RELACTATING- Gave up BF @3wks, she latched herself on this morning!


I can imagine how frustrating that is. Don't give up, you've done so well, and I agree that he was probably just trying to help, but just doesn't get it. You are an inspiration to so many woman and I just wanted to send some hugs and reassurance. I look forward to your updates every day and am so proud of you!!
So I pumped yesterday every 90mins till 11.30pm I had to sleep I was so exhausted! Weather She had fed or not. LO woke at 4.40 till 8am feeding from side to side again. She was still hungry. She had 3oz while I pumped. From 6 am -6am we got 1.5oz pumped, in saying that. It doesn't sound much. But LO was feeding at least once an hour so I am happy with that
I've just read this. You're both amazing. You should be so proud and I wish you all the best for success :hugs:
So LO has only gained 3oz in the last 2 weeks. It is better than a loss I guess, but it isn't enough.

I've taken to bed today for lots of skin to skin. Searched holland and Barrett for blessed thistle but they had never heard of it. LO has been screaming at the bread the last 30 mins. She would latch but not suck. She's feeding now. Has been on and off all day. I went to a medical supplies today to try to get feeding tubes to try to create some kind of SNS myself because I couldn't affOrd to buy one till next Months cheque. They wouldn't sell it to me coz I'm not a medical professional.

I'm feeling like we're hitting a brick wall and this is really needing perseverance!

LO also seems to hate when I pump. I tired when she was feeding and when she wasn't. Either way she screams when I put the pump on my breast and the milk starts to come... She never used to cry. Now it seems that's all she does...

I feel like a poop mum
H, i just wanted to say welll done , you are doing so well, and please do buy a nursing sytem when you can,
I used you have one but i sold it..
my baby was born with a cleft lip and i was soo sad to think that i would not be able to breastfeed him so i brought SNS thought i might need it but luckerly he fed rearly well and didn't need it..
I think it might help you as i read alot about them when i was pregnant and they do work well...
Any way good luck xxx
Your doing fab you really are! Its a battle you are winning. And crying while pumping isn't the worst thing, it'll help the milk flow. I don't know much about the tubes, I only know the basics or what they do, have you got a LLL around you? They may be able to advise if anywhere rents ( if its a rentable product) etc. xx
Your doing fab you really are! Its a battle you are winning. And crying while pumping isn't the worst thing, it'll help the milk flow. I don't know much about the tubes, I only know the basics or what they do, have you got a LLL around you? They may be able to advise if anywhere rents ( if its a rentable product) etc. xx

There's a LLL around 30 mins away. They're not meeting till the 5th but I called the lady today as I felt like I just needed to hear I'm doing a good job. She told me to take to the bed with LO for 2days. In just nappy and underwear for 2days and that should build supply like none other. I hope it works. We're tracking all her formula and ebm intake today and tomorrow also. Then I'm going to call her back on Fri and she'll help me review. X
I just want to give you huge hugs!! You are working so hard at this and it must feel like you move forward an inch only to slip back a foot. I found a video on how to make your one SNS for cheap.

and this blog:

You are doing so well! I hope the skin to skin time helps up your supply!

Thank you so much! I'm going to call my go today to see if he can get me some tubing.
Really well actually. So we spent 3days giving her as much formula as she needed to not be hungry. Here's how it went.

Day 1-20oz

10.30 3oz formula
2pm 2oz
4.00 2.5oz
7pm 3oz
7.30 1.5oz ebm
11pm 3oz
Bf only 1am 3am 5am 7am (Total 20oz)

Day 2

8am 3oz
9.26 2.5oz
11.26 4oz
4.30 3oz
6.00 3oz
9pm 3oz
3am 3oz

Day 3

8.30 3oz
11.30 3oz
2pm 4oz
19.34 4oz*
3.50am 4 oz

So 19.6 oz is average.
The plan is to reduce by 1 ounce over the day every 3days. As long as nappies are ok in those 3days we'll go on to reduce by another ounce and so on. If she doesn't need the full amount of oz for 2days then we'll continue to offer only that amount for the next 3days.

She was taking 25-30 oz of formula so were down by. 5.5-10.5 oz which I'm thrilled with. ;)
So nice to come back to this thread and see the success you've had. Well done!
So after a binge on chocolate, my boobs are like watermelons !!! What a perfect excuse to munch on the good stuff. He BFd 13 times yesterday &last night. But heres her top up schedule from yesterday.

Day 4

10am 4oz
12am 4oz
17.29 2oz
20.00 4oz

I did offer more she just wanted boobie!!! Thrilled!
so happy keep it up i will be watching this thread till you are EBF..
keep us updated..xx
I can't wait till we are EBF!!! She just LOVES being at the breast. It makes me so happy! When she's feeding ad smiling at the same time.
Aw your doing fab, didn't know chocolate altered your supply! Certainly the perfect excuse to gorge on it though lol. I'll have to remember that ha ha. X

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