Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Mike 'the Situation'

ooooooo- gleeeeeee.. he thinks he is the MAN, but he is one ugly MO FO.. I think they all are...

Snookie is a chuba-a-wub-bah...

I watched maybe 2 shows and had to turn it off.. :rofl: it irked me... and the other one is Jerseylicious.. LORDY don't watch that one if it happens to come up over there

well then hightail it to you GP babe.. DEMAND answers!!! you deserve it..
morning ladies - sorry I have neglected you all weekend....we were busy with sh birthday festivities....Well for DH birthday we bought a boat...I would say i bought him a boat, but I dont have that kind of money we bought a boat. We fly to Abaco on Friday, (I think) to pick it up and drive it back here. We are very excited, as we have not had a boat for a couple of years now...which is unheard of for DH.

Ok how we met.....

I was married before to my college sweetheart....we moved here right before we got married. Things w/ him were rocky but I was young. DH was off at school most of the time I lived here with the ex, but I would see him around during xmas time and holidays. Well I left the ex b/c of his horrid drug problem (which I didnt know about till after I left, funny how ppl come out of the woodwork to tell you these things after teh fact but never tell you when you NEED to know.) I left b/c he was gettting increasingly violent, though he never hit me...but was punching walls etc. AND he wasnt working and spending all of my money....he was a heavy drinker (sounds like a charmer huh)...anyway, I left the ex and moved into an apt on my own....I stayed on the island b/c I was waiting for my job to transfer me back stateside, which they said they would. Anyway, I got transfered back to Florida about 9 months later and moved home. I decided I was not EVER going to get married and just live my life. In fact I was starting to look into adoption or sperm donors b/c I wanted a child of my own. Well, I had a lng weekend and decided to come back to the island to hang with some girlfirends. I have wonderful friends that I have made here. DH had just moved home from college and was taking over the family business. We ran into each other while he was having dinner with his family and me with my girlfriend. I remember remarking to my girlfriend how good looking I thought he was....but oh to young for me... (4 years younger). He said he had just got home and they were throwing him a welcome home party and if my girlfriend and I would stop by. Well we did and he and I hardly got to speak b/c he was busy with his guests. So I said my goodbyes and he walked us out and asked if I would go to the beach with him the next day while everyone was at work....well taht was our official first date...We spent the day chatting and had a wonderful time. So much so, my girlfriends husband saw how smitten i was...he changed my airline ticket and I ended up staying with my future dh for another 4 days....hahaahhaha....called into work and everything....hahahaah...well 7 months later I moved back down to be with him adn we got married 1 1/2 years after that...I must say the chemistry was immediate and strong....I think a part of me knew from that moment I saw him in the restaurant that I was going to be with him. He is a wonderful, caring, and loyal man....I got lucky with this one for sure......

Ok so sbb- hows that ovary doing? When do you get it checked out?

Kel, never, linny - how are you ladies doing?

sparkle - woohoo on that BFP....
sparkle-congrats hun xx

and can any one help still no pos on okp does that mean no ovulation then ?/ x
mandy - you are only on CD 8, when do you usually Ov? I would think CD8 is a bit to early to lose hope.
mandy - you are only on CD 8, when do you usually Ov? I would think CD8 is a bit to early to lose hope.

well 2 months bout day 11 ,12 ,13 but last month never got pos on okp ,, so bit worride now,, but if i dont ovulate ff wouldnt say i have as going by my temps would it ?
well it looks like you are ovulating from your charts...sometimes the surge only lasts a little while so the OPK might miss it. Are you doing them twice a day?

I would do them twice a day aruond 11 am and then in the evening and see what happens. But CD8 is to early, I would think around cd 17 if you havent Oved by then you might want to be worried. But relax you seem to be pretty regular, I think you should be ok.
Morning ladies...

had a nice time at my brother's ... SBB they are doing SIL is very optimistic and is looking forward to her Fertility Spec visit on May 28th...

Never-- FRIGIN KYLE won yesterday- Jimmie pulled a HUGE mistake at the very end... and had to lap the pit again all cause he was .9 over the speed limit in the pit.. DANG IT... KYLE BUSCH crap..................

not much to tell this morning.. DH is HOME with me today though.. CRUD.... :rofl:

but morning to all my lovely ladies that haven't checked in yet today... hope you all had a wonderful weekend

girl, i woke up this morning and saw it on the news. haha. they had him doing back flips (carl edwards wanna be ha..) when i saw his face i said, oh kel is mad! haha :rofl:
well it looks like you are ovulating from your charts...sometimes the surge only lasts a little while so the OPK might miss it. Are you doing them twice a day?

I would do them twice a day aruond 11 am and then in the evening and see what happens. But CD8 is to early, I would think around cd 17 if you havent Oved by then you might want to be worried. But relax you seem to be pretty regular, I think you should be ok.

ty hun,, u said if i not ov by day 17 be worried so if i dont get pos okp by then be worried ,, or if ff says ive ov by temps ?
no I would think if FF doesnt confirm OV...but remember it can sometimes take up to cd21....but I think for you since you Ov so early you should have by cd17. But try and do teh OPK's twice a day and see if you get your positive.
no I would think if FF doesnt confirm OV...but remember it can sometimes take up to cd21....but I think for you since you Ov so early you should have by cd17. But try and do teh OPK's twice a day and see if you get your positive.

so if ff says ive ov going by temps and still no okp pos then i take it i have ov then , sorry i sound so thick ,
hey ladies!

ttc - i love your such romantic stories. seems like you're one of the one ones out of a few of us that wasn't a drunkard when you met him, haha. j/k girls.. just saw kind of the same tone in all of some of our stories, hehe. :rofl:

kel - sorry your body is being a bi**h! i hope you get that o soon. :hugs:

welshie - wow, so you got the same one that i did? i really enjoy her readings. she is so spot on that it is crazy, isn't it?

mandy - some people NEVER get positive opk's. there are two types of surges. the best explained are normal surges, where the opk picks up the surge and then you ovulate 12-36 hours later. then there is what i call a spike. it's when you have to be spot on or you will miss your surge. the best way to catch these, is like ttc said, check twice a day. if you still don't get a pos opk it still does not necessarily mean you did not ovulate. you have your temperatures to correlate. if your temps say you did ovulate, but you never tested pos opk, then you just missed it. if you never get a pos opk and your temps never show ovulate, then yes, you have a problem. give it time girl. you're only on CD8. i know the wait sucks, but don't be too worrysome about it. that could delay things as well.

sparkle - oh your :bfp: is beeeeaaaaautifullllll!!!! hehe. i am so happy for you!

sbb - glad your bean is being super sticky and healthy. lots of :hugs: to you and :baby:

linny - maybe those are good cramps, like baby is getting ready to settle in cramps.. i've heard you can get them as early as 4DPO. hmm. who knows.. :shrug: lots of :dust: to you mama!

not a bad day for me. still counting down the days..hehe
ty ttc and nevertogether ,, i wont worry as much ,, i have got like a dull ache on right side of ovary it seems today ,, and cm is sticky to bit watery x
Morning ladies...

had a nice time at my brother's ... SBB they are doing SIL is very optimistic and is looking forward to her Fertility Spec visit on May 28th...

Never-- FRIGIN KYLE won yesterday- Jimmie pulled a HUGE mistake at the very end... and had to lap the pit again all cause he was .9 over the speed limit in the pit.. DANG IT... KYLE BUSCH crap..................

not much to tell this morning.. DH is HOME with me today though.. CRUD.... :rofl:

but morning to all my lovely ladies that haven't checked in yet today... hope you all had a wonderful weekend

girl, i woke up this morning and saw it on the news. haha. they had him doing back flips (carl edwards wanna be ha..) when i saw his face i said, oh kel is mad! haha :rofl:

he's a Jack ARSE.............. yep I was mad... it was funny I was sitting at my brother's house (he HATES Nascar) anyhoo he did put the race on for me with 30 laps left and as soon as it was over... I heard my phone go off... and I looked at my SIL and said hmmmmm Jeff and I can tell u EXACTLY what it is gonna say...


he had a good time, sat around mostly Earnhardt fans- but A LOT of Jimmie and Kyle fans,,,, LOL he said he gave Kyle the finger everytime he went by.. LOL

and all I got was a losey tee-shirt... LOL
Mandy I wouldn't worry you're still so early and you don't normally have a +OPK or OV just yet. FF will still say you've ov'd just by temps even if you don't get a +OPK so give it another week and see what happens!

TTC your story is lovely - glad you left that idiot and met your lovely DH :cloud9: and stop boasting about the boat it's not fair! :rofl:
I have got another scan a week today :happydance: so everything crossed that it's all ok! Ovary hasn't been hurting hardly at all so hope thats a good sign...
Did you see all the drama on Clomid Club thread?

Hi Never :wave: how are you?

Welshie you never answered if you tested again this morning? I hope that reading is true but I also hope not because I want you to get your BFP this month!!

x x x
Oh nooooo I missed Sparkle! Sorry hun that test is awesome!! :D :D :D :D :D :yipee:

x x x
Hi ladies what's going on in the Maca Train? LOL

Dandy-we didnt have our 'wedding' until the next year, we got married at a park on my hubby's lunch break, I had a pink hoody on and he was wearing work clothes! :)

Not a good visit to the doc Im afraid. :nope: Dont really know what's going to happen yet, going to repeat some tests and then hopefully we will know something! On the upside I get to have an HSG next cycle. :happydance:
Sparkle what BEAUTIFUL PG test photos... YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY

I just got mine all back from my SIL last night, so I am locked, stocked, and ready to roll when the time comes

IF IT EVER COMES AGAIN...........I hate my body..............grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :lol:

Hey ladies.........oooh we've been moved!!!!!

Thanks for all your OH/DH stories, i always love hearing them!!

Well things with me are bizarre to say the least. Had AF like cramps all day so i'm fearing she's gonna show mega early. I'm CD22????!! So if I did ovulate CD17 thats a 5dpo!! I do usually spot (which hasn't started yet!) but i never get cramps or anything till later. I didn't bother taking my temp either cos had such a restless sleep I don't think I had three hours consecutive. Oh I am despairing, WHY can't my body work right, its been 12mths now off BC :growlmad:!!!!!! Rant over :flower:

Sparkle........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:I LOVE your story of how you and Jack met!! Your so funny at telling stories, seriously he sounds like a legend :haha: Yipeeeeeeeee on the gorgeous :bfp::yipee::yipee::dance::dance: So is this your third :baby:

Kel......OMG, I've had the day off work and I just did a Jersey Shore catch up. Is that really how it is there :laugh2: It was friggin ace, all the fighting and drinking, I wanna go there :happydance: I hope you don't have to start with the cream again and that the +OPK is finally the big 'O' :hugs:

Whit...........awwwww I can't believe you were married within 4 months!!! Soooo sweet.

This will be my 4th i have a DS 17 DD 11 and another DD 5 so will have my hands full :dohh:
Hiya Girls

SBB...sorry hun....I did test again this morning and bfn on both a superdrug one and a cb digi....I think that's me done with testing for this cycle now. I'm off to the docs tomorrow and plan to have a long chat about the norethisterone. I don't really want to take it especially as doing the regimen the gyne said would stop O and I've only just started again....Back to my maca and sw along with the gym I think....and norethisterone in the bin:thumbup::winkwink:

Never...all a bit too freaky from just an email....especially the bit health (maca instead of norethisterone) and the reallllly freaky bit.....a medical camera....They used a hysteroscope in my uterus last week and obviously have to send what they scaped away for only 29 just about...I'm way too young for endometrial cancer...a positive result:thumbup:...and the results will probably be back june/july.

Sorry Girls I haven't had chance to read back thru but I will including my DH & I story.
I emailed Stir Crazy about the sigs....glad to see they are back on:thumbup:

Chat more later when Callum is tucked up in the land of nod:winkwink: xxx
Sorry Sparkle Babe...I just quickly scanned back thru the pages literally for your pics.....:wohoo::happydance::dance::headspin::yipee:.......That is one awesome :bfp::winkwink:
Sorry it was a bfn hun still keeping everything crossed for you

x x x

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