Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

:bfn: for me this morning ladies :? but i shall plod on taking my maca ( and OH aswell , neither of us have stopped taking it since ttc morgan) this cycle im guna use pre-seed aswell ,really thought i wuda got preg this mth used instead cups aswell :cry: aww well x

goodluck everyone eles x
aw i'm sorry honey :( i love the maca too. DH and i plan on using the pre-seed and soft cups when TTC to conceive in june as well. FX'ed you get your :bfp: this cycle mama. :dust: to you! i'm on CD2 if you want to be friends. your little man is adorable :) DH and i are hoping for a boy, but will be overly excited for either!
Hey girls :D

Honey sorry you got a bfn :(

Ok so how I met OH (Danny)
A random friend made me go out one night when I really couldn't be bothered! Saw Danny in a bar and we had a bit of eye contact! Then he left... We went to another bar too, and there he was! His friend then tried chatting me up, but I just wanted to talk to Danny... We left the pub and then held hands all the way up this long road and then had a kiss!
He was convinced I wouldn't contact him but I did and we arranged a date... I got him to pick me up from my house, and I'd been so drunk the night we met lol I was really worried I wouldn't fancy him when I saw him! But thankfully he walked through the gate and I thought he was really cute :D

We went out a few times and he moved into my flat pretty quickly! Unfortunately his friend who initially tried to chat me up went all weird and eventually stopped speaking to us... V strange, I can only think he was jealous. I'm a nice person so he can't just have decided he hated me!

Danny is lovely, I've been out with some right idiots - and had my fair share of suspicions and most of the time been completely right! Danny isn't that sort of guy, I really don't think he'd ever do anything to upset me. He knows I could kick his ass if he did anyway!

Anyway, Kell I wouldn't worry about that temp drop today, lets see what happens tomorrow... Still think you're ok and perhaps even today could be ov day...

I haven't read everything I've missed but I've read back about 4 pages :D

x x x
ohh Honey so sorry on the frigin BFN.... :( keep faith though hun we ALL have toooooo...

SB ahhh Danny boy.. :rofl: what a cute cute story especially the part about being drunk and not sure if you really thought he was cute .. there had been a couple of times I had done that too of course BEFORE Jeff ... LOL

I hope so sweets... I just keep reminding myself I had a MC and until my HGC levels went below 5 my body won't work properly... so I am discounting anydays prior to April 30th..because on April 26th they were still at 10.4 .. I would assume they went down quickly after the 27th of April....

welp sun has gone behind some clouds so I am sitting in my bedroom watching the race.. hee hee Jimmie is in the lead..

then in a few I am gonna go over to my brother's place to see both of them since I haven't physically seen them since their MC... hang with my SIL and brother and have a lil BQ
Awwww I love hearing nice stories of how people met, they were so lovely!

Kel.......are you serious that you've known each other since school??? Thats mad!! How old are you at 7th grade? Grrrrrr stupid men stealers!!!

Del.......a younger man hey, get in :happydance: I dabbled in the younger man before OH but he was way younger (6yrs) so he had ALOT of growing up to do. So glad we didn't work out otherwise i never would have met OH!!

Never.....its nice to know we go through similar things with the fellas! In the end they make us very happy. I think with men, they like the attention and the flattery, they like to feel wanted even if it is just some tramp!! OH makes me laugh more than anyone ever has, he is defo the one for me :hugs:

SBB.......:haha: that sooooo made me laugh about not remembering what he looked like, oh the times thats happened to me.......:dohh:and i usually ended up NOT fancying them and would be stuck on an unbearable date :haha::haha:
linny - you crack me up girl. and yes, you hit the nail right on the head with the mails needing the attention thing. that is what i told him when i caught him. i was like, you just wanted someone else to tell you you're hot didn't you, lol! freaking dork he is. but yes, wouldn't trade anything that has happened, or him, for the ENTIRE world!

sbb - i'm right there with linny on the bringing back some memorable times. i wasn't much for a girl going on a dates, but i did have the times where i woke and was like. seriously? so glad your DH turned out to be a looker and stole your heart :)

delia - wow, props to you on the younger man "training" haha. i took my stab at younger men, and i just couldn't handle it. DH is older than me, and he was hard enough.

kel - hoping you get three high temps soon to confirm your dang o girl. have fun watching the race. kurt just never wins, used to it now. i'm ready for football season, haha.

well, good night girls! off to bed i go. good night my maca ladies!!
Nite nite Never.. Kurt isn't doing to bad but Kyle keeps taking the lead away from Jimmie.. Jimmie JUST took it back

Kel.......are you serious that you've known each other since school??? Thats mad!! How old are you at 7th grade? Grrrrrr stupid men stealers!!!

ummmm 12 years old I THINK.... yeah he was a new kid.. smart ass... work boots and flannels- where at my school- it was preppy.. so he REALLY stood out and ALL the girls liked him.... including MOI.... he was ALWAYS in detention and suspension... you'd walk by and sure enough there was Jeff sitting there.. :rofl: funny how he was always in trouble and now is a police officer....

ok I'm out to... headin to the bro's house...

Night night never Hun :hugs:

Kell that's so funny jeff was the bad boy that eVeryone fancied! And yeh I think your body will need a while but I'm hopeful for you with the +opks and I hope it will all become clear :D

Ha ha linny yeh it could have been really bad if he'd been horrible and I'd been stuck on a date with him!

X x x
Good evening ladies :hugs:

Celtic, thanks for that the next time i have a problem with the laptop i will give you a shout. We think the lap top has just had enough we tried cleaning it all up but it was still just as rubbish lol. I think the kids have killed it. The DH had a hang over this morning so i think he opened his mouth about a new laptop before he engaged his brain :rofl: I had him dressed and ready to go before he could change his mind :rofl:

Linny Oh god how I met jack dee :rofl: Where shall i start. Well he was renting a room from a male friend of mine. We all went back to the house one night and he was there. He was the most vile man i think i ever met, he was very rude about my appearance and me in general and i walked out of there thinking what a twat
:rofl: The next time i saw him i was very drunk in the pub. He shouted over " Oi want a drink" I took one obviously :dohh: When i went to collect it he said great pair of top nuts :rofl: I told him if he liked them that much he could take the top nuts and me out sometime. God i still can't believe i said that lol
His answer was all right what about wednesday. :dohh::dohh:
Well linny i had to bloody go didn't i. He picked me up in his car and took me to town to a wine bar. 4 hours later i stumble out of there very drunk needing help to get into the car :blush: Oh the embarrassment does not stop there ladies oh no i got out of his car at his house and was sick all over the pavement and the neighbours car. Oh how it makes me cringe when i think about it :blush: He very kindly put me back in the car and drove me home. When i woke up the next morning there was a text on my phone saying he understood that i was nervous and would i like to try again :blush: Oh the shame i had to give this horrid man another date i owed him that :rofl: I drove the next time so i had to have soft drinks :blush: It all went very well and i realised he wasn't always a twat :dohh: We started dating there and then and a year later i introduced him to my 2 children. :happydance::happydance:

I think i may start another post i still have lots to read lol
Lol sparkle that's really funny! How embarrassing!!

X x x
:bfn: for me this morning ladies :? but i shall plod on taking my maca ( and OH aswell , neither of us have stopped taking it since ttc morgan) this cycle im guna use pre-seed aswell ,really thought i wuda got preg this mth used instead cups aswell :cry: aww well x

goodluck everyone eles x

Kell hun I forgot to say I hope your SIL and brother are doing ok...

X x x
Is that where you met DH?

I'm thinking of a new question, whats the story of how you met your DH ladies?

I esp wanna hear yours sparkle:haha: ???

Mine is very dull, It was kind of a blind date. I'd just come out of a long-term relationship and wasn't looking for anything serious. My friend had met a guy in a bar and hit it off. A month later she asked me to make a foursome with his friend and so I went along. Didn't like him at first, seemed a bit cocky and had a bad reputation, then i got to know him more and that was it. Hook......line......sinker :hugs:

hey linny!

i love your story. it's not dull at all, actually pretty romantic!

let's see. oct of 2007 got out of a year relationship. oct of 07 i worked at the bar and DH worked at the bar, however, we were NEVER on the same schedule so i had no idea he existed. i kept hearing from all my friends that there was a new bar back that was "sooo hot." i finally saw him and said, "yeah..he's okay" and my BFF had a huge crush on him. well, one night, i had a few too many and thought he was hot so i threw myself at him. (yeah, go me! lol!) wam bam, thank you ma'am. thought that was the end of that. but then, like a psycho, he got my name off the work schedule and text me. from there on out we "hung out/booty call" whatever you want to call it every so often. sometimes once a week, sometimes once every two weeks..ya know.about 6 months into that we decided to become a couple, and that just never worked, lol. we kept dumping each other because we didn't want to be in relationships. we were both huge partiers, flirts, drinkers, and couldn't handle the title at the moment (not to mention i had been in long relationships for years, and i was over it.) i think we both knew what was there, but we didn't want to stop what we were doing long enough to figure it out. i dumped him for the umpteenth time in march of 2009, dated another guy until april, and then never spoke to DH for about 4 months (that was really rare for us..) well end of aug of 08 he text me and we met at a bar and talked for hours and decided to work it out. sept of 08 he shipped for basic training, oct of 08 i shipped to basic training, nov of 08 he wrote me a letter proposing, and dec of 08 we got married. it was a roller coaster of emotions, for sure, and we both made soooo many mistakes..but i wouldn't change anything for the world. i found my soul mate, best friend, and everything rolled into one. long story, i know, but it really can't be explained any other way! :hugs:

i have FB and i'm friends with all of my ex boyfriends on there, most of them are really good friends, but i don't flirt with them or any one for that matter. DH has my password and if he ever feels the need to login, he can, his on the other hand. gone! haha. ice cream sounds fab. i just heard the ice cream man a few minutes ago and thought about chasing after. :rofl:

morning all, catchup time again :)

pretty cool stories with the DH :) mine is boring

I was in a relationship with a guy 9 years older than me for i think about 2 years, while i was still with him i started going to uni and there i met a guy i really liked. I actually spoke to mum and said i could see me being with that guy forever... and that i couldnt see that with my current boyfriend. I actually spoke to my BF about this other guy all the time and he asked me if we werent together would i be with him. I said yes :/ I was really good friends with my bf and he would still be my friend if my DH didnt have problems with it. So any i made the tough decision to break up with BF and basically the next day i invited the other guy over and a couple of weeks after that we became bf and gf and then 6 months later were engaged on the 22/12/07 were then married on 30/8/08 and have been happily married ever since :) i just know we were meant to be together my mum always told me that u just know and its true i did its amazing
sparkle i love your OH story lol thats awesome and hilarious...hahah

i hate stupid women who go after married men too :/
Those are such cute stories! <3

I had a crush on the guy that worked at the gas station by my apartment. We flirted every time I went in.. and I needed a job so I applied and held out for it! This guy liked me too and got the manager to hire me.. We started hanging out but I had just gotten out of a really serious relationship with someone who had two kids (I was so attached to them!). So we went out to eat and then to the movies. I took a leap of faith and texted him and asked him if he wanted to 'be my boyfriend' haha! He said yes, and then he proposed three months later. We got married after 4 months. :)
I am not familiar with "Maca?" What does it do and how does it help? Seems like a few of you ladies have had BFP' exciting! Congrats! :dust::dust::dust:
Those are such cute stories! <3

I had a crush on the guy that worked at the gas station by my apartment. We flirted every time I went in.. and I needed a job so I applied and held out for it! This guy liked me too and got the manager to hire me.. We started hanging out but I had just gotten out of a really serious relationship with someone who had two kids (I was so attached to them!). So we went out to eat and then to the movies. I took a leap of faith and texted him and asked him if he wanted to 'be my boyfriend' haha! He said yes, and then he proposed three months later. We got married after 4 months. :)

wow thats a cute story 4 months!! how on earth did you organise a wedding that fast??
Hi :wave:
that might help! Maca is a food but you can take it in capsules or powder form. Its promotes fertility and energy.
I am not familiar with "Maca?" What does it do and how does it help? Seems like a few of you ladies have had BFP' exciting! Congrats! :dust::dust::dust:

Hi there im new to this too however i researched both maca and vitex and maca from what i understand helps with fertility, i believe it has helped some of the girls to become regular (sorry if i have my info wrong)

what i found was that vitex is supposed to help more with you're ovulation (which i think is my prob) so im on that (only just started)

sorry to be no real help :wacko:

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