Reflux Help & Support Thread

Hello ladies have been reading all your stories and pray and hope u all have rest soon. I am adopting my 5 week old nephew who I have had for a week. I believe he has reflux but am not real sure. He spits up constantly usually projectile however he doesnt cry when he does it it just comes up everywhere. I too am sick of bibs and laundry makes me so sad to see him like this. Being a new untrained mommy I am trying everything I can think of to help him. I switched his formula to soy right away he has been on that for 7days and it seemed to help but I also feed him one ounce at a time and burp him each ounce sit him straight up during and after feed. He loves his swing thank god sometimes I will just let him sleep in it as he hates being flat. I did elevate the cradle but he still is not very happy. During the day he is a fine fun loving baby but at night he just cries and cries. Its like he thinks he is constipated as his whole body tightens and he turns red and screams nothing seems to help but he does got to the bathroom ofter after these fits and its normal consistancy not hard or anything so I am really not sure what is going on. His mom was changing his formula daily so not sure if that is part of the issue. The night before last was the worse I would feed him he would throw it all back up and then was hungry again we did this routine for about 5 hrs. Unfortunatly I am in the US and we dont get maternity leave for adoption so I am trying to go to work to. I have been crying so much I just want him to feel better and be a happy baby.
Sorry for my long rant. Hope everyone is well.
Hello ladies have been reading all your stories and pray and hope u all have rest soon. I am adopting my 5 week old nephew who I have had for a week. I believe he has reflux but am not real sure. He spits up constantly usually projectile however he doesnt cry when he does it it just comes up everywhere. I too am sick of bibs and laundry makes me so sad to see him like this. Being a new untrained mommy I am trying everything I can think of to help him. I switched his formula to soy right away he has been on that for 7days and it seemed to help but I also feed him one ounce at a time and burp him each ounce sit him straight up during and after feed. He loves his swing thank god sometimes I will just let him sleep in it as he hates being flat. I did elevate the cradle but he still is not very happy. During the day he is a fine fun loving baby but at night he just cries and cries. Its like he thinks he is constipated as his whole body tightens and he turns red and screams nothing seems to help but he does got to the bathroom ofter after these fits and its normal consistancy not hard or anything so I am really not sure what is going on. His mom was changing his formula daily so not sure if that is part of the issue. The night before last was the worse I would feed him he would throw it all back up and then was hungry again we did this routine for about 5 hrs. Unfortunatly I am in the US and we dont get maternity leave for adoption so I am trying to go to work to. I have been crying so much I just want him to feel better and be a happy baby.
Sorry for my long rant. Hope everyone is well.

Hey hun, congratulations on adopting your nephew. Soy isn't really recommended for babies under 6months and has been linked to fertility problems later in life especially for boys - don't want to scare you but I just wanted to make you aware.

Macy has reflux and probably a milk allergy too - she is on Neocate which is a cow's milk formula but is 100% hypoallergenic.

I think in the US you can get a formula called Enfamil AR which is for reflux babies, I would suggest trying him on this for 1 week and if no improvement then speak to a doctor about a milk allergy.

The crying - going all tense and pulling legs up sounds like colic to me. When Macy cries with the reflux she goes rigid, arches her back, screams and refuses the bottle. If he is crying with colic you can try cycling his legs or gently massaging his tummy in a clockwise direction. There's also a way to hold baby called "tiger in the tree" which can really soothe them. You can also try the "happiest baby on the block" technique - vids on youtube.

Is it after a feed that he cries?

When he throws up try to wait 30mins to feed him again to allow his tummy to settle.

Also, rather than 1oz every hour can you try 2oz every 2hours to let his tummy empty before the next feed. Keep him upright when feeding him and wind very gently - just sitting him completely straight and upright and gently rub his back and then keep him upright for 30minutes.

Swaddle him when he sleeps - even if he hates it at first he'll soon get used to it.

Keep updating and I'll try help as much as I can xx
Hello ladies have been reading all your stories and pray and hope u all have rest soon. I am adopting my 5 week old nephew who I have had for a week. I believe he has reflux but am not real sure. He spits up constantly usually projectile however he doesnt cry when he does it it just comes up everywhere. I too am sick of bibs and laundry makes me so sad to see him like this. Being a new untrained mommy I am trying everything I can think of to help him. I switched his formula to soy right away he has been on that for 7days and it seemed to help but I also feed him one ounce at a time and burp him each ounce sit him straight up during and after feed. He loves his swing thank god sometimes I will just let him sleep in it as he hates being flat. I did elevate the cradle but he still is not very happy. During the day he is a fine fun loving baby but at night he just cries and cries. Its like he thinks he is constipated as his whole body tightens and he turns red and screams nothing seems to help but he does got to the bathroom ofter after these fits and its normal consistancy not hard or anything so I am really not sure what is going on. His mom was changing his formula daily so not sure if that is part of the issue. The night before last was the worse I would feed him he would throw it all back up and then was hungry again we did this routine for about 5 hrs. Unfortunatly I am in the US and we dont get maternity leave for adoption so I am trying to go to work to. I have been crying so much I just want him to feel better and be a happy baby.
Sorry for my long rant. Hope everyone is well.

Hey hun, congratulations on adopting your nephew. Soy isn't really recommended for babies under 6months and has been linked to fertility problems later in life especially for boys - don't want to scare you but I just wanted to make you aware.

Macy has reflux and probably a milk allergy too - she is on Neocate which is a cow's milk formula but is 100% hypoallergenic.

I think in the US you can get a formula called Enfamil AR which is for reflux babies, I would suggest trying him on this for 1 week and if no improvement then speak to a doctor about a milk allergy.

The crying - going all tense and pulling legs up sounds like colic to me. When Macy cries with the reflux she goes rigid, arches her back, screams and refuses the bottle. If he is crying with colic you can try cycling his legs or gently massaging his tummy in a clockwise direction. There's also a way to hold baby called "tiger in the tree" which can really soothe them. You can also try the "happiest baby on the block" technique - vids on youtube.

Is it after a feed that he cries?

When he throws up try to wait 30mins to feed him again to allow his tummy to settle.

Also, rather than 1oz every hour can you try 2oz every 2hours to let his tummy empty before the next feed. Keep him upright when feeding him and wind very gently - just sitting him completely straight and upright and gently rub his back and then keep him upright for 30minutes.

Swaddle him when he sleeps - even if he hates it at first he'll soon get used to it.

Keep updating and I'll try help as much as I can xx

Thanks hun she had him on the Enfamil AR for the longest of all the one's she tried and it actually made it worse it was like he was gagging when he would throw it up I assume because it is much thicker. It is after his evening feed that he cries and then each feed until morning and then he is fine again. I think if I dont notice an improvement by by next week I'm going to have to make him an appointment.
Hello :flower:

Great to find this thread...:thumbup:

My LO was diagnosed with silent reflux a week ago, I have changed her milk to 'comfort' & am doing other things, such as holding her up for 20mins after a feed, raised her moses basket end up

But last nite she was really unsettled :cry: & also today, so I took her to the doctors & was prescribed ranintidine

Given her the 1st dose & she is now having a good sleep! :sleep: Probably wishfull thinking that its helped that quick though! :dohh:

She is my 3rd child & I have never known anything like this, its all new to me & I really dont like it...Its terrible to see a small baby in pain :cry:

My heart goes out to all of you & your LO's :hugs:
Ok so yesterday I didn't give evan any gavisvon. Had only one sicky moment when I tried hungry baby milk before bed. Had very little crying, slept well.

I think i'm gonna see how he is without it, even just to give his gut a decent clear out!!

Last night was also the first night he didn't have colicky painful farts and crying for ni reason. He is 3 months Thursday :)
Hi all
Just thought I would share this bit if 6 week old boy has reflux and hates sleeping on his back. So over the last few days we have been sleeping him on his side and he loves it. I prop a rolled up towel behind him and another one in front of him. It's working so far, fingers crossed!
Anna - that's great :hugs:
Stardust - thinking of you, hope Macy is feeding better today?
puppymom - congrats on the adoption and I second what sd said :flow:
Kelly - glad the Ranitadene looks to be working
Dec - glad you've found something that works, we do the same, left side is particularly good as it keeps the oesophegeal (sp?) flap closed.
Worrisome how's you?
And everyone else? How are you all getting on? How's the Losec working Helen? Sorry if I've forgotten people, in my defense it is 4am!

We had a better day, she woke early and was grizzly but settled after her morning shower and we went into town, then to the beach and then did some shopping. She fed well but got overtired by 5pm as she refuses to sleep in the car seat :dohh:
I made the mistake of trying to take her for a walk to get her to sleep, but she got more tired and screamed the whole way (I think in hindsight she was hungry and I should have just fed her)

When I did feed her she gobbled and was promptly very very sick. Gahhhhh

My m/w popped round with gluten free goodies for us which was lovely and took one look at Nim and said 'bath, swaddle and sleep - any way you can get it!'

Took me 3h to settle her :dohh: not the peaceful end to the day I was hoping for! But our gluten free seems to be helping a little, roll on Monday and booking an appt with the allergy specialist.
Well, she had a good night, only waking her usual times for a feed :happydance:

She has been a happy baby today, smiling & cooing again :cloud9:

Im amazed that it is working so quick, but its great :baby:
Evan has been sick, but only thin milky sick (not the manky clotted crap the gaviscon produces) He's been settled and has had 2 naps, one at 12-1 and he's been asleep for the last hour too :)

I am not counting my chickens. The minute he starts showing reflux signs I'm gonna put him back on the gaviscon and go to the docs for something else.
Hi ladies, hope your days have been good. I have had a lovely day, haven't been out got tons of housework done :thumbup:

So we have had no gaviscon now for 2 days. Evan has eaten well, burped well had too lovely naps and played great with very little unsettledness. He just woke at 5.50 after a mammoth nap for feeding and had a nice long feed. Then had a lovely burp with no spit up what so ever. Things are good right!!!??? Then we play and he loves "row the boat" where I pull him up to sitting by his arms then he gets a kiss as he sits up and he laughs and giggles loads (you see where I'm going with this right....?) This made him burp again, great a teeny bit of spit up and we carried on and then:

..................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes it went in my mouth :cry:


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Generally I use tt bottles but have a dr browns I try to use at bedtime. I bf all other times so dunno much if they make a difference x
I use MAM ones

2 ok days, mornings were good, afternoons not so much. Still unsettled sleeping. I'm totally gluten free (as well as dairy/citrus/choc etc etc) and although it's helped a little shes still am unhappy little girl :cry:
Calling the pediatrician as soon as they open and going to do 50:50 EBM and formula for a few days.
She's vomiting lots more, has the runs, mucus by the bucket load in her poo, which smells awful. Her previously good skins dry and blotchy and got eczema starting.

I dont want to stop BFing, thinking of it makes me so sad, but I need my bubba to ba happy, and unless we can pinpoint the exact issue formula is looking like her best option. (but dammit I'm keeping pumping until I know for sure)
We use TT bottles but he did much better with the NUK bottles. I just couldnt/cant afford to change them all :( but tbh, i dont think bottles affect the reflux, do they????
We use Dr Brown's - they seem to be helping a little.

Macy's feeding is really poor just now, only 15ounces yesterday and quite a bit of this was spoon/syringe fed. She'll only take about an ounce to an ounce and a half each feed and then I spoon feed her the rest. She gets fed up of this too though and I don't want to force her and create a spoon aversion as well as a bottle aversion.

Only 1 screaming match today and I'm not even sure if it was related to reflux or just wind.

She doesn't seem to still have the pain when feeding anymore 99% of the time she is okay but she just doesn't want to eat at all. Can't wait until it's time for solids - she takes her medicine mixed in with veg puree from a spoon fantastically and I have feeling she'll take to solids really well, going to ask the paediatrician if I can start at 16weeks.

She is gaining weight really well though, 8 ounces in 3days (that's after only 2oz in 2 weeks!!) but only because I'm forcing milk down her with the syringe and spoon, I can't do this forever. I know the consultants are keen to put an NG tube in for feeding but I'm just so frightened I'll never get her back on to a bottle afterwards.

Hope everyone is well xx
its been a bad day here emily has been crying pretty much all day and that leads to me being in tears tonight! i cant cope being her in pain, im finding this so hard :cry:
Hello ladies. Can I bring my puke covered clothes, ringing ears and aching heart to join you lot?

Stewart has had reflux since 2/3 weeks old (although it took the docs 3 weeks to stop trying to tell me he had a cold/colic/some other crap).
He spits up all day every day and is always coughing, gagging, sneezing, hiccupping, growling, groaning. This last week it has gone from occasionally projectile to almost always projectile out his mouth and nose. Last night it came out shooting over a foot in distance in at least 10 heaves. A bath towel, cotton sheet, muslin, our bed sheet, his clothes, bib, my hair all soaked. He breathed in a whole lot and was just choking and gasping so wide eyed. He went a bit blue and I went from half-drowsy to wide awake in an instant trying to lift him up to clear his airway. I haven't been able to relax since.
Speaking of which, LO never relaxes. People keep remarking how wonderfully strong he is but that is because he tenses all his muscles in pain all day every day. Even when he is in a deep sleep his little fists are tightly clenched and I have seen little marks when his nails have dug into his palms.
He often scratches at his face and mine when he's in pain and bites my nipples while feeding. :cry:
He never seems happy anymore. If he's awake he wants to eat and then goes back to sleep. If he is kept awake for longer than 10 minutes after a feed then he gets overtired and will scream for the rest of the day and night.

He has gaviscon, which makes him constipated so I mix it with half water/half prune juice which seems to help. My tip is, I mix up his daily allocation of gaviscon eg. 6 sachets first thing in the morning. I use 1.5ml boiled cooled water and 1.5ml prune juice for every sachet and store it in a little container which is sterilised. That way I can have the container on hand day and night and can get it down LOs throat hopefully before anything comes up. Also, if he is having a snacking day I only give him 1 or 2ml of the mixed up solution and then can give him the rest when he feeds later.
Have also tried Ranatidine which seemed to have to effect although the doctors failed to tell me you must NOT give it with Gaviscon and it needs to be given on an empty stomach.
Tried Omeprazole 5mg oral suspension but that only lasted a few days because LO would scream and scream the instant a drop touched his lips. Nothing would disguise it. I wanted the tablets to crush but both the doctor and the pharmacist looked at me as if I was crazy and said "that won't work, the medicine doesn't work that way". :growlmad:
I went to the doctor for the 5th time now in floods of tears after LO and I hadn't slept for days. She "urgently" referred me to the paeds but I am still waiting for a call from them 2 weeks later to even say how long I have to wait to be seen!
I had enough and on Friday I booked for him to see a private paed tomorrow lunchtime. I also took him for some cranial osteopathy which is supposed to help.

Sorry I am rattling on. My brain is all over the place. We have had a particularly bad day with LO screaming and screaming. People staring at me like I am a bad mother and offering me irritating advice eg.

"Just let him cry"
"If you feed him then he brings it up don't feed him again it's just tough"
"He is gaining weight so stop worrying and over analysing everything"
"Your milk is bad for him"
"Oh when my child was a baby they used to spit up, it's not that bad"
"HE WILL GROW OUT OF IT" Ok, let me just wish his life away then....and when will he grow out of it. And what damage will the constant acid and pain have done by then? :grr:
"He's just colicky"


Farie...Wow it almost sounds like you just described Stewart! Just this week he has started with eczema on his forehead and elbows and his poos have gone luminous green/mucousy and really really strong vinegar smelling. :shrug:
The green poops is not the same as the foremilk/hindmilk green poop. He got that a few times in the early days of BF but I know he's getting hind milk. :shrug:
Oh hon :hugs: you and your poor little man. We have omeprazol in it's brand 'Losec' so I open a capsule and take out the granules which I stick to my finger with pear puree and give it to her like that ... She loves her little taste of pear 2x daily!! Try asking for it like that?

I always gave Gaviscon and Ranitadene together :blush: I mixed them in EBM and gave her a bottle. I was told it was fine? Oohps. Not that it helped her :sad1: but the losecs been great.
We have used a chiro and it's def helped.

We are 99% sure my girlie has a host of allergies, we have a pediatrician appr on Wednesday :yipee: until then I'm dairy, egg, gluten, soy free ... It sucks :haha:
Anna - that's great :hugs:
Stardust - thinking of you, hope Macy is feeding better today?
puppymom - congrats on the adoption and I second what sd said :flow:
Kelly - glad the Ranitadene looks to be working
Dec - glad you've found something that works, we do the same, left side is particularly good as it keeps the oesophegeal (sp?) flap closed.
Worrisome how's you?
And everyone else? How are you all getting on? How's the Losec working Helen? Sorry if I've forgotten people, in my defense it is 4am!

We had a better day, she woke early and was grizzly but settled after her morning shower and we went into town, then to the beach and then did some shopping. She fed well but got overtired by 5pm as she refuses to sleep in the car seat :dohh:
I made the mistake of trying to take her for a walk to get her to sleep, but she got more tired and screamed the whole way (I think in hindsight she was hungry and I should have just fed her)

When I did feed her she gobbled and was promptly very very sick. Gahhhhh

My m/w popped round with gluten free goodies for us which was lovely and took one look at Nim and said 'bath, swaddle and sleep - any way you can get it!'

Took me 3h to settle her :dohh: not the peaceful end to the day I was hoping for! But our gluten free seems to be helping a little, roll on Monday and booking an appt with the allergy specialist.

Hi Farie :wave: Weve had a bad sicky weekend I'm afraid, not just the throw up now, but she is heaving but as so much mucus she cant get it up, poor love. She is so much pain, I wouldnt mind if it was just sick but its the pain element.
So glad about your paed appointment, it really does sound like allergies to me.

Kelly :wave: so glad you have found our little group, its just nice to be able to talk things through.
Lizzy how are things hun?
2016, hi hun, good look at the paeds today, please let us know how you get on.
Kirsty big :hugs:
Anna, think your right about giving Evans gut a break, we did that with Millie and well to be honest kept her off the gaviscon, she seems better without it, but when she was sick on the gaviscon she didnt seem in pain, but was in pain with the bowel movements, you cant win can you.
Stardust, I'm sure they would help you get Macy back onto a bottle hun, wont they? If you do decide to go down the ng tube route, It must be so hard trying to syringe feeds all the time:hugs:

Ive booked Millie in at gps for Thursday its not right a 3 month old dry heaving all the time, she must be producing mucus.

Sorry if I have missed anyone:hugs: there is a lot of us now:haha:

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