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Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Yeh I thought the view might be from work - still amazing though!

Yeh I'd quite like a boy, actually I'd like both. But agree I'd certainly never want them to have to go through this! And I've only been TTC 7 months, which in the grand scheme of things is nothing! I am just impatient I guess!
My mum has 4, and my sister, who only has one ovary, got preg by accident - twice, when she was 29!!
I haven't actually told my family yet I'm TTC. Do yours know? I guess they must know about the MC?

x x x
I think if we DO get PG, this will be it... but it would have to be discussed, just because of our ages...

I am not quite a girlie girl, I mean I am, the nails done, the hair has to look good, kind of gal ect ect but I just can't see myself with a girl... LOL horrible sounding isn't it.. :lol:

I would assume they know we are trying, after the MC I told my mom that I want to be pregnant again

it's such a long story but because we have never gotten PG in the 19 yrs we have been together, everyone just assumed we were not gonna have kids, and no one ever really ask us either well except my nosey mother in law, so when I did get PG and I called my mom from the ER, her exact reaction was.. WHAT.... WHAT.. are you serious!!! my Best Friend said to me, are you F'ing with me...

everyone's reactions were priceless and they pretty much know we are not protecting it from happening

you gotta do what you gotta do, and I understand why you are keeping it to yourself, because I get the "are you pregnant yet" crap all the time...

and it would be a REALLY NICE SURPRISE for everyone... :)
I'm not really a girly girl either, I guess I like to look nice, and I wear dresses a lot, but really I prefer doing DIY and some of my favourite days have been doing 'boys' stuff in the house and the garden! Lol my OH is more of a girl, he's always whinging at me to cut his hair - I only have my hair cut about once a year!!

Lol I bet I have given totally the wrong impression about me! I'd love to know what you think I look like!! Ha ha I might post a pic so you know!

Yeh I wanted to avoid the 'are you pregnant?" question all the time, my family would be amazing but I just really want them to be suprised! Lol I bet they actually do know, and talk about it all the time!! That would be funny!

Ah I guess when no-one expects you to have kids it's a lovely surprise for them when they find out you actually are trying! I think my friends would be exactly the same - What the F**K??!!

x x x
Lol I bet I have given totally the wrong impression about me! I'd love to know what you think I look like!! Ha ha I might post a pic so you know!

I course I wondered but I have been on so many message boards for years now and know how many people are very leery about given to much info about themselves or photos, that I completely understand!!!!

heck I have no idea how old you are either.. LOL

it will be an AWESOME surprise for you to annouce to your family that you are PG....

the funny and sad thing is.. you and the peeps on here will probably know WAY before my family and friends will know if I get preggos..

only my dear and close friends know about us, along with the family
I know it's weird that everyone on here, who you've never met will know first.
I think I would tell my immediate family, my PBF (preg best friend!) and GBF (gay best friend!) straight away, but friends etc will have to wait for the 12 week mark after the scan til I tell them! Whilst everyone on here will know from the BFP day! Don't know about OHs family - would see what he wants to do. If he wants to tell them I wouldn't mind. It would only be if something went wrong I don't think they would be very helpful - but just because they're not my family...

The only reason I haven't put a photo on is because I thought someone I know might see me and then they'd know I was TTC!!

BTW I am 28... OH is 34...

x x x
aw man you are a baby still... :lol: you have got time my dear, time on your side :) which I wish I still had.. to go back 10 years, I would be thrilled

I totally understand why you don't have a photo...

the first time I stumbled upon this website, course I googled something, and this came up, but looking at all the posts, it seemed to be a UK based message board, so that's why I lurked for months first....then I saw there were others from the US posting and said "oh okay all kewl"... just wasn't sure if it was all gals from the UK and didn't want to look like a dork posting...
No I reckon there's people from all over! I thought the opposite and thought it was all american people!
Lol 'we' (UK ladies!) would have been nice to you anyway even if that was the case he he :flower:

x x x
No I reckon there's people from all over! I thought the opposite and thought it was all american people!
Lol 'we' (UK ladies!) would have been nice to you anyway even if that was the case he he :flower:

x x x

LOL ok the "reckon" is funny... but I sure don't talk like that... have you ever seen on MTV-not sure if it's being shown in the UK- but The Jersey Shore show? ok I don't talk completely like them but VERY close...

"reckon" is a south kinda thing... when we go to Texas, they always ask where the heck are we from because we talk so different then them... LOL

I hope i didn't offend with the UK thing... I just thought because I have seen another MB that is Aussie based .. you get what I mean right???
Lol yeh I get what you mean - you didn't offend at all!!

I've never seen the Jersey Shore show, we don't have MTV - but I might have to google it and check it out!

You've made me question 'reckon' now - now I keep reading it it sounds like a stupid word! And I'm not sure anyone else says it either!! I may remove it temporarily from my vocabulary and assess the situation :rofl:

Anyway, I'm hungry so going to make myself some dinner...

Catch up later x x x
no reckon is used a lot here but only in the south, below the Mason Dixon Line.. LOL so it's not a stupid word, it's a funny word..

heck even people in South Jersey-(weird I know but as small of a state as New Jersey is- you are either from North Jersey, Central Jersey, or South Jersey) and guess they talk totally different then we do

enjoy din din,, I don't know what I am having yet
so tell me, do Midwives only deliver in the UK or do OBGYN as well?

I pulled up that show you were taking about.. One Born Every Minute and watched a few episodes and it appears there are only midwives delivering

maybe it's a stupid question but I am just curious....
Kell, I'm not going to lie to you - I have absolutely no idea! I'm sure I will find out when I need to!

It's probably whatever happens on the One Born Every Minute show - I might watch it, I did record the first one.... I know I should probably learn all this stuff, but I'm ok just concentrating on actually getting pregnant for now. As soon as I am I'll start finding out what happens next lol!!

I get my bloods results in the morning... will let you know how I get on!
x x x
oh please keep me updated.... is it for PCOS? or some other type of test?

hmmmm ok.... do you go to a GYN or to a GP? I was just amazed when I read in another thread the GP had to refer her to a GYN.... you just can't go to one?

our GYN are what we call hassle free, we don't need to go to our PCP (Primary Care Physician) 1st, we can just go to one.

Unfortunately some gals go to the GYN for EVERYTHING, and it will not be covered under your medical insurance, it has to be a GYN related visit
No we have to go to GP and be referred. That's what I've always done. When I had my Colposcopy I had to be referred to the Gyn, same with when they were meant to be checking out the endo... So yeh, it's fairly rubbish!

Yep results are the bloods which should tell me if I've got PCOS or not.. and they should be prescribing me clomid too...

x x x
wow.. it amazes me is all... I think girlie things should only be handled by a girlie doctor, but then again that is just my own opinion :shrugs: lol

well I wish you only the best, I HOPE the results come back neg but hope they find out the reason behind it...

i'll be checking once I get to work for your update
Thanks hun! I'll be chart stalking in the morning too! Won't expect too much though as you'll have got up soooo early!

Yeh I totally agree about the girlie stuff, I just think also most gps have no idea about most of that stuff so they just fob you off! Ah well, not much we can do about it!

Going to sleep now, night night, catch up tomorrow x x x
okey dokey catch up with ya tomorrow!!! sleep well....

TTY in the AM
Morning! Well your temp is where I expected it to be! Above coverline so it's good!

Right, docs in an hour & a half so will let you know how it went...

X x x
LOL Morning

so it's still good then? I HATE getting up this early.. I'll be out of the house in an hour.. BLECK

I'll be back on as soon as I get to work to check on your update :)

til then................
Yep it's still good! I just did it on a temp adjuster and it says if you'd taken it at 7am (is that your normal time?) it would have been 97.9 so way high! That might be a bit OTT but still it would be higher later - which is good!! :yipee:

x x x

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