Reflux Help & Support Thread

Thank you stephymum2be! I am still not happy about her reflux, even on omeprazole. She has the most horrible gas now and is straining all day as if to pass the poo ans consistency is much thicker, like a yoghurt. It took me 3 hrs to put her to bed and feedings are still a nightmare. She is best fed when really sleepy, otherwise tummy gurgles, she strains and tries to pass gas but nothing comes out. What is domperidone? I do worry sometimes abour giving her so many meds, I hope it's not going to affect her digestion in the future? But I will do anything to make her feel comfortable.
Sorry if this is lengthy...also posted in the weaning an nutrition section. Not sure where to post this...

My daughter is 11 months old, and has been weaned onto Whole cows milk for various reasons. (no debate please) She has been on Whole Cows Milk for around a month.

She once did have a CMPI.. she was on soy formula for the longest time because she could not tolerate regular formulas. I asked my dr if it was ok to wean over to Cows Milk even though she had that allergy and he said transition slowly. So we did .. for a period of 2 weeks, she had cows milk mixed with formula until eventually only on cows milk.

To our surprise she had no reaction at all, no symptoms of a CMPI were present, so we figured she grew out of it. Ava continued to have cows milk the next 2 weeks...

Once we had been on the cows milk for 1 month (could be cooincidental) she started a cough at night, it was just a mild cought .. thought maybe she was coming onto a cold or something... but the cough got worst.. she now vomits because she coughs so hard.

She only has these 'fits' at night. or at nap time, so directly to do with when she is sleeping. She also only has a bottle before she goes to sleep.

We seen the pedi and he said that it sounded like it was acid reflux from teething and to wait it out. I think different. I can agree that it may be acid reflux but for some reason I feel like it comes from the Cows Milk... I did google it, but didn't get very far as there are a lot of mixed up statements, it hasn't been proven Cows milk causes reflux completely yet... so :shrug: I donno

Im lost I don't know what to do about this coughing at night, ranitidine, gaviscon, nothing has worked for us. Ava is completely weaned over to whole cows milk, she will be 1 yrs old next month, I don't want to go back to formula as I highly doubt she will drink it, not to mention all the problems we encountered with formula...

Does anyone know if cows milk causes reflux? Or what I can supplement cows milk with? I mean she is going to need some type oif "milk"

Things I was researching are ... Coconut milk (but I worry about the small fat content compared to cows milk.

Also Almond milk (I heard it is not to be given if there are allergies in the family to almonds, and I the mother have allergies to almonds... so I don't know about trying that.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!

There is a thread about allergies -similar to this one- and I think your post might be more suitable over there! I will post a link when I'm on my computer as I'm on my phone now.

Katerina's consultant told us before that in our case reflux was a side-effect of her allergies. So I guess you might be right. Also, dry cough could be an indication. Any other symptoms?

You could try goats milk see if she tolerates that as its the easiest for them to take and is supposed to be better for you anyway. Many people tolerate goats milk but don't tolerate cows milk. Another suggestion would be oat milk? If you get the one with the extra calcium I guess its not too bad?

Hope this helps a bit. Will send you the link when I log on from my computer.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your response!

I was reading up on Goats milk and such and I do want to give it a try, I just want to make sure that she is actually having an allergy to the milk, before I start different things.

I really don't know what to do that is why i am posting wherever I can. I have also heard that reflux is a side-effect from allergies. The only thing I can think of her being allergic to is the Whole Cows Milk.

Where would I look for Oat milk. I am from Ontario Canada and I have yet to see it anywhere but have had it recommended on here.

Her only symptoms are cough-at night and then vomiting. It is a dry cough for sure, and I noticed she has started with the diarrhea....

I am really not sure what is going on with her, it has all only started since going onto the Whole Cows Milk.....

I will be looking for that link. Sorry to post in the wrong section. Ive never had to post about anything like this.
Oh I wasn't saying that this thread was not appropriate, I'm sorry it came out this way. I was just thinking that the allergy thread might be a bit more helpful:hugs:

Here is the link:

As for the milk, I'm not sure if you have oat milk on Canada, maybe you can ask a a health shop or a big super market? Here in the UK we can buy it in all big super markets and smaller health shops.

It does sound like an allergy though. I am not a doctor :dohh: but I have researched allergies sooooo much as Katerina suffered from a lot of them!!!

If your LO is fine with soya why don't you switch to soya and see if the symptoms disappear so you know for sure and then you can decide what your best option is? :thumbup:
About the soy... she was on soy formula, and my dr said something about the eostrogen in the soya... that she should not use it long term... so he advised us by 1 year babies grow out of CMPI.. at least most do. So we tried, at the beginning she did fine.. and after about 2 weeks, the cough started.. the more milk she had the more symptomatic she would be... if that makes sense?

What soy milk do I give her? I mean its not the Eostrogen I am worried about, I just want my daughter to have a bottle of 'milk' that she can tolerate, and it wont upset her stomach, cause her pain so on. We have many brands of soya here, but none of them have the fat content that whole cows milk has?? What do I do about that.... She was once a 'slow weight gain' baby I really don't want to go back down that road again :(

I agree it does sound very much like an allergy, it just started out so strange, like at first she was totally fine with the milk, and then this started.. and now she has reflux symptoms...its just been slowly getting worst.

All the doctors want to do is put her on reflux medication rather than deal with the issue causing the reflux. (we used ranitidine, omeraprazole.. everything before we switched her to soy formula and CMPI dissapeared) I have read many times that CMPI can induce reflux..:shrug: obviously I have no idea if it is true, or has been proven or what.. but ... I feel like that may be Ava's case.

I have been researching online for a whole week, to no avail...

I am just lost at what to do. I posted in the allergy section.. Thank you for the link...

And don't worry I didnt take the post like I wasn't welcome :haha:

Thanks again hun :hugs:
About the soy... she was on soy formula, and my dr said something about the eostrogen in the soya... that she should not use it long term... so he advised us by 1 year babies grow out of CMPI.. at least most do. So we tried, at the beginning she did fine.. and after about 2 weeks, the cough started.. the more milk she had the more symptomatic she would be... if that makes sense?

What soy milk do I give her? I mean its not the Eostrogen I am worried about, I just want my daughter to have a bottle of 'milk' that she can tolerate, and it wont upset her stomach, cause her pain so on. We have many brands of soya here, but none of them have the fat content that whole cows milk has?? What do I do about that.... She was once a 'slow weight gain' baby I really don't want to go back down that road again :(

I agree it does sound very much like an allergy, it just started out so strange, like at first she was totally fine with the milk, and then this started.. and now she has reflux symptoms...its just been slowly getting worst.

All the doctors want to do is put her on reflux medication rather than deal with the issue causing the reflux. (we used ranitidine, omeraprazole.. everything before we switched her to soy formula and CMPI dissapeared) I have read many times that CMPI can induce reflux..:shrug: obviously I have no idea if it is true, or has been proven or what.. but ... I feel like that may be Ava's case.

I have been researching online for a whole week, to no avail...

I am just lost at what to do. I posted in the allergy section.. Thank you for the link...

And don't worry I didnt take the post like I wasn't welcome :haha:

Thanks again hun :hugs:

Hi there, I also think you should go back to soya milk, as it is the most nutricious alternative to cows milk since it contains 'complete' protiens - oatmilk/ ricemilk have almost zero nutritional value - plus you know she tolerates. I wouldn't worry about the fat content, as ur LO will be getting plenty fats from her solid foods and you can add olive oil (etc) when cooking if this becomes an issue. Doesn't matter what brand you go for, jst make sure that it is 'calcium enriched' or check the levels of calcium on the back of the cartons to see which one has the highest content. Maybe you can a referral to a dietician like we do in the UK?? You could also try putting her to sleep on her tummy and propping her cot up with books - both can help loads.

I've researched tons on reflux/ CMPI and reached the conclusion that they MUST be linked - way too much of a coincidence otherwise! You could also join this facebook group who have mums from many countries dealing with CMPI I agree that the doc's shouldn't jst be pushing you back towards the meds when switching milks may make it disappear. But do be on the ball and start using the meds if she needs them to stop her symptoms building up further and becoming really painful - the longer it continues, the more acid damage to her tummy and throat, and the longer it will take to heal up and ease the pain.

Thank you stephymum2be! I am still not happy about her reflux, even on omeprazole. She has the most horrible gas now and is straining all day as if to pass the poo ans consistency is much thicker, like a yoghurt. It took me 3 hrs to put her to bed and feedings are still a nightmare. She is best fed when really sleepy, otherwise tummy gurgles, she strains and tries to pass gas but nothing comes out. What is domperidone? I do worry sometimes abour giving her so many meds, I hope it's not going to affect her digestion in the future? But I will do anything to make her feel comfortable.

Domperidone is a 'motility' drug: it helps move food through the system more quickly so that it leaves the tummy quicker. have a look here for more info: You don't have to use it long term, but it may really help meantime. Also, she may not be getting a high enough dose of omep, or have 'grown out' of the dose as it needs to increase as she gains weight. Or, if she's only been using omep for a few weeks, it could be that the acid has damaged her tummy and throat and she'll still be sore until these heal up. The 'tummy rumbling' was ALWAYS the first sign that my DD was outgrowing her omep dose and gradually she would get worse and get more symptoms until her dose increased.

Hope this helps, n keep us posted x :hugs:

ps domperidone can have side effects, so jst be vigilant. Also, maybe ask for 'Lactulose' if she seems a bit constipated - it jst draws water into the bowel rather than stimulating any muscles, and can really relieve the wind & constipation.
About the soy... she was on soy formula, and my dr said something about the eostrogen in the soya... that she should not use it long term... so he advised us by 1 year babies grow out of CMPI.. at least most do. So we tried, at the beginning she did fine.. and after about 2 weeks, the cough started.. the more milk she had the more symptomatic she would be... if that makes sense?

What soy milk do I give her? I mean its not the Eostrogen I am worried about, I just want my daughter to have a bottle of 'milk' that she can tolerate, and it wont upset her stomach, cause her pain so on. We have many brands of soya here, but none of them have the fat content that whole cows milk has?? What do I do about that.... She was once a 'slow weight gain' baby I really don't want to go back down that road again :(

I agree it does sound very much like an allergy, it just started out so strange, like at first she was totally fine with the milk, and then this started.. and now she has reflux symptoms...its just been slowly getting worst.

All the doctors want to do is put her on reflux medication rather than deal with the issue causing the reflux. (we used ranitidine, omeraprazole.. everything before we switched her to soy formula and CMPI dissapeared) I have read many times that CMPI can induce reflux..:shrug: obviously I have no idea if it is true, or has been proven or what.. but ... I feel like that may be Ava's case.

I have been researching online for a whole week, to no avail...

I am just lost at what to do. I posted in the allergy section.. Thank you for the link...

And don't worry I didnt take the post like I wasn't welcome :haha:

Thanks again hun :hugs:

Hi there, I also think you should go back to soya milk, as it is the most nutricious alternative to cows milk since it contains 'complete' protiens - oatmilk/ ricemilk have almost zero nutritional value - plus you know she tolerates. I wouldn't worry about the fat content, as ur LO will be getting plenty fats from her solid foods and you can add olive oil (etc) when cooking if this becomes an issue. Doesn't matter what brand you go for, jst make sure that it is 'calcium enriched' or check the levels of calcium on the back of the cartons to see which one has the highest content. Maybe you can a referral to a dietician like we do in the UK?? You could also try putting her to sleep on her tummy and propping her cot up with books - both can help loads.

I've researched tons on reflux/ CMPI and reached the conclusion that they MUST be linked - way too much of a coincidence otherwise! You could also join this facebook group who have mums from many countries dealing with CMPI I agree that the doc's shouldn't jst be pushing you back towards the meds when switching milks may make it disappear. But do be on the ball and start using the meds if she needs them to stop her symptoms building up further and becoming really painful - the longer it continues, the more acid damage to her tummy and throat, and the longer it will take to heal up and ease the pain.


Thank you for your reply.

Everything you said makes sence. I have joined the facebook group!

I appreciate your response.:flower:
we had our reflux app at the hosp brought forward, it was yesterday, it went well, he has prescribed her omeprazole tablets, we have to dissolve them in a syringe before giving her them, its pretty awkward but if it helps its worth it! she took it quite well too, didnt complain about it at all. hope it helps :)
Im sure ive asked before, but did your LOs get hiccups alot in the womb?

I know that is a sign of an immature digestive system....My DD had hiccups many, many times a day before she was born (sometimes 5 times a day)!

Each time this baby gets the hiccups, I get paranoid! :wacko: Luckily it only happens every couple of days

Just praying for a baby with no reflux this time :winkwink:
I only remember Katerina having the hiccups twice I think. But then I had her 1 month early so not sure what would happened later on :shrug:
Im sure ive asked before, but did your LOs get hiccups alot in the womb?

I know that is a sign of an immature digestive system....My DD had hiccups many, many times a day before she was born (sometimes 5 times a day)!

Each time this baby gets the hiccups, I get paranoid! :wacko: Luckily it only happens every couple of days

Just praying for a baby with no reflux this time :winkwink:

Sophie was by far my worst reflux baby n she hardly ever got hiccups in the womb (that I noticed), but had loads of hiccups every day after she was born. Funny, my other two had lots of hiccups in the womb - who knows ??!! :winkwink:
we had our reflux app at the hosp brought forward, it was yesterday, it went well, he has prescribed her omeprazole tablets, we have to dissolve them in a syringe before giving her them, its pretty awkward but if it helps its worth it! she took it quite well too, didnt complain about it at all. hope it helps :)

hey chich, thats FAB news - fingers x it works wonders for you guys, and you soon have a happy healthy baby. :happydance:

Here's some info I've copied n pasted on an easy way to give omep, since many of us find that all the little 'pellets' get stuck in the syringe!! "When my DD was young, I used to dissolve the tablets in an eggcup (no corners for meds to get stuck in), carefully pour off the water, then add more water and rub gently to dissolve more and more of the tablet. I would keep repeating this until it was just the small amount of pellets that were left. Then i'd scoop them onto the end of my finger (every tiny bit counts) and rub them onto the inside of her cheek. I'd quickly follow this with a drink of water or very well diluted apple juice. That way she didn't have to take spoonfuls of yuck!!! After 5 months I started using a very small amount of applesauce (shop bought, just the saucy bits, no chunks of apple!) to mix it. Now she's older I jst dissolve off the majority of the tablet in one shot, mix with apple sauce and she happily scoffs it!"

Every tiny bit counts, so make sure your getting as many pellets as possible into your LO. Also, keep gettin the dose adjusted every few weeks as she gains weight.

Keep us posted x :hugs:
we had our reflux app at the hosp brought forward, it was yesterday, it went well, he has prescribed her omeprazole tablets, we have to dissolve them in a syringe before giving her them, its pretty awkward but if it helps its worth it! she took it quite well too, didnt complain about it at all. hope it helps :)

hey chich, thats FAB news - fingers x it works wonders for you guys, and you soon have a happy healthy baby. :happydance:

Here's some info I've copied n pasted on an easy way to give omep, since many of us find that all the little 'pellets' get stuck in the syringe!! "When my DD was young, I used to dissolve the tablets in an eggcup (no corners for meds to get stuck in), carefully pour off the water, then add more water and rub gently to dissolve more and more of the tablet. I would keep repeating this until it was just the small amount of pellets that were left. Then i'd scoop them onto the end of my finger (every tiny bit counts) and rub them onto the inside of her cheek. I'd quickly follow this with a drink of water or very well diluted apple juice. That way she didn't have to take spoonfuls of yuck!!! After 5 months I started using a very small amount of applesauce (shop bought, just the saucy bits, no chunks of apple!) to mix it. Now she's older I jst dissolve off the majority of the tablet in one shot, mix with apple sauce and she happily scoffs it!"

Every tiny bit counts, so make sure your getting as many pellets as possible into your LO. Also, keep gettin the dose adjusted every few weeks as she gains weight.

Keep us posted x :hugs:

She is a totally different baby already! sooo happy! tho rather bottom gassy which is causing her discomfort! but its better than the pain she was in!

Iv found it easier to give them to her in a dentinox syringe which i have filed the bottom away so its just a big hole and sit her up to take it, all the little pellets get into her then. but she hates the taste so 'rinsing' the pellets off is a fab idea! (she is still to have her meds for today so im going to try this out!) it sounds so much easier to rub them on the inside of her cheek but the only liquid she will drink atm is breastmilk, she refuses water, i tried to give her a little after the first tablets and she ended up gagging and bringing up all the meds! it says not to give with milk so i make sure she doesnt get any milk for 30 mins before and after, tho this is probably completely wrong lol!

after how much weight gain does the dose need changing? my LO puts on weight extremely fast! lol!

Hello, just looking for some help really.
Lo was diagnosed with silent reflux at 2 weeks and has been on gaviscon since then.
She is breastfed but I've noticed her poo has been getting thicker and has more shape to it as the weeks go on. She now hasn't pooed for 2 days which I know is normal for bf babies but is isn't normal for her, she usually poos twice a day. She has been straining to poo for the last yep days and crying, not feeding sp much and crying during feeds and now she has just managed to pass a rabbit dropping type poo which was really hard.

Does anyone know what I can do?
Gaviscon is known to cause constipation. There are different things you can try to help her with constipation but I'm wondering whether its worth chaining the med all together since this is where the problem starts? Is she better on it? If Gaviscon has solved all your reflux problems then I would be inclined to try and deal with the constipation.

How many months is she?
Shes only 4 weeks old. TBH it works sometimes but only very slightly.
Its such a pain trying to actually get her to take it!

I think I'm going to see how we get on on the weekend but book an appointment with the Dr on Monday anyway to discuss different meds.

She hasn't pooed anymore today and is still very uncomfortable; even though I'm bf and its not advised I've given her a syringe of cooled boiled water after her last feed (instead of gaviscon) to try and loosen her up a bit!
Awwww poor baby :cloud9: We've been through all of this so I know how hard it is. Just say to the doc that Gaviscon is not working for you and ask them for smt else. Hopefully the new med will not cause her constipation and work better for you! :thumbup:
Posting to sub to this thread. My poor LO was given Zantac today for her reflux issues, so we're keeping FX that it works. But she hates the taste (I don't freakin' blame her, ugh! :|) so I have issues getting her to keep it down without spitting it back out in my face. May have to give them a ring next week if it doesn't work out for her. Sighhhh.

ANYWAY I have the feeling I'll be back with questions and stuff at some point, because I just feel awful knowing how it bothers her and that I can't do much about it. /: Thanks Kelly for letting me know about this thread! :thumbup:

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