Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

I'm not overly religious either but yep gets me every time too. I keep it in my drawer with my baby booties and a few other things I've collected over the years.
I bring it out every now and then.
Such a lovely poem x
Hi 35.

Wild yam is famous for it's progesterone boosting properties.
Other foods: egg yolk, dairy products, walnuts, wholegrains and turmeric.
Not that I've looked into in the past lol x
Lee- I can't open the link on this crappy computer for some reason. As soon as I get on my Mom's later I will definitely look.

Stardust- so great to hear your success story. I LOVE them!

MrsM- a loss is a tragedy, so don't minimize yours by saying you only have two. It is terrible all the way around. Thanks for your support- we can never have enough.

Right now I don't know if I should cry or what...My doc called me earlier. (Yes on a Saturday which is weird in itself). Said that with the way the holidays and my cycle are coinciding this time, that for the next two months I need to be trying on my own without stims. In a way I am devastated because I feel like the only chance I have is multiple follies so maybe one would work But then I think, well, getting pregnant hasn't been the difficult part so maybe the lovenox and everything else from ovulation will be enough if I can get preggo on my own. I guess I will have a chance to find that out now. I do have maybe one Follistim dose left from last month. Hmmm....wonder if I should take it anyway???

Hearty and Hopeful- how are you today?
Mrs m- 2 losses is still horrible- I'm glad if what I've gone through can make anyone feel a little better and make them think their situation isn't as bad if that helps even only a tiny bit. It gives me hope that i can keep going and be ok when i see people who have been through worse than i have as I know I can keep on going as they have done and keep trying. Even though I may end up with a worse situation in the end anyway. Is it strange to feel that way?

Amos- I think you will be fine natural - just make sure dh cooperates (easier said than done I know from experience)
what is so bad about how the holidays fall though? So they aren't open next thurs and fri and maybe not on Sundays. Then isn't Xmas on a weekend? We are only closed 1 day around Xmas at my work.

Lol on the follistim dose as I would think the same way! Not sure 1 dose would help though
I was thinking maybe you could stim on your own, trigger and then just have iui appt but that would bee too scary I think- to not know what's going on down there wih injectibles.

If you really want a monitored cycle - they should give you one- what do they do in emergency situations? Just not help if they are closed?
Hey Amos, you should see it on the previous page I think. Get your tissues at the ready though.
Good luck with your next couple of natural cycles.
Lee that is a lovely post. I'm the opposite of religious, but it was still quite nice to read. And look at you with your new avatar! Gorgeous!

Amos, how strange! My clinic is open every day including holidays and weekends. They close early on some days but will always fit everyone in. It's true, you definitely have gotten pregnant on your own, even with one tube. Doing all you can from Ov on, might be all you need.

Hopeful, I'm not even going to ask what's going on with you!

AFM, trigger line is still there. If I hadn't done a trigger, I would think it was an evap. It is super light. I'm kind of losing hope this cycle for some reason. I'm now 8dpiui and don't feel anything. I already started researching injectibles for my next cycle. I did 3 rounds of Femara last year without IUI and didn't get pregnant. I BD'd on all the right days. I'm not sure Femara is right for me.
Wow haven't been on for a day or so and look what I miss!! We will sure miss pip in here, but it's for a good cause and I know where to stalk her!
Hopeful, am so happy to see your, umm, lines...I know you've been here before and it's mixed emotions but you're following a new protocol and there's no reason it can't go perfectly. I'll be hopeful for you! Hang in there!
Heart, really hoping you're next, it's early yet, do you usually have symptoms at 8 dpo? I usually "know" 2-3 days before af is due but then again, last time threw me, had no idea!
Amos, sorry yours didn't happen this month and your clinic's giving you probs for thenext few! You might just do it naturally tho, will you be following a new protocol this time?
Lee, what's happening, are you ttc'ing? I'm not supposed to be but man, it's not fair! Have my exam on saturday next tho, so soon. Prob is, am o'ing innext few days!
Davies, what an exciting job you have! Hope you don't need the hysto either...
35, keeping my fingers crossed.
Never, have seen you round the boards, sorry to welcome you here but you've found the place to be understood and to express your true feelings without worry!
Who did I miss?
By the way, ya'll need to stop with the grandma's only a number and besides, got you all beat...
Heart- ask them to try what I did- follistim/repronex and ganirelix- actually ask for menopur instead of repronex as it isn't supposed to sting as bad . I've never tried femara. On follistim alone I had 1 follie- adding repronex helped and the ganirelix makes you not o so they can keep growing
Dont give up yet though- I had bfn in aug at 12 dpiui and bfp at 17 days but that stupid m/c too...I had no symptoms at all that time. Wish I would have been on lov and pred that time to see what would have happened.

Hi Bella - your wait will be over soon enough

Davies- that is a cool job - I have never been overseas even

Lee- beautiful pic! I can't read the poem though through phone- will look on computer
I know.....and since we do things by the book, it's a no-no. But yet crackheads and pot smokers can have healthy babies every day. :(

I wonder why that is? I have been thinking so much about this since this journey began and i have had stupid family member that ended up preg only to abort (bc they didn't want a connection to that person) stupid reason she did it twice and she ended up preg two more times with not a worry in the world and here i am wanting to have a baby so bad it hurts and this happens. do i sound selfish? or mean? i don't talk to her anymore since the last time she told me that i would be punished and GOD would never give me a baby its a complicated story that actually half the family doesn't talk to the other half anymore at least i dont i was hurt by their comments and lack of caring when i was there for them. i get more support from strangers and from my boss who i have only known for a year and a half then i have in these few days from any one in my family. its time like these that i miss my mother so much sorry to go on and on i just need a hug i guess all these pain killers have me loopy and emotional the realization that i lost a baby is starting to hit me finally i was in denial for so long and now that it's out there its so much you ladies are very strong to deal with it more than once but like i saw in a post the other opition is to quit and that means no baby i hope you guys are patient and accept me as part of this forum.
Lucy- you are very welcome here! my family has issues too so I understand- it makes the holidays stressful. How stupid that she said god wouldn't give you a baby . That is a load of crap. She probably secretly feels guilty for having abortions and taking it out on you. I know people who have had abortions and they were scared of what god was going to do to them...

I don't believe that god or a higher power punishes anyone. I believe everything happens for a reason though and it's to further develop your spirit during your time on earth.

Sorry your mom isn't there to comfort you!

Big hugs to you from mn where it is snowing out now. First snow this winter where I live.
thanks hopeful for your kind words, yeah not having any family here at this time is difficult well for me i have been going through all this crap with them for years so them not being around for the holidays makes it less stressful for me. i think that am having such a hard time because i had just begun to think that i was going to be a mommy and then this happens.
i dont know whether i had said this before but i was 19 when i had my first surgery to remove an overian tumor and was told that it would be difficult to conceive but not impossible but at that time i was hanging out with friends and doing my own thing not worried about a family. then when i met my ex we talked about wanting kids but for some reason it never happened for me and that lead to him leaving one day. i mean literally he just didn't come home and he later told me it was because i would never be able to give him kids and he needed a woman that could so 4 years thrown away. when i met DH i told him from the beginning that there was a chance that i would not be able to give him kids and if that was a problem then we could not be together.
he just told me that if it happened it happened if not then we could always adopt. we got married and in sep i was told by a dr that i should consider adoption bc of all my medical history it would be to dangerous to conceive on my own and that there were not many drs that would be willing to help me conceive and then in oct when i thought i was told i had a cyst in my one ovary i thought it was over especially when they talked about removing my ovary but then we got our BFP so i was in shock. still am in shock
sorry this is so long but i just need to vent and you all have been so nice to accept me and listen to me go on and on DH is great to and says he wants to try again as soon as i heal from this which i hope will be soon
again sorry for my rant and yeah it's snowing here too i live in colorado today they opened the skii area so theres some buzz from that other than that it is boring and am cold and sleepy thanks again for your listening ear it's nice to be able to talk to someone who understands what am feeling hugs to you too
Leec thanks for asking Hun, I was waiting for St Marys to refer me back to my local hospital for my hysterocopy which took them 5 bloody weeks to fax!!! They also did just 2 blood tests an the results should b back a week ago!! But still haven't got any further with that! I'm going to chase Monday! But basically dr aziz (think that's his name) said if hysterocopy comes back all ok all I can do is try again they can't offer me treatment!! It's just unexplained! Great! How are you??

How's testing going ladies!? Any more pics!!
I'm going to test Tom u joining me heart lol!! Bad influence! Oh an girls my mum has always said think u should go out get drunk an sleep with a few random men so u don't no who the dad is then u will get pg no worries lol!! X
I have no advice for you Amos sorry..I feel like an intruder at the moment as I don't really know any of you just yet sorry :wacko:

Also, I am not up to speed with meds, protocols etc but I guess I will soon enough :dohh:

Hopeful...sticky :dust: and positive vibes

Heart...7-9 DPO/IUI is always the time when the fear sets in and your faith and hope just walks on by. I have my fingers crossed for you to be pleasantly shocked :hugs:

Amos..I don't know what to say...sorry :wacko:

Lucy...I hope you recover physically soon...don't beat yourself up :hugs: are you holding up?

Davies...good luck testing :dust: your avatar

:hi: to everyone else

I am still waiting for it to all happen and have been in quite an emotional mess today..even so, why am I thinking we might be able to get some timed rudies in before OH has his knee op in December or would that just be plain stupid!?

Davies. You must be so frustrated and disappointed. 5 weeks!!! That's crazy.
I feel like I've been waiting for so long to TTC again since my last miscarriage in May (may jave had a chemical a few weeks ago, but wasnt testing, so cant be 100%) and then having to re-arrange appts to get to see Shehahta, but had my appt over a week ago now and the took about 8 vials of blood despite
me already taking the results of all of my previous tests and letters from Quenby and my local specialist.

Is Lesley Regan at St Marys? I've heard good things so wondering why they are now saying just carry on trying. I had that a couple of years ago when I'd already had 5 losses and all tests were clear it was heart breaking, as I knew I just couldn't carry on trying and having the same outcome.

I know we've probs covered all this, so sorry to repeat myself, but have you thought about NK cell testing, I know you were interested in Shehata.

How early do you tend to lose your pregnancies?would you consider asking fir a referral to him, I know it means more waiting but tbh I was called and offered an appt 4 wks after my gp sent letter, but me being in Glasgow took a while to arrange.

Anyway, I'm waiting for results but in meantime have started protocol for NK cell treatment programme so on the Pregnacare, vitaminD, folic acid and aspirin, have to do this for 4 wks before TTC, so we can start in December again. I already have the steroids and will start these from Ov not sure how much or if anything else like intralipids, that depends on results.

I hope you get some answers but if not it may be worth considering.
Pip (Petitpas) is also seeing Shehata, I'm sure she would won't mind the mention and we both agree he is a lovely man.

Catch up soon xxx
Sorry about typos, on mobile.
Meant to say they also add progesterone into the programme.

And did I see you are doing a sneaky little hpt today???
Your mams got the right idea and who cares if you don't know who the daddy is, hell you just get yourself on Jeremy Kyle for a paternity test :/

It's enough to make you scream!!!

morning ladies, wow in a couple of days this thread has moved so fast!!!
hope everyone is ok and having good weekends?

Davies - fx for your testing today. hoping for a bfp for you! amazing job you have there, Thailand is a great place, i went there when i was about 16 and would love to go back! I had a hysteroscopy a few years back (not when i was TTC) under general and it was fine, dont remember a thing and just mild AF pains afterwards.

Pip - you might not even read this, but sorry to see you go! you have given so much support and wise advice on this thread and you will be sorely missed. Its a fantastic reason for leaving though and i will be stalking your journal! please pop by every now and again to update us on your journey!

Never - Welcome, i talk to you a lot on other threads so glad you decided to join this one. They are lovely ladies and you will learn a lot from them.

Razcox - Good luck with your new preg. congrats on your BFP. did you do anything different this time?

Heart - FX for testing as well in the next couple of days

Lucy - take it easy you have had a hard few days.

Amos - Sorry about the BFN and also about the hassle you are getting from your doctor.

Lee and Amos - hopefully you will join for me for an xmas bfp?

35 - im praying for your betas, you are such a brave and positive woman, mucho respect to you! im not sure about progesterone, sorry

9babies - if you are still lurking on this thread then hi and i hope you are ok

Congrats to startdust, love hearing happy news like that! so pleased for you and hope you are enjoying every second of being a mummy!

Hopeful - congrats - AMAZING lines! ive defo got line envy!

Bella - hope you are well, whats the latest with you?

hope i havent forgotton anyone?

AFM - finally got my AF yesterday after my chemical earlier in the week. i think the progesterone delayed it. and what a Bitch she is being!!! so painful and heavy! but at least im onto a new cycle now and not in limbo anymore!

sorry for the HUGE post, so many people to get round to xx
Awww Pip. I just read your post. I am delighted (that's an under statement) for you and it has given me great hope. Get yourself along to 2nd tri and enjoy your pregnancy.
You deserve this so much. You will be missed in here so keep popping by.
I'll see you around the forum xxx.

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