hunni i am so sorry that because of your age you cant get the treatment you need and deserve!!! thats outrageous and discrimination. i hope the appeal goes well. i sometimes think my age comes into the factor when i have been seen by my doctors. i am 23 and they always seem so dissmissive like they havent got the time of day for me. even more so because i have 2 children already gets me really annoyed sometimes!

well think caught up on everyone sorry if i have missed someone.

update on me put a complaint into the hospital about my care or lack of (see the other thread one about the rcm tests everyone has had done explains more in there). well today got a letter back and its definately been taken seriously. my last complaint they just rang me and resolved it this time it seems like they are wanting me to do a formal complaint and go through it all properly with me iykwim. should expect a phonecall from someone hopefully in the next week or so.

oh and i am being tested for pcos (having cd21 tests done on friday) finally found a doctor who listens to me and does everything she can and asks no questions. felt so nice not to have to fight my corner for something.

apart from that theres not much to report from me. on the 2ww now 4dpo and really wanting to test :( my best friend had her baby on the 3rd (she was due the 9th) and its put me on a downer as i should be sharing baby news with her and i arent. jessicas due date is on the 13th and just want some happy news for a change. fed up of feeling like this now i want to be able to live life again and i cant not fully. i wonder if i will ever be happy again :(( x

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