Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Well, I had my appointment at the recurrent miscarriage clinic yesterday. I have a prothrombin gene mutation (which means my blood clots too easily and I am at slight increase risk of DVT / VTE), and I also have high natural killer cells. In addition the vaginal swab showed thrush (which I've had no symptoms of recently, but have had it on and off in the past) and Strep B - which means should I get that far I'll have to have antibiotics in labour.

The treatment (as many of you know) is meant to start before you know you're pregnant... however I found out on Saturday that I'm pregnant (haven't told anyone other than hospital and my husband so far!) and bizarrely we weren't even trying this month , although we did start having some unprotected sex, but I thought we'd completely missed the ov window! so I've immediately been put on baby aspirin, prednisolone (steroid) and progesterone suposetries. I also got given a canestan pessary for my thrush. They also recommended folic acid (which I've been taking for over a year anyway) omega fish oils - which I think they said were in pregnacare and vitamin D supplement.

I'm the sort of person that doesn't like taking tablets anyway, so this all feels a bit weird. Am also dreading the side effects of the prednisolone as I had this before and I had really bad problems with my sleep. I'm feeling tired enough as it is so I'm worried how I'm going to cope. DH is worried about the "mild" mood swings!

It all feels quite bizarre at the moment and I feel
Heart tree - welcome to this thread and so sorry that you find yourself here.

Lightweight - great news on the pregnancy! I strongly hope that everything goes well for you this time round.

As for me, I have an appointment at the recurrent miscarriage clinic tomorrow, but I expect no revelations. I got my results back from all the bloods and they are all "within range", with no clotting issues etc. I'm going to push for a test for NKC though.
Lami- good luck :)! Hope you find some answers.

Reeds-thats hopeful! I hope this one sticks, we could use a miracle on here :)!
Thank you ladies. Get blood redone tomorrow. Get results friday. I am still feeling anxious.

I hope all you get some answers soon and get a sticky bean we can all use the mircles. :) Thank you so much for all the support
hi i am new, have just suffered my 3rd miscarriage and am feeling a bit lost really, had my 1st mc in april 03 @17 weeks due to downd syndrome, then 2nd in july 03 @ 10weeks, didnt even realise i was pregnant till that morning and by the eve it was all over. wasnt really trying for a baby, as have a 5 yr old son but was delighted went for 12 week scan on monday and could find no heartbeat,returned tuesday for ERPC, We have been told we now 'qualify' for tests for reacuring mc's at the tiome said i didnt know but now think it maybe a good idea, wasnt really planning to have another child but losing this one has made me realise that i do want to have another child!
Well I don't know where to start......... I am so glad I found this forum as I was beginning to feel so alone and have spent the past couple of hours crying when reading everyone elses posts. We lost our 4th baby last month and after having a couple of tests done the recurrent miscarriage clinic have just closed my case and said I am 'unlucky'. I just can't believe there is no reason for this happening!
I lost our 1st baby in March last year at 12 weeks and they diagnosed it a blighted ovum and I miscarried naturally. We were devastated but they told us it was probably a one off so we tried again.
Fell pregnant 3 months later but it didn't feel right and although I shared my concerns with the dr I was told I was being paranoid. Even when I doubled up in pain at 7 weeks I was told to lie down with a hot water bottle. Ended up in A&E that night and they dicovered it was ectopic and it had ruptured. As a result had to have the tube removed through keyhole surgery.
Was told it was different than the first miscarriage and to start trying again straight away. Fell pregnant again 3 months later and because I'd had the ectopic they took me in for early scans to rule it out again. Had several weeks of blood tests every 2 days and scans every week to be told the pregnancy sac was developing but no baby. At 8 weeks they gave me a D&C and referred me to multi-miscarriage clinic because we had lost 3 babies.
We had tests to check our chromosomes and a blood clotting disorder and before the results came in I was pregnant again
Once again the scans and bloods started........3 awful weeks passed of them telling us they weren't sure if it was ectopic again and not finding anything on the scans - they even thought at one point I had a heart shaped uterus but then at 6 weeks we had a sac in the right place, an egg sac and a fetal pole! The week later we had a heart beat and at 8 weeks we still had a strong heartbeat! We were over the moon and they told us we were 90% chance of having a healthy baby. They wanted us to wait 2 weeks till the next scan but then there was no heartbeat. I have never hurt so much in my entire life when they told me the baby had died. They sent it away for testing after I pushed for it but the results came back yesterday and they have said everything was fine and there is nothing else they can do for us - they have said we have a 75% chance of having a normal pregancy next time - not sure where they got that figure as I'm sure with only having one tube reduces my chances lower than that!
I have so much going round in my head - for example I flew down to London the week before I lost the last 3 babies........ has that got something to do with it? I've read that having too much of a certain antibody can cause miscarriage but the hospital haven't tested for that! I'm sure there are more tests they can do - am thinking about moving to a different hospital for another opinion.
People keep telling me that I'm lucky as I have gotten pregnant quite quickly each time...... I certainly don't feel lucky!!! I'm sure if I had struggled to get pregnant instead of losing my babies the hospital would have done more for us by now! I put on a brave face every day and people think I am coping really well because I'm a strong person but inside it's tearing me apart....... have had my first period since the d&c so we have started trying again but I am so scared of it happening again. Getting a positive test result should be a happy time, seeing the baby's heartbeat on a scan should be a happy time but I don't think I'll ever be able to relax. Friends and work colleagues all seem to be falling pregnant........ actually every time I lose a baby someone at work tells me they're pregnant....... beginning to wonder when it's my turn
I keep reading other peoples posts and it sounds so common - I just feel there has to be a reason and there have to be more tests that the hospital can do for us.
People try so hard and it must be hard for them to know what to say but if I hear once more 'it'll happen' or 'don't worry you're still young' I think I'll scream! Nobody knows that it'll happen ......... how many more times will it happen before the hospital stop saying it's just bad luck???
Vicky x

Well haven't been online for quite a while as it has been a hard few months and haven't been in a good place! 10 weeks pregnant and it has been a horrendous 6 weeks. Found out we were expecting again 2 days before flying on holiday and were really worried about going but the hospital told me to go and try and relax. Didn't tell anyone but parents we were expecting and flew out. Had a really good 1st week and was really relaxed but then started spotting for 3 days and then a really heavy bleed about 4 days before we came home. Was a horrendous week of me in tears, being sick and wanting to come home. The hospital were convinced it was ectopic again as I hadn't passed the pregnancy sac and were expecting to rush me in for surgery when I got home. Our holiday company went bust and we were stranded!!! Eventually got home and after 2 hours sleep in 40 hours we headed to the hospital for the bad news. Even had a bottle of wine chilling in the fridge as I hadn't touched a drop since getting the positive test!!!
Amazingly they gave me an internal scan and found a sac, yolk and heartbeat!!!! :happydance: We were in total shock..... we had told our families that we had miscarried and were not expecting good news!
A few weeks on and I have been having weekly scans. I am now nearly 10weeks and it's still sticking :thumbup: I am still so scared and the EPU have convinced me to wait another 2 weeks for the next scan so keeping all fingers and toes crossed! Was the most amazing feeling at the last scan as they even printed me a wee picture of baby :cloud9: We have never gotten this far and I didn't expect to...... I bled until 1 week ago and have the most awful sickness that lasts all day and gets worse as the day goes on but everytime I feel totally miserable I look at my picture of the baby to keep me going. The midwife keeps telling me it will be alright this time but I don't know when I will relax and start believing her...... probably not until they place the live baby in my arms in March 2011!
I want to thank everyone for all their support over the past 2 years and ask you all to keep your fingers and toes crossed for us again! :winkwink: xxx


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Lightweight, congrats on the new pregnancy. You must be scared and rightfully so. I hope this course of action will keep that little bub in place. Please keep us updated.

Lamburai, how did the appointment go? Any new info? I don't know if they test for NKC in the US, but the more I read, the more I want the test. I hope you get yours.

Gimgams, I'm so sorry for all of your losses. It is so hard to feel so helpless. I declined a fertility specialist after my second mc because I didn't want to admit anything was wrong. I've had a bunch of tests done now and it has given me some peace of mind knowing that I don't have any health issues. Most of the tests are simple blood tests. It might be worth trying at this point.

Vic, that is one beautiful picture. I'm so happy for you. I know many women who bled early on and then had healthy babies. I'm crossing everything for you. I'm sure you know this, but I just want to gently remind you to take good care of yourself. If it means lying around on the couch and watching your favorite movie, do it. Let your body relax as much as humanly possible. Sticky vibes to you!
Hey gals! Haven't seena ny recent posts, how are u all doin?!
Vicmccrik - hiya hun and huge congrats to get where you are, I know that feeling well. I lost 5 babies and had an ectopic so I know that feeling day by day of whats gonna happen today, everyday is a milestone and the scans - I like you had weekly scans but had to stop at 10w due to my own mind doing overtime with growth etc.

Kat731, we have had a few miracles on here I consider myself to be one, after all my losses I never thought I would get where I am, im nearly 18 weeks now and if it hadnt been for the advice I got on this particular thread and the ladies who kept my chin up then I would not have had the knowledge to ask for the tests I needed to have to diagnose me, I mean I never even knew they did tests for recurrent miscarriages, thats how naive I was !!

As for everyone else, I know it sounds like a cliche but patience is a virtue I waited two years and 6 losses to get here and its been worth the wait. Alot of the older girls (i mean older posts by girls) know my journey and i hope it can help others xxxxx
Kat I thought I updated. My levels are still going up. I see the dr on thursday. I am on progestrone with all my other stuff and this bean seems to be snuggled in and happy. FX that all you lovely ladies will follow soon.
Update from me - now also been put on Heparin injections as well!

I hate taking medication at the best of times, and now I'm on Aspirin and Prednisolone in the morning and Projesterone suppostetories and Heparin injections in the evening too..

Head's all over the place, but just hoping it all works and the side effects aren't too bad!
Update from me - now also been put on Heparin injections as well!

I hate taking medication at the best of times, and now I'm on Aspirin and Prednisolone in the morning and Projesterone suppostetories and Heparin injections in the evening too..

Head's all over the place, but just hoping it all works and the side effects aren't too bad!

Good luck lightweight - would you let us know if there are any side effects as I'll be on the same stuff when I get pregnant next time.
Hi ladies, havent been on for a while after being slightly obsessed with the site after a 3rd mc in may. Me and OH just thinking we might ttc next cycle or so and thought would have a look on here see what has been going on. Still sad for people who are low and having to go through this but thanks so much for those of you who are pg and have kept posting and congrats!It has really made me smile and given me some hope. FX and good luck xxx
Thanks for all the updates ladies! So excited for all the lil beans :)!! Knowing yoi have a lil person growing inside of you, its the best feeling in the world. And I hope to join that world soon!!!
2 weeks til m appt, and it seems like forever away! Hoping I get some answers and a prescrip for clomid. Hoping for 2 blue lines in Sept!!!
I agree with Poisonwood and Kat731, great to see all the positive updates on here although always never good that new ppl find themselves in this thread. I've been quietly stalking as I'm struggling with things atm, keep thinking "I shoud be a mummy now" and is hard to keep going and keep trying and keep hoping.

:hugs: to all.
thanks reedsgirl, I have half convinced myself that as I'm due to Ov on my bday that this will be a bfp cycle - am mad :D

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