Hey guys
Haven't been on here in ages - I keep forgetting about this thread since it's not in Baby Club anymore!
Still struggling on and off with reflux, we're having a good few days just now but have just passed an awful 2 weeks! Thought Macy had taken a reaction to the milk after coming off Neocate as she had a rash, diarrhea and was more sick than usual but it turned out we think she had a little bug and she seems okay now.
As well as the reflux she still seems hugely constipated and seems to have trapped wind after each bottle, she strains, grunts and whinges for an hour afterwards then seems okay. She still can't poo on her own either - we have to use a suppository or massage round her little bum with a cold wipe to get her to go or she just stores it up for days and it comes out a big huge hard mass and gives her terrible reflux!
I stopped using DR Brown's as she takes more with the Avent, been giving Infacol which seems to be helping but I'm praying it doesn't set the reflux off again badly, hoping that it's under control enough with the solids and higher dose of Omeprazole to stop it flaring up! We're on 15mg most of the time and 20mg for a few days when it flares up, seems to keep about 80% of the pain under control.
A couple of nights ago Macy projectile vomited in her sleep, my OH got up to feed her at 3am and found her head to toe soaked in 7ounces of milk, soaked right through the crib, onto the floor and everything. It was freezing cold as well and she was just lying in it, feel awful as she must have vomited straight after her 11pm feed! Thank goodness she was lying on her side, I feel so scared that she'd have choked and I wouldn't have known if she was on her back as she's in her own room now!!
She's still a very needy/clingy baby but after all she's been through I really can't blame her - I've taken to baby wearing and just spending all day playing and cuddles and it seems to be doing the trick. She just likes to be with Mummy and Daddy though - no-one gets to hold her even for a few mins as she has a meltdown and she hates noise or anything, not sure if it's reflux related and she's looking for reassurance that Mummy and Daddy are around or just her personality. Also no-one else can feed her either because she finds it so stressful and I either feed her in her carseat while OH is driving or I rock her with music or cartoons on, not a great habit but it works for now!
Weight gain wasn't so good last time - only 2.5ounces in 2 weeks so she's now 11lb13.5 at 5months!!!! Some babies are that at a few days old. She's really long though - was 63cm over a month ago and on the 75th centile so I worry she's too thin for her size

Still on the 2nd centile for weight. I see on her hospital notes that they have "significant/severe GERD" so I wondering if they think it's something she's stuck with or if it's just reflux she'll grow out of. No sign of it getting better yet though, without the Omeprazole we'd be a mess!
Sleeping going not too badly, generally up 1-3 times a night but slept through last night, I still couldn't bloody sleep though so you'd think I'd been up all night with her!
fluffyblue - I bought tablets, they were from Helios Homeopathy for about £4.00.
Peach Blossom
- have you tried side-sleeping? I know it's not recommended but there's no way in hell I'd ever get any sleep if I tried to put Macy on her back, she's so uncomfortable and if she manages to turn over in her sleep she gets bad reflux pain and I have to go soothe her then turn her over. I have an Angelcare monitor for reassurance