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Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Hi maaybe!
Yay come and join our maca party!
I've never bought anything like this off eBay, I got mine from creativenature.co.uk but it's def more expensive than eBay...
I did read somewhere you should def make sure it's organic stuff...

Are you going to get oh to take it too?

X x x
Hi kel! Yep I'm sick of pregnant tv people!! Some nights it just seems like every bloody channel is another one!

There's a series on here at the moment called one born every minute. About women giving birth... I'm too scared to watch it though, I think it might put me right off getting preg at all!!

X x x
Hi maaybe!
I did read somewhere you should def make sure it's organic stuff...

exactly what SBB said, you want organic... if you can find it in the UK, try to find Navitas Brand.
Hi maaybe!
Yay come and join our maca party!
I've never bought anything like this off eBay, I got mine from creativenature.co.uk but it's def more expensive than eBay...
I did read somewhere you should def make sure it's organic stuff...

Are you going to get oh to take it too?

X x x


Ohh it's on sale atm from your site!
I've just got them :thumbup:
£16 (something) for 200
Ebay was £8.99 for 90
So it works out almost the same but I feel more assured not getting them off ebay :wacko:

Yep he'll be taking it too :)
He's on Wellman conception now too :haha:

Hi kel! Yep I'm sick of pregnant tv people!! Some nights it just seems like every bloody channel is another one!

There's a series on here at the moment called one born every minute. About women giving birth... I'm too scared to watch it though, I think it might put me right off getting preg at all!!

X x x

I've watched all of them so far!
None of them are scary though. . .
Nothing you wouldn't expect or haven't seen before O:)
(if your like me that is, I watch all things baby related haa)

Hi kel! Yep I'm sick of pregnant tv people!! Some nights it just seems like every bloody channel is another one!

There's a series on here at the moment called one born every minute. About women giving birth... I'm too scared to watch it though, I think it might put me right off getting preg at all!!

X x x

well I was an A$$ last nite and watched 16 and Pregnant on MTV... I just wanted to go through the TV and strangle them.... grrrr

nahh it won't put you off, I watch A Baby Story and Birth-Day on our channel here; TLC all the time and it doesn't scare me... is that what you are scared off, actually giving birth?

Hell that is what drugs are for... lol

the DH has texted me all day today... awwww he misses me... I said, please go have fun with the guys, drink, gamble, do guy things.. LOL
Cool glad you got them, yeh I think buying that kind of thing from eBay could be dodgy, although probably no more so than any online shop! Well me and welsh got ours from there so at least we know they're ok...

Maybe I'll brave it and watch one of the programmes, to be honest I don't want to think about giving birth just yet! I'm happy with just being pregnant and I'll cross that bridge a bit nearer the time!!

I'm going to sleep now, catch up tomorrow...
Kell don't forget to put your temp in, I am stalking you now!!
I won't forget I promise,, it's the first thing I do in the AM...oooh I gotta a stalker now... bbahhhahahaha

Nite Nite sweetie,,, sweet dreams
Ahh that's v cute of your OH, hope you're not feeling too lonely without him!

Yeh I am a little scared of giving birth, but I'll be fine! I'll def get all the drugs lol!

I've never seen 16 and pregnant, and to be honest I think I'll give it a miss!!

Night Hun catch up tomorrow x x x
I like to have the alone time....sometimes......

I forgot to tell ya.....(you'll get this when you log on tomorrow) I took another OPK tonight and it was DEF - - - - not even a hint of being +.... so here's hoping to a rise in my temps!!!!!

anyhoo.. Peaches the package will tell you if it is organic


Ok I've stalked you! Sorry I slept in til 10!!

Ok so FF has put your OV at CD17, I did think it might when I looked, but your temps CD18/19 weren't really any higher than before! So did you :sex: before/on CD17? I still think it might be wrong and actual ov is CD20...


x x x


Ok I've stalked you! Sorry I slept in til 10!!

Ok so FF has put your OV at CD17, I did think it might when I looked, but your temps CD18/19 weren't really any higher than before! So did you :sex: before/on CD17? I still think it might be wrong and actual ov is CD20...


x x x

ahhh to sleep in til 10, how nice, lucky you :)

only on CD14, the 3 nites before the FF said I o'd was when Jeff was working those CRAZY mandatory shifts and came home and went to bed.. :( so I think we may have missed the window.. but if you think it may be wrong and it might CD20, then we may have hit it we :sex: on CD 18 and 19

I am just THRILLED it said I O'd, with my forever IRREGULAR cycles....

I said last week I would LMAO if it is in the cards for me to have a baby Feb 2011.... you know I told ya we are HUGE Dallas Cowboys fans, and well next year the SuperBowl is IN DALLAS and the way the Boys have been playing they have a really good chance of being in the Super Bowl next year.. it would just be OUR LUCK, plus we entered a raffle to win tickets to the Super Bowl.. LOL
Lol that would be cool!

I think CD14 definitely still leaves you in with a shot... I think lets see what your temps do over the next few days, if they stay up as high as today, or higher, I reckon FF might change it to CD20.

The only other way to tell is by how long your luteal phase is, but obviously we don't want the :witch: to come at all, so lets just hope it's all irrelevant and you get a :bfp:

Gotta go to Acupuncture now, catch up later x x x
x x x
well lets HOPE either CD 14, 18, or the 19th worked.. :)

of course tomorrow is in the office day so I will be up at 3:30am, so that temp will be dismissed :(

have fun at acupuncture.. does that HURT... I HATE needles in a BIG WAY.....

ETA- CD12 i completly dimissed due to it being done at 7am that day, but that is still not to far off from when I normally do it and guess what IT CHANGED my O day to CD 18, that would be this past Saturday
I can't believe how early you have to get up - that's crazy!! There's no chance I could ever do that!

The Acu doesn't hurt, she just pokes the needles in and takes them straight back out. Some of them are a little uncomfortable, like the ones in the feet and stuff! But it's not painful... I hate needles too, so I just don't look. I'm getting more used to it now...

x x x
:lol: I use to do that everyday, that is why I LOVE working from home... it's an hour commute in the AM and a tad longer in the afternoon... my view out our window is the entire NYC skyline.. it's really pretty

it's THAT quick with the needles, UGH just the thought freaks me out..

you shoulda seen me the nite in the ER when i had the M/C.... they had to give me an IV and I pulled my arm back thinking they were gonna give it to me on the back of my hand but thankfully it was in the crease of my arm, the NORMAL spot, then went I went up for the D&C I was thinking about the anesthesia, but he also just put that in the existing IV....

::: Wipes forehead :::

I forgot to ask HOW YOU FEELING TODAY??? how long does SHE stick around for you
Ah hun, must have been awful. :hugs:

I know what you mean, I hate them too! I just have to look away and breath really deep. I had a blood test on Saturday and I accidentally looked too soon and saw the needle dangling out of my arm - horrible!!

I had to go for a colposcopy once (for abnormal cervical cells) and they have the cervix up on this huge screen, right next to your face (it's not exactly a pretty thing anyway!). Then they shoved a needle in it (it's making me cringe thinking about it!) and blood came out, or it might have been dye, I don't even know. Then it was all done and I stood up and practically fainted! They had to lie me down and bring me water and stuff til I was ok - lol! They must have thought I was pathetic!

Your view sounds amazing. I'd love that. The view from my bedroom is just fields with horses and sheep - that's pretty cool too!

x x x
OMG you poor thing, a needle in your cervix, HOLY CRAP..............OUCHIE....

you just gotta LOVE being a woman... I hope I have a boy if I do get preggos (but either and HEALTHY is all that matters) I would just be so afraid if I had a girl she will end up being like me... and I would SO not wish this on my child.... my mom and sister never had this problem.. my mom had three of us and my sister has 2

ooppsiiee NYC view is from my view at work, not home.... I gotta a crappy view of other peoples homes.... you view sounds LOVELY!!!!

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